Failure Rates of Safety Critical Equipment Based On Inventory Attributes
Failure Rates of Safety Critical Equipment Based On Inventory Attributes
Failure Rates of Safety Critical Equipment Based On Inventory Attributes
© 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-8153-8682-7
ABSTRACT: Reliable failure rate estimates of safety critical equipment is crucial for verifying perform-
ance requirements and for trending the safety performance of the equipment. Joint industry efforts, like
OREDA, Exida and PDS handbooks, supported by international standardization on data collection such
as ISO 14224, publish generic failure rates for selected equipment commonly used in the oil and gas indus-
try. Such generic data builds on field experience and ensures a transfer of knowledge from the operational
phase to new design projects. Currently, most generic data is generated for a specific equipment group,
and not for separate inventory attributes, such as size, type/fabricate, service and flow medium. Some
standards and methods, like MIL-HDBK-217F, suggest how to encounter effects of inventory attributes,
but these approaches are also generic, and does not account for sector specific experience, i.e. from opera-
tion of oil and gas facilities. In light of the increased focus on digitalization, it is expected that the access
to data will be improved, and it is therefore important to utilize these data more efficiently in the business
sector in question. The PDS forum in Norway, who gathers most actors involved in Norwegian oil and
gas industry, initiated a study to analyze operational data of safety critical equipment, with the purpose
to study more specific and recent effects of inventory attributes. Data from several oil and gas facilities in
Norway, both offshore and onshore, have been systematized and analyzed. The purpose of this paper is
to present the approach used to analyze these data, including data collection and statistical methods, as
well as the final results of the study. The starting point was inventory attributes suggested by expert judg-
ments, and their effects were investigated with basis in the collected data. Information from the operating
companies’ maintenance system has been too sparse to support all suggested inventories, and the choice
of inventory attributes were narrowed down for some selected equipment groups; fire and gas detectors,
level transmitters, shutdown valves and pressure safety valves.
of the SIFs are estimated. Realistic in this context 1.2 Objective and scope of paper
means to consider historic field experience data,
The main objective of this paper is to identify
rather than data obtained strictly from analyses
which inventory attributes that may be relevant for
and/or from testing in a laboratory with control-
the four equipment groups; fire and gas detectors,
led environment—not covering all possible failure
level transmitters, shutdown valves and pressure
causes experienced in operation. In other words,
safety valves, and to analyze which of the sug-
the reliability calculated in design should as far
gested inventory attributes (if any) are significant
as possible reflect the reliability that is experi-
based on systemized field experience gathered by
enced under typical conditions in the operational
SINTEF in the period 2006–2016.
phase. This is a requirement that is also empha-
The content of this paper is based on work per-
sized and strengthened in the new edition of IEC
formed as a continuation of a research project
61511 (IEC 2016); operators must ensure that
funded by the Norwegian Research Council and
data are both credible, traceable, documented,
the members of the PDS forum (
and justified.
pds). SINTEF has previously systematized fail-
A practical challenge with generic data, is the
ure data for six offshore and onshore oil and gas
time from data are collected to publishing of
facilities (a total of more than 13000 maintenance
updated handbooks and data bases. The time lag is
notifications) in Norway. These failure reports,
often five years or more, and it is therefore of inter-
supplemented by additional expert judgements,
est for operators to collect and systemize their own
have been used for selecting possible inventory
operational experience. Many operators in Nor-
attributes influencing the failure rates of some
way now carry out regular (e.g. annual) reviews of
selected equipment types. Then, data for these
reported failures. The results from these reviews
inventory attributes have been collected (as com-
are then used to monitor reliability performance
plete as possible) to be able to analyze the possible
in operation, to give feedback to manufacturers
impact of selected inventory attributes.
(about problems experienced) and to make deci-
sions about changes in functional test intervals
(Hauge & Lundteigen 2008).
