CPDT StudyGuide 2018

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Study Guide
CPDT Study Guide
Randy Kleinheider, CPD, LEED AP Susan Smith
Donna Novickas, MHPE Larisa Miro, CPD
Karl Yrjanainen, PE, CPD Frank Sanchez, CPD, GPD
Anthony Curiale, CPD, LEED AP Carol Johnson, CPD, LEED AP, CFI
Pramod Maheshwari, PE April Ricketts, PE, CPD

Timothy Allinson, PE Eric Noll, PE, CPD
Carmen Cejudo, LEED AP Dan O’Gorman, CPD, Master Plumber
Daniel Gehl, CPD Harold Olsen, PE
Erik Hartwig, CPD Jun Padilla, CPD
Timothy C. Hessler Nicole Parker, CPD, LEED
Craig R Johnson, CPD, LEED AP Danielle Schenkoske
Randy A. Kleinheider, CPD Jim Shepherd
Steve Kormanik, CPD, BOCA Donald Strickland, CPD, GPD, FASPE
A. Calvin Laws, PE.. CPD Robert Thomas, PE, CPE, LEED
Steve Laws, CPD Cyril F. Unger, CPD, GPD, FASPE
Joseph G. Manning Diane M. Wingard , CPD, FASPE
Manuel Manzano, CPD, LEED AP Thura Zin, CPD, GPD

The American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE), founded in 1964, is the international organization for professionals skilled in the design and
specification of plumbing systems. ASPE is dedicated to the advancement of the science of plumbing engineering, to the professional growth and
advancement of its members, and to the health, welfare, and safety of the public. The Society disseminates technical data and information, sponsors
activities that facilitate interaction with fellow professionals, and, through research and education programs, expands the base of knowledge of the
plumbing engineering industry. ASPE members are leaders in innovative plumbing design, effective materials and energy use, and the application of
advanced techniques from around the world.

The publisher makes no guarantees or warranties, expressed or implied, regarding the data and information contained in this publication. All data and
information are provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, consulting, engineering, or other professional
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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE 1103826. Any opinions, findings, and conclu-
sions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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6400 Shafer Court, Suite 350, Rosemont, IL 60018 | 847.296.0002 | [email protected] | aspe.org
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iii CPDT Study Guide

Table of Contents












iv CPDT Study Guide



The Certified Plumbing Design Technician (CPDT) program and examination were developed by the American Society of
Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) to provide professional recognition of qualified individuals who design plumbing systems.
The CPDT certification was developed as a precursor to the Certified in Plumbing Design (CPD) certification. The Certified
Plumbing Design Technician program has four primary objectives:
1. Provide a standard of professional competence in the practice of plumbing design at the technician level.
2. Identify and recognize those individuals who successfully complete the certification examination, thereby demon-
strating their acquired knowledge and abilities in the field of plumbing design.
3. Encourage plumbing designers to become lifelong learners and participate in a continuing program of professional
development and reach CPD certification.
4. Provide a standard for educational programs in plumbing system design and encourage the implementation of such
The Certified Plumbing Design Technician program is under the guidance of an independent committee appointed by
the Society’s Board of Directors. The CPDT is the first step toward a CPD designation. ASPE encourages all CPDTs to
continue their education and work toward a CPD designation.
A CPDT designation does not allow individuals the right to sign drawings or specifications or to use the designation
“Engineer” in states where this is restricted by law.

The Certified Plumbing Design Technician examination consists of 100 multiple-choice questions, which are linked to 10
broad job domains, or job categories, of a plumbing design technician. These job domains include:
1. Setting up small projects or a portion of large projects
2. Collecting utility data prior to layout
3. Researching codes, ordinances, and building certifications
4. Laying out general systems
5. Coordinating with other disciplines
6. Performing sizing calculations
7. Selecting equipment
8. Preparing documentation for submission
9. Supporting construction administration
10. Preparing project closeout documentation
The CPDT exam is based on a job analysis. The questions on the CPDT exam are based on the job domains that are
essential to the performance of a plumbing designer who has four years of experience or related education.
This study guide is organized by chapters that follow the job domains to help candidates prepare for the exam.
1 CPDT Study Guide

Setting Up Small

This part of the CPDT exam is worth 12 percent and covers:

• Setting up the project folder
• Accessing the building floor plans and elevations
• Producing a draft drawing index
• Creating plot sheets (plumbing, fire, orientations)
• Obtaining the scope of work
• Consolidating available information (e.g., as-built drawings and operation and maintenance manuals)


The purpose of the project folder is to organize information from all sources that is necessary to design a successful proj-
ect. It is very important to coordinate with the architect to obtain the plans, sections, and standards necessary to begin the
During this phase, you should:
• Identify the date, time, method, and format of document deliveries (e.g., type and version of a CAD program, BIM
requirements, hard-copy plots, and/or PDFs).
• Identify and set up an upload/download website or designated email address.
• Obtain contact data for the client (usually the architect), the owner’s representative, and the rest of the project team
(e.g., electrical engineer, HVAC engineer, civil engineer).
• Determine the chain of communication. For instance, are you to contact only the client and they will pass on
communications to those who should be involved, or is it acceptable to contact other team members directly?
Typically, if contacting other team members directly, emails will be copied to the client.


This step is very important in projects that will use existing buildings. Final as-built drawings, often called record draw-
ings, are extremely important to have an accurate picture of existing rather than designed conditions. Small changes such
as a different location for a drain pipe or a change in the number of fixtures from the initial design are important to know
when beginning a project. It may be necessary to arrange a site visit to verify any changes from the initial design if as-built
drawings are not available.
For new projects, the architect provides the floor plans and sec-
tions that the plumbing designer uses as a basis for the plumbing lay-
out and design. Typically, the plumbing designer overlays the plumb- FOR MORE...
ing layout on the architect’s and structural engineer’s plans. The More information on standard plumbing drawing
process is basically the same whether the project utilizes CAD, Revit, symbols can be found in: Plumbing Engineering
Design Handbook, Volume 1, Chapter 1
or another computer drawing or modeling program.
Sometimes architects ask for input on the preliminary schemat-
ic drawings. The preliminary schematic drawings may include site
plans, floor plans, elevations, and building sections. This is often the point where input is obtained from team members
such as the plumbing designer to determine if major modifications need to be made before the design phase starts. Input
required may include verification of assumed waste and water piping sizes and locations for entry into the building. For
existing buildings, it is important to verify as soon as possible that the existing building’s services are of sufficient size to
handle any added plumbing fixtures.
2 CPDT Study Guide


The drawing index organizes the drawings, similar to the table of contents for a book. A draft drawing index is the pre-
liminary organization of the drawings and organizes the drawings according to the scope of work. A draft drawing index
should include floor plans as well as necessary enlarged plans, sections, details, and schedules. Architects, as well as
other team members, also generate drawings for their respective trades. The plumbing designer generates their own set of
drawings and must have their own drawing index.
Generally, drawing naming and numbering conventions will follow the architect’s lead. This helps provide a coordi-
nated, cohesive set of final documents.
Drawings may be added as work progresses and must be added to the drawing index to indicate that they are part of
the project.


This process refers to setting up the labels, scale, line weights, dates, layers, etc., for the correct format for the particular
client and project. When creating plot sheets, the drawings are programmed to plot and print clearly and understandably.
Decisions must be made as to which sections and views are to be used by the plumbing designer.
Most companies have developed standardized plotting configurations that establish line weights and any shading that
is needed. Always utilize your company’s standard plotting configurations unless special conditions dictate otherwise.


The scope of work refers to how much work will be done, the responsibilities, and the deliverables. For example:
• Will the plumbing design work include interiors?
• Will the responsibilities include site oversight, including regular site visits and inspections (e.g., punchlists)?
• How many site visits are included in the scope of work?
• What drawings are included in the deliverables?
Project scopes vary from project to project, and scope creep (i.e., uncontrolled changes in a project’s scope) can cause
undesirable financial results. Before starting work on a project, the scope of work must be determined. The scope of work
can be obtained from the project manager or another person directly responsible for the management of the project.
If a written scope is not available, the fee proposal can provide valuable information. The fee proposal often defines
the work to be done in terms of what the designer expects to deliver.
Keep the project manager apprised of all issues that appear to be beyond the project’s original scope of work.


