CPDT StudyGuide 2018
CPDT StudyGuide 2018
CPDT StudyGuide 2018
Study Guide
CPDT Study Guide
Randy Kleinheider, CPD, LEED AP Susan Smith
Donna Novickas, MHPE Larisa Miro, CPD
Karl Yrjanainen, PE, CPD Frank Sanchez, CPD, GPD
Anthony Curiale, CPD, LEED AP Carol Johnson, CPD, LEED AP, CFI
Pramod Maheshwari, PE April Ricketts, PE, CPD
Timothy Allinson, PE Eric Noll, PE, CPD
Carmen Cejudo, LEED AP Dan O’Gorman, CPD, Master Plumber
Daniel Gehl, CPD Harold Olsen, PE
Erik Hartwig, CPD Jun Padilla, CPD
Timothy C. Hessler Nicole Parker, CPD, LEED
Craig R Johnson, CPD, LEED AP Danielle Schenkoske
Randy A. Kleinheider, CPD Jim Shepherd
Steve Kormanik, CPD, BOCA Donald Strickland, CPD, GPD, FASPE
A. Calvin Laws, PE.. CPD Robert Thomas, PE, CPE, LEED
Steve Laws, CPD Cyril F. Unger, CPD, GPD, FASPE
Joseph G. Manning Diane M. Wingard , CPD, FASPE
Manuel Manzano, CPD, LEED AP Thura Zin, CPD, GPD
The American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE), founded in 1964, is the international organization for professionals skilled in the design and
specification of plumbing systems. ASPE is dedicated to the advancement of the science of plumbing engineering, to the professional growth and
advancement of its members, and to the health, welfare, and safety of the public. The Society disseminates technical data and information, sponsors
activities that facilitate interaction with fellow professionals, and, through research and education programs, expands the base of knowledge of the
plumbing engineering industry. ASPE members are leaders in innovative plumbing design, effective materials and energy use, and the application of
advanced techniques from around the world.
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iii CPDT Study Guide
Table of Contents
The Certified Plumbing Design Technician examination consists of 100 multiple-choice questions, which are linked to 10
broad job domains, or job categories, of a plumbing design technician. These job domains include:
1. Setting up small projects or a portion of large projects
2. Collecting utility data prior to layout
3. Researching codes, ordinances, and building certifications
4. Laying out general systems
5. Coordinating with other disciplines
6. Performing sizing calculations
7. Selecting equipment
8. Preparing documentation for submission
9. Supporting construction administration
10. Preparing project closeout documentation
The CPDT exam is based on a job analysis. The questions on the CPDT exam are based on the job domains that are
essential to the performance of a plumbing designer who has four years of experience or related education.
This study guide is organized by chapters that follow the job domains to help candidates prepare for the exam.
1 CPDT Study Guide
Setting Up Small
More information on setting up a project can be
found in: Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook,
Volume 1, Chapter 5
3 CPDT Study Guide
Collecting Utility
Data Prior to Layout
test. If a flow test is not available, or if the flow test is more than five years old, find out how to request a new flow test, as
this information will be important for the project.
Also obtain a water analysis, if available from the utility company, indicating the water quality and hardness. This is
needed to determine if water softening will be required.
The geotechnical report should be obtained, as well as a groundwater quality analysis, to determine if dewatering will
be required. (Dewatering is a method of controlling groundwater in excavation areas, most simply by using sump pumps.)
Also contact the local department to verify if stormwater retention is required prior to discharging it to the municipal
sewer system.