Reviews of failures reported on various Nor-
wegian oil and gas facilities, indicate that failure
rates for similar types of equipment can be quite
2.1 Generic data sources
different between facilities, even if the operating
environment is more or less the same. This result Generic failure rates are mainly derived from data
may be explained by some variations in technology collected by an organization and published in
used (e.g. detection principle for gas detectors), handbooks or as computerized databases (Rausand
process medium, the external environment, qual- 2014). The failure rates can often be regarded as
ity and frequency of maintenance and inspection, an average of the experienced performance for spe-
etc. Care should therefore be taken to use generic cific equipment groups.
failure rates in studies for reliability demonstration The oil and gas industry has collected failure
without considering such influencing factors. Con- data over many years and for several offshore facili-
sequently, it is desirable to supplement generic fail- ties, mainly on the Norwegian continental shelf.
ure rates (that represent an “average performance” Relevant generic data sources are the OREDA
for comparable equipment) with equipment char- handbooks, ref. OREDA (2015a) and OREDA
acteristic parameters that can identify more specific (2015b), PDS handbooks, ref. SINTEF (2013a) and
values of failure rates, i.e. inventory attributes of SINTEF (2013b), and the safety equipment reliabil-
the equipment (e.g. size of valve, type of detector, ity handbook (SERH) published by Exida (2015).
etc.). The term inventory attribute is introduced
for equipment attributes particularly important for
2.2 Operator’s data
the reliability performance. For example, it may be
of interest to distinguish between failure rates for ISO 20815 (ISO 2008) on production perform-
different sizes of shutdown valves. ance assurance, emphasizes that the systematic
We foresee at least two applications for fail- collection and treatment of operational experi-
ure rates based on specific inventory attributes: ence is considered as an investment and means
1) Monitoring the reliability of existing SIFs, for improvement of production and safety critical
allowing for the specific characteristics of the equipment. The oil and gas industry has been in
equipment, and 2) Calculating the reliability of the forefront of developing international standards
new SIFs, or existing SIFs considering the influ- on data collection with ISO 14224 (ISO 2016a).
ences of design, operation, environment and main- Reliability data can help operators to plan
tenance characteristics. the preventive maintenance, e.g. to optimize test
intervals, avoid unscheduled stops and reduce the - a certain amount of data (both failures and a
amount of corrective maintenance. Aggregated certain amount of aggregated operational time)
data, used to determine generic values of failure has been gathered.
rates, represents an experience transfer from oper- - the equipment group is represented on several
ation to analyses needed for new facilities and for facilities.
installations of new systems. - the equipment group is represented in several
Several operators are continuously working on SIFs on a facility.
systemizing their failure records, to have their own - the equipment types have some attributes that
“preferred” data set. This data set can be used to are considered as significant with respect to the
estimate an average performance of equipment failure rate.
for a single facility or for several facilities with the
same operator. If the amount of data is extensive, The selection of equipment groups and inven-
one can also estimate separate failure rates for spe- tory attributes was consulted with experts within
cific equipment attributes. the PDS forum participants in an experts meeting.
The recommendation was to focus on fire and gas
detectors, level transmitters, shutdown valves and
2.3 Failure data from operational reviews pressure safety valves, since these groups both con-
Failures revealed during operation and mainte- tain a significant amount of equipment and con-
nance are reported by maintenance notifications. tain possible significant inventory attributes.
A notification allows some free text description of
2.5 Uncertainty & data collection challenges
the failure and about the measures implemented to
correct the failure. In addition, it is also possible to A major challenge when splitting up the failure
characterize the failure, by ticking off in lists of pre- rates according to inventory attributes is to obtain
defined classes of failure causes, failure modes, and sufficient statistical confidence. If no DU failures
detection methods. Most maintenance systems are have been experienced in an observation period,
aligned with ISO 14224 for data collection, and addi- the statistical confidence is lower even if the obser-
tional effort is needed to further classify the failures vation time is quite extensive.
