PDF#13 - 2014!01!27 - Pin Her Down - To Wire Money
PDF#13 - 2014!01!27 - Pin Her Down - To Wire Money
PDF#13 - 2014!01!27 - Pin Her Down - To Wire Money
No question! You saw him pressing for account opening prior to her arrival! Let's get this done! Sounds like she may not get to the
states until end of Feb!
He's so east coast
From: Bevan
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 13:46:18 -0800
To: Jason Galanis @holmbycompanies.com>
Subject: Fwd: RE:Yelena
Devon Archer
I presume you mean Thursday, Feb. 6th for lunch. That’s good with me.
Have a great trip in Mumbai. You sure are all over the place!!!
I am still trying to pin her down. It's definitely going to be in February but she had
some conflicts early the week of the 10th. It will be late that week or the 27th but I will
confirm soonest. Let's discuss, but I think we should start her paperwork and get her to
wire some money to open the account in advance of her arrival.
wire some money to open the account in advance of her arrival.
Getting comments and final docs back out and finalized on the balance of the Burnham
equity. I don't see any issues to closing as things stand.
Devon Archer
Also – I’d love to meet with you again over lunch in the next week or two?? I have a few matters
to discuss.
Best, JMB.
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