MMW Lesson Recap
MMW Lesson Recap
MMW Lesson Recap
When a relation R is defined from a set A into the 6) G ∈ Z\ {-1}, defined *by a* b =a + b + ab for all
same set A, the three properties are very useful such set a, b ∈ Z.
as reflexive, symmetric and the transitive.
Solution: Let a, b ∈ Z except -1, then a >-1 and b>-
a) Reflexive - A relation R on A is said to be 1 and a <-1 and b<-1. If a*b = a + b + ab, it follows
reflexive if every element of A is related to that a*b = a + b + ab ∈ Z since in both case such as
itself. In notation, a R a for all a ∈ A. a and b>-1 and a and b<-1, the result would be Z,
b) B. Symmetric - A relation R on A is symmetric hence *is a binary operation.
if given a R b then b R a. For example, "is
married to “is a symmetric relation, while, "is CLOSED - A set is “closed” under operation if the
less than “is not. operation assigns to every ordered pair of elements
c) Transitive - A relation R on A is transitive if from the set an element of the set.
given a Rb and b Rc then a Rc. Examples of Cayley Tables - A (binary) operation on a finite set
reflexive relations include: "is equal can be represented by a table. This is a square grid
to"(equality) and "is a subset of “(set with one row and one column for each element in the
inclusion) set. The grid is filled in so that the element in the row
E. FUNCTIONS - A function is a relation in which belonging to x and the column belonging to y is x*y.
every input is paired with exactly one output. A
function from set X to Y is the set of ordered pairs of
real numbers (x, y) in which no two distinct ordered
pairs have the same first component.
1) G ∈ Z define a *b = a + b (usual addition on Z)
Let a ∈ Z and b ∈ Z. If we add a and b, then the sum
a + b ∈ Z. Hence, a *b = a + b is a binary operation.
2) G ∈ Z define a *b = ab (usual multiplication on
Solution: Let a, b ∈ Z. Then the product of a and b,
that is ab ∈ Z. Hence a *b = ab is a binary operation.
Logic is the study of the principle of correct
reasoning, one of the principles in logic that is very
much important to study is on how to determine the
validity of one’s argument.
Definition - it is a formal statement of the meaning
of a word or group of words and it could stand alone.
Theorem - A theorem is a statement that can be
demonstrated to be true by accepted mathematical
operations and arguments.
Proof - To be able to say that a theorem is true, it
should be undergoing on the process of proving.
Proposition - it is a declarative statement that is true
or false but not both.
Types of proposition
1. Negation
2. Conjunction
3. Disjunction
4. Conditional
5. Bi – Conditional
Corollary - it is also a proposition that follows with
little or no proof required from one already proven.
Lemma - lemma is a short theorem used in proving
a larger theorem.
Conjecture - A proposition which is consistent with
known data, but has neither been verified nor shown
to be false.
LESSON 3 3. Proof by Counter Example (Disproving
Universal Statements)
A conjecture may be described as a statement that
The type of reasoning that forms a
we hope is a theorem. As we know, many theorems
conclusion based on the examination of
(hence many conjectures) are universally quantified
specific examples.
statements. Thus, it seems reasonable to begin our
The conclusion formed by using inductive
discussion by investigating how to disprove a
reasoning is often called a conjecture.
universally quantified statement such as:
Uses a set of specific observations to reach
an overarching conclusion or it is the process ∀x∈ S, P(x), To disprove this statement, we must
of recognizing or observing patterns and prove its negation
drawing a conclusion.
∼ (∀x∈ S, P(x)) = ∃x∈ S, ∼P(x).
4. Proof by Contradiction - This method works by
The process of reaching specific conclusion assuming your implication is not true, then deriving
by applying general ideas or assumptions, a contradiction.
procedure or principle or it is a process of
reasoning logically from given statement to a Recall that if p is false then pq is always true, thus
conclusion. the only way our implication can be false is if p is true
The concept of deductive reasoning is often and q is false. So, if we let pq be a theorem, a proof
expressed visually using a funnel that by contradiction is given by this way;
narrows a general idea into a specific a) Assume p is true
conclusion. b) Suppose that q is also true
PROOF - is an inferential argument for a c) Try to arrive at a contradiction
mathematical statement while proofs are an d) Therefore, q is true
example of mathematical logical certainty.
1. Direct Proof - is a mathematical argument that
uses rules of inference to derive the conclusion from
the premises.
In a direct proof, let us say we need to prove a given
theorem in a form of PQ. The steps in taking a direct
proof would be:
a) Assume P is True
b) Conclusion is True
2. Indirect/Contrapositive Proof - is a type of proof
in which a statement to be proved is assumed false
and if the assumption leads to an impossibility, then
the statement assumed false has been proved to be
Recall that the proposition pq is a conditional
statement. This proposition is logically equivalent
to qp. Now, the expression qp is the contra positive
form of the statement pq.