For remodeling projects or additions, as-built drawings (sometimes referred to as record drawings) are necessary as a
basis for starting the plumbing drawings and the design of the project. As-built drawings are intended to be a record of
all modifications and changes that occurred during the construction of the initial building. As-built drawings are different
than the design or construction documents, as changes are often made during construction.
Another set of documents that may be helpful are operation and maintenance manuals (O&Ms). O&Ms include infor-
mation on the equipment, plumbing fixtures, etc., that were actually installed in an existing building. Installed equipment
may differ slightly from that specified.

More information on setting up a project can be
found in: Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook,
Volume 1, Chapter 5
3 CPDT Study Guide

Collecting Utility
Data Prior to Layout

This portion of the exam is worth 7 percent and covers:

• Gathering utility information onsite
• Contacting the civil engineer or the city regarding project utilities
• Contacting utility companies for the availability of services
• Obtaining pressure tests and water quality information from the local water utility
• Obtaining site plans, services, elevations, etc.


Public utilities are the heart of any project. It is essential to determine their availability, size, location, depth, material,
pressure, capacity, and all other pertinent information. The usual sources of such information are the various site plans,
which can generally be obtained from the architect, civil engineer, or owner.
• The site plan shows all aboveground features of the project and the project or contract limit lines. It may or may
not show contour lines and subsurface structures.
• The site topographic plan shows the existing topography (contour lines) and the final contours to be obtained.
• The site utility plan shows the water, sanitary, storm, gas, telephone, and electric utilities.


Much utility information can be obtained from the site utility plan; however, some vital additional information must be
obtained from the various municipal building departments. Municipal building departments must be contacted to deter-
mine details not found on the site utility plan such as the capacity of sewers, acceptable connection methods, height of
surcharges, etc.
If the project has a civil engineer as part of the team, utility information may also be obtained from him or her. With
projects that involve an existing building, sometimes speaking with the facilities manager can yield information about the
site, equipment, and overall condition. The person spoken to and the date of contact should be recorded.


Utility companies should be contacted to verify the location and capacity of the available utilities. The gas utility company
should be contacted to determine the pressure, heat (British thermal unit) content, specific gravity of the gas, and pipe
It is also important to obtain utility rules, regulations, and responsibilities (i.e., what does the utility company provide
and where does the contractor’s work commence).


The water utility or municipal water department must be contacted to
obtain the minimum and maximum available pressures, characteris-
tics of the water, available water storage capacity, and the maximum FOR MORE...
permissible draw (in gallons per minute [gpm]) from the main. More information on flow tests can be found in:
Although the water system’s pressures may be known, ask if a Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook,
recent hydrant flow test report is available. A flow test should contain Volume 2, Chapter 5
the following (minimum) information: static pressure, residual pres- Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook,
sure, water flow (in gpm) at the residual pressure, and the date of the Volume 3, Chapter 1
4 CPDT Study Guide

test. If a flow test is not available, or if the flow test is more than five years old, find out how to request a new flow test, as
this information will be important for the project.
Also obtain a water analysis, if available from the utility company, indicating the water quality and hardness. This is
needed to determine if water softening will be required.
The geotechnical report should be obtained, as well as a groundwater quality analysis, to determine if dewatering will
be required. (Dewatering is a method of controlling groundwater in excavation areas, most simply by using sump pumps.)
Also contact the local department to verify if stormwater retention is required prior to discharging it to the municipal
sewer system.


As noted in the various sections above, site plans, services, eleva-
tions, etc., can be obtained from the other members of the design
team and the specific service providers (i.e., gas, water utilities). FOR MORE...
A complete discussion of site utility
services can be found in:
Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook,
Volume 3, Chapter 11
5 CPDT Study Guide

Codes, Inspection,
and Plan Review

This part of the CPDT exam is worth 4 percent and covers:

• Obtaining current local and state codes, amendments, and ordinances
• Determining the inspection authority
• Determining the plan review process and the documentation required


All applicable codes and regulations should be obtained and studied to ensure a code-conforming project. Codes will be
identified by type (Uniform Plumbing Code, International Plumbing Code, International Residential Code, etc.) as well as
the version that has been adopted (identified by year).
However, it is not enough to just know what national codes a
particular jurisdiction has adopted, as municipalities often customize
codes based on local preferences. This may mean that the adopted FOR MORE...
national model code includes changes, additions, amendments, or de-
A complete discussion on plumbing for
letions specific to a particular jurisdiction. people with disabilities can be found in:
In addition, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Occupation- Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook,
al Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and federal law require- Volume 1, Chapter 6
ments such as the Safe Drinking Water Act must be considered.


AHJ refers to the authority having jurisdiction, which is the organization or individual responsible for approving equip-
ment, materials, installations, and procedures. It is important to identify the AHJs for the project. Individuals who may be
involved in a project include the plumbing inspector, building inspector, fire chief, municipal engineer, health department,
water department, sewer department, and insuring agency.


Each AHJ has specific requirements for the review process. Information for the review process should be obtained from the
AHJ so when a meeting or review is scheduled, all of the materials, the proper number of copies, and the documentation
will be organized and ready. This information can usually be found on the website of the AHJ or can be obtained by an
email or a phone call.
6 CPDT Study Guide

Laying Out
General Systems

This part of the CPDT exam is worth 16 percent and covers:

• Determining the entrance and exit locations of utilities (gas, water, sewer, storm drainage)
• Determining plumbing fixture locations and requirements
• Determining shaft spaces
• Determining chase sizes for fixtures, mounts, and carriers
• Determining overhead clearances
• Evaluating pipe routing options
• Drawing layouts for small projects and executing redlines from designers for large projects
• Determining temperature maintenance requirements for hot water systems
A generally accepted schedule for the performance of tasks to obtain the most efficient progress of the job is to first
prepare the floor plans and then locate the stacks and risers as well as the roof drains and downspouts. The rest of the piping
is then laid out.


The architectural site plan will provide general information and orientations, including the location of the existing or future
building on the site and the surrounding area. Identifiers such as block, lot number, building orientation (as well as indicat-
ing north), building address, building classification, and building height will also be on the site plan.
The locations of utilities can often be found on the architectural site plan. If the architectural site plan does not identify
the utility locations, then a site utility plan is usually available from the utility providers that service the site or building. The
locations of the utilities (with elevations) and possible entrance and exit locations should be shown. Information on utility
locations and availability should always be verified. Any specific local requirements should also be noted.


Plumbing fixture locations are determined by the floor plan, building type, and building program requirements. For in-
stance, the floor plan for a condominium building will dictate the numbers and types of fixtures and their locations. A build-
ing program will have an expected usage number that will drive the number of fixtures for each location, such as a floor in
an office building.
Once fixture numbers have been determined, then calculations for maximum probable demand can be done. Maximum
probable demand is found by adding all of the fixture units, which can be found on tables in the plumbing code, such as
the example in Table 4-1. After all of the fixture units are added up, then the correct peak demand can be determined from
another table.
For example, determine the peak demands for hot, cold, and total water for an office building that has 50 flush valve
water closets, 10 wall-hung urinals with ¾-inch flush valves, and 40 lavatories. Fixtures in an office building are considered
public, not private fixtures that are used only by the space occupant (as in an apartment). Flush valves, not flush tanks are
planned for this building. From Table 4-1, determine the fixture unit values:
Hot Water Cold Water Total
50 WC × 10 CWFU 0 500 500
10 UR × 5 CWFU 0 50 50
40 Lavs × 2 TWFU 0 0 80
40 Lavs × 1.5 HW/ 60 60 0
Total 60 610 630
7 CPDT Study Guide

Table 4-1 Water Supply Fixture Unit Values Assigned to Fixtures

Type of Type of
Fixture Occupancy Supply WSFU Fixture Occupancy Supply WSFU
Control Control
Bathroom group Private Flush tank 3.6 Showerhead Public Mixing valve 4.0
Bathroom group Private Flush valve 8.0 Showerhead Private Mixing valve 1.4
Bathtub Private Faucet 1.4 Urinal Public 1-in. flush valve 10.0
Bathtub Public Faucet 4.0 Urinal Public ¾-in. flush valve 5.0
Bidet Private Faucet 2.0 Urinal Public Flush tank 3.0
Combination fixture Private Faucet 3.0 Washing machine (8 lb) Private Automatic 1.4
Dishwashing machine Private Automatic 1.4 Washing machine (8 lb) Public Automatic 3.0
Drinking fountain Offices, etc. 3/8-in. valve 0.25 Washing machine (15 lb) Public Automatic 4.0
Kitchen sink Private Faucet 1.4 Water closet Private Flush valve 6.0
Kitchen sink Hotel, restaurant Faucet 4.0 Water closet Private Flush tank 2.2
Laundry trays (1–3) Private Faucet 1.4 Water closet Public Flush valve 10.0
Lavatory Private Faucet 1.0 Water closet Public Flush valve 5.0
Lavatory Public Faucet 2.0 Water closet Public or Flushometer 2.0
private tank
Service sink Offices, etc. Faucet 3.0 Notes: For fixtures not listed, loads should be assumed by comparing to listed fixtures that use
water in similar quantities and at similar rates. For SI conversion, 1 in. = 25.4 mm

Another table is used to find the demand, in gallons per minute (gpm) for Table 4-2 Conversion of Fixture Units
the hot, cold, and total water demand (see Table 4-2). Fixture units that are not to Equivalent gpm
listed on the table are extrapolated to determine intermediate values. Demand or Demand or Load (gpm)
• Hot water demand = 32 gpm (use flush tank column) Load (fixture System with System with
• Cold water demand = 158 gpm (use flush valve column) units) Flush Tanks Flush Valves
• Total water demand = 161 gpm (use flush valve column) 40 25 47
Shafts are vertical spaces that allow plumbing pipes to reach each floor. Shafts 50 29 52
are often shared with HVAC, electrical, fire protection, communication, and 60 32 55
IT. The shafts do not interfere with the structure of the building. 70 35 59
Shaft space is often estimated by the HVAC engineers. The plumbing de- 80 38 62
signer must then calculate the estimated shaft space designated for plumbing to 90 41 65
see if it is adequate for the plumbing needs of the project. Calculations for shaft 100 44 69
space must include information on the size of the soil stack, vent dimensions, 120 48 73
hot and cold water supply pipes (including insulation), and any supports/pipe 140 53 78
clamps. Dimensions for all of the components that will be in the shaft have to 160 57 83
be accounted for as well as clearances between components for servicing. 180 61 87
Chases allow pipes to move in a horizontal plane. Chase size is determined 225 70 97
by the type of fixture, size of the pipe(s), length of run, need for slope (drain- 250 75 101
age pipes need to have a slope of 1/8 inch per foot), and type of carriers used. 275 80 106
Carriers for horizontal pipe runs are commonly anchored in the ceiling and 300 85 110
run through the HVAC and fire protection layers, so close coordination with 400 105 126
HVAC and fire protection team members is important. 500 125 142
Proper clearances within chases for wall-hung carriers should be main- 750 170 178
tained. Minimum chase sizes for carriers are published by the Plumbing and
Drainage Institute (PDI). Carrier sizes vary by manufacturer, so it is import-
ant to always check the manufacturer’s specifications before committing to FOR MORE...
chase size. Also, wall-hung carriers for bariatric fixtures require more space A complete discussion on plumbing fixtures
than indicated by PDI. Chases for bariatric fixtures should be coordinated can be found in: Plumbing Engineering Design
with the specified carrier manufacturer. Handbook, Volume 4, Chapter 1
8 CPDT Study Guide


Overhead clearance is necessary for many plumbing elements such as heaters, water softeners, booster pumps, air com-
pressors, vacuum pumps, etc. Clearances vary by manufacturer and model. Clearances between plumbing and other com-
ponents such as HVAC or electrical equipment are also necessary, some of which are mandated by code. Combustible air
intake requirements must be met.
Manufacturers’ specifications must be followed, or potentially dangerous situations may occur. Local codes may also
indicate minimum clearances, mounting heights, or other restrictions. If a plumbing component is ceiling-mounted, a min-
imum floor-to-ceiling distance may have to be maintained.


Water piping should always be installed in alignment with and parallel to the walls of the building. The piping should be
arranged so the entire system can be drained. There should be no sags where sediment could collect or high points where
air pockets might be created.
Where possible, piping should not be routed through or over electrical rooms, switchgear rooms, transformer rooms,
telephone equipment rooms, elevator equipment rooms, etc. Piping should be routed so it does not pass over or within
2 feet of electrical switchgear, transformers, panel boards, control boards, motors, telephone equipment, etc. Where it is
impossible to comply with the foregoing, provide a continuous pan, below the piping, that is adequately supported and
braced, rimmed, pitched, and drained by a 3⁄4-inch line piped to the nearest floor drain or slop sink.
Piping should be protected where there is danger of external corrosion (such as occurs when it is buried in corrosive
soils, floor fill, or concrete) by applying a heavy coating of black asphaltum paint or bitumastic tape or putting it in a sec-
ondary carrier pipe. Select corrosion-resistant pipe if it is buried underground.
Mains, risers, and branch connections to risers should be arranged to allow expansion and contraction without strain
by means of elbow swings or expansion joints. Provide adequate valving to allow sectional isolations.
All horizontal and vertical piping shall be properly supported by means of hangers, anchors, and guides. Supports
should be arranged to prevent excessive deflection and excessive bending stresses between them. Anchored points should
be located and constructed to allow the piping to expand and contract freely
in opposite directions away from the anchored points. Guide points should Table 4-3 Maximum Support Distances
be located and constructed at each side of an expansion joint or loop so only Piping Material Horizontal Vertical
free axial movement occurs without lateral displacement. Hanger lengths Screwed pipe 12 feet Alternate floors
(from the structure to the top of the hanger) should not exceed 12 inch- Threadless copper 12 feet Alternate floors
es, or seismic restraints will be required. Hangers should be of materials and brass (TP)
compatible with the pipe material. Hangers and supports within corrosive Copper, Type K 10 feet (2 inches Every floor
environments will require special materials. and up)
Maximum distances between supports for piping of various materials Copper, Type L 6 ft (1½ inches Every floor
are governed by plumbing codes. An example is shown in Table 4-3. Addi- and less)
tional seismic restraints may be required.


Small projects require the plumbing designer to be more of a generalist, rather than a specialist. Small projects typically are
simple, straightforward projects and do not contain special systems or complicated installations of piping or equipment.
Redlines indicate changes that are corrections or revisions. Current software programs often show differences in red
between the original and current versions of the construction documents. These changes can be substitutions, additions,
deletions, and modifications. Redlines can include notes, calculations, or sketches.
Changes that occur during the course of construction that involve additional work should have an accompanying
change order. These changes may be due to unforeseen conditions or omissions or may be contractor-driven. If subsequent
redlining is necessary, it must be done so the final intent or decision is clearly understood.


The design of a domestic water heating system begins with estimating the facility’s load profile and identifying peak de-
mands. To accomplish this, it is important to talk to the users of the space, determine the building type, gather fixture and
equipment information, and learn any owner requirements. The information gathered will establish the required capaci-
9 CPDT Study Guide

Table 4-4 Hot Water Demand per Fixture for Various Types of Buildings
(gallons of water per hour per fixture, calculated at a final temperature of 140°F)
Apartment Industrial Office Private
Fixture Club Gym Hospital Hotel School YMCA
House Plant Building Residence
Basin, private lavatory 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Basin, public lavatory 4 6 8 6 8 12 6 — 15 8
Bathtubc 20 20 30 20 20 — — 20 — 30
Dishawshera 15 50–150 — 50–150 50–200 20–100 — 15 20–100 20–100
Foot basin 3 3 12 3 3 12 — 3 3 12
Kitchen sink 10 20 — 20 20 20 20 10 20 20
Laundry, stationary 20 28 — 28 28 — — 20 — 28
Pantry sink 5 10 — 10 10 — 10 5 10 10
Shower 30 150 225 75 75 225 30 30 225 225
Service sink 20 20 — 20 30 20 20 15 20 20
Hydrotherapeutic 400
Hubbard bath 600
Leg bath 100
Arm bath 35
Sitz bath 30
Continuous-flow bath 165
Circular wash sink 20 20 230 20 30
Semicircular wash 10 10 15 10 15
Demand factor 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.25 0.25 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4
Storage capacity 1.25 0.9 1 0.6 0.8 1 2 0.7 1 1
110 Certified in Plumbing Design Examination Review Manual
Dishwasher requirements should be taken from this table or from manufacturers’ data for the model to be used, if this is known.
Ratio of storage tank capacity to probable maximum demand/h. Storage capacity may be reduced where an unlimited supply of steam is available from a central street steam system or large
boiler plant.
Whirlpool baths require specific consideration based on their capacity. They are not included in the bathtub category.
Figure 7-1
Hot Water Demand/Storage
Figure 4-1 Hot Water Demand/Storage
ty of the water heating equipment
and the general type of system to
be used.
The type of building is very
important, as it will affect the
peak usage. If you know the type
of building and the number of fix-
tures, use a table similar to Table
4-4 to determine the demand. If
you know the type of building but
not the fixtures, use diagrams simi-
lar to Figure 4-1.
The maximum velocity of
water flow in the piping during pe-
riods of peak demand should always be of prime importance to the designer. When flow approaches 10 feet per second
(fps) in piping, serious problems can develop. High velocities produce noise in the form of whistling and possibly cavita-
tion, increase the danger of hydraulic shock and water hammer, and increase erosion and corrosion. Thus, piping should
be sized so a flow velocity of 8 fps is never exceeded, and the designer should use the maximum velocities recommended
by the pipe manufacturer (which in most cases is less than 8 fps). Velocities in domestic hot water systems should be lim-
10 CPDT Study Guide

ited to a maximum of 4 fps due to additional erosion issues that can occur with heated water. Suggested maximum pipe
velocities are:
• Steel or cast iron: 4–8 fps
• Copper (hot water): 5 fps
• Copper (cold water): 6–8 fps
• PVC: 4–6 fps
• RFP: 5 fps
Designers frequently use 40°F for the cold water inlet temperature and a 100°F temperature rise to produce 140°F,
which will kill Legionella and other harmful bacteria. (Note: Incoming water temperatures can vary in different areas.
Consult local authorities and adjust the temperature rise accordingly.) Other temperatures are then achieved by using
mixing valves (either thermostatic or pressure balancing, such as
for showers). If a higher water temperature is needed, a booster
heater is used. FOR MORE...
More information on hot water temperature
maintenance can be found in:
Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook,
Volume 2, Chapter 6
11 CPDT Study Guide

Coordinating with
Other Disciplines

This part of the CPDT exam is worth 16 percent and covers:

• Obtaining/coordinating structural elements (e.g., footings, beams, columns, slab design)
• Coordinating with the electrical engineer about available power, plumbing and fire equipment requiring power, elec-
trical clearances, and generator requirements
• Coordinating with the HVAC designer for equipment and duct locations
• Coordinating mechanical room space with fire, electrical, and HVAC
• Coordinating water, gas, and drain requirements with HVAC and fire
• Coordinating with architectural/interiors about fixture selection
• Coordinating ceiling types/heights for valve locations and access panels
• Coordinating civil site utilities
The project manager will typically be responsible for coordination between the owner and the design team. The de-
sign team typically consists of the architect and consultants/engineers in the following areas: civil, structural, mechanical,
electric, landscape, fire protection, and plumbing. Ongoing management as well as changes are communicated from the
project manager to all parties of the project. In addition, the project manager will establish a list of all persons on the project
with whom you will need to coordinate and communicate. Email lists and pathways should be established and kept current
throughout the project. When Revit or BIM are used, changes and communications are expedited.
Architects begin the project with preliminary drawings and site plans. The various consultants/engineers will provide
general information, calculations, and needs for their area. The architect uses the input to issue a set of schematic drawings,
which are developed into working floor plans and/or Revit models. As the plan or model develops on larger projects, space
within the vertical floor-to floor dimension, or horizontal layers, are often defined as floor, structure, fire protection, me-
chanical, and lighting. Each of these elements will have an associated vertical dimension. Plumbing and fire protection often
do not have a designated horizontal layer and thus must share space with one of the other elements. The mechanical layer
often shares space with horizontal plumbing and fire protection runs, as slopes are needed for drainage pipes. Plumbing will
have designated vertical runs, called plumbing shafts, chases, or wet walls. In addition to requesting space for plumbing
and fire protection elements, the designer should identify conflicts within the floor plans. An example is mechanical rooms
above electrical rooms or elevator rooms.
The most important rule in coordination is that two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time. This rule
becomes more evident during the construction phase of the project and is almost always costly to correct.


In general, structural elements are not changed or compromised for the sake of plumbing or fire protection elements. The
location of all structural elements must be identified and coordinated, including the following:
• Footing depths and the sanitary sewer line should be compared. Typically the sewer line connection should be under
the foundation and footings.
• The sanitary sewer line depth should be compared to the street sanitary main (coordinate with the civil engineer).
• Vertical chases should not interfere with columns or beams.
• Plumbing pipes buried in the concrete floor must work around the reinforcing bars that reinforce the floor slab.
• Footings depths and fire and water service entries should be compared.
• Vertical rain leaders should not interfere with footings.
• Recessed floor areas (typically kitchens) should be coordinated with drain inverts.
12 CPDT Study Guide


The plumbing designer should coordinate with the electrical engineer about available power, plumbing and fire protection
equipment requiring power, electrical clearances, and generator requirements. Prior to selecting equipment, the electrical
engineer should provide information on voltage, power, and phase. In addition, the plumbing designer should coordinate
plumbing and fire protection equipment requiring power, such as water heaters, fire pumps, booster pumps, medical gas
alarm panels, sensor faucets/flush valves, circulating pumps, ejector pumps, fire alarms, compressors, etc. Often certain
equipment may need specific electrical requirements. For example, a backup generator may be needed for ejector, sump,
or fire pumps.
The designer should also verify locations of electrical panels, transformers, data rooms, etc., and provide the neces-
sary equipment clearances from plumbing and fire piping.


Architects commonly want to allot as little space as possible to a mechanical room, yet mechanical rooms often house
important components from HVAC, plumbing, fire protection, and other areas. The equipment has different needs for
clearances, connections, and maintenance. The plumbing equipment space can include equipment space as well as water
service entrances (either separate or combined fire/domestic per local utility requirements). The electrical equipment does
not share space with the mechanical, plumbing, or fire protection equipment. When reviewing space allocation in a me-
chanical room, the plumbing designer should review duct locations, pipe galleries, and equipment access.


While considering mechanical spaces, the plumbing designer will need to coordinate with the HVAC designer regarding
plumbing/mechanical equipment requirements and duct locations. The plumbing designer must coordinate HVAC nonpo-
table water supply needs, HVAC equipment clearances, plumbing equipment clearances, gas equipment requirements, and
mechanical and fire drainage needs. Backflow prevention must be provided to safeguard the potable water system from
contamination from equipment. These requirements must be met for all equipment that can contaminate the potable water
system. Examples are humidifiers, chillers, hose connections, etc.
The plumbing designer will be required to have an understanding of the duct locations for coordinating sanitary waste
and fire protection obstructions. An example of an obstruction is an exposed duct with a continuous 48-inch width.
The plumbing designer should contact the gas company and coordinate the available pressure with the HVAC designer
prior to selecting equipment. The plumbing designer will also coordinate the gas equipment with the mechanical designer
and generator requirements with the electrical engineer. The plumbing designer should obtain the available pressure from the
utility, the flow required for the building/equipment, and the pressure and flow required at each gas equipment connection.


The plumbing designer should solicit input from the owner regarding plumbing fixture selections. The architect may also
direct plumbing fixture selections, which can be based on a particular interior design. Often the owner or architect will
have a preference for a type or brand of fixture. The plumbing designer can provide information and specifications for fix-
tures that may be considered. This information is generally submitted by the architect to the owner for their consideration
and approval.


The plumbing designer should review the architectural reflected ceiling plans for the location of lay-in vs. hard (gypsum)
ceilings. The battery of valves over a gypsum ceiling requiring an access panel can cause an architect trauma, so try to
coordinate valves to be in serviceable areas. Solicit input from the architect when evaluating locations of service valves/
access points in decorative areas. Coordinate access panels in hard ceilings.
13 CPDT Study Guide

Performing Sizing

This part of the CPDT exam is worth 16 percent and covers:

• Determining interior drainage and water fixture units and sizing the pipe
• Collecting gas loads from other disciplines and sizing the pipe
• Calculating square footage for roof drains and sizing the pipe
• Determining hot water requirements and sizing the water heater
• Running calculations for water pressure availability and sizing the meter
• Running calculations for hot water system heat losses and sizing the return hot water pipe
• Running calculations for hot water expansion and sizing the expansion tank
• Designing expansion and contraction provisions for piping
Note: The sequence of these operations may vary from project to project.


Functional units are used to design sanitary systems using tables that are specific to interior drainage systems. These are
called DFUs, or drainage fixture units, for drainage systems, and WSFUs, or water supply fixture units, for domestic water.
For example, let’s look at the drainage system. Using a table (see Table 6-1), DFUs are obtained to size pipes and soil
stacks. The table was created by determining the probability of the simultaneous use of fixtures. (Note: This table is a guide.
The applicable plumbing code takes priority and should always be used as it may have different values.)

Table 6-1 Recommended Drainage Fixture Units

Fixture Type DFUs Fixture Type DFUs
Bathroom group with water closet, lavatory, and bathtub or Laundry tray, 1 or 2 compartments 2
shower stall
Tank water closet 6 Shower stall, domestic 2
Flush valve water closet 8 Showers, group, per head 3
Bathtub with or without overhead shower a
2 Sink
Bidet 3 Surgeon 3
Combination sink and tray 3 Flushing rim, with flush valve 8
Combination sink and tray with food-disposal unit 4 Service, standard trap 3
Dental unit or cuspidor 1 Service, P trap 2
Dental lavatory 1 Pot, scullery, etc. 4
Dishwasher, domestic 2 Urinal, pedestal, siphon jet, or blowout 8
Drinking fountain 2 Urinal, stall 4
Floor drain b
1 Urinal, wall-hung 4
Kitchen sink, domestic 2 Urinal, trough, each 2-foot section 2
Kitchen sink, domestic, with food-disposal unit 3 Wash sink, circular or multiple, each set of faucets 2
Lavatory, small point-of-outlet orifice 1 Water closet
Lavatory, large point-of-outlet orificec
2 Tank operated 4
Lavatory, barber, beauty parlor, or surgeon 2 Valve operated 8
A showerhead over a bathtub does not increase the fixture unit value.
The size of the floor drain shall be determined by the area of the surface water to be drained.
Lavatories with 12- or 13-inch traps have the same load value; larger point-of-orifice plugs have a greater flow rate.
14 CPDT Study Guide

After obtaining and adding all of

Table 6-2 Maximum Permissible Fixture Unit Loads for Sanitary Stacks
the DFUs, another table (see Table 6-2)
can be used to size the soil stack. The Any One Stack Stacks with More than Three
procedure to size a multistory stack Diameter of Horizontal of Three or Branch Intervals
(greater than three floors) is: Pipe, in. (mm) Fixture Fewer Branch Total for Total at One
1. Size the horizontal branches Brancha Intervals Stack Branch Interval
connected to the stack by total-
1½ (40) 3 4 8 2
ing the fixture units connected
to each branch and using the 2 (50) 6 10 24 6
corresponding figure in the sec- 2½ (65) 12 20 42 9
ond column of Table 6-2.
3 (80) 20b 48b 72b 20b
2. Total all of the fixture units
connected to the stack and de- 4 (100) 160 240 500 90
termine the size from the same 5 (125) 360 540 1,100 200
table, under the fourth column.
6 (150) 620 960 1,900 350
3. Check the next column, total
at one branch interval, to de- 8 (200) 1,400 2,200 3,600 600
termine if this maximum is 10 (250) 2,500 3,800 5,600 1,000
exceeded by any of the branch-
es. If it is exceeded, the stack 12 (300) 3,900 6,00 8,400 1,500
as originally determined must 15 (380) 7,000 – – –
be increased at least one size, aDoes not include branches of the building drain.

or the loading of the branches bNo more than two water closets or bathroom groups within each branch interval or more than six water closets or bathroom
must be redesigned so the max- groups on the stack.
imum conditions are satisfied.
For example, a 4-inch stack more than three stories high has a maximum loading for a 4-inch branch of 160 fix-
ture units, as shown in the second column of Table 6-2. This load is limited by the last column of the same table, which
permits only 90 fixture units to be introduced into a 4-inch stack at any one branch interval. The stack would have to be
increased in size to accommodate any branch interval load exceeding 90 fixture units.


Vents relieve pressure in plumbing systems. The pipe from the topmost drainage branch connection through the roof to
the atmosphere is called the stack vent. Every drainage stack should be extended full size through the roof or to a vent
header that goes to the roof. The size is based on the DFU load and the developed length, but is not less than one-half the
waste stack size.
Stack vents and vent stacks must be of adequate size to allow air to enter the top of the stack without causing any air
pressure reduction in the upper portions of the system. Vent terminals, or vent through roof (VTRs), should be no smaller
than the stack served (1½ inch minimum). The minimum size to allow for frost closure is 3 inches. Conditions in north-
ern climates dictate the need for all VTRs to be a minimum of 3 inches or even 4 inches in diameter. This is not required
in southern climates where winter temperatures rarely drop below
freezing. The local code will establish the minimum size.
Some municipalities require every fixture trap to be individu- FOR MORE...
ally vented, but most localities allow alternate methods such as wet A complete discussion on vent systems, including
venting, stack venting, circuit and loop venting, and combination examples of sizing tables, can be found in:
waste and vent. Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook,
Volume 2, Chapter 3
Stack vents and vent stacks may be connected into a common
CPD Review Manual, Chapter 3
vent header at the top of the stacks and then extended through the
roof at one point. This header is sized in accordance with a table
found in the local plumbing code, with the fixture unit loading being the sum of the fixture unit loading of all connected
stacks. The developed length is the longest vent length from the intersection at the base of the most distant stack to the
vent terminal as a direct extension of one stack. Drainage stacks in buildings having more than 10 branch intervals should
be provided with a relief vent at each tenth interval, counting from the topmost branch downward.
15 CPDT Study Guide


Three factors affecting water line sizing are the maximum demand
flow rate (gallons per minute), maximum velocity (feet per second), FOR MORE...
and pressure available for friction loss per 100 feet (pounds per A complete discussion on sizing water piping,
square inch). including examples of sizing tables, can be found in:
To size the pipe, you must know the maximum gallons per min- Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook,
ute (gpm) in the pipe. To determine this, use the water supply fixture Volume 2, Chapter 5
CPD Review Manual, Chapter 6
units (WSFU) for the various plumbing fixtures. These can be found
in the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) or the International Plumbing
Code (IPC). After the WSFUs are tabulated, then the gpm can be determined using a table based on whether the system
is predominantly flush tanks or flush valves.
The second factor affecting water pipe sizing is velocity. Velocity must be limited to prevent water hammer and
erosion of the piping. The maximum velocity for cold water piping generally should be limited to 8 feet per second (fps)
and to 4 fps for hot water piping. Maximum velocities are listed in the applicable code.
The third factor affecting the size of the water line is pressure. After acquiring the available street pressure (usually
from a local water department or by a fire hydrant flow test, you can determine the maximum and minimum pressure
available for piping friction loss.


