Green Diesel Production From Vegetable Oil: September 2007

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Green Diesel Production from Vegetable Oil

Conference Paper · September 2007

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6 authors, including:

Chris Gosling Terry Marker

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Carlo Perego
Research Center for Non Conventional Energy


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Green Diesel Production from Vegetable Oil
Extended Abstract 2007 AICHE

Jennifer Holmgren, Chris Gosling, Terry Marker, and Peter Kokayeff; UOP LLC
Giovanni Faraci, Carlo Perego, Eni S.p.A. Refining and Marketing Division

The production of biofuels is expanding at a rapid pace worldwide as a result of increasing petroleum
prices, government regulations, and commitments to greenhouse gas reduction. Future widespread use of
biofuels depends on developing new technology to produce high quality transportation fuels from the
highly oxygenated, biologically derived, feedstocks. These new biofuels need to be compatible with the
existing fuel transportation and infrastructure.

Existing technology for producing diesel fuel from vegetable oil has largely centered on production of
FAME or biodiesel1,2. While FAME has many desirable qualities, such as high cetane, there are other
issues associated with its use such as poor stability and high solvency leading to filter plugging problems.
UOP and Eni, S.p.A. recognized the need for different processing route to convert vegetable oils into a high
quality diesel fuel or diesel blend stock that is fully compatible with petroleum derived diesel fuel. The two
companies started a collaborative research effort in 2005 to develop such a process based on conventional
hydroprocessing technology that is already widely deployed in refineries and utilizes the existing refinery
infrastructure and fuels distribution system. The result of this effort is the UOP/Eni Green Diesel Process.
This new technology utilizes widely available vegetable oil feedstocks to produce a high cetane, low
gravity, aromatics and sulfur free diesel fuel. The cold flow properties of the fuel can be adjusted over a
range of to meet various cloud point specifications in either the neat or blended fuel. The new process is
targeted for commercialization in 2009 in an Eni refinery in Italy.


Processing of biologically derived feedstocks is complicated by the fact that these materials contain a
significant amount of oxygen. The feedstocks of primary interest in the Green Diesel Process are primarily
vegetable oils such as soybean, palm, jatropha, or rapeseed oils. Other products such as animal fats and
greases can also be used as a feedstock. Plant oils mainly consist of triglycerides with typically 1-2% free
fatty acid content. The chemical structure of a triglyceride molecule is shown in Figure 1 (red=oxygen,
white=hydrogen, grey= carbon atoms).

Figure 1: Chemical Structure of Triglycerides

Triglycerides and fatty free acids both contain relatively long, linear aliphatic hydrocarbon chains. The
aliphatic hydrocarbon always contains an even number of carbon atoms, is generally unsaturated, and also
corresponds to the carbon number range typically found in diesel fuels. There is also a three carbon
“backbone” in the triglyceride molecule. The properties of various vegetable oils are compared to
petroleum derived diesel fuel in Table 1. The volume yield of diesel fuel potential from vegetable oils is
nearly 100% where diesel represents only about 20% of the volume of crude oil when distilled.
Table 1
Comparison of Vegetable Oil Feedstocks3,4,5

Bio -Feedstock Price Diesel Carbon Olefins,

($/bbl) Yield, Number mol-%

WTI Crude 68 20 11-22 0

Rapeseed oil 89 99 16-22 94

Soy oil 75 99 16-18 84

Palm oil 62 99 16-18 58

Jatropha oil 44 99 16-18 77

There are two processing routes for converting vegetable oil to diesel fuel as shown in Figure 2. The
conventional processing route for diesel fuel production is via esterification with methanol in the presence
of caustic to produce FAME with glycerol as a by-product. The glycerol is produced from the three carbon
“backbone” and has a limited market, particularly in an unrefined form.

The hydroprocessing route uses hydrogen to remove oxygen from the triglyceride molecules, which is used
in the Green Diesel Process. The oxygen is removed in two competing reactions: decarboxylation and
hydrodeoxygenation. The extent of each reaction depends on the catalyst and process conditions used for
the process. The three carbon “backbone” in the Green Diesel Process yields propane and can be recovered
easily in when the process is integrated into a refinery. The oxygen contained in the feed is produced either
as CO/CO2 or water. In addition, all olefinic bonds are saturated, resulting in a product consisting of only

Feed Process Product

Biodiesel Biodiesel

H2 Hydro-
processing Green Diesel
Vegetable Oil

Figure 2: Vegetable Oil Processing Routes

The chemistry in the biodiesel or FAME route is problematic from a processing viewpoint. The reaction
stoichiometry is as follows:

Triglycerides + MeOH ====> FAME + Glycerol

100 M3 13 M3 NaOH 99 M3 8 M3

About 8% of the product volume is glycerol, which is a low value product in unrefined form and has a
limited market when refined. Methanol is required as a co-feed and feedstocks containing high
concentrations of fatty acids can cause operational problems due to saponification reactions with the caustic
used as a catalyst.

