Bengaluru BDA RMP 2031 Volume - 4 - PlanningDistrictReport PDF

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Revised Master Plan for Bengaluru - 2031 (Draft): Volume-4

2.PD 1: Central Business District

Population (2011 Census): 5,93,883
Area of PD: 2774.3 ha
Wards in PD: 19
Gross Density: 214PPH
Central District (PD 1) is located in core of
the BMA. It houses the Historical Pete,
Business & Offices and the Government
Administrative Offices. Several heritage
sites reflect the heritage and culture of
the city. It is extremely well connected
with Major radial roads radiating from
the centre and has Railway Stations, Bus
terminus, Metro Stations etc .

The RMP2031 proposes to guide the

development and redevelopment in the
area and stabilize the commercialization.

1. The Central District is the CBD and Administrative Centre for the State. The extent
admeasures 2774.3 Ha (27.74 sq km) comprising of 19 wards, - Jayamahal (63), Gayathri
Nagar (76), Pulkeshi Nagar (78), Ulsoor (90), Bharath Nagar (91), Shivaji Nagar (92), Vasanth
Nagar (93), Gandhi Nagar (94), Subash Nagar (95), Okalipuram (96), Dayanand Nagar (97),
Prakash nagar (98), Chickpete (109), Sampanigaram (110), Shantala Nagar (111), Sudam
Nagar (118), Dharamarayaswamt Temple ward (119), Cottonpet (120) and K.R.Market (139)
and covers parts of West, East and South zone of BBMP.
2. Vidhan Soudha, Vikas Soudha, Raj Bhavan, K.R.Market, Pete Area, Cubbon Park, Majestic Bus
Stand, Chinnaswamy Stadium, etc. are located within this PD.

3. As per Census 2011 had 5,93,883 residents and had witnessed negative decadal growth rate
(2001-2011) with further increase in commercial activities.. The number of households within
PD are 1,32,600 whereas the HH size is 4.48 which is higher than BMA average of 4.01. The
workforce participation rate is 40.2%.

Administrative, Industry and Commerce

4. Vidhan Soudha, Vikas Soudha, Raj Bhawan, MS Building, and head offices of many
Government departments are located here ,making it the administrative hub for the State
and the City.
5. It is the Central Business District (CBD) of Bengaluru and has concentration of trade and
commerce activities at Peta (the historic core and market), Shivajinagar (the market and
extension of erstwhile cantonment), and the MG road, commercial street, brigade road, etc.
housing the commercial hub of the city. A part of Malleshwaram Sampige road market is part

Revised Master Plan for Bengaluru - 2031 (Draft): Volume-4

of this PD. There are many informal shops and commercial activities surrounding Majestic
Bus Station and Bangalore Railway Station. The important markets are: Frazer Town market,
Moore Road market, Ulsoor market, Srirampura Market, Kalasipalya, and KR market. The
continuous influx of commercial activities in former residential areas such as Malleshwaram,
Rajaram Mohan Roy Extension (Sudama nagar) located at west of Double Road has changed
the characteristics of the area.

Existing Land Use

6. The predominant land uses is residential and commercial land use covering ~24.9 % and
~21.14 % of area respectively. The Public –semi-public land use zone, admeasuring 16.53% is
primarily the Administrative and Governance offices. The area under transportation is
~15.8%. Figure 2-1 and Table 2-1 presents the Existing Land Use Map Existing Land Use Area
Statement and for PD 1.

Housing and Slums

7. Gross density is 214 pph, whereas net residential density is 858 pph. Ward with highest
density is Shivajinagar with a density of 872 pph and the ward with lowest density is Shantala
Nagar ward (57.6pph) which has many defense areas, commercial areas and Public Semi-
Public land uses.
8. Residential areas are concentrated in a few wards like Gayatri Nagar, Prakash Nagar, Dayanad
Nagar, Subash Nagar, Jayamahal, Halasoor, Pulkeshi Nagar, Vasant nagar and Shivaji Nagar.
9. There are 69 slums in this PD, and of which 35 slums are notified. Subhash Nagar Ward (ward
no 95) with 14 slums has the highest number of slums. The population residing in these slums
is 71689 (12% of the total PD population).

