1 107 Creative Writing Ideas For All Ages

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If you could cut out a If you could learn the

Write about a time part of your daily answer to any one What is your focus
when you did something routine, what would it unknowable question, for this year?
out of character. be?  Why?  What would what would you ask?  How does it shape
you do with the time Why? your actions?
you would save?

Write about
What would you do
something you are What is your “can’t What pizza topping
with your time if you
good at that you would live without it” best represents
didn’t have to work or
like to explore more in item? you?  Why?
go to school?
the future.

Would you commit a

Brag about yourself a Write about
crime if you knew you Write about a great little!  Choose 10 something you could
would get away with piece of advice you’ve adjectives to describe do today to make
it?  Would it matter received. yourself, and then write someone else’s day
what type of crime it
about one in detail. a little brighter.
was?  Why or why not?

Write about Who do you spend

something you do most of your time Who is your
Where do you
that you’ve always with?  How do they favorite superhero? 
find inspiration?
wondered if other influence you and Why?
people do, too. your life?

What is an You walk into a

Write about
experience that bookstore. Where do you
the most memorable
changed the whole What section do you feel most like yourself? 
dream you’ve ever
trajectory of head for first? Why?
your life?

107 Creative Writing Ideas for All Ages 1 www.JournalBuddies.com

Write about an Do you feel like If you could
embarrassing childhood your name suits you?  Do you believe suddenly be an expert
memory.  How does it Why? in karma? in anything, what
make you feel to look If not, what name would Why or why not? would you choose?
back on it now? suit you better? Why?

Write about Choose a

Write about What do you
your perfect day fictional character you
your top pet peeve. want to be like
from start to finish. relate to.
Why does it bother when you are old?
Use as much detail as Describe what makes
you so much? Why?
possible. you similar.

How do you know If you could be

when it’s time anywhere in the world If you could travel What is the most
to move on from right now, where to space, would you go?  beautiful sight in the
something or someone would you want to be?  Why or why not? world?
in your life? Why?

Have you ever gotten Are you

something you really an introvert or an How have In this moment,
wanted, only to find out extrovert? you changed in the what are you most
it wasn’t what you How does that affect last five years? grateful for?
imagined?  Write about your daily life?
your experience.

Write about If you could relive Write about one What is your scariest
something that a single memory, which quality that makes you memory?
confuses you. would you choose? unique.

107 Creative Writing Ideas for All Ages 2 www.JournalBuddies.com

What is the best If you could only Write about a time Use a metaphor
way to spend have one hobby, what when you fought to describe yourself
a summer evening? would you choose? for something you to someone who
Why? Why? believe in. has never met you.

What is your Who is the most

What food could Write about your
ultimate dream job? memorable person
you eat every day greatest
What makes it seem so you’ve ever met?  What
without getting accomplishment.
amazing? made him or her so
tired of it?

What is the
What thing found Write about your In the movie of
#1 item on your
in nature best favorite meme or a your life, what scene
bucket list?
represents you? part of “meme culture” would be the climax? 
Why is it so
Why? that you enjoy. Why?
important to you?

If you could go Write about If you could Write about a time

back in time something you once bring back the fashion when someone changed
to change one thing learned that you from any decade, what your perspective.
you regret, would you? still use every day. would it be?  Why?
Why or why not?

Write about a time Imagine you learn

What is your Would you rather
when you bit something that could
favorite smell? be stuck on a
your tongue, even improve many lives, but
Describe it desert island alone
though you really revealing it would hurt
in detail. or with your worst
wanted to say your best friend.  What
enemy?  Why?
something. would you do?

107 Creative Writing Ideas for All Ages 3 www.JournalBuddies.com

Write about Do you feel If you could spend a
What is your favorite
something you are different after getting a day at the beach
type of weather?
especially good night’s sleep? with anyone in the world,
Describe it using your
talented at. Describe how you feel whom would you go
five senses.
the next day. with?  Why?

Picture your How do you know What was your

dream house.  Is it whether or not someone Choose a personal
“theme song.”  Why does favorite toy as a small
realistic or fantastical? is a true friend child?  Do you still have
What amazing features Describe the qualities it suit you?
does it have? that help you tell.

If you could live Write about a

Are you more of a Describe the
forever, would you time when you did
country person or a last thing you ate,
want to? something really cool,
city person? using as much sensory
Why or why not? but no one was
Why? detail as possible.
around to see it.

Imagine the person

Write about
Do you believe you want to be Would you rather
something that most
soulmates exist? in 10 years. have a third arm or a
people don’t know
Why or why not? What are some words third leg?  Why?
or wouldn’t guess
and actions that
about you.
describe him or her?

What exotic or What is

Write about What is your most
mysterious part of the hardest job
a time when prized possession?
the world would you in the world?
you felt like you What makes it so
most like to see Could you ever do it?
couldn’t win. special to you?
some day?

107 Creative Writing Ideas for All Ages 4 www.JournalBuddies.com

If you had enough
money to buy anything What is the best Write about What would you
in the world—but only part about living in the something you shared do if you found out
that one thing—what 21st century? with your first friend. you only had a year to
would you buy? live?

Imagine you get to

What is Write about a time
build your own Mount Do you feel like time
the best thing to do when you had a
Rushmore.  What four typically passes quickly
when you feel sad or memorable interaction
new figures would you or slowly?  Why?
alone? with a stranger.
choose?  Why?

Would you rather be Write about

Write about a What is your
invisible or have a time when you
distinctive sound that favorite thing in the
the power to teleport?  realized that you
you associate with a world?
Why? didn’t have it all
particular memory.
figured out.

If you could travel

Write about Imagine you have a
What talent or anywhere in space or
a teacher who had a personal assistant.
useless skill could you time—but you had
major impact on your What do you ask
win a gold medal in? to stay wherever you
learning. them to do to improve
went—would you go? 
your life?
Why or why not?

If you could What would you If you could fix

Write about a time
choose one age to do if you discovered a single problem in the
when you were really,
live at forever, what you had been kidnapped world, what would you
truly happy.
age would you choose? as a child? choose to fix?  Why?

107 Creative Writing Ideas for All Ages 5 www.JournalBuddies.com

Would you rather What was the
travel in time to meet Are you good What historical most unique or special
your ancestors or your at being on time?  Why figure do you most gift you ever received?
future descendants?  or why not? admire?  Why? How did you feel
Why? when you opened it?

What attributes What do you

What would you do
do you value most in a like to do when you
if you had an
friend?  Do you display are stressed?  Make a
extra three hours
them yourself?  Why or list of things that
every day?
why not? help you relax.

107 Creative Writing Ideas for All Ages 6 www.JournalBuddies.com

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