To accurately size all elements of the interior piping system, calculate or obtain the following:
• Information needed by both the utility company and the designer
• Gas pressure available after the meter assembly
• Allowable friction loss through the piping system
• Pressure required at the equipment and/or appliance
• A piping layout that indicates all connected equipment, allowing determination of the measured length of piping
to the furthest connection
• Maximum demand 

• A pipe sizing method acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) or the local code 

The maximum demand is calculated by the designer with input from the owner if needed. This can be based on

Figure 6-1  Gas Demand for Multiple-Unit Dwellings with More than 50 Apartments
16 CPDT Study Guide

the total connected load or by using various gas demand charts specific to a building type. For example, Figure 6-1 is used
for large, multiple unit residential apartment projects of more than 50 apartments and allows for diversity. For schools,
classrooms, and industrial facilities, no diversity is generally applied due to the possibility of simultaneous use by all
connected equipment.
The equivalent length of piping and the layout of the entire piping system and all connected appliances and equip-
ment is needed to size the gas piping system. The equivalent length of piping is calculated by measuring the actual length
of the proposed piping from the meter to the furthest connection and then adding an allowance of 50 percent of the mea-
sured length (for fittings) to obtain the total equivalent length. If a very accurate determination of the equivalent length is
required, a table containing the equivalent pipe lengths for various fitting types and sizes can be used.
Since natural gas is lighter than air, sometimes the vertical length is omitted. For example, if a high-rise building
contained 100 feet of equivalent horizontal pipe length and 200 feet
of equivalent vertical pipe length, only the horizontal portion of pip-
ing (100 feet) would be considered to establish the total equivalent
length of pipe for design purposes, even though the actual equivalent More information on gas pipe sizing
can be found in: Plumbing Engineering Design
pipe length is 300 feet. Handbook, Volume 2, Chapter 7
The longest length method is the most traditional method used
to size gas pipe. The longest equivalent piping length (from the meter
or delivery point to the farthest outlet) must be determined. Pipe sizing tables are then used to determine the appropriate
pipe diameter for all other sections of piping in the system. Only the cubic feet per hour (cfh) quantities listed in the tables
for this pipe length are used to size each and every branch and section of pipe. This method is the simplest to use, and it
generally yields the most conservative sizing.

The local plumbing code will reference the rainfall rate and tables to use to determine the vertical and horizontal pipe siz-
ing for the roof drainage system. If the local code is not specific, the square feet of all horizontal roof areas and 50 percent
of adjacent vertical walls is calculated. Sizing tables in most codes are formulated on a 4-inch/hour rainfall. When using
a 4-inch/hour rainfall rate and a 0.95 runoff coefficient, 24 square feet of horizontal area is approximately equivalent to
1 gpm, which must be removed from the surface by the roof drain system.
For example, a 10,000-square-foot roof has four drains. The rainfall rate for the area is 3 inches/hour. What is the
approximate flow rate for each roof drain in gpm?
A rainfall rate of 3 inches/hour is equal to 0.25 feet/hour. The total amount of rainfall must be determined:
0.25 ft/hr x 10,000 ft2 = 2,500 ft3/hr
There are 7.48 gallons in a cubic foot and 60 minutes to an hour, thus:
2,500 ft3/hr x 7.48 gal/ft3 x 1/60 hr/min = 312 gpm
Check the units that cancel to ensure that your answer is in Table 6-3 Maximum Permissible Loads for
the correct units and that you have set up the calculations correctly. Storm Drainage Piping
Then divide by four for a flow rate of 78 gpm for each downspout. Horizontal Piping Drained
Using the same information, what pipe diameter would you use Pipe Downspout Area for Various Slopes,
for the four drains? Diameter, Drained ft2
10,000 ft2/4 drains = 2,500 ft2/drain in. area, ft2
1/8 in./
¼ in./ft ½ in./ft
2 20 — — —
FOR MORE... 3 2,200 822 1,160 1,644
More information on storm drainage can be found in: 4 4,600 1,880 2,650 3,760
Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook,
5 8,650 3,340 4,720 6,680
Volume 2, Chapter 4
6 13,500 5,350 7,550 10,700
8 20,700 11,500 16,300 23,000
Using Table 6-3, 2,500 square feet exceeds the maximum al- 10 29,000 29,200 41,400 —
lowable area for a 3-inch roof drain, so the next larger size (4 inches) 12 33,300 47,000 66,600 —
must be selected. Each roof drain must be sized for the 2,500-square- 15 59,500 84,000 119,000 —
foot area to be drained, so each roof drain will be 4 inches in size.
The horizontal piping is also based on the area to be drained (2,500 square feet) by each roof drain, and it is adjusted for
the intended slope of the storm piping. At 1/8 inch/foot slope, the horizontal storm line from each roof drain would need
to be 5 inches minimum in size per the table.
17 CPDT Study Guide


To size a demand water heater, the flow rate is determined as well as the temperature rise needed (the whole house or a
remote application such as a single bathroom) in the building. Sizing an instantaneous heater is a relatively simple and
straightforward procedure. The most acceptable method is one based on the fixture unit method, in which all of the hot
water fixture units are added to determine a peak demand rate for hot water. More than 15 years of field tests have shown,
however, that peak demand for hot water determined by this method is two or three times the actual demand. It is recom-
mended that usage factors be applied to select the most economically sized instantaneous water heater.
Once the peak demand has been determined, a heater can be selected that will deliver that demand. For example,
calculations from fixture rates indicate a peak hot water demand for a hotel of 62.5 gpm. Assume the water is to be dis-
tributed at 120°F with inlet water at 40°F. Then the heater must deliver 62.5 gpm of 120°F water. The British thermal
units per hour (Btuh) required is calculated by:
gpm × 500 × (120 – 40)
Where: 500 = 60 min × 8.3 lb/gal

Thus: Btuh = 62.5 × 500 × 80 = 2,500,000
To smooth out the peak demands on heating systems with large-volume changes in hot water demand, such as
in gymnasiums (showers), laundries, kitchens, and industrial
washrooms, a storage-type water heater can be used instead
of an instantaneous or semi-instantaneous one. When the cor- FOR MORE...
rect storage capacity is combined with the correct recovery ca- A complete discussion of hot water systems can be found
pacity and the proper size of heating medium control valve, a in: Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook,
Volume 2, Chapter 6
substantial reduction in the peak heating fluid demand can be
Domestic Water Heating Design Manual
realized. This can result in the installation of a smaller heater
and smaller heating medium piping.
The following example illustrates the above point: A large high school gym class will draw 1,000 gallons of 140°F
water in 10 minutes, none for the next 50 minutes, then another 1,000 gallons for 10 minutes. This is repeated throughout
the school day. A possible storage water heater selection for this application would have 1,500 gallons of storage and
1,000 gallons/hour of recovery. The larger size storage is selected because only about 70 percent of the stored water is
usable since the stored water is cooled by the entering cold water and stratifies toward the top of the tank. If an instanta-
neous heater was used, it would have to heat 1,000 gallons of water in 10 minutes, or at a 100-gpm instantaneous rate,
which would create a very large energy load.


The total water demand based on the type of building and the fixture unit values should be used to determine if enough
pressure is available from the municipal water system for the planned building. One of the main sources of trouble in a
water distribution system is excessive pressure. Unless a piece of equipment, fixture, or operation requires a specified
high pressure, a water system should not exceed a maximum of 80 pounds per square inch (psi) (check the local code).
To ensure this, a pressure-regulating valve (PRV) should be installed if the pressure on the outlet side of the meter and
backflow preventer is more than 80 psi.
Many major municipalities furnish, specify, or require a particular type of water meter. In such locations, the meter
characteristics (type, make, model, size, flow, pressure drop, remote readouts, costs/fees, etc.) can be obtained from the
local water department. Depending on the type of project being contemplated, a utility may request or provide a particular
type of meter (e.g., compound meter vs. turbine meter).
Whether a utility company’s meter or a meter from another source is used, the above-mentioned characteristics
must be taken into consideration. The location of the meter is of prime importance. The meter shall not be subjected
to freezing or submerged conditions. To discourage tapping of the piping ahead of the meter, the meter may be located
directly inside the building wall. Backflow prevention at the building meter discharge is usually required by most codes
and municipalities.
Water meters for plumbing usually are classified as the positive-displacement type, which indicates direct flow and
records water passage in gallons or cubic feet.
The following design criteria may be used as a guide for selecting the proper meter:
• Building occupancy type
• Minimum and maximum demand, in gallons per minute or cubic feet per gallon
18 CPDT Study Guide

• Water pressure available at the meter

• Size of building service
• Piping, valve, and elevation pressure losses
• Meter costs and tap fees

• Maintenance costs and fees

The local water purveyor also might have modifications or additional designs subject to local conditions or guide-
Additional information on meter sizing can be found in American Water Works Association (AWWA) publications.


