Table 8 Diet Duration, Glucose Ketone Index, Clinical Outcomes
Table 8 Diet Duration, Glucose Ketone Index, Clinical Outcomes
Table 8 Diet Duration, Glucose Ketone Index, Clinical Outcomes
four patients beyond 16 weeks and found that one (pa- collected in-hospital glucose and ketone readings may not
tient 17) reverted back to a standard diet within days be truly reflective of their actual glucose ketone indices.
while the other two (patients 4 and 12) continued to Discrepancies in blood draw timing and patient compli-
follow the diet without any subsequent chemotherapy ance with timing of clinic visits may have also affected
or radiation, remaining in stable status for as long as 80 some of our glucose values. Glucose ketone indices (GKI)
and 131 weeks. were calculated and we found that although no patient
Combining the diet with chemotherapy and/or radiation met the targeted range of GKI, some still derived benefit,
appears feasible. One patient (patient 9) subsequently tried significantly outliving their estimated lifespans. One pa-
a short course (one month) of oral chemotherapy and tient (patient #9) who had a good response and sur-
had also benefitted from invasive radiology as well as vived until 116 weeks, experienced persistent “ketone
radio surgical interventions. breath” despite achieving low βHOB ketone readings. It
In the VM-M3 glioblastoma model, a low GKI is related is possible that he achieved adequate therapeutic levels
to decreased invasion, proliferation and angiogenesis [19]. that somehow escaped detection [20, 21].
The study protocol was created prior to the introduction We wanted to attract a diverse population of patients,
of the GKI and our patients did not have the benefit of and standardize all evaluations. The small number of re-
frequent home glucose and ketone monitoring hence the cruited patients limited our trial, and our recruitment