This document summarizes the characteristics of curriculums in Indonesia from 1947 to 2013. Some key points include:
- The 1947 curriculum emphasized developing an independent Indonesian identity.
- The 1952 curriculum focused more on daily life skills.
- Later curriculums emphasized different approaches like active learning, competency-based learning, and balancing academic, social, and practical skills.
- Recent curriculums aim to better integrate school learning with real-world community experiences.
This document summarizes the characteristics of curriculums in Indonesia from 1947 to 2013. Some key points include:
- The 1947 curriculum emphasized developing an independent Indonesian identity.
- The 1952 curriculum focused more on daily life skills.
- Later curriculums emphasized different approaches like active learning, competency-based learning, and balancing academic, social, and practical skills.
- Recent curriculums aim to better integrate school learning with real-world community experiences.
This document summarizes the characteristics of curriculums in Indonesia from 1947 to 2013. Some key points include:
- The 1947 curriculum emphasized developing an independent Indonesian identity.
- The 1952 curriculum focused more on daily life skills.
- Later curriculums emphasized different approaches like active learning, competency-based learning, and balancing academic, social, and practical skills.
- Recent curriculums aim to better integrate school learning with real-world community experiences.
This document summarizes the characteristics of curriculums in Indonesia from 1947 to 2013. Some key points include:
- The 1947 curriculum emphasized developing an independent Indonesian identity.
- The 1952 curriculum focused more on daily life skills.
- Later curriculums emphasized different approaches like active learning, competency-based learning, and balancing academic, social, and practical skills.
- Recent curriculums aim to better integrate school learning with real-world community experiences.
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Name : Stevhani Febryaningsih
ID : 1714441004 Class : ICP of Biology Education 2017
1. Lesson Plans 1947
At the beginning of the formation of the 1947 Curriculum, its name was the 1947 Learning Plan or known as the Leer Plan (Kunandar, 2007). The characteristics of the 1947 Kurikulm according to Lismina (2018) are a) The educational grid is political. b) Emphasizes the formation of the character of an independent Indonesian human being. c.) The form contains a list of subjects and an outline of teaching. d) The focus of the lesson is on the development of Pancawardhana. The main characteristic of this curriculum is that it places more emphasis on the formation of human character who is sovereign and equal to other nations. 2. Lesson Plan Unraveled 1952 This curriculum is more detailed in each subject which is called the Unraveled Teaching Lesson Plan 1952 (Tilaar, 1995). The characteristics of this curriculum according to Lismania (2018) are a) Paying attention to the content of lessons that are related to everyday life. b) Forming Class Society. namely a special school for 6 year old SR graduates who did not continue to junior high school. c) Teaching skills, such as agriculture, carpentry and fisheries. The most prominent feature of the 1952 curriculum is that each lesson plan must pay attention to the content of the material related to everyday life. 3. 1964 Education Plan Curriculum By 1964, the government again perfected the curriculum system in Indonesia. The characteristics of this curriculum according to Tilaar (1995) are a) Hoping that the people get academic knowledge for provision at the elementary level. b) Emphasizes the development of creativity, taste, intention, work, and morals (Pancawardhana). c) How to learn is carried out by a method called mutual cooperation guided. d) Tools to form Indonesian socialist pacasialis. 4. Curriculum 1968 The 1968 curriculum changed the structure of the educational curriculum from Pancawardhana. According to Macalhi and Ara (2016) the characteristics of this curriculum are a) The structure of the educational curriculum from Pancawardhana becomes the development of the spirit of Pancasila, basic knowledge, and special skills. b) The manifestation of the change in orientation towards the implementation of the 1945 Constitution in a pure and consistent manner. c) Emphasizing the organizational approach of subject matter: Pancasila coaching groups, basic knowledge, and special skills. d) The content of the subject matter is theoretical, not related to factual problems in the field. e) The fields of study in this curriculum are grouped into three major groups: Pancasila development, basic knowledge, and special skills. 