Introduction Fund Flow Statement
Introduction Fund Flow Statement
Introduction Fund Flow Statement
Unit – IV
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
� Explain the meaning of fund flow statement
� Prepare the statement of changes in working capital
� Construct fund flow statement
Every business establishment usually prepares the balance sheet at the end of the fiscal year
which highlights the financial position of the yester years It is subject to change in the volume
of the business not only illustrates the financial structure but also expresses the value of the
applications in the liabilities side and assets side respectively. Normally, Balance sheet reveals
the status of the firm only at the end of the year, not at the beginning of the year. It never discloses
the changes in between the value position of the firm at two different time periods/dates. The
method of portraying the changes on the volume of financial position is the analysis of fund flow
In a narrow sense, the term fund means cash, and the fund flow statement depicts the cash receipts
and cash disbursements/payments. It highlights the changes in the cash receipts and payments as
a cash flow statement in addition to the cash balances i.e. opening cash balance and closing cash
balance. Contrary to the earlier, the fund means working capital, i.e. the differences between the
current assets and current liabilities.
The term flow denotes the change. Flow of funds means the change in funds or in working
capital. The change on the working capital leads to the net changes taken place on the working
capital, may lead to increase or decrease the volume of working capital. Some other transactions
register neither an increase nor decrease in the volume of working capital.
1. First and foremost step is to prepare the statement of changes in working capital, i.e. to identify
the flow of fund/movement of fund through the detection of changes in the volume of working
2. Second step is the preparation of Non-current A/c items-Changes in the volume of Non-current
A/c have to be prepared only in order to quantify the flow fund, i.e. either sources or application
of fund.
3. Third step is the preparation Adjusted Profit & Loss A/c, which already elaborately discussed
in the early part of the unit.
4. Last step is the preparation of fund flow statement.
The ultimate purpose of preparing the schedule of changes in the working capital illustrates the
changes in the volume of net working capital which envisages either sources or application of
fund. The schedule of changes is focused as follows: