The International Research Foundation: Teacher Knowledge: Selected References (Last Updated 14 February 2017)
The International Research Foundation: Teacher Knowledge: Selected References (Last Updated 14 February 2017)
The International Research Foundation: Teacher Knowledge: Selected References (Last Updated 14 February 2017)
Andrews, S., & McNeil, A. (2005). Knowledge about language and the ‘good language teacher’.
In N. Bartels (Ed.), Applied linguistics and language teacher education (pp. 159-178).
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Banks, F., Leach, J., & Moon, B. (1999). New understanding of teachers’ pedagogic knowledge.
In J. Leach & B. Moon (Eds.), Learners and pedagogy (pp. 89-110). London, UK: Paul
Bartels, N. (1999). How teachers use their knowledge of English. In H. Trappes-Lomax & I.
McGrath (Eds.), Theory in language teacher education (pp. 46-56). London, UK:
Prentice Hall.
Baurain, B. (2012). Beliefs into practice: A religious inquiry into teacher knowledge. Journal of
Language, Identity & Education, 11(5), 312–332. doi:10.1080/15348458. 2012.723576
Borg, S. (2005). Experience, knowledge about language and classroom practice in grammar
teaching. In N. Bartels (Ed.), Applied linguistics and language teacher education (pp.
325–340). New York, NY: Springer.
Calderhead, J. (1991). The nature and growth of knowledge in student teaching. Teaching and
Teacher Education, 5, 531-535.
Carter, K., & Doyle, W. (1987). Teachers’ knowledge structures and comprehension processes.
In J. Calderhead (Ed.), Exploring teachers’ thinking (pp. 147-160). London, UK: Cassell.
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The International Research Foundation
for English Language Education
Cochran, K. F., & Jones, L. L. (1998). The subject matter knowledge of preservice science
teachers. In B. Fraser & K. Tobin (Eds.), International handbook of science education
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Cochran-Smith, M, & Lytle, S. (1993). Inside/outside: Teacher research and knowledge. New
York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Connelly, F. M., & Clandinin, D. J. (1985). Personal practical knowledge and the modes of
knowing: Relevance for teaching and learning. In E. Eisner (Ed.) Learning and teaching
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Connelly, F. M., & Clandinin, D. J. (1995). Personal and professional knowledge landscapes: A
matrix of relations. In D. J. Clandinin & F. M. Connelly (Eds.), Teachers professional
knowledge landscapes (pp. 25-35). New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
De Felice, D., & Lypka, A. (2013). The knowledge base in second language teacher education.
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Elbaz, F. (1981). The teacher’s “practical knowledge”: A report of a case study. Curriculum
Inquiry, 1(1), 43–71.
Elbaz, F. (1983). Teacher thinking: A study of practical knowledge. London, UK: Croom Helm.
Farahnaz, F. (2011). Points of departure: Developing the knowledge base of ESL and FSL
teachers for K-12 programs in Canada. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics / Revue
canadienne de linguistique appliquee, 14(1), 29–49.
Fennema, E., & Franke, M. L. (1992). Teachers’ knowledge and its impact. In D. A. Grouws
(Ed.), Handbook of research on mathematics teaching and learning (pp. 147-164). New
York, NY: Macmillan.
Freeman, D. (1994). Educational linguistics and the knowledge base for teaching. In J. E. Alatis
(Ed.), Language, communication, and social meaning (pp. 180-197). Washington, DC:
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Freeman, D. (2002). The hidden side of the work: Teacher knowledge and learning to teach.
Language Teaching, 35, 1-13.
177 Webster St., #220, Monterey, CA 93940 USA
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for English Language Education
Freeman, D., & Johnson, K. E. (2005). Towards linking teacher knowledge and student learning.
In D. J. Tedick (Ed.), Language teacher education: International perspectives on
research and practice (pp. 73-95). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Furlong, J., & Maynard, T. (1995). Mentoring student teachers: The growth of professional
knowledge. London, UK: Routledge.
Grimmett, P. P., & Mackinnon, A. M. (1992). Craft knowledge and the education of teachers.
Review of Research in Education, 18, 385-456.
Grossman, P. L., Wilson, S. M., & Shulman, L. S. (1989). Teachers of substance: Subject matter
knowledge for teaching. In M. C. Reynolds (Ed.), Knowledge base for the beginning
teacher (pp. 23-36). Oxford, UK: Pergamon.
Harmer, J. (2012). Essential teacher knowledge: Core concepts in English language teaching.
Harlow, UK: Pearson.
Harrington, H. (1994). Teaching and knowing. Journal of Teacher Education, 45, 190-198.
177 Webster St., #220, Monterey, CA 93940 USA
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for English Language Education
Johnston, B., & Geottsch, K. (2000). In search of the knowledge base of language teaching:
Expectations by experienced teachers. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 56, 437-
Kourieos, S. (2014). The knowledge base of primary EFL teachers - pre-service and in-service
teachers' perceptions. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 5(2), 291-300.
McCutchen, D., Abbot, R. D., Green, L. B., Beretvas, S. N., Cox, S., Potter, N. S., Quinroga, T.,
& Gray, A. L. (2002). Beginning literacy: Links among teacher knowledge, teacher
practice, and student learning. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 35, 69-86.
Meijer, P. C., Zanting, A., & Verloop, N. (2002). How can student teachers elicit experienced
teachers’ practical knowledge? Tools, suggestions, and significance. Journal of Teacher
Education, 53, 409-419.
Mitchell, R., Brumfit, C., & Hooper, J. (1994). Knowledge about language: Policy, rationales,
and practices. Research papers in education, 9, 183-205.
Mitchell, R., & Hooper, J. (1992). Teachers’ views of language knowledge. In C. James & P.
Garrett (Eds.), Language awareness in the classroom (pp. 40-50). London, UK:
Moats, L. C., & Lyon, G. R. (1996). Wanted: Teachers with knowledge of language. Topics in
Learning Disabilities, 16, 73-86.
Munby, H., Russell, T., & Martin, A. K. (2001). Teachers’ knowledge and how it develops. In V.
Richardson (Ed.), Handbook of research on teaching (4th ed., pp. 877-904). Washington,
DC: American Educational Research Association.
Olson, M. R., & Craig, C. J. (2005). Uncovering cover stories: Tensions and entailments in the
development of teacher knowledge. Curriculum Inquiry, 35, 161-182.
Pinho, A. S., & Andrade, A. I. (2009). Plurilingual awareness and intercomprehension in the
professional knowledge and identity development of language student teachers.
International Journal of Multilingualism, 6(3), 313-329.
177 Webster St., #220, Monterey, CA 93940 USA
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The International Research Foundation
for English Language Education
Popko, J. (2005). How MA TESOL students use knowledge about language in teaching ESL
classes. In N. Bartels (Ed.), Applied linguistics and language teacher education (pp. 387-
403). New York, NY: Springer.
Reynolds, M. C. (Ed.). (1989). Knowledge base for the beginning teacher. Oxford, UK:
Shulman, L. S. (1987). Knowledge and teaching: Foundations of the new reform. Harvard
Educational Review, 57, 1-22.
Spada, N., & Massey, M. (1992). The role of prior pedagogical knowledge in determining the
practice of novice ESL teachers. In J. Flowerdew, M. Brock, & S. Hsia (Eds.),
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Tibi, S. (2015). Language knowledge and self-efficacy of pre-service teachers in the United Arab
Emirates: An exploratory study. Arab Journal of Applied Linguistics,1(1), 74-96.
Woods, D., & Çakir, H. (2011). Two dimensions of teacher knowledge: The case of
communicative language teaching. System, 39, 381-390. doi:
Zeichner, K. M., Tabachnick B. R., & Densmore, K. (1987). Individual, institutional, and
cultural influences on the development of teachers’ craft knowledge. In J. Calderhead
(Ed.), Exploring teachers’ thinking (pp. 21-59). London, UK: Cassell.
177 Webster St., #220, Monterey, CA 93940 USA
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