Evaporador PDF
Evaporador PDF
Evaporador PDF
8.lA Purpose
In Section 4.8 we discussed the case of heat transfer to a boiling liquid. An important
instance of this type of heat transfer occurs quite often in the process industries and is
given the general name evaporatiorl. In evaporation the vapor from a boiling liquid
solution is removed and a more concentrated solution remains. In the majority of cases
the unit operation evaporation refers to the removal of water from an aqueous solution.
Typical examples of evaporation are concentration of aqueous solutions of sugar,
sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, glycerol, glue, milk, and orange juice. In these cases
the concentrated solution is the desired product and the evaporated water is normally
discarded. In a few cases, water, which has a small amount of minerals, is evaporated to
give a solids-free water which is used as boiler feed, for special chemical processes, or for
other purposes, Evaporation processes to evaporate seawater to provide drinking water
have been developed and used. In some cases, the primary purpose of evaporation is to
concentrate the solution so that upon cooling, salt crystals will form and be separated.
This special evaporation process, termed crystallization, is discussed in Chapter 12.
f. Concentrotion ill [he liquid. Usually, the liquid feed to an evaporator is relatively
dilute, so its viscosity is low, similar to water, and relatively high heat-transfer coefficients
are obtained. As evaporation proceeds, the solution may become very concentrated and
quite viscous, causing the heat-transfer coefficient to drop markedly. Adequate circu-
lation and/or turbulence must be present to keep the coefficient from becoming too low.
2. Solubility. As solutions are heated and concentration of the solute or salt increases,
the solubility limit of the material in solution may be exceeded and crystals may form.
This may limit the maximum concentration in solution which can be obtained by
evaporation. In Fig. 8.1-1 some solubilities of typical salts in water are shown as a
function of temperature. In most cases the solubility of the salt increases with temper-
ature. This means that when a hot concentrated solution from an evaporator is cooled to
room temperature, crystallization may occur.
3. Temperature sensitivity of materials. Many products, especially food and other bio-
logical materials, may be temperature-sensitive and degrade at higher temperatures or
after prolonged heating. Such products are pharmaceutical products; food products such
as milk, orange juice, and vegetable extracts; and fine organic chemicals. The amount of
degradation is a function of the temperature and the length of time.
5. Pressure and temperature. The boiling point of the solution is related to the pressure
of the system. The higher the operating pressure of the evaporator, the higher the
temperature at boiling. Also, as the concentration of the dissolved material in solution
increases by evaporation, the temperature of boiling may rise. This phenomenon is cal1ed
boiling-point rise or elevation and is discussed in Section 8.4. To keep the temperatures
low in heat-sensitive materials, it is often necessary to operate under 1 atm pressure, i.e.,
under vacuum.
6. Scale deposition and materials of f:Onstnlction. Som'e solutions deposit solid materials
called scale on the heating surfaces. These could be formed by decomposition products or
solubility decreases. The result is that the overal1 heat-transfer coefficient decreases and
the evaporator must eventually be cleaned. The materials of construction of the evapor-
ator are important to minimize corrosion.
KN0 3 /
..... '"
75 \! KCl
OIl ..'« / Na'2 S0 4
..'« 0 ,
----- ---
K 2 S0 4
50 100
Temperature (OC)
I. Open kettle or pan. The simplest form of evaporator consists of an open pan or kettle
in which the liquid is boiled. The heat is supplied by condensation of steam in a jacket or
in coils immersed in the liquid. In some cases the kettle is direct-fired. These evaporators
are inexpensive and simple to operate, but the heat economy is poor. In some cases,
paddles or scrapers for agitation are used.
tvapor tvapor
feed- feed _ _
(a) (b)
r apor
stearn ----+-
condensate - 0 - -
t (d)
FIGURE 8.2-1. Different types oj evaporators: (a) horizontal-lube type, (b) vertical-
wbe lype, (e) long-tube vertical type, {d)Joreed-cirC!1lation eype.
8. Open-pan solar evaporator. A very old but yet still used process is solar evaporation
in open pans. Salt water is put in shallow open pans or troughs and allowed to evaporate
slowly in the sun to crystallize the salt.
rva_p,-o_r_ _T_l-.- to condenser
steam, Ts
' - - - - - - - concentrated product
F1GURE 8.2-2. Simplified diagram of sillgle-ejfecr evaporator.
steam, Ts
are used in each effect, since the flow is from low to high pressure. This method is also
used when the concentrated product is higq}y viscous. The high temperatures in the early
effects reduce the viscosity and give reasonable heat-transfer coefficients.
