An Adaptive Power Oscillation Damping Controller by STATCOM With Energy Storage
An Adaptive Power Oscillation Damping Controller by STATCOM With Energy Storage
An Adaptive Power Oscillation Damping Controller by STATCOM With Energy Storage
1, JANUARY 2015
Abstract—This paper deals with the design of an adaptive power and auxiliary stability enhancement function is possible from
oscillation damping (POD) controller for a static synchronous the energy sources [7]. Because injection of active power is
compensator (STATCOM) equipped with energy storage. This is used temporarily during transient, incorporating the stability en-
achieved using a signal estimation technique based on a modified
recursive least square (RLS) algorithm, which allows a fast, hancement function in systems where active power injection is
selective, and adaptive estimation of the low-frequency electro- primarily used for other purposes [8] could be attractive.
mechanical oscillations from locally measured signals during Low-frequency electromechanical oscillations (typically in
power system disturbances. The proposed method is effective in the range of 0.2 to 2 Hz) are common in the power system
increasing the damping of the system at the frequencies of interest, and are a cause for concern regarding secure system opera-
also in the case of system parameter uncertainties and at various
connection points of the compensator. First, the analysis of the im- tion, especially in a weak transmission system [9]. In this re-
pact of active and reactive power injection into the power system gard, FACTS controllers, both in shunt and series configuration,
will be carried out using a simple two-machine system model. A have been widely used to enhance stability of the power system
control strategy that optimizes active and reactive power injection [1]. In the specific case of shunt connected FACTS controllers
at various connection points of the STATCOM will be derived [STATCOM and static var compensator (SVC)], first swing sta-
using the simplified model. Small-signal analysis of the dynamic
performance of the proposed control strategy will be carried out. bility and POD can be achieved by modulating the voltage at
The effectiveness of the proposed control method to provide power the point of common coupling (PCC) using reactive power in-
oscillation damping irrespective of the connection point of the jection. However, one drawback of the shunt configuration for
device and in the presence of system parameter uncertainties will this kind of applications is that the PCC voltage must be reg-
be verified through simulation and experimental results. ulated within specific limits (typically between 10% of the
Index Terms—Energy storage, low-frequency oscillation, power rated voltage), and this reduces the amount of damping that can
oscillation damping (POD), recursive least square (RLS), static be provided by the compensator. Moreover, the amount of in-
synchronous compensator (STATCOM).
jected reactive power needed to modulate the PCC voltage de-
pends on the short circuit impedance of the grid seen at the con-
I. INTRODUCTION nection point. Injection of active power, on the other hand, af-
fects the PCC-voltage angle (transmission lines are effectively
reactive) without varying the voltage magnitude significantly.
S TATIC synchronous compensator (STATCOM) is a key
device for reinforcement of the stability in an ac power
system. This device has been applied both at distribution level to
The control of STATCOM with energy storage (named here-
after as E-STATCOM) for power system stability enhancement
has been discussed in the literature [10]–[12]. However, the im-
mitigate power quality phenomena and at transmission level for
pact of the location of the E-STATCOM on its dynamic perfor-
voltage control and power oscillation damping (POD) [1]–[3].
mance is typically not treated. When active power injection is
Although typically used for reactive power injection only, by
used for POD, the location of the E-STATCOM has a significant
equipping the STATCOM with an energy storage connected to
impact on its dynamic performance. Moreover, the typical con-
the dc-link of the converter, a more flexible control of the trans-
trol strategy of the device for POD available in the literature is
mission system can be achieved [4], [5]. An installation of a
similar to the one utilized for power system stabilizer (PSS) [9],
STATCOM with energy storage is already found in the U.K.
where a series of wash-out and lead-lag filter links are used to
for power flow management and voltage control [6]. The in-
generate the control input signals. This kind of control strategy
troduction of wind energy and other distributed generation will
is effective only at the operating point where the design of the
pave the way for more energy storage into the power system
filter links is optimized, and its speed of response is limited by
the frequency of the electromechanical oscillations.
