SHLPH 2019 Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report (I-ACGR) - Redacted
SHLPH 2019 Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report (I-ACGR) - Redacted
SHLPH 2019 Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report (I-ACGR) - Redacted
4. Exact name of issuer as specified in its charter PILIPINAS SHELL PETROLEUM CORPORATION
7. 41st Floor, The Finance Center, 26th Street corner 9th Avenue 1635
Bonifacio Global City, Brgy. Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City, Metro Manila
Address of principal office Postal Code
9. Not Applicable
Former name, former address, and former fiscal year, if changed since last report .
The Board’s Governance Responsibilities
Principle 1: The company should be headed by a competent, working board to foster the long- term success of the corporation, and to sustain its
competitiveness and profitability in a manner consistent with its corporate objectives and the long- term best interests of its shareholders and other stakeholders.
Recommendation 1.1
1. Board is composed of directors with collective COMPLIANT The Board has implemented a process for the selection of
working knowledge, experience or expertise that directors who can add value and contribute independent
is relevant to the company’s industry/sector. judgment to the formulation of sound corporate strategies
and policies.
2. Board has an appropriate mix of competence COMPLIANT
and expertise. The members of the Board are composed of businessmen,
professionals, educators, insurance experts, engineers and
3. Directors remain qualified for their positions COMPLIANT personalities with extensive knowledge, experience and
individually and collectively to enable them to expertise in the petroleum industry and the Philippine
fulfill their roles and responsibilities and respond to economy in general. For more information on the
the needs of the organization. qualifications of the Board members, please refer to
2. Company has an orientation program for first COMPLIANT Sections and 4 of the CG Manual provide for the
time directors. orientation and training of first-time directors. Please refer
3. Company has relevant annual continuing training COMPLIANT 3/3db39a3713abfca6bf9db826ac2544d1df5cf1d0/pspc-
for all directors. corporate-governance-manual-nov-13.pdf.
Principle 2: The fiduciary roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of the Board as provided under the law, the company’s articles and by-laws, and other legal
pronouncements and guidelines should be clearly made known to all directors as well as to stockholders and other stakeholders.
Recommendation 2.1
1. Directors act on a fully informed basis, in good COMPLIANT Information on how the directors performed their duties is
faith, with due diligence and care, and in the available in the Definitive Information Statement which was
best interest of the company. filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on 21
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May 2020 (
Recommendation 2.2
1. Board oversees the development, review and COMPLIANT The directors performed this function pursuant to Section
approval of the company’s business objectives 2.2.1 of the Corporation’s CG Manual
and strategy. (
2. Board oversees and monitors the implementation COMPLIANT governance/corporate-governance-
of the company’s business objectives and policies/_jcr_content/par/
strategy. 3/3db39a3713abfca6bf9db826ac2544d1df5cf1d0/pspc-
3. Board nomination and election policy includes COMPLIANT The qualification standards for directors of the Corporation
how the company accepted nominations from are found in Sections 2.2.2 and of the CG Manual.
minority shareholders. The nomination process conducted by the Nomination
4. Board nomination and election policy includes COMPLIANT Committee is outlined in Section 9.1.6 of the CG Manual.
how the board shortlists candidates. Please refer to
5. Board nomination and election policy includes COMPLIANT
an assessment of the effectiveness of the Board’s
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processes in the nomination, election or 3/3db39a3713abfca6bf9db826ac2544d1df5cf1d0/pspc-
replacement of a director. corporate-governance-manual-nov-13.pdf.
6. Board has a process for identifying the quality of COMPLIANT For more information on the qualifications of the Board
directors that is aligned with the strategic members, please refer to:
direction of the company. a. Nomination Committee Charter
b. Nominations Guidelines
c. List of Qualifications and Disqualifications
Optional: Recommendation to 2.6
1. Company uses professional search firms or other COMPLIANT On 06 January 2020, the Nomination Committee issued
external sources of candidates (such as director letters to all stockholders of record informing them of their
databases set up by director or shareholder right to nominate and elect members of the Board of
bodies) when searching for candidates to the Directors and to submit by 04 February 2020 their
board of directors. nominations. When applicable, the Corporation uses
external sources (i.e., Institute of Corporate Directors) and
leverages on its broad network to search for potential
candidates to the Board.