into Dangerous Detected (DD) failures, Danger- Quality of data is another challenge. It is impor-
ous Undetected (DU) failures and safe (S) failures, tant that we can rely on the information given in
for alignment with IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 tax- the notification, e.g. that the failure mode and
onomy. Information about inventory attributes of the detection method have been classified cor-
interest may be partly available in notifications and rectly. Data collection is both time consuming and
partly in SIS related documents, such as the Safety demanding; it is seldom straightforward to iden-
Requirements Specification (SRS), safety manuals, tify all relevant information from the maintenance
and Safety Analysis Reports (SARs). records. To obtain correct information about the
The operating companies themselves can per- actual failure, it is often necessary to discuss indi-
form regular operational reviews, or they can use vidual notifications with operators and mainte-
assistance from consultants or research institutes. nance personnel. Such work is time consuming,
In either case, it is important to involve personnel but nevertheless rewarding, e.g. to avoid repeating
from key disciplines such as automation, safety (and thereby costly) failures. Many operational
and maintenance from the specific facility and reviews reported repeating failures, where seem-
company in question. The main purpose of the ingly insufficient measures had been implemented
reviews is to verify the performance of SIL rated to remove the cause of failure. For the purposes
equipment and to give recommendations related to of analyzing inventory attributes, we have removed
maintenance and testing. A secondary purpose of repeating failures, to avoid that these are given too
the review, as suggested in this paper, is to analyze high weight in the overall results.
such data in more detail to investigate the perform- From the operational reviews, we saw that the
ance for various inventory attributes. effects of local facility conditions were impor-
tant and that based on our experience, should be
considered. One facility may experience specific
2.4 Selection of equipment groups
problems (e.g. icing) for some particular type of
Several types of safety critical equipment are used equipment, which are not observed at other facili-
in SIFs on an oil and gas facility. Operational ties. Local conditions seem to be of particularly
reviews of safety critical equipment covers about interest for the occurrence of Common Cause Fail-
twenty different equipment groups, however, some ures (CCFs), i.e. failures that are dependent due
groups consist of few equipment units. To limit the to a shared cause and which occur close in time.
scope of the analyses in the PDS project, it was An example of a local problem which turned out
decided to extract groups of equipment where: to be defined as a CCF, was a number of failures
for shutdown valves caused by wrong type (here and
viscosity) of hydraulic oil. Some of the failures
related to specific problems at one facility (such as yi = g ( µi ), µi = E (Yi ). (2)
the hydraulic oil problem) which are not likely to
occur at other facilities, have been removed from Here, g(µ) is called the link function. Further,
our data set for the analyses of inventory attributes. let Yi ∼ Binomial(ni,pi) express the response vari-
Other local problems, that were defined as CCFs, ables with failure probability pi, i.e. the likelihood
were icing problems. Icing is often more challeng- for an item to fail at a given time. Then the GLM
ing for facilities in the Barents Sea compared to the model based on binomial distribution is given as:
North Sea, however, unfortunate design solutions
may also allow for icing to occur. Failures related pi
to such conditions that may occur on several facili- log( ) = β i 0 + β i1xi1 + ... + β ik xik . (3)
ties, have not been removed from our data set for 1 − pi
the analyses of inventory attributes.
In this GLM, inputs are related to inventory
attributes as well as failure data. Outputs of the
3 STATISTICAL METHODS model are related to failure probabilities that are
used to check whether there is statistical signifi-
For the analyses of data from operational reviews, cance. The formula of failure probability is:
the focus has been on DU failures since these fail-
ures will influence the most important perform- exp( β i 0 + β i1xi1 + ... + β ik xik )
ance requirements related to SIF equipment, such pi = . (4)
1 + exp( β i 0 + β i1xi1 + ... + β ik xik )
as the Probability of Failure on Demand (PFD)
for a SIF. The total data set for analyses comprises
all equipment units that have been involved in the We identify the parameters that significantly
operational reviews, i.e. has been part of equip- impact on the reliability performance by check-
ment groups considered in the reviews. For each ing variables in the regression model with small
unit, data on inventory attributes has been col- p-values and large coefficients. A small p-value
lected together with the information about if the suggests that changes in the explanatory variable
unit has experienced a DU failure or not in a pre- are associated with the changes in the response
defined observation period. variable, i.e. the inventory attribute is significant
It was decided to introduce a Generalized Linear and does influence the DU failure rate (based on
Model (GLM) based on a binomial distribution, our data and under the given assumptions). The
where only two possible outcomes are considered. exponential coefficient represents the change in the
The response variable is a discrete variable with two response variable when changing the categories of
possible outcomes; 0 and 1, i.e. “No DU failure” or one inventory attribute holding the other explana-
“DU failure”, such that GLM can predict failure tory variables constant.
