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Quarrying and open pit 19/2/02 11:20 am Page 35
Benches using
Benches using 42 ms delay between rows
pre-splitting and
rotary rigs
DTH drilling
detonating cord
Waste excess
2.5 m stemming
ø 127 mm
ROC L8 holes
5.0 m
(10.5 kg/m)
Figure 8 Savings in waste extraction by increasing the pit slope. 0.8 m overdrilling
Soufflé Blasting
Mining of rich, narrow and irregularly
Firing sequence (42 ms between consecutive numbers 1-6) stratified ore zones, such as gold min-
eralisations, requires extra attention, in
order not to introduce unnecessary
Figure 9 Soufflé blasting at Björkdal gold mine.
quantities of waste into the ore stream.
Consequently, this type of mining has
Steep and Stable Slopes method in open pit mining has been to be progressed on a selective basis, in
large hole rotary drilling using hole close liaison with surveyors and geolo-
Blasting will not only break the rock sizes in the 250 to 400 mm (10- gists, and taking frequent samples
that is planned to be excavated, but 15.75 in) range. No doubt this implies before and after each individual blast.
will also cause damage to the slopes lower cost for drilling, ignoring the Short benches and small holes are used
that form the boundaries of the pit. expense of excess waste and less to cope with ore zone irregularities. A
The extent of this overbreak is mainly favourable fragmentation. A recent recently developed method to ensure
dependent on the size of the individual survey of 36 open pit operations in maximum recovery from each blast is
charge and its proximity. A common Chile using hole sizes between 75 and called soufflé blasting. Figures 9 and 10
means of minimising overbreak is to 345 mm (3.0-13.75 in) reveals that illustrate this principle of cautious blast-
use smaller diameter holes, making hole sizes above 200 mm (8 in) do not ing with a minimum of dilution as
provision for restricted blasting in the generate any substantial savings in practised at the Björkdal gold mine in
zone next to the planned bench slope. total drilled metres per tonne. This Sweden. To a depth of merely 5 m,
Figure 6 shows two different blast indicates that burden and spacing 100 vertical holes are blasted in one
designs. cannot be increased indefinitely. One round, without free surface for ex-
Figure 7 shows a typical drilling pat- important reason for replacing rotary pansion. The firing sequence starts
tern to be applied in connection with with other methods is the inflexibility in the centre and, thanks to 2.5 m of
pre-split blasting, to achieve increased of the heavy rotary rigs, which are stemming, the blasted ore material
slope stability with reduced back restricted to vertical benches and just swells on site like baking a soufflé.
break. single pass drilling only. Selective extraction by back hoe
A possible, but not advisable, step loaders facilitates maximum recovery
Drilling Patterns in obtaining smaller holes, is to adapt of the rich, narrow gold-bearing
rotary rigs to DTH drilling, by adding zones.
Traditionally, focusing on the drilling a high-pressure compressor to the
cost parameter, the predominant rig. As the need for wide benches to by Hans Fernberg