Overall U
• Generally, non viscous liquids ha ve the higher coefficients and viscous liquids the lower coefficients
in the ranges given.
coet1icient in the nonboiling zone can be estimated using Eq. (4.5-8) with a constant of
0.028. For the boiling two-phase zone, a number of equations are given by Perry and
Green (P2).
For short-tube vertical evaporators the heat-transfer coefficients can be estimated
by using the same methods as for the long-tube vertical natural circulation evaporators.
Horizontal-tube evaporators have heat-transfer coefficients of the same order of mag-
nitude as the short-tube vertical evaporators:
For the agitated-film evaporator, the heat-transfer coefficient may be estimated
using Eq. (4.13-4) for a scraped surface heat exchanger.
The methods given above are useful for actual evaporator design and/or for evalu-
ating the effects of changes in operating conditions on the coet1icients. In making
preliminary designs or cost estimates, it is helpful to ha ve available overall heat-transfer
coefficients usually encountered in commercial practice. Some preliminary values and
ranges of values for various types of evaporators are given in Table 8.3-1.
The basic equation for solving for the capacity of a single-effect evaporator is Eq. (8.2-1),
which can be written as
q UA 6.T (8.4-1)
where 6. T K CF) is the difference in temperature between the condensing steam and the
. _ boiling liquid in theevaporator, In order to solve Eq. (8.4-1) the value of q in W (btu/h)
must be determined by making a heat and material balance on the evaporator shown in
Fig. 8.4-1. The feed to the evaporator is F kg/h(lb.,jh) having a solids content OfXF mass
fraction, temperature TF , and enthalpy hF J/kg (btu/Ibm). Coming out as a liquid is the
concentrated liquid L kgJh (Ibmlh) having a solids content of XL' temperature T 1 , and
enthalpy h L • The vapor V kgJh (Ib.,jh) is given ofT as pure solvent having a solids content
of Yv = 0, temperature T 1 , and enthalpy fI v. Saturated steam entering is S kgJh (lb.Jh)
and has a temperature of Ts and enthalpy of H s' The condensed s team lea ving of S kgJh
is assumed usually to be at Ts , the saturation temperature, with an enthalpy ofh s . This
A. = Hs hs (8.4-2)
Since the vapor V is in equilibrium with the liquid L, the temperatures of vapor and
liquid are the same. Also, the pressure PI is the saturation vapor pressure of the liquid of
composition XL at its boiling point T1 • (This assumes no boiling-point rise.)
For the material balance since we are at steady state, the rate of mass in rate of
mass out. Then, for a total balance,
For a balance on the solute (solids) alone,
condensate S
Ts,h s
J. Effect offeed temperature. The inlet temperature of the feed has a large effect on the
operation of the evaporator. In Example S.4-1 the feed entering was at a cold temper-
2. Effect of pressure. In Example 8.4-1 the pressure of 101.32 kPa abs was used in the
vapor space of the evaporator. This set the boiling point of the solution at 373.2 K and
gave a 6. T for use in Eq. (8.4- 1) of 383.2 373.2, or 10K. In many cases a larger 6. T is
desirable, since, as the 6. T increases, the heating-surface area A and cost of evaporator
decrease. To reduce the pressure below 101.32 kPa, Le., to be under vacuum, a condenser
and vacuum pump can be used. For example, if the pressure were reduced to 41A kPa,
the boiling point of water would be 349.9 K and the new 6. T would be 383.2 349.9, or
33.3 K. A large decrease in heating-surface area would be obtained.
3. Effect of steam pressure. Using higher pressure, saturated steam increases the 6. T,
which decreases the size and cost of the evaporator. However, high-pressure steam .is
more costly and also is often more valuable as a source of power elsewhere. Hence,
overall economic balances are really needed to determine the optimum steam pressures.
In Perry and Green (P2) a chart is given to estimate the boiling-point rise of a large
number of common aqueous solutions used in chemical and biological processes. In
addition to the common salts and solutes, such as NaNO] , NaOH, NaCI, and H 2 S0 4 ,
the biological solutes sucrose, citric acid, kraft solution, and glycerol are g.iven. These
-+-+-t--if-t-+-"--i-.:r- 100
oen ;:l
75 ....
'-' , '-'
o : o
, I
F = 4536 L + V (8.4-3)
300 >.