Recommendation 2.7
2. Board is primarily responsible for assessing the COMPLIANT Please refer to the CG Manual
performance of Management led by the Chief (
Executive Officer (CEO) and the heads of the governance/corporate-governance-
other control functions (Chief Risk Officer, Chief policies/_jcr_content/par/
Compliance Officer and Chief Audit Executive). 3/3db39a3713abfca6bf9db826ac2544d1df5cf1d0/pspc-
Recommendation 2.9
1. Board establishes an effective performance COMPLIANT Please refer to the CG Manual, Shell General Business
management framework that ensures that Principles) and Code of Conduct
Management’s performance is at par with the (
standards set by the Board and Senior
Recommendation 2.11
1. Board oversees that the company has in place a COMPLIANT Please refer to Sections and 8 of the CG Manual
sound enterprise risk management (ERM) (
framework to effectively identify, monitor, assess governance/corporate-governance-
and manage key business risks. policies/_jcr_content/par/
Recommendation 2.12
1. Board has a Board Charter that formalizes and COMPLIANT The composition, and duties and functions of, and other
clearly states its roles, responsibilities and matters relating to the Board were already incorporated in
accountabilities in carrying out its fiduciary role. the CG Manual which also serves as the Board Charter.
2. Board Charter serves as a guide to the directors in COMPLIANT Please refer to Section 2.2.1 of the CG Manual
the performance of their functions. (
3. Board Charter is publicly available and posted on COMPLIANT policies/_jcr_content/par/
the company’s website. 3/3db39a3713abfca6bf9db826ac2544d1df5cf1d0/pspc-
Principle 3: Board committees should be set up to the extent possible to support the effective performance of the Board’s functions, particularly with respect to
audit, risk management, related party transactions, and other key corporate governance concerns, such as nomination and remuneration. The composition,
functions and responsibilities of all committees established should be contained in a publicly available Committee Charter.
Recommendation 3.1
1. Board establishes board committees that focus COMPLIANT Information about the Corporation’s Board Committees is
on specific board functions to aid in the optimal available in its website,
performance of its roles and responsibilities.
3. All the members of the committee have relevant COMPLIANT Please refer to
background, knowledge, skills, and/or governance/board-committees.html and
experience in the areas of accounting, auditing
and finance. of-directors.html.
4. The Chairman of the Audit Committee is not the COMPLIANT Information on the Committee’s Chairman, Mr. Cesar A.
Chairman of the Board or of any other Buenaventura, is available at
Supplement to Recommendation 3.2
1. Audit Committee approves all non-audit services COMPLIANT Please refer to the CG Manual and Board Audit and Risk
conducted by the external auditor. Oversight Committee Charter
2. Audit Committee conducts regular meetings and COMPLIANT Board Audit and Risk Oversight Committee has separate
dialogues with the external audit team without periodic meetings with the external auditor, without any
anyone from management present. executive directors (except the Vice President-Finance and
Treasurer who attends in the executive capacity), present
to ensure that proper checks and balances are in place
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with the Corporation. The Vice President-Finance and
Treasurer does not participate as a director nor is a member
of the Board Audit and Risk Oversight Committee. Please
refer to the CG Manual and Board Audit and Risk Oversight
Committee Charter
2. Audit Committee approves the appointment and COMPLIANT Please refer to the following:
removal of the internal auditor. 1. CG Manual
13.pdf); and
2. Board Audit and Risk Oversight Committee Charter
Recommendation 3.3
1. Board establishes a Corporate Governance COMPLIANT Please refer to the CG Manual and Corporate Governance
Committee tasked to assist the Board in the Committee Charter
performance of its corporate governance (
responsibilities, including the functions that were governance/board-
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formerly assigned to a Nomination and committees/_jcr_content/par/expandablelist/expandable
Remuneration Committee.
