Skill3: Unstated Detail Questions
Skill3: Unstated Detail Questions
Skill3: Unstated Detail Questions
You will sometimes be asked in the Reading Comprehension section of the TOEFL
test to find an answer that is not stated or not mentioned or not true in the passage.
This type of question really means that three of the answers are stated, mentioned, or
true in the passage, while one answer is not. Your actual job is to find the three
correct answers and then choose the letter of the one remaining answer.
You should note that there are two kinds of answers to this type of question: (1)
there are three true answers and one answer that is not discussed in the passage, or
(2) there are three true answers and one that is false according to the passage.
The passage:
The Florida Keys are a beautiful chain of almost 1,000 coral
and limestone islands. These islands form an arc that heads
first southwest and then west from the mainland. U.S. Highway 1,
Line called the Overseas Highway, connects the main islands in the
(5) chain. On this highway, it is necessary to cross 42 bridges over
the ocean to cover the 159 miles from Miami, on the mainland,
to Key West, the farthest island on the highway and the
southernmost citv in the United States.
The questions:
1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the Florida
(A) The Florida Keys are a chain of islands.
(B) The Florida Kevs contain coral and limestone.
(C) The Florida Keys are in the shape of an arc.
(D) The Florida Keys are not all inhabited.
The first question asks for the one answer that is not mentioned about the Florida
Keys. The passage states that the Florida Keys are a chain (answer A) with coral
and limestone (answer B) in the shape of an arc (answer C), so these answers are
not correct. The best answer is therefore answer (D). The passage does not dis-
cuss whether or not the keys are all inhabited.
The second question asks for the answer that is not true about U.S. Highway 1.
The passage states that it is called the Overseas Highway (answer A), that it has
42 bridges (answer C), and that it coverts] the 159 miles from Miami ... to Kev
West (answer D), so these answers are not correct. The best answer is answer (B).
The passage states that the Overseas Highway co/meets the main islands in the
chain, so it does not connect all of the islands.
The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember
about unstated detail questions.
WHERE TO FIND The answers to these questions are found in order in the
THE ANSWER passage.
J. Which of the following is NOT true 2. Which of the following is NOT stated
about systolic blood pressure? about diastolic pressure?
(A) It is taken during the contraction (A) It is one of the two components
of the heart. of blood pressure measurement.
(B) It is usually given first in a blood (B) It is taken when the heart is
pressure reading. resting.
(C) A normal systolic measurement (C) It is lower than systolic pressure.
is 120-140. (D) A diastolic measurement of 140
(D) Hypertension exists when the is normal.
systolic pressure is below 140.
3. All of the following are mentioned 4. Which of the following is NOT true
about Pan American Airlines, about Pan Am's Moon flights?
(A) People asked Pan Am about its
(A) it started business in the 1960s flights to the Moon.
(B) it received requests for its first (B) Pan Am kept a waiting list for its
flight to the Moon Moon flights.
(C) it kept some people on a long (C) Pan Am never really made any
waiting list Moon nights.
(D) it went out of business (D) Pan Am's waiting list had only a
few names on it.
PASSAGE THREE (Questions 5-8)
The tunnel trees in Yosemite Valley are an amazing attraction to people who visit
there. The tunnel trees are huge trees, giant redwoods, which have had tunnels carved
in them, and cars can actually drive through some of the trees. The fact that the trees
Line are large enough to have cars drive through them should give you some indication of
(5) just how big the trees are.
There are currently two existing tunnel trees in Yosemite Valley. One of them is
called the "Dead Giant." This is just the stump, or bottom part, of a much larger tree.
The hole was cut through the base of the tree in 1878, and stagecoaches used to drive
through it. Today the Dead Giant still exists, but the stagecoaches do not. Passenger cars
(10) can and do drive through the lO-foot-wide opening in the tree stump.
The other existing tunnel tree is the 230-foot high California Tree, which had a hole
carved through it in 1895. This tree is no longer open to the public, so it is not possible
to take a car through it.
Unfortunately. a third tunnel tree no longer exists. The Wawona Tunnel Tree was a
(15) 2,1 OO-year-old tree which was carved in 1881. A terrible snowstorm in 1969 caused this
ancient giant of a tree to fall.