As noted previously, the Green Diesel Process removes the oxygen by reaction with hydrogen, producing a
pure paraffinic product. The volume yield is 99% and the primary co-product is propane. By-products are
water and carbon oxides. Feedstocks containing free fatty acids can be processed in the Green Diesel
Process without the problems caused in FAME production.

Triglycerides + H2 ====> Green + H2O/CO2 + C3H8

100 M3 Catalyst 99 M3 9 M3

The Green Diesel Process has several basic advantages over FAME production in a refinery setting.
Hydrogen required for the reaction is readily available and the products are all ones that are already normal
refinery products and do not require any special handling. The products can all be easily blended with
conventional refinery products.


While hydroprocessing was clearly the chemistry preferred for refinery applications, how to implement it in
a process design was not obvious. There are two options that can be considered: co-processing in an
existing distillate hydroprocessing unit or building a stand alone unit as shown in Figure 3.

The co-processing route was initially evaluated as attractive options, since existing equipment could be
used, resulting in a lower cost implementation. Co-processing was found to be problematic after some
initial evaluations were completed. Vegetable oils contain trace metal contaminants such as phosphorous,
sodium, potassium, and calcium. These require addition of a pre-treating reactor for removal as the
existing reactor will generally not have sufficient catalyst volume for the treating catalyst. The reactions
involved in processing vegetable oil are fairly exothermic, and may require quench capabilities that may
not necessarily be available in a given unit. The deoxygenation products (H2O, CO, CO2) will require
revamping of the recycle gas system for removal, or use a substantial purge stream. The cold flow
properties of the combined diesel product may limit the quantity of vegetable oil that can be processed, as
normal paraffins are the primary product from vegetable oil and will impact the cloud point.

Pretreat and Co-process H2

H2 Diesel DHT Diesel

Oil Pretreater
Remove contaminants

Stand Alone Unit

H2 Diesel DHT Diesel

Oil Green Diesel

Separate unit avoids DHT catalyst life issues

and increased flexibility

Figure 3: Vegetable Oil Hydroprocessing Alternatives

After considering all of the potential issues, UOP and Eni decided that it was much more cost effective to
build a larger sized, dedicated unit that was optimized for vegetable oil processing due to the unique nature
of these feedstocks. A flowscheme showing the process is shown in Figure 4.
Oil Make-up

Acid Gas
Reactor Removal

& Light
or Jet


Figure 4: Simplified Green Diesel Flowscheme

In the process shown in Figure 4, vegetable oil is combined with hydrogen, brought to reaction temperature,
and is then sent to the reactor where the vegetable oil is converted to the Green Diesel product. The product
is separated from the recycle gas in the separator and the liquid product sent to a fractionation section. The
design of the fractionation section can vary from a one column system producing on-specification diesel
and unstabilized naphtha to a three column system producing propane, naphtha, and diesel products. It is
envisaged that most installations will be a single column and the lighter products will be recovered in other
existing refinery process units. The recycle gas is treated in an amine system to remove CO2.

UOP and Eni have done extensive process performance testing to determine optimum process conditions,
catalyst stability, and product properties. A range of vegetable oil feedstocks have been processed in pilot
plants at both UOP and Eni facilities including soybean, rapeseed, and palm oil. An extensive program is
underway to evaluate other potential feedstocks including tallow and greases derived from animals. We
have done considerable testing to confirm stability of catalyst system employed and data from an on-going
stability test evaluating rapeseed oil is shown in Figure 5. There is no measurable deactivation after over
2000 hours on stream.
Green Diesel, Vol-% Yield


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Figure 5: Catalyst Stability Testing

Product properties are similar for all the vegetable oils processed. Typical product yields are shown in
Table 2. Cold flow properties can be controlled by the severity used in the process, so the diesel yield will
vary from 99 vol-% to about 88 vol-% that is required to achieve a -10°C cloud point. The diesel yield loss
is to kerosene and naphtha. In all cases, the product has a very high cetane number (>80) and contains no
sulfur or aromatics. The range of hydrogen consumption shown in Table 2 is what is required for different
feedstocks. Palm oil requires substantially less hydrogen than rapeseed oil due to the lower olefin content
of that feedstock.