probability and assess effect on failure probability
from the predefined inventory attributes. Other
methods, such as lifetime modelling was also con- 4 DATA COLLECTION OF INVENTORY
sidered. However, since the observation period for ATTRIBUTES
some of the facilities does not cover the entire life-
time of the item and the time an item was put into 4.1 General
operation is unknown for most of the components, Collection of data for inventory attributes turned
such methods were disregarded. out to be a rather time-consuming activity. Only
GLM describes the statistical relationships parts of the relevant information were (easily)
between response variables Y1, Y2, …, YN and found in the operator’s maintenance system. It was
explanatory variables x1, x2, … xk by estimating the necessary to supplement with information from
corresponding inventory attributes β1, β2, …, βk. other sources, such as process and instrument
An explanatory variable is a type of independent diagrams (P&IDs), data sheets and manufacturer
variable that can affect response variables, which specifications together with discussions with tech-
may be fixed by the experimental design. GLM are nical advisors and process engineers.
mostly based on maximum likelihood estimation The manufacturer name was the most straight-
and allows for regression modeling when response forward inventory attribute to obtain from the
variables are distributed as one of the members of maintenance system. However, within an equip-
the exponential family. The model is given by: ment group we would find some (“small”) manu-
facturers that had not delivered more than a few
yi = β 0 + β1xi1 + ... + β ik xik (1) equipment units each. Thus, to be able to achieve
some rational results, the number of manufactur- Table 2. Inventory attributes—Level transmitters.
ers were kept to a minimum by grouping all the
“small” manufacturers into an “other” group. Attributes Incl. Examples of categories
Grouping the outcomes represented by a small
Manufacturer YES Vega, Fisher-Rosemount…
number of units into a common “other” category, Measuring principle YES Displacer, Pressure, Radar…
was also performed for other attributes with sev- No. of medium YES 1, 2 or 3
eral outcomes/categories. phases
Type of medium NO Hydrocarbon, Water,
4.2 Fire and gas detectors Chemical…
Type of vessel NO Separator, Scrubber, Tank…
The expert review meeting suggested the follow- Special problems NO Foaming, Sand, Scale…
ing inventory attributes for fire and gas detectors:
Manufacturer, measuring principle, i.e. which phys-
ical principle the detection is based on, and model
type. Table 1 shows in more detail the inventory tory attributes; manufacturer, measuring principle
attributes for point gas detectors. The same types and number of medium phases. Regarding the meas-
of inventory attributes were selected for line gas uring principle, we made the following assump-
detectors, smoke detectors and flame detectors. tions based on the type of vessels for which the
For the analyses of detectors, we were in the transmitters were installed: Level transmitters for
fortunate situation to access more data than from 1st stage separators and test separators normally
the six facilities where SINTEF was involved in measure three types of medium (e.g. oil, MEG/
operational reviews. For this particular equipment water and gas) while level transmitters in scrub-
group, it was possible to add the inventory attribute bers, 2nd stage separators and 3rd stage separators
“facility”, due to the extensiveness of data, to allow are supposed to be used to measure for two types
comparison in failure rates and effects of inventory of medium, e.g. liquid/gas. In case this information
attributes between different facilities. about vessel type was not evident, the number of
vessel outlet lines was checked against e.g. P&IDs
to obtain number of fluid phases inside the vessels.