In this paper, a control strategy for the E-STATCOM when
Manuscript received November 26, 2013; revised February 18, 2014 and
March 18, 2014; accepted April 23, 2014. Date of publication May 13, 2014; used for POD will be investigated. Thanks to the selected local
date of current version December 18, 2014. This work was supported by signal quantities measured in the system, the control strategy
ELFORSK under the ELEKTRA program. Paper no. TPWRS-01523-2013.
optimizes the injection of active and reactive power to provide
The authors are with the Department of Energy and Environment, Division of
Electric Power Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg 412 uniform damping at various locations in the power system. It
96, Sweden (e-mail: [email protected]; massimo.bongiorno@chalmers. will be shown that the implemented control algorithm is robust
against system parameter uncertainties. For this, a modified re-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at cursive least square (RLS)-based estimation algorithm as de-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2014.2320411 scribed in [13], [14] will be used to extract the required control
0885-8950 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
Fig. 1. Simplified two-machine system with E-STATCOM. Fig. 3. Equivalent circuit for two-machine system with E-STATCOM.
The control of the E-STATCOM consists of an outer con-
trol loop and an inner current control loop, as shown in Fig. 2. The initial steady-state PCC voltage magnitude and gener-
The outer control loop, which can be an ac voltage, dc-link ator rotor angles correspond to the operating point
voltage or POD controller, sets the reference current for the where the converter is in idle mode. A derivation to the expres-
inner current controller. The generic measured signal de- sions in (2) is given in the Appendix.
pends on the type of outer loop control. The control algorithm It can be seen from (2) and (3) that the change in active power
is implemented in -reference frame where a phase-locked output from the generators depends on the location of the con-
loop (PLL) [15] is used to track the grid-voltage angle from verter as well as on the amount of injected active and reactive
the grid-voltage vector . By synchronizing the PLL with the power. Moreover, it can be understood from (2) that the effect
grid-voltage vector, the - and -components of the injected cur- of reactive power injection depends on the magnitude and di-
rent ( and ) control the injected active and reactive power, rection of transmitted power from the generators.
III. POD CONTROLLER DESIGN tors due to injected active power is maximum when the com-
The derivation of the POD controller from locally measured pensator is installed at the generator terminals (i.e. and
signals will be made in this section. ). Assuming equal inertia constant for the two generators,
no damping is provided by injection of active power at the elec-
A. Derivation of Control Input Signals trical midpoint of the line (i.e., for ) as
the power output of the two generators is the same and the net
Considering the simplified two-machine system in Fig. 1,
impact is zero. At this location, the derivative of PCC-voltage
the active power output from each generator should change in
phase is zero [see (6)]. This means that scales the speed
proportion to the change in its speed to provide damping [9].
variation of the two generators depending on the location of
From (2), it can be observed that the effect of the power in-
E-STATCOM and its magnitude changes in proportion to the
jected by the compensator on the generator active power output
level of damping by active power injection. Therefore,
highly depends on the parameter , i.e., on the location of the
is an appropriate input signal for controlling the active power
E-STATCOM. Using the equivalent system in Fig. 3, a control
injection. On the other hand, it can be understood from (2) that
input signal that contains information on the speed variation of
the change in the output power from the generators due to in-
the generators can be derived. When the E-STATCOM is not
jected reactive power is maximum at the electrical midpoint of
injecting any current, the variation of the locally measured sig-
the line (i.e., ) and minimum at the generator terminals
nals, and at different E-STATCOM connection points
(i.e., and ). As the changes in the power output
using the dynamic generator rotor angles and is given
of the two generators are the same in magnitude and opposite
in sign, a signal that varies linearly with the speed variation be-
tween the two generators, is an appropriate signal to con-
trol reactive power injection. This information can be obtained
from the derivative of the transmitted active power .