Codes, Inspection,
and Plan Review
Laying Out
General Systems
Another table is used to find the demand, in gallons per minute (gpm) for Table 4-2 Conversion of Fixture Units
the hot, cold, and total water demand (see Table 4-2). Fixture units that are not to Equivalent gpm
listed on the table are extrapolated to determine intermediate values. Demand or Demand or Load (gpm)
• Hot water demand = 32 gpm (use flush tank column) Load (fixture System with System with
• Cold water demand = 158 gpm (use flush valve column) units) Flush Tanks Flush Valves
• Total water demand = 161 gpm (use flush valve column) 40 25 47
Shafts are vertical spaces that allow plumbing pipes to reach each floor. Shafts 50 29 52
are often shared with HVAC, electrical, fire protection, communication, and 60 32 55
IT. The shafts do not interfere with the structure of the building. 70 35 59
Shaft space is often estimated by the HVAC engineers. The plumbing de- 80 38 62
signer must then calculate the estimated shaft space designated for plumbing to 90 41 65
see if it is adequate for the plumbing needs of the project. Calculations for shaft 100 44 69
space must include information on the size of the soil stack, vent dimensions, 120 48 73
hot and cold water supply pipes (including insulation), and any supports/pipe 140 53 78
clamps. Dimensions for all of the components that will be in the shaft have to 160 57 83
be accounted for as well as clearances between components for servicing. 180 61 87
Chases allow pipes to move in a horizontal plane. Chase size is determined 225 70 97
by the type of fixture, size of the pipe(s), length of run, need for slope (drain- 250 75 101
age pipes need to have a slope of 1/8 inch per foot), and type of carriers used. 275 80 106
Carriers for horizontal pipe runs are commonly anchored in the ceiling and 300 85 110
run through the HVAC and fire protection layers, so close coordination with 400 105 126
HVAC and fire protection team members is important. 500 125 142
Proper clearances within chases for wall-hung carriers should be main- 750 170 178
tained. Minimum chase sizes for carriers are published by the Plumbing and
Drainage Institute (PDI). Carrier sizes vary by manufacturer, so it is import-
ant to always check the manufacturer’s specifications before committing to FOR MORE...
chase size. Also, wall-hung carriers for bariatric fixtures require more space A complete discussion on plumbing fixtures
than indicated by PDI. Chases for bariatric fixtures should be coordinated can be found in: Plumbing Engineering Design
with the specified carrier manufacturer. Handbook, Volume 4, Chapter 1
8 CPDT Study Guide
Table 4-4 Hot Water Demand per Fixture for Various Types of Buildings
(gallons of water per hour per fixture, calculated at a final temperature of 140°F)
Apartment Industrial Office Private
Fixture Club Gym Hospital Hotel School YMCA
House Plant Building Residence
Basin, private lavatory 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Basin, public lavatory 4 6 8 6 8 12 6 — 15 8
Bathtubc 20 20 30 20 20 — — 20 — 30
Dishawshera 15 50–150 — 50–150 50–200 20–100 — 15 20–100 20–100
Foot basin 3 3 12 3 3 12 — 3 3 12
Kitchen sink 10 20 — 20 20 20 20 10 20 20
Laundry, stationary 20 28 — 28 28 — — 20 — 28
Pantry sink 5 10 — 10 10 — 10 5 10 10
Shower 30 150 225 75 75 225 30 30 225 225
Service sink 20 20 — 20 30 20 20 15 20 20
Hydrotherapeutic 400
Hubbard bath 600
Leg bath 100
Arm bath 35
Sitz bath 30
Continuous-flow bath 165
Circular wash sink 20 20 230 20 30
Semicircular wash 10 10 15 10 15
Demand factor 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.25 0.25 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4
Storage capacity 1.25 0.9 1 0.6 0.8 1 2 0.7 1 1
110 Certified in Plumbing Design Examination Review Manual
Dishwasher requirements should be taken from this table or from manufacturers’ data for the model to be used, if this is known.
Ratio of storage tank capacity to probable maximum demand/h. Storage capacity may be reduced where an unlimited supply of steam is available from a central street steam system or large
boiler plant.
Whirlpool baths require specific consideration based on their capacity. They are not included in the bathtub category.
Figure 7-1
Hot Water Demand/Storage
Figure 4-1 Hot Water Demand/Storage
ty of the water heating equipment
and the general type of system to
be used.
The type of building is very
important, as it will affect the
peak usage. If you know the type
of building and the number of fix-
tures, use a table similar to Table
4-4 to determine the demand. If
you know the type of building but
not the fixtures, use diagrams simi-
lar to Figure 4-1.
The maximum velocity of
water flow in the piping during pe-
riods of peak demand should always be of prime importance to the designer. When flow approaches 10 feet per second
(fps) in piping, serious problems can develop. High velocities produce noise in the form of whistling and possibly cavita-
tion, increase the danger of hydraulic shock and water hammer, and increase erosion and corrosion. Thus, piping should
be sized so a flow velocity of 8 fps is never exceeded, and the designer should use the maximum velocities recommended
by the pipe manufacturer (which in most cases is less than 8 fps). Velocities in domestic hot water systems should be lim-
10 CPDT Study Guide
ited to a maximum of 4 fps due to additional erosion issues that can occur with heated water. Suggested maximum pipe
velocities are:
• Steel or cast iron: 4–8 fps
• Copper (hot water): 5 fps
• Copper (cold water): 6–8 fps
• PVC: 4–6 fps
• RFP: 5 fps
Designers frequently use 40°F for the cold water inlet temperature and a 100°F temperature rise to produce 140°F,
which will kill Legionella and other harmful bacteria. (Note: Incoming water temperatures can vary in different areas.