The Green Diesel product has excellent diesel fuel properties, and is very similar to diesel product that is
produced via Fischer-Tropsch processes. The Green Diesel properties are

Table 2
Green Diesel Product Yields

% Vegetable Oil 100
% Hydrogen 1.5 - 3.8
Vol% Naphtha 1 - 10
Vol% Diesel 88 - 98+
Cetane Number >80
Sulfur, ppm <1

compared to mineral diesel and biodiesel in Table 3. The diesel fuel properties for FAME are not ideal for
diesel blending. The gravity is high, which can limit blending of lower value products like hydrotreated
LCO into a refinery diesel pool. It also has a narrow boiling range and can have issues in meeting stability
specifications. The heating value is about 12% lower than typical mineral diesel, which will reduce the fuel
economy of FAME/diesel blends relative to mineral diesel or Green Diesel/diesel blends.

Table 3
Green Diesel Fuel Properties5

Mineral Biodiesel Green

ULSD (FAME) Diesel
% Oxygen 0 11 0
Specific Gravity 0.84 0.88 0.78
Sulfur, ppm <10 <1 <1
Heating Value, MJ/kg 43 38 44
Cloud Point, °C -5 -5 to +15 -10 to +20
Distillation, °C 200-350 340-355 265-320
Cetane 40 50-65 70-90
Stability Good Marginal Good

Green Diesel, however, is a premium diesel blending component. The boiling range is comparable to
typical diesel products, with substantially higher cetane and lower density. These are very valuable
properties as it allows blending low value hydrotreated LCO into a typical refinery diesel pool and still
meet EU diesel specifications. An example is shown in Table 4, where a straight-run diesel and kerosene
blend can be produced to meet a 50 cetane ULSD product specification. No LCO can be blended without
the use of cetane enhancing additives. If Green Diesel is added to the pool, the high cetane value and low
density allow for blending a nearly equivalent volume of hydrotreated LCO into the ULSD product.
Assuming a typical discount of $4.60/bbl for fuel oil relative to ULSD, this translates to a benefit of $9200
per day or $3 MM per year that could be realized through Green Diesel blending.
Table 4
Green Diesel Blending Benefits

Diesel Pool Components Barrels in Cetane

Pool Index
Kerosene 500 41
Hydrotreated SR Diesel 7500 52
Hydrotreated LCO 2000 20
Green Diesel 2346 74
Blended Product Cetane 50

A Life-Cycle Analysis (LCA) of different diesel production routes was conducted using the SimaproTM
LCA program. LCA is a method to determine and compare the environmental impact of alternative
products or processes, including impacts of initial resource extraction to disposal of waste products. In this
study, the scope of the analysis was from extraction of the crude oil through combustion of the refined
diesel fuel in a vehicle. It was assumed that all fuels had the same performance in the vehicle for the
purposes of this study. The primary focus of the analysis was on fossil energy use and emissions of
greenhouse gases, although other impact categories are included.

The results of the analysis are shown in Figure 6. Both the FAME and Green Diesel products have a much
lower total environmental impact scores than mineral diesel primarily because both have significantly
lower production of climate-active CO2. However, Green Diesel has both a lower environmental impact
and lower climate active CO2 production than FAME. The environmental impact of FAME production is
higher due to the methanol feedstock requirement, which is produced from natural gas through a very
energy-intensive process that has a high environmental burden.


Impact Points





Petroleum Diesel Biodiesel Green Diesel

Figure 6: Life Cycle Analysis Results Impact Score


Refiners are well positioned to play a major role in renewable fuel production in the future. UOP and Eni
have developed the Green Diesel Process, a new, sustainable, route for converting vegetable oil into
premium quality diesel fuel as a first step in providing technology to enable refiners to participate in
renewable fuels. The Green Diesel product is a superior alternative to FAME, with significantly better
diesel product properties and is fully compatible with conventional mineral diesel products.
The UOP/Eni Green Diesel Process is fully developed and available for licensing from UOP. Eni is
preceding with commercialization of the first unit in 2009 at one of the Eni refineries in Europe. UOP is
currently working on developing projects with several other clients in North America and Asia.


(1) Alternative Fuels, National Renewable Energy Laboratory web site,

(2) RADICH, A. Biodiesel Performance, Costs, and Use. Energy Information Administration, 2004.

(3) Worldbank Commodity Price Data, , Jan-Aug 2006

(4) ICIS Chem Business (Chemical Market Reporter), October 2006

(5) Alternative Fuels Comparison Chart, National Renewable Energy Laboratory web site,

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