5. Which of the following is NOT true 7. Which of the following is NOT true
about the tunnel trees in Yosemite about the California Tree?
(A) Its tunnel still exists.
(A) They are trees with holes cut in (B) Its tunnel is 230 feet high.
them. (C) Its tunnel was cut in 1895.
(B) They are giant redwoods. (D) Cars are not allowed to go
(C) Three tunnel trees currently exist. through it.
(D) Cars have driven through some
of them. 8. All of the following are true about the
Wawona Tunnel Tree, EXCEPT that
6. All of the following are stated about
(A) it does not exist anymore
the Dead Giant, EXCEPT that
(B) the tree lived for more than 2,000
(A) it is still a tunnel tree today years
(B) it is just the stump of a tree (C) the tunnel tree was destroved in a
(C) it was cut less than a century ago snowstorm
(D) it has a 10-foot opening (D) the tunnel was destroyed in 1881
TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-3): Study each of the passages, and
choose the best answers to the questions that follow.
1. The main topic of this passage is 3. Which of the following is NOT true
about the system invented by
(A) the invention of the typewriter
(B) a problem and solution
concerning the early typewriter (A) It was introduced in 1872.
(C) how to write a letter on the (B) It is still used today.
t vpewri ter (C) It became the standard system.
(D) whv the keys stick on today's (D) It was alphabetical.
4. The passage indicates that under
2. According to the passage, on the first Scholes's system, the bars hit the
typewriters ribbon
(A) the keys were in alphabetical (A) in alphabetical order
order (B) from opposite directions
(B) the keys were hard to find (C) and caused the keys to jam
(C) the bars on the machine never (D) in the same way as they had on
jammed the original typewriter
(D) Scholes's system worked quite
PASSAGE TWO (Questions 5-9)
Desert tundra, or cold desert, occurs on the Arctic edges of North America, Europe,
and Asia. In these areas the temperatures are almost always freezing, and they cause an
environment in which plant life is virtually impossible. The existence of ice rather than
Line water for the majority of the veal' means that vegetation does not have enough moisture
(5) for growth to take place. During the short period of time when the temperature
increases enough for the ice to melt, there is generally a large volume of water. Too
much water and not enough drainage through the frozen subsoil make it difficult for
plants to grow.
5. Which of the following is the best title 8. According to the passage, which of
for the passage? the following does NOT happen when
the weather heats up?
(A) Where Desert Tundra Is Found
(B) The Weather in the Arctic (A) Plants grow well.
(e) The Effect of Desert Tundra on (B) The ice melts.
Plant Life (e) There is not enough drainage.
(D) The Variety of Plant Life in (D) There is too much water.
Desert Tundra
9. According to the passage, why is it
6. According to the passage, desert impossible for the water to drain after
tundra is found it melts?
(A) throughout North America, (A) The land beneath the surface is
Europe, and Asia still frozen.
(B) in Antarctica (B) The temperature is too high.
(e) on the Arctic borders of the (C) The period of time is too short.
northern continents (D) The vegetation is flourishing.
(D) at the North Pole
10. The main idea of this passage is that 13. Which of the following was NOT
mentioned in the list of whale fossils
(A) numerous whale fossils have
found in Egypt?
been found in the world's
oceans (A) A whale's kneecap
(B) there is evidence that whales may (B) A whale's ankle
have descended from land (C) A whale's footbones
mammals (D) A whale's finger's
(C) whales are mammals and not fish
(D) whales have not evolved verv 14. According to the hypothesis in the
much over the last millions of passage, what happened to whales'
years legs?
(A) They got stronger over time.
11. All of the following are true about
(B) They got larger over time.
whales, EXCEPT that
(C) They disappeared quickly.
(A) thev are mammals (D) They became front flippers.
(B) they live in the ocean
(C) they are fish
(D) they may have come from the
The passage:
The number of rings in a tree can be used to determine how
old a tree really is. Each year a tree produces a ring that is
composed of one light-colored wide band and one dark-colored
Line narrow band. The wider band is produced during the spring
(5) and early summer, when tree stem cells grow rapidly and
become larger. The narrower band is produced in fall and early
winter, when cell growth is much slower and cells do not get
very large. No cells are produced during the harsh winter and
summer months.