200 p:.:j
8.5A Introduction
In evaporation of solutions in a single-effect evaporator, a major cost is the cost of the
steam used to evaporate the water. A single-effect evaporator is wasteful of steam costs,
where 6. TI is the difference between the condensing steam and the boiling point of the
liquid. IS - Tlo Assuming that the solutions have no boiling-point rise and no heat of
solution and neglecting the sensible heat necessary to heat the feed to the boiling point,
approximately all the latent heat of the condensing stearn appears as latent heat in the
vapor. This vapor then condenses in the second effect, giving up approximately the same
amount or heat.
This same reasoning holds for q). Then since ql qz q), then, approximately,
Usually. in commercial practice the areas in all effects are equal and
If we make the assumption that the value of U is the same in each effect and the values of
A are equal, Eq. (8.5-7) becomes
where ~ T = L ~ T = 11 T\ + ~ Tz + ~ T3 = Ts T) .
If a single-effect evaporator is used with the same area A, the same value of U, and
the same total temperature drop ~ T, then
q = UA ~T (8.5-9)
This, of course, gives the same capacity as for the multiple-effect evaporators, Hence, the
increase in steam economy obtained by using multiple-effect evaporators is obtained at
the expense of reduced capaci ty,
If these areas are reasonably close to each other, the calculations are complete and a
second trial is not needed. If these areas are not nearly eq ual, a second trial should be
performed as follows.
6. To start trial 2, use the new values of L 1, L 2 , L 3 , VI' V2 , and V3 calculated by the heat
balances in step 4 and calculate the new solids concentrations in each effect by a solids
balance on each effect.
7. Obtain new values of tl T 1 , t'1 T~, and t'1 T~ from
F 22680
XF 0.1, TF =: 26.7°C 13.7 kPa
(-l ) (3)
S, 205.5 kPa
TSI =: 12Ll°C
L3 = 4536
X3 = 0.5, T3
Step 4. The heat capacity of the liquid in each effect is calculated from the
equation cp = 4.19 2.35x.
F: cp = 4.19 - 2.35(0.1) 3.955 kJ/kg' K
L 1: cp = 4.19 - 2.35(0.136) 3.869
L 2: cp = 4.19 - 2.35(0.214) 3.684
L3: cp = 4.19 - 2.35(0.5) 3.015
Effect 2:
T2 = 86.84°e, Tn = 86.19, BPR z 0.65
H2 = H S3 + 1.884{0.65) = 2654 + 1.884{O.65) 2655 kJ/kg
)'S2 = HI - hS2 = 2685 441 = 2244 kJ/kg
Effect 3:
T3 = 54. 12°C, TS4 = 51.67, BPR 3 2.45
H 3 = HS4 + 1.884{2.45) = 2595 + 1.884{2.45) 2600 kJ/kg
;'S3 = H 1 - hS3 2655 - 361 = 2294 kJ/kg
(Note that the superheat corrections in this example are small and could
possibly have been neglected. However, the corrections were used to demon-
strate the method of calculation.) Flow relations to be used in heat balances
VI = 22680 L 1, V2 LI L2, V) = L2 4536, L3 = 4536
Write a heat balance on each effect. Use ooe as a datum since the values of
H of the vapors are relative to ooe (3TF) and note that (TF - ote =
(TF 0) K and (TI - ote (T1 - 0) K,
5.460 X 10 6
3123( 15.56)
3.492 x 10 6 7
1987(18.34) = 95.8 m-
_ _ 3.830 x 10 6 _ 1 2
A3 - U 3 t1 T) - 1136(32.07) - .105. m
The average area Am' 104.4 m 2. The areas differ from the average value by
less than 10% and a second trial is not really necessary. However, a second
trial will be made starting with step 6 to indicate the calculation methods
Step 6. Making a new solids balance on effects 1, 2, and 3 using the new
L I = 17078, = 11 068, and L) 4536 and sol ving for x,
(1) 22680(0.1) 17078(x 1 ), Xl = 0.133
t1 T z A2 = 18.34(95.8) = 16.86"C
Am 104.4
. 5675
qz = VIAS Z = 3600 (2243 x 1000) 3.539 X 10 6 W
5.476 X 106 2
3123(16.77) = 104.6 m
3.539 x 106
105.6 m 2
Az = u z AT~ 1987(16.87)
A q3 3.855 X 106 2
3=U 3 AT3 1136(32.36) = 104.9 m
The average area Am 105.0 m 2 to use in each effect. Note that this value of
105.0 m Z is quite close to the average value of 104.4 m 2 from the first trial.