Consult local authorities and adjust the temperature rise accordingly.) Other temperatures are then achieved by using
mixing valves (either thermostatic or pressure balancing, such as
for showers). If a higher water temperature is needed, a booster
heater is used. FOR MORE...
More information on hot water temperature
maintenance can be found in:
Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook,
Volume 2, Chapter 6
11 CPDT Study Guide
Coordinating with
Other Disciplines
Performing Sizing
Figure 6-1 Gas Demand for Multiple-Unit Dwellings with More than 50 Apartments
16 CPDT Study Guide
the total connected load or by using various gas demand charts specific to a building type. For example, Figure 6-1 is used
for large, multiple unit residential apartment projects of more than 50 apartments and allows for diversity. For schools,
classrooms, and industrial facilities, no diversity is generally applied due to the possibility of simultaneous use by all
connected equipment.
The equivalent length of piping and the layout of the entire piping system and all connected appliances and equip-
ment is needed to size the gas piping system. The equivalent length of piping is calculated by measuring the actual length
of the proposed piping from the meter to the furthest connection and then adding an allowance of 50 percent of the mea-
sured length (for fittings) to obtain the total equivalent length. If a very accurate determination of the equivalent length is
required, a table containing the equivalent pipe lengths for various fitting types and sizes can be used.
Since natural gas is lighter than air, sometimes the vertical length is omitted. For example, if a high-rise building
contained 100 feet of equivalent horizontal pipe length and 200 feet
of equivalent vertical pipe length, only the horizontal portion of pip-
ing (100 feet) would be considered to establish the total equivalent
length of pipe for design purposes, even though the actual equivalent More information on gas pipe sizing
can be found in: Plumbing Engineering Design
pipe length is 300 feet. Handbook, Volume 2, Chapter 7
The longest length method is the most traditional method used
to size gas pipe. The longest equivalent piping length (from the meter
or delivery point to the farthest outlet) must be determined. Pipe sizing tables are then used to determine the appropriate
pipe diameter for all other sections of piping in the system. Only the cubic feet per hour (cfh) quantities listed in the tables
for this pipe length are used to size each and every branch and section of pipe. This method is the simplest to use, and it
generally yields the most conservative sizing.
The local plumbing code will reference the rainfall rate and tables to use to determine the vertical and horizontal pipe siz-
ing for the roof drainage system. If the local code is not specific, the square feet of all horizontal roof areas and 50 percent
of adjacent vertical walls is calculated. Sizing tables in most codes are formulated on a 4-inch/hour rainfall. When using
a 4-inch/hour rainfall rate and a 0.95 runoff coefficient, 24 square feet of horizontal area is approximately equivalent to
1 gpm, which must be removed from the surface by the roof drain system.
For example, a 10,000-square-foot roof has four drains. The rainfall rate for the area is 3 inches/hour. What is the
approximate flow rate for each roof drain in gpm?
A rainfall rate of 3 inches/hour is equal to 0.25 feet/hour. The total amount of rainfall must be determined:
0.25 ft/hr x 10,000 ft2 = 2,500 ft3/hr
There are 7.48 gallons in a cubic foot and 60 minutes to an hour, thus:
2,500 ft3/hr x 7.48 gal/ft3 x 1/60 hr/min = 312 gpm
Check the units that cancel to ensure that your answer is in Table 6-3 Maximum Permissible Loads for
the correct units and that you have set up the calculations correctly. Storm Drainage Piping
Then divide by four for a flow rate of 78 gpm for each downspout. Horizontal Piping Drained
Using the same information, what pipe diameter would you use Pipe Downspout Area for Various Slopes,
for the four drains? Diameter, Drained ft2
10,000 ft2/4 drains = 2,500 ft2/drain in. area, ft2
1/8 in./
¼ in./ft ½ in./ft
2 20 — — —
FOR MORE... 3 2,200 822 1,160 1,644
More information on storm drainage can be found in: 4 4,600 1,880 2,650 3,760
Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook,
5 8,650 3,340 4,720 6,680
Volume 2, Chapter 4
6 13,500 5,350 7,550 10,700
8 20,700 11,500 16,300 23,000
Using Table 6-3, 2,500 square feet exceeds the maximum al- 10 29,000 29,200 41,400 —
lowable area for a 3-inch roof drain, so the next larger size (4 inches) 12 33,300 47,000 66,600 —
must be selected. Each roof drain must be sized for the 2,500-square- 15 59,500 84,000 119,000 —
foot area to be drained, so each roof drain will be 4 inches in size.