The questions:
1. It is implied in the passage that if a tree has 100 wide bands
and 100 narrow bands, then it is
(A) a century old
(B) two centuries old
(C) fifty years old
(D) two hundred years old
The first question asks about the age of a tree with 100 wide bands and 100 narrow
bands. The passage does not tell the age of a tree with 100 wide and narrow bands,
but it does indicate that one ... wide band and one ... narrow band are produced
each year. From this you can draw the conclusion that a tree with 100 wide and
narrow bands is 100 years, or a century, old. The best answer to this question is
therefore answer (A). The second question asks when cells do not grow. The pas-
sage indicates that no cells are produced during the harsh VI/inter and summer
months. From this you can draw the conclusion that cells do not grow during the
extreme heat of summer or the extreme cold of winter. The best answer to this ques-
tion is therefore answer (B).
The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember
about implied detail questions.
WHERE TO FIND The answers to these questions are found in order in the
THE ANSWER passage.
TOEFL EXERCISE 4: Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to
the questions that follow.
7. It can be inferred from the passage 9. Yellow corundum is most likely called
that corundum is
(A) gold
(A) the hardest mineral in the world (B) chromic oxide
(B) not as hard as sapphire (C) ruby
(C) the second hardest mineral (D) sapphire
(D) a rather soft mineral
1. Which of the following is the best title 4. Which of the following is NOT true
for this passage? about quill pens, according to the
(A) Early Ballpoint and Fountain
Pens (A) Left-handers were unable to use
(B) Quill Pens for Lefties and quill pens.
Righties (B) Left-handed people generally
(C) Where Quill Pens Came From preferred quills from the right
(D) Various Uses for Goose Feathers wing.
CC) Right-handers could use quill
2. According to the passage, a quill pens.
came from (D) Right-handed people generally
preferred quills from the left
(A) a tree
(B) a bird
(C) a piece of metal
S. It can be inferred from the passage
(D) a fountain pen
that quill pens
3. The passage indicates that a quill pen (A) are still used regularly today
could hold enough ink to write (B) are preferred over ballpoint pens
(C) are the best pens for left-handers
(A) one or two pages
(D) are no longer used much
(B) for about one hour
(C) a couple of words
(D) numerous sentences
PASSAGE TWO (Questions 6-10)
The English names of the last four months of the Gregorian calendar (September,
October, November, December) have rather interesting histories. The Gregorian
calendar is a twelve-month calendar; so these months are the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and
Line twelfth months respectively. However, their names do not reflect their positioning in the
(5) calendar. The name September comes from the Latin word septum, which means
"seven." This month was originally the name of the seventh rather than the ninth
month. Similarly, the name October comes from the Latin octo ("eight"); the name
November comes from the Latin novem ("nine"); the name December comes from the
Latin decem C'ten").
6. The main topic of this passage is 9. It can be inferred from the passage
that November
(A) the origin of certain month
names (A) used to be the ninth month of the
(B) the Gregorian calendar vear
(C) the numbers in Latin (B) is no longer part of the Gregorian
CD) ten- and twelve-month calendars calendar
(C) has always been the eleventh
7. The first month on the Gregorian month
calendar is probably CD) was not part of the original
Gregorian calendar
(A) March
(B) May
10. Which of the following is NOT
(C) January
mentioned in the passage about
(D) December
8. The passage states that in the original (A) It is the twelfth month on the
version of the calendar, September Gregorian calendar.
was the name of (B) Its name is derived from a Latin
(A) the sixth month
(C) Its meaning comes from the
(B) the seventh month
number ten.
(C) the eighth month
(D) It has 31 days.
(D) the ninth month
PASSAGE THREE (Ouestions 11-15)
Different types of relationships exist between living things. One type of relationship
is parasitism, in which one partner benefits while the other loses. A very different type
of relationship is symbiosis, in which both partners benefit.
Line An example of a parasitic relationship exists between the stone crab and sacculina, a
(5) type of barnacle. The sacculina attaches itself to the stone crab. It then eats into the
crab, and the stone crab becomes disabled.
An example of a symbiotic relationship exists between the hermit crab and the
calliactis anemone. The anemone attaches itself to the crab, but it is not a parasite
because it does not harm the crab; it feeds on food that is dropped by the crab. The
(10) anemone even helps the crab by protecting the crab from other predators with its