Two common methods used to achieve satisfactory remote temperature maintenance include a hot water circulation sys-
tem or a self-regulated electrically heated system. Hybrid circulation and heat trace systems may be used as well.
As the system recirculates, heat is lost through the piping and insulation. To maintain the system temperature, the
heat loss needs to be in equilibrium with the heat gained from the water heater. The demand that this equilibrium imposes
on the water heater depends on the heat loss from the supply and return piping. The temperature drop at the end of the
return system can be determined as follows:
Btuh / (500 x gpm) = °F
Proper sizing of the hot water circulating system is essential for the efficient and economical operation of the hot
water system. Oversizing can decrease the efficiency of the system by creating additional heat losses and can increase
costs for materials. Undersizing will affect circulation by preventing adequate hot water from being immediately avail-
able at all fixtures.
The engineering principles involved in designing hot water circulating systems are applicable to whatever type of
hot water distribution system is employed. The rate of circulation in the piping and the size of the circulating piping to
obtain that rate must be accurately determined. Three basic factors govern this determination:
1. The heat loss rate of the piping
2. The temperature differential at which the system is to operate
3. The allowable friction head loss in the piping
Pipe heat losses, in Btu, are given in Table 6-4. For the table to be accurate, either of the following assumptions must
be made:
• Assign sizes to the circulating lines equal to one-
half the size of the accompanying hot water main Table 6-4 Piping Heat Loss
(3⁄4 inch minimum), and assign a 3⁄4-inch size to all (Btuh/L Ft for 140°F Water Temp and 70°F Room
circulating risers. 
• Calculate the heat losses of the supply mains, risers, Nominal Insulated Schedule Bare Pipe, Type K
and branches when both supply and circulating pip- Pipe Size, Pipe, ½-in. 40 Steel Brass, Copper
ing are insulated. Ignore the heat loss of the returns in. Fiberglass Copper, T.P.
to find the gpm. ½ 15 35 26 19
In the example shown in Figure 6-2, the assumption
was made that supply and circulating pipes will be insulat- ¾ 17 43 32 26
1 19 53 38 32
Figure 6-2 Heat Loss Example
1¼ 21 65 46 39
Supply Pipe Pipe Length, Heat Loss, Heat Loss, Btuh
Section Size, in. ft Btuh/ft 1½ 25 73 53 46

H–1 2½ 30 32 30 x 32 = 960 2 28 91 65 58

1–4 2½ 75 32 75 x 32 = 2,400 2½ 32 108 75 68

4–10 2 150 28 150 x 28 = 4,200 3 38 129 90 81

10–11 1½ 25 25 25 x 25 = 625 4 46 163 113 103

11–12 1¼ 25 21 25 x 21 = 525 5 55 199 138 127

Total 305 8,710 6 63 233 161 149

Note: Neglect heat loss of the return line. 8 80 299 201 100
19 CPDT Study Guide

ed with ½-inch fiberglass insulation.

Then calculate the circulation rates for all parts of the circulating piping and the total circulation rate required. To
find the required circulation rate, see the following equation. This gives the flow required in gpm once an allowable ∆T
is selected:
H = WCp∆T
H =
Btuh required (1 Btu raises/lowers 1 pound of water
W = lbs/hr of fluid heated FOR MORE...
Cp = Btu/lb-hr-°F (specific heat of water) More information on hot water system sizing can be
∆T = change of temperature (°F) found in: Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook,
Volume 2, Chapter 6
It is good practice to design a pumped circulation system CPD Review Manual, Chapter 7
at a temperature differential of 10–20°F (assuming a loss during
circulation). Continuing the example in Figure 6-2, determine the recirculation flow rate if the typical temperature drop
is 10°F.
The flow rate can be found with the following equation:
System heat loss
gpm (flow rate) =
500 x Temperature drop
8,710 Btuh = 1.7
500 x 10°F gpm

Note: The static height of the piping above the pump does not need to be considered. The circulation pump is only
needed during periods of little or no system draw. When fixtures are drawing significant flows, the circulation is not
Finally, determine the allowable uniform friction head loss and the total head required to overcome friction losses
when water is flowing at the required circulation rate. Then select a pump that will provide the required gpm at the cal-
culated head loss.


When water is heated, it expands and the specific volume of water increases with the increase in temperature. When
properly sized, an expansion tank connected to the closed water system provides additional system volume for water ex-
pansion while ensuring a maximum desired pressure in a domestic hot water system. (Note: A domestic hot water system
can be a closed system when the hot water fixtures are closed and the cold water supply has a backflow preventer or other
device that can isolate the domestic hot water system from the rest of the domestic water supply.)
The expansion tank does this by utilizing a pressurized cushion of air. It is based on the use of a diaphragm or blad-
der-type expansion tank, which is the type most commonly used in the plumbing industry. In practice, expansion tanks
are chosen slightly larger than as calculated to avoid a completely empty tank.
Although calculators can be found at various websites and from manufacturers, for the CPDT exam, calculations
will be based on formulas found in Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook, Volume 4, Chapter 11. Formulas will be
provided for calculations on the exam.
All piping materials undergo dimensional changes due to temperature variations in a given system. The amount of
change depends on the material’s characteristics (linear coefficient of thermal expansion or contraction) and the amount
of temperature change. The coefficient of expansion or contraction is defined as the unit increase or decrease in length of
a material per 1°F increase or decrease in temperature.
Provisions must be made for the expansion and contraction of all hot water and circulation mains, risers, and branch-
es. If the piping is restrained from moving, it will be subjected to compressive stress on a temperature rise and to tensile
stress on a temperature drop. The pipe itself usually can withstand these stresses, but failure frequently occurs at pipe
joints and fittings when the piping cannot move freely.
The two methods commonly used to absorb pipe expansion and contraction without damage to the piping are ex-
pansion loops and offsets and expansion joints. Expansion loops and offsets should be used wherever possible; however,
20 CPDT Study Guide

when movements are too large and not enough space is available to provide an expansion loop (especially for risers in
high-rise buildings), expansion joints can be used.
The total movement to be absorbed by any expansion loop or offset often is limited to a maximum of 1½ inches
for metallic pipes. Thus, by anchoring at the points on the length of run that produce 1½ inch movement and placing the
expansion loops or joints midway between the anchors, the maximum movement that must be accommodated is limited
to ¾ inch. The piping configuration used to absorb the movement can be in the form of a U bend, a single-elbow offset, a
two-elbow offset, or a three-, five-, or six-elbow swing loop. In the great majority of piping systems, the loop or joint can
be eliminated by taking advantage of the changes in direction typically required in the layout.
21 CPDT Study Guide

Selecting and
Specifying Equipment

This part of the CPDT exam is worth 12 percent and covers the specification of plumbing equipment such as the following:
• Water heaters
• Booster pumps and tanks
• Expansion tanks FOR MORE...
• Water circulating pumps
More information on writing specifications can be
• Sump pumps and ejectors found in: Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook,
• Fixtures Volume 1, Chapter 3
Specification of a product is often based on criteria estab- CPD Review Manual, Section 3
lished by engineering calculations that are performed to determine
the needs of the system (see the previous chapter). The products
specified should meet or exceed these needs. Questions on this section of the CPDT exam will primarily test the ability of
the designer to complete the calculations that are necessary to specify appropriate products for a project.
After the calculations are completed, the next steps are to select the appropriate product, create a specification, and
prepare a schedule to be placed on the drawings. The written specifications are the portions of the construction contract
documents that define product quality, type, materials, acceptable manufacturers, workmanship, warranties, and other spe-
cific requirements. Specifications are linked to the equipment schedules on the drawing sheets. Schedule tables on drawing
sheets use symbol tags that coordinate with the drawings, which illustrate a product’s location, configuration, and interface
with other plumbing components.
Because certain products may match the project’s needs better than others, specifications can limit the type and man-
ufacturer brands of products to be used. For example, an owner or facility operator may prefer certain brands due to sales
marketing, familiarity, past experience, etc. It is best to know before starting work if the owner has any specific product
requirements. This will primarily be communicated by the architect.
However, more and more projects require the specification of at least three comparable manufacturers that are repre-
sented by different wholesale distributors to achieve a competitive bidding market. In this case, specifications often direct
builders to follow the project specifications as well as the selected manufacturers’ specifications and instructions.
Pre-written specifications are available from subscription services such as MasterSpec or SpecLink, which are com-
monly used as a starting point when writing project specifications. Many product manufacturers subscribe to these services
and use them to develop their own company’s standard set of specifications. Most specification writers (both in-house
and consultants), manufacturers, Masterspec, and SpecLink use the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) format for
organizing the vast amount of information contained in a project specification.
22 CPDT Study Guide

Preparing Documents
for Submission

This part of the CPDT exam is worth 5 percent and covers:

• Preparing the required paperwork for the reviewing authority, copies of calculations, tests, forms, drawings, and
• Plotting drawings for review before sending them to the architect
• Proofreading specifications and drawings for content and format


Before construction can begin, the AHJ will need to see the design drawings from all areas including plumbing. In addi-
tion to the plumbing drawings, the results of tests and calculations may be needed. Forms that are from the AHJ will also
need to be filled out correctly, so you must ascertain the quantity of drawing sets and/or forms required.
Typically, the plumbing designer will be responsible for the plumbing justification.