5. Curriculum 1975 According to Chamisijatin and Fendy (2019) the characteristics of this curriculum are a) Goal-oriented. The government formulates goals that must be mastered by students which are better known as the hierarchy of educational goals. b) Adopting an integrative approach in the sense that each lesson has a meaning and role that supports the achievement of more integrative goals. c) The curriculum is directed to PPSI (Instructional System Development Procedure). d) Learning uses the theory of Behaviorism, which sees success in learning as determined by the environment with external stimuli, in this case schools and teachers. So the 1975 curriculum, which was said to be a substitute for the 1968 curriculum, became the main orientation intended so that education could be carried out more efficiently and effectively. 6. Curriculum 1984 The 1984 curriculum carried a Process skill approach . The 1984 curriculum was born as an improvement from the previous curriculum. The 1984 curriculum has the following characteristics: a) Oriented towards learning goals (Instructional). b) the learning approach uses the Active Student Learning Method (CBSA) learning model. c) The learning material is packaged using a spiral approach. d) Instilling understanding first before being given training. e) The material is presented based on the level of readiness or interest of the students. f) Using a process skills approach ( Hiidayat, 2013 ). 7. Curriculum 1994 The characteristics of this curriculum according to Lismania (2018) are a) Division of learning stages in schools with a quarterly system. It is hoped that students will get a lot of material. b) Learning in schools emphasizes the subject matter which is quite dense (subject matter / content oriented). c) Populist in character, namely that imposes a core curriculum system for all students throughout Indonesia. d.) Repetition of material that is considered difficult needs to be done to strengthen student understanding. 8. Curriculum 2004 (KBK) Depdiknas (2002) suggests the following characteristics of the CBC: a) Emphasizes the achievement of competence both individually and classically. b) Oriented to learning outcomes and diversity, meaning that the success of achieving basic competencies is measured by indicators of learning outcomes. c) The delivery of learning uses a variety of approaches and methods according to the diversity of students. d) Learning sources are not only teachers but other learning sources that meet educational guidelines, meaning that they are in accordance with the development of science and information technology. The teacher acts as a facilitator to make it easier for students to learn from a variety of learning sources. e) Assessment emphasizes the process and learning outcomes in an effort to master or achieve a competency. CBC places the results and the learning process as two sides that are equally important. 9. Curriculum 2006 (KTSP) The characteristics of this curriculum according to Lismania (2018): a) KTSP emphasizes the achievement of student competencies both individually and classically. In KTSP students are formed to develop knowledge, understanding, abilities, values, attitudes, and interests which will eventually form a skilled and independent person. b) KTSP is oriented towards learning outcomes (learning outcomes) and diversity. c) The delivery of learning uses a variety of approaches and methods. d) Learning resources are not only teachers, but other learning resources that fulfill an educational element. e) Assessment emphasizes the process and learning outcomes in an effort to master or achieve a competency. 10. Curriculum 2013 The characteristics of this curriculum according to Shobirin (2016) are a) Developing a balance between the development of spiritual and social attitudes, curiosity, creativity, cooperation with intellectual and psychomotor abilities. b) Placing the school as part of the community that provides learning experiences so that students are able to apply what they learn at school to the community and utilize the community as a learning resource. c) Develop a balance between spiritual and social attitudes, knowledge and skills, and apply them in various situations in schools and communities. d) Allow sufficient time to develop various attitudes, knowledge and skills. e) Allow sufficient time to develop various attitudes, knowledge, and skills. f) Competence is stated in the form of class core competencies which are further detailed in the basic competencies of subjects. g) The core competencies of the class become the organizing elements of basic competencies, where all basic competencies and the learning process are developed to achieve the competencies stated in the core competencies. h) Basic competencies are developed based on accumulative principles, mutually reinforcing ( reinforced ) and enriched ( enriched ) between subjects and levels of education (horizontal and vertical organization). BIBBLIOGRAPHY
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