1 107 Creative Writing Ideas For All Ages
1 107 Creative Writing Ideas For All Ages
1 107 Creative Writing Ideas For All Ages
Write about a time part of your daily answer to any one What is your focus
when you did something routine, what would it unknowable question, for this year?
out of character. be? Why? What would what would you ask? How does it shape
you do with the time Why? your actions?
you would save?
Write about
What would you do
something you are What is your “can’t What pizza topping
with your time if you
good at that you would live without it” best represents
didn’t have to work or
like to explore more in item? you? Why?
go to school?
the future.
Write about If you could relive Write about one What is your scariest
something that a single memory, which quality that makes you memory?
confuses you. would you choose? unique.
What is the
What thing found Write about your In the movie of
#1 item on your
in nature best favorite meme or a your life, what scene
bucket list?
represents you? part of “meme culture” would be the climax?
Why is it so
Why? that you enjoy. Why?
important to you?