Quiz I From The Origins of Quantum Theory and Wave Aspects of Matter To The Postulates of Quantum Mechanics and The Schrodinger Equation

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EP2210, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, July–November 2016

Quiz I
From the origins of quantum theory and wave aspects of matter
to the postulates of quantum mechanics and the Schrodinger equation

1. Semi-classical quantization: Consider a particle moving in one-dimension. Let the particle be de-
scribed by the generalized coordinate q, and let the corresponding conjugate momentum be p.
According to Bohr’s semi-classical quantization rule, the so-called action I satisfies the following
relation: I
I≡ dq p = n h,

where n is an integer, while h is the Planck constant. The circle on the integral represents the fact
that the integral has to be carried out over a complete closed trajectory in phase space.

(a) Consider an oscillator that is described by the potential

m 2 2
V (x) = ω x .
i. Draw the phase portrait (i.e. a collection of trajectories in the phase space corresponding
to different energies) of the oscillator. 2 marks
ii. Using Bohr’s semi-classical quantization rule, determine the quantized energy levels of the
oscillator. 2 marks
(b) The above potential is modified to be
m 2 2
V (x) = ω x − α x,
where α > 0.
i. Draw the corresponding phase portrait. 3 marks
ii. Using the Bohr’s semi-classical quantization rule, determine the quantized energy levels
of the system. 3 marks

2. Particle in a box: The wave function of a particle that is confined to a box with its walls at x = 0
and x = a is given by π x
ψ(x) = A sin3 .
(a) Determine the constant A assuming that ψ(x) is normalized. 4 marks
(b) If ψ(x) above is the complete wavefunction of the system at t = 0 [i.e. Ψ(x, t = 0) = ψ(x)],
then what is the wavefunction Ψ(x, t) for t > 0? 6 marks

3. Energy eigen functions and eigen values: Recall that, given a time-independent Hamiltonian oper-
ator Ĥ, the energy eigen functions ψE (x) and the corresponding eigen values E are arrived at by
solving the time-independent Schrodinger equation:

Ĥ ψE (x) = E ψE (x).

(a) Consider a free particle that is moving in one-dimension, say, along the x-direction.
i. Determine the wave function ψE (x) and the allowed values of E of the particle. 2 marks
ii. Are the energy levels continuous or discrete? 1 mark
iii. How would you orthonormalize the wave functions? 1 mark
(b) Instead of a straight line, a particle which is otherwise free, is confined to move on a circle of
radius R.
i. Construct the Hamiltonian describing the system. 2 marks

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EP2210, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, July–November 2016

ii. Write down the Schrodinger equation and obtain the energy eigen functions and energy
eigen values. 2 marks
Note: The wave function should always have a unique value at any point on the circle.
This condition will help you determine the energy eigen values.
iii. Are the energy levels continuous or discrete? Obtain the normalized the wave func-
tions. 2 marks

4. Probabilities and expectation values: Consider a one-dimensional quantum system that is described
by the wavefunction
A x e−α x for x > 0,

ψ(x) =
0 for x < 0,
where A and α are real constants.

(a) Determine the value of A by normalizing the wave function. 2 marks

(b) Evaluate the expectation values of the operators x̂ and x̂2 in the given state. 4 marks
(c) Calculate the expectation values of the operators p̂ and p̂2 in the given state. 4 marks

5. Probability of finding an energy eigen value: A particle in a box with its walls at x = 0 and x = a
is described by the following wave function:

A (x/a) for 0 < x < a/2,
ψ(x) =
A [1 − (x/a)] for a/2 < x < a,

where A is a real constant. If the energy of the system is measured, what is the probability for
finding the energy eigen value to be En = n2 π 2 ~2 /(2 m a2 )? 10 marks

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