4.3 Level transmitters
Despite the effort, we were left with several
Level transmitters are often placed in a group called transmitters where information was missing. E.g.,
“process transmitters”, together with temperature measuring principle was not identified for 10% of
transmitters and pressure transmitter. In our anal- the transmitters and manufacturer was not identi-
yses, we wanted to focus on the level transmitters fied for 11%.
alone, mainly because they are more dependent on
measuring principle and operating conditions (var-
4.4 Shutdown valves
ious medium, foaming, calibration challenges, etc.)
than the other transmitters. Measuring principles The data collected through operational reviews
for level transmitters are divided into the catego- contains in total 1245 Emergency Shutdown
ries; displacer, pressure, radar (guided wave radar) (ESD) and Process Shutdown (PSD) valves.
and others (nuclear, ultrasonic, servo, capacitance Table 3 shows the inventory attributes selected in
and magnetostrictive). the expert review meeting. Unfortunately, it was
Table 2 shows the list of inventory attributes necessary to remove all data from one of the facili-
agreed upon among the experts to include in the ties due to very sparse information on the inven-
analyses. However, due to lack of details in col- tory attributes manufacturer and (valve) size.
lected data, we were left with three credible inven- Categories for manufacturer, size and type of
valve were obtained from the maintenance system
and equipment and facility specific information
Table 1. Inventory attributes—Point gas detectors. such as data sheets and P&IDs.
The process medium exposing the valves was
Attributes Incl. Examples of categories assessed by experts at one of the facilities: It was
suggested that for each system at the facility a cor-
Manufacturer YES Autronica, Dräger,
responding (typical) medium could be assumed,
Measuring principle YES IR, Wireless, Acoustic…*
and this “mapping” between system and medium
Model YES HC200, PIR 7000, GD10…
was adopted for the rest of the facilities.
To avoid too many categories for valve size,
*Catalytic gas detectors have been removed from the data group size intervals were decided together with an
set due to significant more DU failures than the rest of expert. Criteria for these intervals were based on
the measuring principles. the valve and process characteristics, rather than
Table 3. Inventory attributes—PSD and ESD valves. Table 4. Inventory attributes—Pressure safety valves.
The observation periods from each facility Table 5. List of most significant inventory attributes
is not equal and varies from two to 11 years for and categories.
those facilities included in the data set. Thus, some
assumptions about observation periods had to be Equipment group Attribute Category
made to get observations periods as equal as pos- ESD/PSD valves Size >18˝
sible and to utilize all DU failures: The final peri-
Medium Gas, Water, …
ods should not be too short such that there would
Manufacturer Confidentially
be very few observation periods with failure com- Line gas detectors Manufacturer Confidentially
pared to observation periods without failures— Point gas detectors Measuring principle IR
then it would be more difficult getting significant PSVs Manufacturer Confidentially
results. On the other hand, the periods should not Dirty or clean service Dirty, clean
be too large such that multiple failures of the same
component often would occur within the same
period—then we would not utilize all the DU fail- valves seem to have a higher failure rate compared
ures. Also, different observation period intervals to small valves. Also, the medium may be impor-
were concerned in data analyses for fire and gas tant for the failure rate for ESD/PSD valves.
detectors compared to other equipment groups: One inventory attribute suggested by experts,
For those equipment groups with data from five and that we was able to analyze, was not found
or six facilities (PSD and ESD valves, level trans- to be of significant in our analyses: “measuring
mitters and PSVs) three–four years was regarded principle” for level transmitters. This may be partly
as one observation period. Then, for a facility with explained by inadequate level of details concerning
observation period between three and four years, inventory attributes in the applied data.
each equipment unit was counted once in the total For the fire and gas detectors where data was
data set. For a facility with 11 years of opera- available from several facilities, also the facility
tional experience, the inventory data was counted was included as a separate attribute. The results
for three times in the total data set (and the DU- showed that some facilities turned out to contrib-
failures were distributed on the correct observation ute to significant higher or lower failure rates com-
period based on the notification date). pared to the others.