Figure 2-1: PD 1 Existing Land Use Map

Revised Master Plan for Bengaluru - 2031 (Draft): Volume-4

Table 2-1: PD 01 Existing Land Use Area Statement

Landuse Category Area (in Ha) Percentage to Total Area (%)
Residential 702.68 25.33
Commercial 586.52 21.14
Industrial 54.47 1.96
Quarry/ Mining Sites 0.00 0.00
Public Semi Public 458.51 16.53
Unclassified 148.33 5.35
Public Utility 7.72 0.28
Parks & Open Spaces 230.50 8.31
Transport Communication 431.00 15.54
Vacant 101.98 3.68
Agriculture 0.00 0.00
Forest 0.00 0.00
Streams 9.40 0.34
Water Bodies 43.04 1.55
Total 2774.28 100.00

Traffic and Transportation

10. In addition to being a Central Business District and Administrative Centre, it is also a major
Transport Hub catering to the whole city and the region. Two major Railway Stations -
Bangalore City Railway station and Cantonment Railway station, three major bus terminus -
Majestic, KR market and Shivajinagar are located within the PD. Kempegowda Bus Stand is
the only intermodal interchange hub in the city, integrated with Railways, Metro, KSRTC and
BMTC Bus services.
11. Metro services are available and easily accessible, the existing Phase – I coverage including 13
metro stations (8 stations of Purple Line and 5 stations of Green line) and the proposed
metro phase II network also possessing through, with MG Road metro station acting as the
interchange and 2 metro stations proposed in this PD.
12. Around 494 km is the total road length within the PD. The major arterial roads in this PD are
Inner Ring Road, K.R. Road, Kalasipalya Main Road, J.C. Road, Kasturba road, Cottonpette
main road, Museum road, Richmond road, Residency Road, Avenue road. The critical
junctions that see congestion are Pottery Town circle junction, Shivananda, Upparapet
junction, Corporation circle, Queens Statue Circle Junction (Jewels De Paragon) and Lalbagh
main gate.

Physical and Social Infrastructure

13. As per BWSSB, the percentage of metered water supply connections in this PD are 51.9% and
percentage of metered sewage and sanitation connections are 52.7%.3 As per BBMP, there
are 1 Bio-Methanation Units (BMU), 13 Dry Waste Collection Centres (DWCC) located in this
PD.4 As per KPTCL, there are two 220kv substations.

BWSSB, 2014
BBMP, 2015

Revised Master Plan for Bengaluru - 2031 (Draft): Volume-4

14. City level social infrastructure such as sports facilities are present which are the
Chinnaswamy Stadium, Sree Kantiveera Stadium, Bangalore Football stadium and
Shanthinagar Hockey Stadium. Likewise, the educational Institutions are also present such as
the Chitrakala Parishath, Sri Krishnarajendra Silver Jubilee Technological Institute, University
Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, Government Arts & Sciences College, City campus of
Ba galo e U i e sit , Ce t al College, Maha a i s College, Bishop Cotto S hool, St. Joseph s
College Buildings, Good Shepherd Convent. Additionally, presence of cultural institutions
such as NGMA, Chowdiah Hall, Govt. Museum, Visveshvaraya Science & Technology Museum
etc. are located within this PD attracting population from across the country, state and city.

Park and Open Spaces

15. City level parks like Cubbon Park, Freedom Park, Indira Gandhi Musical Fountain Park are
located here along with open spaces/ lung spaces, such as Ulsoor lake precinct, the Race
Course and the Bangalore Golf Club. Ulsoor Lake is the only lake in this PD.

Heritage and Culture

16. It is note-worthy that this planning district forms the Heritage Core for the BMA, as the
Archaeology Survey of India (ASI) protected monument of Old Dungeon Fort and Gates,
Department of Archaeology, Museums and Heritage, GoK enlisted 2 heritage sites, and
RMP2031 identified 321 heritage sites are located here. The Kempegowda Watch Tower at
Ulsoor and the Bowring Institute as State protected buildings.
17. Out of 321 heritage sites, 191 are Government or public heritage sites. Some of the Heritage
uildi gs a d sites su h as the Ba galo e Fo t, Tippu s Summer Palace, Bangalore Palace,
T i it Chu h, Hudso Me o ial hu h, So esh a te ple, St. Ma s Basili a, C es e t
house. The Annexure 1 presents details of the heritage sites.



1. The governing principal is to stabilize the commercialisation respecting the local economic
activities. The RMP2031 proposes to guide the development and redevelopment in this
Central Business District such that there is a wholesome approach to infrastructure
upgradation and livability. Further, it is proposed to decentralize the intra-city and intra-
region traffic movement by developing Inter-state bus terminals along Tumukuru Road,
Hosur Road, OMR, Mysuru Road, etc.
2. The Proposed Land Use map for PD 1 is given in Figure 2-2 and Proposed Land Use area
statement is presented in Table 2-3.
3. In order to improve the accessibility to public transport systems, it is proposed to have first
and last mile connectivity through walkability/ the Non-motorized transport (NMT) around
the Metro stations and railways stations.