3. Chairman of the Corporate Governance COMPLIANT Information on the Committee’s Chairman, Mr. Fernando
Committee is an independent director. Zobel de Ayala, is available at
Principle 4: To show full commitment to the company, the directors should devote the time and attention necessary to properly and effectively perform their
duties and responsibilities, including sufficient time to be familiar with the corporation’s business.
Recommendation 4.1
1. The Directors attend and actively participate in COMPLIANT Information on the process and procedure for
all meetings of the Board, Committees and tele/videoconferencing board and/or committee
shareholders in person or through tele- meetings is available in the Corporation’s Amended By-
/videoconferencing conducted in accordance Laws (
with the rules and regulations of the Commission. governance/corporate-charter-documents.html) and CG
Manual (
Principle 5: The board should endeavor to exercise an objective and independent judgment on all corporate affairs
Recommendation 5.1
1. The Board has at least 3 independent directors or COMPLIANT Information on the number of independent directors of the
such number as to constitute one-third of the Corporation is available in its CG Manual and General
board, whichever is higher. Information Sheet
Recommendation 5.2
1. The independent directors possess all the COMPLIANT Information on the qualifications of the independent
qualifications and none of the disqualifications to directors is available at
hold the positions.
Supplement to Recommendation 5.2
1. Company has no shareholder agreements, by- COMPLIANT Please refer to the Corporation’s Amended By-Laws
laws provisions, or other arrangements that (
constrain the directors’ ability to vote governance/corporate-charter-documents.html).
Recommendation 5.3
1. The independent directors serve for a cumulative COMPLIANT Information on the number of years that the independent
term of nine years (reckoned from 2012). directors have served as such is available at
3. In the instance that the company retains an COMPLIANT Please refer to the Corporation’s CG Manual
independent director in the same capacity after (
nine years, the board provides meritorious governance/corporate-governance-
justification and seeks shareholders’ approval policies/_jcr_content/par/
during the annual shareholders’ meeting. 3/3db39a3713abfca6bf9db826ac2544d1df5cf1d0/pspc-
Recommendation 5.4
1. The positions of Chairman of the Board and Chief COMPLIANT The Corporation’s Chairman of the Board is Mr. Asada
Executive Officer are held by separate Harinsuit and its Chief Executive Officer and President is Mr.
individuals. Cesar G. Romero. Please refer to Section of the CG
Manual (
2. The Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive COMPLIANT Information on the roles and responsibilities of the Chairman
Officer have clearly defined responsibilities. of the Board and the President and Chief Executive Officer
is available in the CG Manual
Optional: Principle 5
1. None of the directors is a former CEO of the COMPLIANT The Corporation’s Chief Executive Officer and President for
company in the past 2 years. the past two (2) years is Mr. Cesar G. Romero.
Principle 6: The best measure of the Board’s effectiveness is through an assessment process. The Board should regularly carry out evaluations to appraise its
performance as a body, and assess whether it possesses the right mix of backgrounds and competencies.
Recommendation 6.1
1. Board conducts an annual self-assessment of its COMPLIANT Please refer to the CG Manual
performance as a whole. (
2. The Chairman conducts a self-assessment of his COMPLIANT governance/corporate-governance-
performance. policies/_jcr_content/par/
3. The individual members conduct a self- COMPLIANT corporate-governance-manual-nov-13.pdf).
assessment of their performance.
Performance self-assessments have been conducted for
4. Each committee conducts a self-assessment of its COMPLIANT the Board, individual members, Committees and the
performance. Management. Results were tabulated and presented by
the Corporation Governance Committee to the Board.
