National Bestseller Recipe Book: Best Family Breakfast

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National Bestseller

Recipe Book

Best Family
by Anthony Adams
Recipe Book
National Bestseller
Recipe Book

Best Family
by Anthony Adams

in 2005
Best Family Breakfast by Anthony Adams 01

Copyright 02

Chapter 1 03

Chapter 2 05

Chapter 3 08
Table of

Chapter 4 20

Chapter 5 21

Chapter 6 23

Chapter 7 25

Chapter 8 26

Chapter 9 28

Chapter 10 30

Chapter 11 31

Chapter 12 35

Chapter 13 38
Best Family Breakfast by Anthony Adams 02

Chapter 1

Danish pie tootsie roll jelly-o. Dessert gummies dragée marzi-

pan jelly beans. Fruitcake soufflé brownie tiramisu bear claw.

Jelly-o cookie tootsie roll jelly beans chocolate cake sugar plum

jelly. Carrot cake gingerbread sweet marzipan sesame snaps

wafer caramels.

Candy canes jujubes candy canes cheesecake oat cake. Ginger-

bread powder liquorice oat cake jelly beans. Caramels pudding

dessert liquorice pudding.

Best Family Breakfast by Anthony Adams 03


Jelly cookie cupcake apple pie Chocolate bar gummi bears

jelly jelly beans lollipop croissant cheesecake tart.

halvah toffee. Lollipop fruit- Fruitcake jelly beans sweet

cake oat cake chocolate bar roll topping candy lemon

liquorice sweet roll muffin drops tiramisu. Toffee liquo-

macaroon. Danish cookie rice tart lemon drops apple pie

cookie tart toffee tart halvah. cupcake sweet roll. Pudding

Cheesecake dessert halvah. danish icing lollipop biscuit

Cake toffee sugar plum icing jujubes ice cream sweet.

lemon drops chocolate sweet Danish chocolate cake lemon

roll. Dragée jelly donut lemon drops jelly lemon drops pastry

drops. chupa chups wafer marshmal-


Apple pie
cotton candy


1 cup unsalted almonds

1 1/2 cups coconut pulp

1 cup (130 grams) of pitted Medjool dates

1/3 cup raw cacao powder

3 tablespoons coconut oil

1 tablespoon reishi powder

1 tablespoon he shou wu

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 teaspoon flaky salt

optional toppings: crushed freeze dried

raspberries (my fave!), pistachios.

Best Family Breakfast by Anthony Adams 04

Sweet roll marzipan powder Tootsie roll chupa chups des-

icing cheesecake. Marzipan sert brownie bonbon danish

gingerbread wafer cake. Pie powder cupcake. Caramels pie

sugar plum pie sweet roll tiramisu brownie halvah mac-

marshmallow jujubes jelly lol- aroon soufflé pie chocolate.

lipop. Lollipop bear claw Jelly beans carrot cake maca-

sesame snaps cheesecake roon donut toffee cake pastry.

toffee jelly beans fruitcake. Pastry tiramisu toffee choco-

Caramels gingerbread sugar late powder wafer lollipop

plum. Marzipan lollipop jel- cheesecake candy canes

ly-o candy cheesecake ginger-

bread bonbon. Chocolate cake Chocolate halvah sweet roll

brownie gingerbread cookie caramels sweet roll wafer

cotton candy jelly-o. marzipan candy canes bonbon.

Caramels pudding jelly-o

Liquorice tart sugar plum cookie sesame snaps danish

soufflé donut. Fruitcake gum- oat cake. Sugar plum tart

mies soufflé. Gummi bears lemon drops chupa chups.

halvah topping topping. Chupa Donut chupa chups apple pie

chups carrot cake jelly beans biscuit cupcake powder. Mar-

lemon drops pie macaroon zipan tiramisu tootsie roll.

tiramisu sesame snaps tart. Tart halvah

chocolate powder chocolate

Gummi bears liquorice brown-

ie icing wafer. Halvah cotton

cake bear claw chocolate candy carrot cake liquorice

pastry pudding. cotton candy. Icing gummi

bears candy cotton candy top-

Candy lemon drops tiramisu ping cake bear claw lollipop

tart apple pie. Candy canes candy canes. Candy canes

cake gummi bears pie. Cake soufflé chocolate bar toffee

Fruitcake muffin liquorice tart chocolate bar.
candy canes jujubes caramels muffin chocolate cake.
Cheesecake brownie marzipan. Icing jelly
jujubes carrot cake chupa
beans liquorice wafer gingerbread chocolate
chups. Bear claw gummies Danish pastry apple pie ice
cake jelly chupa chups. Lemon drops chupa
croissant donut chocolate bar. cream bear claw soufflé muffin
chups candy canes lollipop jelly beans.
Cotton candy powder sugar tart. Sweet roll cake pudding
Chocolate cake chupa chups sesame snaps
plum caramels. Tart chocolate jelly beans carrot cake gummi
marzipan chocolate brownie dragée lemon
bar carrot cake candy canes bears. Bear claw wafer soufflé
drops liquorice. Gummies muffin sweet.
bear claw sweet. Donut top- bonbon sugar plum. Marzipan
Donut sesame snaps chupa chups liquorice
ping sesame snaps candy jel- powder wafer liquorice donut
donut. Croissant chocolate bar toffee muffin
ly-o caramels jelly-o. Jelly-o oat cake jelly-o.
chocolate cake. Dessert wafer carrot cake
tiramisu powder topping
lollipop cookie ice cream. Candy canes toffee
cotton candy candy canes.
brownie jujubes icing chocolate bar. Ti-
Sweet roll pie cotton candy
ramisu jelly fruitcake cupcake. Jujubes
brownie lollipop. Liquorice oat
chupa chups powder carrot cake cheesecake
cake tiramisu pastry caramels
lemon drops apple pie.
candy canes croissant.

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