For fire and gas detectors, where data from sev-
eral facilities was included and many of those with
shorter observation periods, two–three years was 6 RECOMMENDATIONS
regarded as one observation period. AND FURTHER WORK
The GLM model was implemented in software
R, which is a free software for statistical computing Measures and means for improving the quality of
and graphics. data that are recorded into the maintenance system
is an important area for further research. Today,
the recording is mainly manual, and there lack a
5.2 Results
systematic way for consistent recording of infor-
The aim of the analyses was for each equipment mation for more automatic extraction and analy-
group to identify which inventory attributes and ses. Based on the results of this study, it is possible
related categories that became statistical signifi- to suggest more specific categories of information
cant (if any). to be recorded. It may be necessary to further
Table 5 shows the results of the analyses for investigate the implications of assumptions that
each equipment group, listing the most significant were made for our analyses. Both those that were
inventory attributes and associated categories— made to overcome practical obstacles, e.g. due to
with respect to the DU failure rate. Note that not lack of information related to selected inventory
all attributes and categories have been found to be attributes, and those made to simplify the selection
significant, and they are therefore not listed. Nei- of categories, e.g. about the relationship between
ther are those categories less significant compared categories for inventory attributes (e.g. clean serv-
to two or more other categories. “Significant” ice) and system number (e.g. flare system). It is also
implies that the inventory attribute and its associ- possible to perform other types of analyses, e.g.
ated category(s) either contribute to significantly “big data” analyses, to identify significant inven-
higher failure rate or significantly lower failure rate tory attributes particularly when the amount of
compared to the other attributes/categories. data, inventory attributes and categories increases.
From Table 5 we see that the manufacturer, Operational experience indicates that similar
typically represented by one or two of the largest equipment performs differently between facilities
manufacturers, is significant for most of the equip- with a comparable operating environment. It is
ment groups. For ESD and PSD valves the largest therefore desirable to supplement the generic data
with inventory attributes that can explain the vary- REFERENCES
ing performance, and enable the reliability analyst
to better predict the variations. Due to the limited Exida 2007. Safety Equipment Reliability Handbook.
information about inventory attributes, it is rec- Third Edition.
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of relevant inventory information in their main-
Hauge S., Hokstad P., Håbrekke S., Lundteigen M.A. 2015.
tenance systems, in particular for safety critical Common cause failures in safety-instrumented systems:
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experience from the operational phase to design- IEC 2010. IEC 61508:2010 Functional safety of electri-
cal/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related
ers of new systems and for monitoring the opera-
tional performance of safety barriers. It is also an IEC 2016. IEC 61511:2016 Functional safety—Safety
important activity seen in relation to the increas- instrumented systems for the process industry sector.
ing trend of lifetime-extension for existing facili- ISO 2008. ISO 20815:2008 Petroleum, petrochemical and
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ISO 2016b. CEN ISO/TR 12489:2016 Petroleum, petro-
level of automatic analyses of data can help when
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prioritizing resources needed to improve the over- ling and calculation of safety systems.
all quality of data. Norwegian oil and gas association 2004. 070 – Norwegian
oil and gas application of IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 in the
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OREDA 2015a. Offshore and Onshore Reliability Data. 6th
Edition. Volume 1 – Topside Equipment.
Thanks to the members of the PDS forum (www. OREDA 2015b. Offshore and Onshore Reliability Data. 6th that have contributed with valuable Edition. Volume 2 – Subsea Equipment.
Rausand M. 2014. Reliability of Safety-Critical Systems:
information, expert judgements and meaningful
Theory and Applications. Wiley.
discussions. Special thanks to personnel from the SINTEF 2013a. Reliability Data for Safety Instrumented
operating companies that have contributed with Systems. PDS data handbook 2013 edition.
data from operational experience, expert judge- SINTEF 2013b. Reliability Prediction Method for Safety
ments, participation in workshops and valuable Instrumented Systems. PDS method handbook 2013
input and comments. edition.