The horizontal piping is also based on the area to be drained (2,500 square feet) by each roof drain, and it is adjusted for
the intended slope of the storm piping. At 1/8 inch/foot slope, the horizontal storm line from each roof drain would need
to be 5 inches minimum in size per the table.
17 CPDT Study Guide
H–1 2½ 30 32 30 x 32 = 960 2 28 91 65 58
Note: The static height of the piping above the pump does not need to be considered. The circulation pump is only
needed during periods of little or no system draw. When fixtures are drawing significant flows, the circulation is not
Finally, determine the allowable uniform friction head loss and the total head required to overcome friction losses
when water is flowing at the required circulation rate. Then select a pump that will provide the required gpm at the cal-
culated head loss.
when movements are too large and not enough space is available to provide an expansion loop (especially for risers in
high-rise buildings), expansion joints can be used.
The total movement to be absorbed by any expansion loop or offset often is limited to a maximum of 1½ inches
for metallic pipes. Thus, by anchoring at the points on the length of run that produce 1½ inch movement and placing the
expansion loops or joints midway between the anchors, the maximum movement that must be accommodated is limited
to ¾ inch. The piping configuration used to absorb the movement can be in the form of a U bend, a single-elbow offset, a
two-elbow offset, or a three-, five-, or six-elbow swing loop. In the great majority of piping systems, the loop or joint can
be eliminated by taking advantage of the changes in direction typically required in the layout.
21 CPDT Study Guide
Selecting and
Specifying Equipment
This part of the CPDT exam is worth 12 percent and covers the specification of plumbing equipment such as the following:
• Water heaters
• Booster pumps and tanks
• Expansion tanks FOR MORE...
• Water circulating pumps
More information on writing specifications can be
• Sump pumps and ejectors found in: Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook,
• Fixtures Volume 1, Chapter 3
Specification of a product is often based on criteria estab- CPD Review Manual, Section 3
lished by engineering calculations that are performed to determine
the needs of the system (see the previous chapter). The products
specified should meet or exceed these needs. Questions on this section of the CPDT exam will primarily test the ability of
the designer to complete the calculations that are necessary to specify appropriate products for a project.
After the calculations are completed, the next steps are to select the appropriate product, create a specification, and
prepare a schedule to be placed on the drawings. The written specifications are the portions of the construction contract
documents that define product quality, type, materials, acceptable manufacturers, workmanship, warranties, and other spe-
cific requirements. Specifications are linked to the equipment schedules on the drawing sheets. Schedule tables on drawing
sheets use symbol tags that coordinate with the drawings, which illustrate a product’s location, configuration, and interface
with other plumbing components.
Because certain products may match the project’s needs better than others, specifications can limit the type and man-
ufacturer brands of products to be used. For example, an owner or facility operator may prefer certain brands due to sales
marketing, familiarity, past experience, etc. It is best to know before starting work if the owner has any specific product
requirements. This will primarily be communicated by the architect.
However, more and more projects require the specification of at least three comparable manufacturers that are repre-
sented by different wholesale distributors to achieve a competitive bidding market. In this case, specifications often direct
builders to follow the project specifications as well as the selected manufacturers’ specifications and instructions.
Pre-written specifications are available from subscription services such as MasterSpec or SpecLink, which are com-
monly used as a starting point when writing project specifications. Many product manufacturers subscribe to these services
and use them to develop their own company’s standard set of specifications. Most specification writers (both in-house
and consultants), manufacturers, Masterspec, and SpecLink use the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) format for
organizing the vast amount of information contained in a project specification.
22 CPDT Study Guide
Preparing Documents
for Submission
Preparing Project
Closeout Documents
Many general contractors use online systems to track submittals, RFIs, bulletins, etc. For examples, refer to Newfor-
ma (newforma.com) and PMWeb (pmweb.com). If this is the case, the construction team should reach out to the general
contractor and request a digital copy of the database and system at the end of the project. This does not waive the construc-
tion team’s responsibility to track all submissions and the accuracy of the information.