Revised Master Plan for Bengaluru - 2031 (Draft): Volume-4

Figure 2-2: PD 1 Proposed Land Use Map

Table 2-2: PD 01 Proposed Land Use Area Statement

Landuse Category Area (in Ha) Percentage To Total Developable Area (%)
Residential 674.74 17.20
Commercial 614.64 15.67
Industrial 5.57 0.14
Public & Semi Public 434.22 11.07
Unclassified 132.26 3.37
Public Utility 7.63 0.19
Parks / Open Spaces 213.49 5.44
Transport & Communication 527.00 13.43
Forest 0.00 0.00
Streams 0.16 0.00
Water Bodies 0.80 0.02
NGT Buffer 163.77 4.17
Total Developable Area 2774.28 70.72
Agriculture 0 -
Total PD Area 2774.28 -

Revised Master Plan for Bengaluru - 2031 (Draft): Volume-4

4. The RMP2031 acknowledging the historic and heritage value associated in many areas has
proposed for their conservation and protection and also by guiding development within and
surrounding historic sites. It is proposed that that areas of Pete, Shivajinagar, KR market area,
Kalasiplaya area to be taken up for redevelopment along with the protection of its heritage.
The redevelopments of the areas are to be guided by the Zoning Regulations.
5. The RMP2031 proposes that slum redevelopment be taken up in a phased manner.
6. The open spaces and parks are proposed to be maintained and given good accessibility and
improvement in parking facilities.
7. RMP2031 proposes that BBMP, in accordance with the provisions of Street Vending Act,
2015, determines the areas for Informal activities/ Street Vending and detailed upgradation
plans for such areas/ roads/ streets are prepared.
8. To improve the public transport share it is proposed to develop a) Light Rail /Mono Rail from
Trinity Metro Station to Varthur Kodi, b) Cubbon Park to Jakkur and c) Intermediate Ring
9. Following Light/ Mono Rail stations are proposed within this PD:
a) Trinity Interchange, on Trinity to Varthur Kodi link
b) Near Coles Park and Cantonment Railway Station (on Intermediate Ring Road Mono
Rail Link)
c) Cubbon Park Metro Station
10. The RMP2031 proposes to develop 2 Inetrmodal Interchange hubs in PD1 namely at – a)
Cantonment and b) Trinity Circle.
11. Towards parking, RMP2031 proposes that a details parking plan need to be prepared for
areas/ roads. Vidhan Soudha-Cubban Park-High Court Area, CBD area, Pette Area, Shivaji
Nagar, Market Areas like City Market, KR Market, Russel Market, Corporation Circle/ Hudson
Circle – Mysore Bank Circle Road Stretch, SP Road Area, etc. A Multi-Level Car Parking (MLCP)
by BBMP is proposed at Freedom Park which when completed would accommodate about
556 Light Motor Vehicles (LMVs) and 500 two wheelers.
12. The RMP2031 identifies 9 critical road junctions that require geometric improvements for
better and smoother traffic flow.
13. To cater to future management and operations of Solid Waste in future, it is proposed that in
addition to existing facilities, 42 Dry Waste Collection Centres are proposed to be developed
within the Planning District by BBMP.
14. To increase green cover across the city, provide comfort to pedestrians and improve street
aesthetics, the RMP2031 proposes road side and avenue plantation for arterial roads, sub-
arterial and important roads in the Central Business District be taken up by BBMP.
15. The ASI regulation mandates, 100 m from the boundary of the monument to be a Prohibited
area that prohibits for mining or any construction or both. The contiguous 200 m of an ASI
protected building falls under the Regulated area mandates that no other person other than
an archaeological officer can undertake any construction in this area, except in accordance
with the terms and conditions of a license granted by the Director-General of the ASI. Similar
restrictions are imposed on the 2 heritage sites namely - the Kempegowda Watch Tower at
Ulsoor and Bowring Institute as State protected buildings. Further, it is proposed that 191
Government/ public buildings are proposed to be declared as heritage sites and restrictions
as imposed by Zoning Regulations be applicable to these buildings.