B. Estimation of Control Input Signals
From a small-signal point of view and under the assump- As described in the Introduction, effective power oscilla-
tion that the PCC-voltage magnitude along the line does tion damping for various power system operating points and
not change significantly, the required control input signals can E-STATCOM locations require fast, accurate, and adaptive es-
be derived from the PCC-voltage phase and transmitted active timation of the critical power oscillation frequency component.
power as [14] This is achieved by the use of an estimation method based on a
modified RLS algorithm. For reasons described in the previous
(6) subsection, the derivative of the PCC-voltage phase and the
transmitted power should be estimated for controlling the ac-
tive and reactive power injection, respectively. The aim of the
(7) algorithm is therefore to estimate the signal components that
consist of only the low-frequency electromechanical oscillation
where the constant has been defined in the previous section. in the measured signals and . By using a PLL with
The nominal system frequency is represented by whereas bandwidth much higher than the frequency of electromechan-
and represent the speed variation of the generators ical oscillations, the derivative of the PCC-voltage phase can
in p.u. The electromechanical dynamics for each generator be obtained from the change in frequency estimate of the
is given by [9] PLL . Therefore, the low-frequency electro-
mechanical oscillation component can be extracted directly
(8) from the frequency estimate of the PLL. On the other hand, the
derivative of transmitted power is estimated by extracting the
where , , , , and represent inertia con- low-frequency electromechanical oscillation component from
stant, speed variation, change in input torque, change in output the measured signal, and then applying a phase shift of
torque and mechanical damping constant for the th generator, to the estimated oscillation frequency component.
respectively. From the estimated control input signals
The derivative of the PCC-voltage phase and transmitted ac- and , which contain only a particular oscillation
tive power are both dependent on the speed variation of the gen- frequency component, the reference injected active and reac-
erators. Moreover, the derivative of the PCC-voltage phase de- tive current components from the E-STATCOM can
pends on the location of E-STATCOM, through the parameter be calculated to setup the POD controller as in Fig. 4. The terms
, as well as the mechanical dynamics of the generators as and represent proportional controller gains for the ac-
shown in (8). This information will be exploited in the POD tive and reactive current components, respectively.
controller design. To describe the estimation algorithm, an input signal which
For the two machine system in Fig. 1, damping is related to could be either or , as shown in Fig. 4, is considered.
the variation of the speed difference between the two genera- Following a power system disturbance, will consist of an av-
tors, . From (2) and (3), it can be un- erage value that varies slowly and a number of low-frequency
derstood that the change in the output power from the genera- oscillatory components, depending on the number of modes that
frequency selectivity of the algorithm reduces. For this reason,
where is expressed in terms of its amplitude , fre- the conventional RLS algorithm must be modified in order
quency and phase . The model in (9) is rewritten using to achieve fast transient estimation without compromising its
the oscillation angle as steady-state selectivity. In this paper, this is achieved with the
use of variable forgetting factor as described in [13]. When the
RLS algorithm is in steady-state, its bandwidth is determined
by the steady-state forgetting factor . If a rapid change is
where the terms and are given by detected in the input (i.e., if the estimation error magnitude,
exceeds a predefined threshold), will be modified
to a smaller transient forgetting factor . Thus, by using
a high-pass filter with time constant , will be slowly
From an observation matrix and measured input signal increased back to its steady-state value .
, the estimated state vector is derived using the RLS al- Besides , the performance of the estimation method depends
gorithm in discrete time as [13], [14] on accurate knowledge of the oscillating frequency, . This
frequency is dependent on the system parameters and its oper-
(10) ating conditions. If the frequency content of the input changes,
the estimator will give rise to a phase and amplitude error in the
with estimated quantities. Therefore, a frequency adaptation mecha-
nism as described in [14] is implemented to track the true oscil-
lation frequency of the input from the estimate of the oscillatory
component, .