8.6A Introduction
In multiple-effect evaporators the vapors from the last effect are usually leaving under
vacuum, i.e., at less than atmospheric pressure. These vapors must be condensed and
discharged as a liquid at atmospheric pressure. This is done by condensing the vapor's
using cooling water. The condenser can be a surface condenser, where the vapor to be
condensed and the cooling liquid are separated by a metal wall, or a direct contact
condenser, where the vapor and cooling liquid are mixed directly.
condenser and' the atmosphere. The water can then discharge by gravity through a seal
pot at the bottom. A height of about lOA m (34 rt) is used.
The barometric condenser is inexpensive and economical of water consumption. It
can maintain a vacuum corresponding to a saturated vapor temperature within about
2.8 K (5°F) of the water temperature leaving the condenser. For example, if the discharge
water is at 316.5 K (110°F), the pressure corresponding to 316.5 + 2.8 or 319.3 K is
10.1 kPa(1.47psia).
The water consumption can be estimated by a simple heat balance for a barometric
condenser. the vapor flow to the condenser is V kgfh at temperaty/e Ts and the water
flow is W kgfh at an entering temperature of T[ and it leaving temperature of T2 , the
deri vat ion is as follows.
(8.6-1 )
where H s is the enthalpy from the steam tables of the vapor at Ts K and the pressure in
the vapor stream. Solving,
W kg water Hs - C p(T2 273.2)
V kg vapor Cp(T2 - TIl
The noncondensable gases can be removed from the condenser by a vacuum pump.
The vacuum pump used can be a mechanical pump or a steam-jet ejector. [n the ejector
high-pressure stearn enters a nozzle at high speed and entrains the noncondensable gases
from the space under vacuum.
Another type of direct-contact condenser is the jet barometric condenser. High-
velocity jets of water act both as a vapor condenser and as an entrainer of the non-
condensables out of the tail pipe. Jet condensers usually require more water than the
more common barometric condensers and are more difficult to throttle at low vapor
8.8A Introduction
In the single-effect evaporator the vapor from the unit is generally condensed and
discarded. In the multiple-effect evaporator, the pressure in each succeeding effect is
lowered so that the boiling point of the liquid is lowered in each effect. Hence, there
is a temperature difference created for the vapor from one effect to condense in the
next effect and boil the liquid to form vapor.
In a single-effect vapor recompression (sometimes called vapor compression)
evaporator the vapor is compressed so that its condensing or saturation temperature is
increased. This compressed vapor is returned back to the heater of steam chest and
condenses so that vapor is formed in the evaporator (BS, WI, ZI). In this manner the
latent heat of the vapor is used and not discarded. The two types of vapor
recompression units are the mechanical and the thermal type.
vapor compressor
cold feed
feed beater
FIGURE 8.B-1. Simplified process flow for mechanical vapor recompre ssion
costs of the relatively expensive compressor and drive unit. The main advantage of
vapor recompression units is in the lower energy costs. Using the steam equivalent of
the power to drive the compressor, the steam economy is equivalent to a multiple-
effect evaporator of up to 10 or more units (Zl).
Some typical applications of mechanical vapor recompression units are evapora-
tion of sea water to give distilled water, evaporation of kraft black liquor in the paper
industry (L2), evaporation of heat-sensitive materials such as fruit juices, and
crystallizing of salts having inverse solubility curves where the solubility decreases
with increasing temperature (K2, M3).
Falling-film evaporators are well suited for vapor recompression systems (W 1)
because they operate at low-temperature-difference values and have very little
entrained liquid which can cause problems in the compressor. Vapor recompression
has been used in distillation towers where the overhead vapor is recompressed and
used in the reboiler as the heating medium (M2).
A steam jet can also be used to compress the vapor in a thermal vapor recompression
unit. The main disadvantages are the low efficiency of the steamjet, necessitating the
removal of this excess heat, and the lack of flexibility to changes in process variables
(M3). Steam jets are cheaper and more durable than mechanical compressors and can
more easily handle large volumes of low-pressure vapors.
(CI) CHARM, S. E. The Fundamentals of Food Engineering, 2nd ed. Westport, Conn.:
Avi Publishing Co., Inc., 1971. ... "
(Kl) KERN, D. Q. Process Heat Transfer. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company,
(K2) KING, R. J. Chern. Eng. Progr., 80(7), 63 (1984).
(LJ) LINDSEY, E. Chern. Eng., 60 (4),227 (1953).
(Ll) LOGSDON, 1. D. Chern. Eng. Progr., 79(9),36 (1983).
(Ml) MCCABE, W. L. Trans. A.l.Ch.E., 31, 129 (1935).