5. Every three years, the assessments are supported FOR The third year of
by an external facilitator. COMPLIANCE assessment will cover 2019
to be conducted in 2020,
subject to health and
safety restrictions brought
about by COVID-19 and
other similar conditions.
Recommendation 6.2
1. Board has in place a system that provides, at the COMPLIANT Please refer to the CG Manual and Committee Charters
minimum, criteria and process to determine the which are available at
performance of the Board, individual directors
and committees. governance/board-committees.html.
2. Board fully discloses all relevant and material COMPLIANT Please refer to the following:
information on key executives to evaluate their 1. General Information Sheets
experience and qualifications, and assess any (
potential conflicts of interest that might affect corporate-disclosures.html) and
their judgment.
us/leadership/board-of-directors.html); and
Recommendation 8.4
1. Company provides a clear disclosure of its COMPLIANT Please refer to the following:
policies and procedure for setting Board 1. CG Manual
remuneration, including the level and mix of the (
same. governance/corporate-governance-
13.pdf); and
Principle 10: The company should ensure that the material and reportable non-financial and sustainability issues are disclosed.
Recommendation 10.1
1. Board has a clear and focused policy on the COMPLIANT Please refer to the following:
disclosure of non-financial information, with 1. CG Manual
emphasis on the management of economic, (
environmental, social and governance (EESG) governance/corporate-governance-
issues of its business, which underpin sustainability. policies/_jcr_content/par/
2. Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Charter
3. Revised Corporate Disclosure Guide
governance/corporate-disclosure-policy.html); and
4. Sustainability section of the Corporation’s website
2. Company adopts a globally recognized COMPLIANT Please refer to the Corporation’s Annual and Sustainability
standard/framework in reporting sustainability Report for 2019 which is available at
and non-financial issues. (
Principle 11: The company should maintain a comprehensive and cost-efficient communication channel for disseminating relevant information. This channel is
crucial for informed decision-making by investors, stakeholders and other interested users.
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Recommendation 11.1
1. Company has media and analysts’ briefings as COMPLIANT Please refer to
channels of communication to ensure the timely Disclosures are also available at
and accurate dissemination of public, material
and relevant information to its shareholders and mpy_id=663.
other investors.
Supplemental to Principle 11
1. Company has a website disclosing up-to-date Please refer to the following links:
information on the following: 1. Financial statements and Annual Reports (
a. Financial statements/reports (latest quarterly) COMPLIANT reports.html);
2. Materials provided to analysts and media
b. Materials provided in briefings to analysts and COMPLIANT (;
media 3. Notices and Minutes of Stockholders’ Meetings
c. Downloadable annual report COMPLIANT -meeting-information.html); and
4. Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws
d. Notice of ASM and/or SSM COMPLIANT (
e. Minutes of ASM and/or SSM COMPLIANT
Recommendation 13.2
1. Board encourages active shareholder COMPLIANT The Corporation’s Annual Stockholders’ Meeting (“ASM”)
participation by sending the Notice of Annual based on its By-Laws is set to be held on the second Tuesday
and Special Shareholders’ Meeting with in May. However, for the 2020 ASM, the decided to hold it
sufficient and relevant information at least 28 at a later date during its Board meeting held on 26 March
days before the meeting. 2020. The Board likewise delegated the authority to
determine the ASM date and closing of the Stock and
Transfer Book to the President and Chief Executive Officer
and the Treasurer. The Corporation has complied with the
notice and legal requirements provided under the
applicable issuances of the Securities and Exchange
2. IRO is present at every shareholder’s meeting. COMPLIANT Investor Relations Officer was present during the 2019
Annual Stockholders’ Meeting (“ASM”). She confirmed her
attendance for the 2020 ASM.