Modification for Multiple Oscillation Modes: The investi-
Calling the identity matrix, the gain matrix and covari- gated control method has been derived under the assumption of
ance matrix are calculated recursively starting with an initial a single oscillatory frequency component in the input signal. A
invertible matrix as brief description of how the proposed algorithm can be extended
for multi-area system with multiple oscillation modes will be
briefly presented here for future reference. Assuming that the
(11) input signal contains oscillatory components, (9) must be
modified as
Modification in the Conventional RLS Algorithm: The se- where the th oscillation mode (with ) is
lection of is a tradeoff between a good selectivity for the expressed in terms of its amplitude , frequency ,
estimator and its speed of response [13], [14]. A high forgetting and phase . Using the model in (13), the RLS described in
factor results in low estimation speed with good frequency se- the previous sections (including variable forgetting factor and
lectivity. With increasing estimation speed (decreasing ), the frequency adaptation for each considered oscillation mode) can
Fig. 6. Real and imaginary part of the complex conjugate poles versus position.
(a) Active power injection. (b) Reactive power injection. (c) Active and reactive
(15) power injection. 0.4444 p.u. .
(a) (b)
Fig. 11. Measured transmitted active power from the generator. A three-phase
fault is applied and cleared after 250 ms.
dc machine rated 700 V and 60 A. The dc machine is equipped Fig. 12. Modified RLS-based estimator. Variation of forgetting factor (top)
with field control and the terminal dc voltage is controlled to and estimate of oscillation frequency (bottom).
650 V for all of the experiments. The dc machine will act as the
energy source providing active power injection capability to the
VSC. Therefore, the VSC with the dc machine is considered as
2) Network Model: The network model is a down-scaled
version of an actual Swedish 400 kV transmission system
with the model rated at 400 V, 50 Hz. The transmission-line
model consists of six identical sections (with parameters
2.05 mH, and 46 F), each
corresponding to a portion of 150 km of the actual line [16].
As shown in Fig. 9, faults can be applied to the transmission
system using the contactor (CT1).
3) Synchronous Generator: A photograph of the gener-
ator system which represents an actual model of the large
Harsprånget hydro power plant, situated by the Luleå river
in northern Sweden is shown in Fig. 10. The synchronous
generator has an inertia constant of 5.6 s, and it is driven by an
85-kW dc motor [16].
Fig. 16. Injected active and reactive power with E-STATCOM connected at bus
1 (black line) and bus 2 (gray line). Active power injection (top) and reactive
power injection (bottom); both and used for POD.
An adaptive POD controller by E-STATCOM has been
developed in this paper. For this, a modified RLS algorithm has
been used for estimation of the low-frequency electromechan-
ical oscillation components from locally measured signals
during power system disturbances. The estimator enables a
fast, selective and adaptive estimation of signal components at
the power oscillation frequency. The dynamic performance of
the POD controller to provide effective damping at various con-
nection points of the E-STATCOM has been validated through
simulation as well as experimental verification. The robustness
of the control algorithm against system parameter changes
has also been proven through experimental tests. Furthermore,
using the frequency variation at the E-STATCOM connection
point as the input signal for the active power modulation, it has
been shown that active power injection is minimized at points
in the power system where its impact on POD is negligible.
This results in an optimal use of the available energy source.
Here, the relation between the change in active power output
from the generators and the active and reactive power injected
by the E-STATCOM will be derived. With the notations given
Fig. 17. Top: measured generator output power with frequency adaptation in Fig. 3, the power output of Generator 1 is given by
(black solid), without frequency adaptation (gray solid line) and with no POD
(gray dashed line). Middle: injected active power with frequency adaptation
(black line) and without frequency adaptation (gray line). Bottom: injected (19)
reactive power with frequency adaptation (black) and without frequency
adaptation (gray line).
From a small-signal point of view, the change in PCC voltage
from its initial steady-state value due to injection
of active and reactive current is given by
Fig. 18. Total energy exchange to damp oscillations with and without fre-
quency adaptation. (23)
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