Revised Master Plan for Bengaluru - 2031 (Draft): Volume-4

16. The RMP2031 proposes 12 heritage zones in total, out of which 6 heritage zones are
proposed within PD 1. Within these heritage zones are the heritage sites that require
protection with appropriate regulations for development or redevelopment. The proposed 6
Heritage Zones and precincts therein, in this Central District PD, are as following:
I. Central Administrative Heritage Zone [Refer Figure 2-3]
a. Precinct 1: Administrative Complex of the Vidhan Soudha, Vikas Soudha and High
b. Precinct 2: Cubbon park and surrounding Buildings Precinct
c. Precinct 3: Rest of the area of the Central Administrative Area
II. Petta Heritage Zone [Refer Figure 2- 4]
a. Precinct 1: Ba galo e Fo t a d Tippu s Su e Pala e P e i t
b. Precinct 2: KR Market, jamma Masjid and Puttanachetty Town Hall Precinct
III. MG Road Heritage Zone [Refer Figure 2-5]
IV. Shivajinagar Heritage Zone [Refer Figure 2-6]
V. Cleveland Town Heritage Area [Refer Figure 2-7]
VI. Ulsoor Heritage Area [Refer Figure 2-8]

Figure 2-3: PD 1 Central Administrative Heritage Zone

Revised Master Plan for Bengaluru - 2031 (Draft): Volume-4

Figure 2-4: PD 1 Pette Heritage Zone

Figure 2-5: PD 1 MG Road Heritage Zone

Revised Master Plan for Bengaluru - 2031 (Draft): Volume-4

Figure 2-6: PD 1 Shivajinagar Heritage Zone

Figure 2-7: PD 1 Cleveland Town Heritage Zone

Revised Master Plan for Bengaluru - 2031 (Draft): Volume-4

Figure 2-8: PD 1 Ulsoor Heritage Zone

17. Disaster & Hazard Mitigation Plan for Pette Area: Pette is highly dense both in terms of
population and building density, and is at high risk to Disaster, Fire, & Emergency Situations,
posing risk to Human Safety and Economic Losses. It therefore proposed that Disaster &
Hazard Mitigation Plan (DHMP) for Pette Area should be prepared. It is proposed that a mini-
fire station at Pette Area to be developed. The DHMP may look into but not limited to:
a. Providing Means of Access to Emergency Services
b. Facilitating Easy Evacuation of Local People (residents and working people)
c. Providing Infrastructure/ facilities like Fire Hydrants, Assembly Areas, mini-fire
stations, provision for Ambulance, etc
d. Imposition of Certain Restricting posing risk to Humans and Economy
e. Circulation Pattern/ Defined Movement of Vehicular Traffic and Non-Vehicular
f. Stations Area/ Accessibility Improvement Plan
g. Upgradation of Physical Infrastructure (Development roads, underground cabling of
power lines, telecommunication lines, Disc TV/ DTH cables, optic fiber, etc.
h. Parking Plan & Development of MLCP
i. Time Restrictions on carrying out certain activities and business, etc
j. Any other aspect that may be found relevant and require


The RMP2031 has broken down the proposals to implementable programs and projects for every
planning district. Following are the projects for PD1, Central District:

Revised Master Plan for Bengaluru - 2031 (Draft): Volume-4

1. Development of Public Transport Systems: In addition to existing (including under

implementation projects like Metro (Phase II), the following are proposed
a. Light Rail/ Mono Rail at Varthur,
b. Light Rail/ Mono on Old Airport Road
c. Light Rail/ Mono on Bellary Road
2. Development of Intermodal Interchange Stations:
a. Cantonment Railway Station
b. Trinity Circle
3. Accessibility Improvement Plans for stations and educational institutions.
4. Junction Improvement Programme (JIP):
a. Trinity circle junction,
b. Shoolay circle junction,
c. Lalbagh main gate junction,
d. Minerva circle junction,
e. Pottery circle junction,
f. Quee s Statue i le ju tio ,
g. Uppalpet police station junction and
h.Corporation circle
5. Preparation of Parking Plans for Commercial Areas/ Public Buildings/ Places:
a. Vidhan Soudha-Cubban Park-High Court Area
b. CBD area
c. Petta Area
d. Shivaji Nagar
e. Market Areas like City Market, KR Market, Russel Market, and others,
f. Corporation Circle/ Hudson Circle – Mysore Bank Circle Road Stretch
g. SP Road Area
6. Area Redevelopment: Following areas are proposed to be taken up under Area
a. Pette Area
b. Kalasipalyam (including Extension) Area
c. City Market Area
d. Shivaji Nagar
e. Shultangunta
f. Sampangi Rama Nagar
7. Preparation of Slum Redevelopment Plans
8. Preparation of Heritage Area Protection and Conservation Scheme


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