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Supplemental Recommendations to Principle 13
1. Board avoids anti-takeover measures or similar COMPLIANT The Board avoids anti-takeover measures and similar
devices that may entrench ineffective devices by respecting the voting right of each stockholder
management or the existing controlling and providing a nomination process for Directors. Please
shareholder group refer to the following:
1. CG Manual
13.pdf); and
2. Amended By-Laws
2. Company has at least thirty percent (30%) public NOT As of 31 March 2020, the Corporation’s public float is The Corporation’s public
float to increase liquidity in the market. APPLICABLE 24.325%. float as of 31 March 2020
complies with the minimum
public ownership level of
ten percent (10%) as
required in the
amendments to the Rule on
Minimum Public Ownership
under Section 3, Article XVIII
of the Listing and Disclosure
Optional: Principle 13
1. Company has policies and practices to COMPLIANT Please refer to the CG Manual
encourage shareholders to engage with the (
company beyond the Annual Stockholders’ governance/corporate-governance-
Meeting policies/_jcr_content/par/
2. Company practices secure electronic voting in COMPLIANT Under Section 6, Article II of the By-Laws of the Corporation,
absentia at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting. every stockholder entitled to vote shall be entitled to one
vote for each share of stock standing in its name on the
books of the Corporation and may vote either in person or
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by proxy. Proxy voting is allowed (which effectively allows
shareholders to vote in absentia).
Duties to Stakeholders
Principle 14: The rights of stakeholders established by law, by contractual relations and through voluntary commitments must be respected. Where stakeholders’
rights and/or interests are at stake, stakeholders should have the opportunity to obtain prompt effective redress for the violation of their rights.
Recommendation 14.1
1. Board identifies the company’s various COMPLIANT The Corporation’s key stakeholders are its employees,
stakeholders and promotes cooperation suppliers, customers and creditors, as well as the community
between them and the company in creating and environment.
wealth, growth and sustainability.
Please refer to the following:
1. CG Manual
2. Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Charter
Principle 15: A mechanism for employee participation should be developed to create a symbiotic environment, realize the company’s goals and participate in
its corporate governance processes.
Recommendation 15.1
1. Board establishes policies, programs and COMPLIANT Please refer to the 2019 Annual and Sustainability Report
procedures that encourage employees to (
actively participate in the realization of the reports/_jcr_content/par/
company’s goals and in its governance. /99372f894b50410c6b85c54f33d4e418352b0755/pspc-
Principle 16: The company should be socially responsible in all its dealings with the communities where it operates. It should ensure that its interactions serve its
environment and stakeholders in a positive and progressive manner that is fully supportive of its comprehensive and balanced development.
Recommendation 16.1
1. Company recognizes and places importance on COMPLIANT Please refer to Shell General Business Principles
the interdependence between business and (
society, and promotes a mutually beneficial values/_jcr_content/par/
relationship that allows the company to grow its /1424c1f1d37903394b9db3be58487bb295663246/shell-
general-business-principles-2014.pdf) and 2019 Annual and
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business, while contributing to the advancement Sustainability Report
of the society where it operates. (
Optional: Principle 16
1. Company ensures that its value chain is COMPLIANT Please refer to the Corporation’s 2019 Annual and
environmentally friendly or is consistent with Sustainability Report
promoting sustainable development (
2. Company exerts effort to interact positively with COMPLIANT Please refer to Shell General Business Principles
the communities in which it operates (
general-business-principles-2014.pdf) and 2019 Annual and
Sustainability Report
Pursuant to the requirements of SEC Memorandum Circular No. 15, Series of 2017, this
report is signed on behalf of the issuer by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, in
London on the 19th day of June 2020.
Note: The Chairman of the Board is holding office at London, United Kingdom. To protect
his health and safety and due to the lockdown and mobility restrictions in place at his
location, apostillation of the document is not possible. The apostilled version will be
submitted to the SEC at the earliest opportunity.
Chairman of the Board
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 19th day of June 2020 at 2pm, affiant
exhibiting to me the following competent evidence of his identification: