Reported Speech
Reported Speech
Reported Speech
- Reported speech
- Practice exercises
- Oral presentation # 1: My life project description
Reported speech:
“I love my dog” Luis said. – Luis said that he loved his dog
“We have our cats” Maria said. - Maria said that they had their cats
You must change the tense if the introductory clause is in a past tense
(e. g. He said).
He said, “I am happy.” – He said that he was happy.
Examples of the main changes in tense:
Direct Speech Reported Speech
Simple Present Simple Past
He said: "I am happy" He said that he was happy
Present Progressive Past Progressive
He said: "I'm looking for my keys" He said that he was looking for his keys
Past Perfect Simple
Simple Past
He said that he had visited New York the
He said: "I visited New York last year"
previous year.
Present Perfect Past Perfect
He said: "I have lived here for a long time He said that he had lived there for a long
" time
Past Perfect Past Perfect
He said: "They had finished the work He said that they had finished the work
when I arrived" when he had arrived"
Future Simple (will+verb) Conditional (would+verb)
He said: "I will open the door." He said that he would open the door.
Conditional (would+verb) Conditional (would+verb)
He said: "I would buy Mercedes if I were He said that he would buy Mercedes if he
rich" had been rich"
Going to – Past simple form
Going to – Present simple form
He said that he was going to buy a new
He said: “I am going to buy a new car”
The modal verbs could, should, would, might, needn't, ought to, used
to do not normally change.
He said, "She might be right." – He said that she might be right.
Other modal verbs may change:
will "They will call you." He tod her that they would call her.
Place, demonstratives and time expressions
Ø 4 – 5 minutes
Ø Evaluate
1. Grammar
2. Vocabulary
3. Pronunciation