DBMS Lab Assesment 1: Name:-Yash Renwa Reg - No: - 19BIT0125
DBMS Lab Assesment 1: Name:-Yash Renwa Reg - No: - 19BIT0125
DBMS Lab Assesment 1: Name:-Yash Renwa Reg - No: - 19BIT0125
Creating Tables:-
2) Solutions:-
10. List the passenger names whose tickets are not confirmed.
2. Find the train names that are from Chennai to Mumbai, but do
not have the source or destination in its name.
3. Find the train details that are on Thursday (Use the ADT
column created).
3. Change the data type of arrival time, depart time (date ->
timestamp or timestamp to date), and do the necessary process
for updating the table with new values.
6. Display the fare details of all trains, if any value is ZERO, print
as NULL value.
High Level:
16. Display the arrival time, depart time in the format HH:MI (24
hours and minutes).