A graphical presentation of a plumbing design can be prepared with conventional drawings, by CAD, or through BIM.


The quality of CAD or BIM drawings can be controlled through in-
ternal standards and policies. At the start of the project, establish such
standards through collaboration with the project team to reach a con-
sensus. To ensure that the drawings are accurate: A quality control checklist for drawings can be found
in: Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook,
• Review drawings through readers and by making plots. Volume 1, Chapter 5
• Use a checklist in a quality control process.
• Check every drawing to be sure each is plotted correctly.
Don’t assume that an automatic batch plotting process created each one perfectly.
Similarly, review the specifications by using a checklist.
Ideally for quality control, the documents should be internally reviewed by the project manager or another qualified
person (other than the designer) prior to distribution.
23 CPDT Study Guide


This part of the CPDT exam is worth 7 percent and covers:

• Reviewing submittals against plans and specifications
• Responding to requests for information
• Preparing documents for change order submission
• Reviewing as-built drawings


Contractors are generally required to submit shop drawings for approval to the construction project manager who in turn
distributes the drawings to the architect and the project design team, including the plumbing designer. Shop drawings
that are submitted for approval should contain all of the pertinent data on the equipment and materials that the contractor
proposes to furnish and/or install. Shop drawings include catalog pages of equipment and materials, equipment drawings
complete with roughing details, a drawing with overlays of HVAC ducts, HVAC piping, plumbing piping, and fire protec-
tion piping with dimensions, performance characteristics, and other pertinent data. Shop drawings also include installation
drawings of piping and equipment.
All shop drawings should be reviewed as expeditiously as possible to avoid construction delays and extra project
costs. The shop drawings should match the plumbing designer’s specifications, equipment schedule, and drawings. Shop
drawings on projects where “or equal” products are permitted may be submitted, but they must be carefully checked to
ensure that the substitute is equal to the original.
Responses similar to those listed below are typically used when shop drawings are reviewed.
• “Approved as Noted” or “Exceptions Noted”—This response
is used when a minor correction is required on the shop draw-
ings. The plumbing designer notes the required correction on FOR MORE...
the submittal and returns a copy, or copies, to the contractor More information on these responses can be
stamped “Approved as Noted.” Such a notation permits the found in: CPD Review Manual, Section 4
contractor to proceed with purchasing the equipment and the
installation as long as the correction is made.
• “Revise and Resubmit”—This response is used when a drawing must be returned to the contractor for revisions to
comply with the requirements of the contract documents. The contractor must resubmit the revised shop drawing
again for approval. The contractor is not authorized to purchase equipment or proceed with any installation affected
by that shop drawing until approval is obtained. If the contractor were to continue to proceed, he or she would do
so at their own risk.
• “Not Approved” or “Rejected”—This response is used when shop drawings must be returned because they do not
meet the requirements of the contract in whole or in critical areas.


An RFI (request for information) clarifies contractor questions that may arise during construction. An RFI may request
additional information or detail, propose a substitution (as when a product is no longer available), or offer a departure from
the plans.
RFIs represent a clarification of the work to be performed and may include a sketch as part of a response. Sometimes
an RFI response requires a change to the construction documents to avoid conflict from an unforeseen condition and there-
fore can generate a change order.
Plumbing designers should respond promptly to all RFIs.
24 CPDT Study Guide


A change order can be thought of as a modification that alters the original scope of work or contract. Change orders may
include additions or deletions of work to be performed, a revised completion date, or a new amount to be paid. Sometimes
the design engineer will review if the cost associated with the change is reasonable.
Change orders are agreed to by the owner, architect, and related consultants such as the plumbing engineer.


Contractors are usually required to maintain ongoing records of any and all changes to the documents made during the
course of construction and to submit them to the engineer. The changes made during construction should then be docu-
mented on the final drawings. The drawings should then be checked to ensure that they represent the actual construction.
25 CPDT Study Guide

Preparing Project
Closeout Documents

This part of the CPDT exam is worth 5 percent and covers:

• Archiving plans and specifications
• Preparing record drawings
• Reviewing operations and maintenance manuals for completeness and accuracy
• Organizing project folders, including electronic and hard-copy documents
• Final project review


Closeouts of projects should be clearly spelled out in the project manual. The construction team is responsible for prepar-
ing the project manual with input from project team members. Note that the construction team may or may not include an
architect preparing Division One and the front-end documents.
The project manager will coordinate the documents that should be submitted with input from the design team. Require-
ments vary with projects and owners, so it is very important to follow directions that originate with the project manager.
The project manual will have specifications for closeout proce-
dures and documents. For instance, Section 01 7700 expands on re-
quirements regarding project closeout procedures, final cleaning, ad- FOR MORE...
justing, project record documents, operation and maintenance data, More information on what is contained in the
drawings, material safety data sheets (MSDSs), bonds, payment ap- project manual can be found in:
plications, and warranties. Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook,
It is especially important to determine what type of drawings and Volume 1, Chapter 3
specifications should be the final record or archived. The archived re-
cord will be a permanent file for the owner and building maintenance staff, referred to as the project’s “Standard General
Conditions of the Construction Contract.”


Record drawings indicate as-built drawings or the original construction drawings with all of the separate modification
drawings, including addenda and bulletins, requests for information (RFIs), and all other field modifications. The con-
struction team should clearly define which types of record drawings are needed for the project and who is responsible for
providing them. A project may require coordinated two-dimensional drawings, Revit documents, or hydraulic calculations.
Clarification is important, since as-built drawings can often be an add-service additional cost and delay the project


Operations and maintenance (O&M) manuals for all installed equipment, fixtures, piping, valves, and appurtenances must
be included. Information on model numbers, warranties, servicing, and material safety data sheets must be included. The
construction team must verify that all of the required information was submitted.


The indexing or cataloging of information regarding products is typically organized under the specifications headings. File
folders should be consistent and use the headings of specification divisions. For example, the indexing label for a file con-
taining bicycle racks would be “Section 02871, bicycle racks.” Design companies, general contractors, and owners may
have specific standards that must be followed. It’s very important to clearly define indexing and cataloging at the beginning
of the project to facilitate project closeout.
26 CPDT Study Guide

Many general contractors use online systems to track submittals, RFIs, bulletins, etc. For examples, refer to Newfor-
ma (newforma.com) and PMWeb (pmweb.com). If this is the case, the construction team should reach out to the general
contractor and request a digital copy of the database and system at the end of the project. This does not waive the construc-
tion team’s responsibility to track all submissions and the accuracy of the information.


It’s recommended to review Division One and the front end, including Sections 00 1116: Invitation to Bid, 00 2113: In-
structions to Bidders, and 00 4100: Bid Form, and any other company-specific requirements to successfully complete the
project closeout documentation. Additionally, the designer should review the project’s “Standard General Conditions of
the Construction Contract” as prepared by The Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee (ejcdc.org) or the Ameri-
can Institute of Architects (aia.org) and any other supplementary conditions.
Depending on the project, the construction team may need to compile the closeout documentations and submit them
to the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) for a final review.

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