Department of Arts and Sciences ELS 112 - Syllabus

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Department of Arts and Sciences

ELS 112 - Syllabus

1. Course Number : ELS 112
2. Course Name : Introduction to the English Language System
3. Course Description : This course explains the nature and essential features of language. It provides an overview of the
phonological system, morphological system, syntactic system, and semantic system of the English Language.
It gives an introduction to discourse as well as language acquisition and language change.
4. Pre-requisite : None
5. Co-requisite : None
6. Credit : 3.0 units Lecture
7. Class/Lab Schedule : 6 hours per week (1 term)
8. Program Educational Objectives (PEO) of AB-English:
After 5 years, the graduates of AB English of UM Tagum College shall:
1. Apply knowledge and skills in English language across potential opportunities for English language practice including teaching,
business process outsourcing and other office-related functions both in the local and international environment
2. Demonstrate commitment towards continuing professional education such as pursuing graduate degrees or other related programs
and relevant trainings for upgrading competencies.
3. Exemplify a sense of community involvement maximizing their knowledge and skills in English language.

9. Student Outcomes (SO) of AB- English and their links to PEO:

Upon completion of the program, AB-English students are expected to acquire the following
1 2 3
SO a Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice
SO b Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino
SO c Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural terms.
SO d* Act in recognition of professional, social and ethical responsibility
SO e Preserve and promote ”Filipino historical and cultural heritage”
SO f Recognize the need for and demonstrate the ability of lifelong learning
SO g Identify multi-perspectives and interrelations among texts and contexts
SO h Apply analytical and interpretive skills in the study of texts
SO i Discuss and/or creative artistic forms
SO j Demonstrate research skills specific to the sub-disciplines in the humanities
SO k Use appropriate theories and methodologies critically and creatively
SO l Appraise the role of humanistic education in the formation of the human being and society
SO m Articulate a comprehensive and contextualized view of the English language system and development  
Communicate in English (both oral and written) fluently, accurately and creatively in diverse social,
SO n
cultural, academic and professional settings.
SO p* Facilitate English language learning in diverse social, cultural, academic and professional settings  
Participate effectively in oral communication situations where language system (phonological,
SO q
morphological, syntactic, semantic) vary
SO r Produce well-written texts for various academic and professional purposes.
SO s Facilitate English language learning in a school setting
SO t Teach English communication skills using knowledge of best practices
Enhance literacy development and critical/creative thinking among students through the use of
SO u
different types of texts
SO v Engage in English Language Research relevant to the school and workplace settings
Note: * SO being addressed in this course

ELS 112 Introduction to the English Date Prepared: Revision No. 02 Effectivity date: Page 1 of 7
Language System August 7, 2020 August 17, 2020
Department of Arts and Sciences

ELS 112 - Syllabus

10. Course Outcomes (CO) of ELS 112 and their links to SO:

Upon completion of the course, AB- English students SO

are expected to a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v
Analyze the essential features of the English
CO 1 L
Language System
Explain the how knowledge of the English Language
CO 2 L
System leads to its effective learning and use.

L = Facilitate LEARNING of the competencies (input is provided and competency is evaluated)
P = Allow student to PRACTICE competencies (no input but competency is evaluated)
O = Provide OPPORTUNITY for development (no input or evaluation, but there is opportunity to practice the competencies)

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Language System August 7, 2020 August 17, 2020
Department of Arts and Sciences

ELS 112 - Syllabus

Program Educational
Educational Objectives
Objectives (PEO)
By 2022, a globally recognized institution providing
quality, affordable, and open education 1. Apply knowledge and skills in English language
MISSION across potential opportunities for English language
Provide a dynamic and supportive academic practice including teaching, business process
environment through the highest standard of instruction,
outsourcing and other office-related functions both
research and extension in a non-sectarian institution
in the local and international environment.
committed to democratizing access to education.
Values 2. Demonstrate commitment towards continuing
Excellence, Innovation, Honesty and Integrity, professional education such as pursuing graduate
Teamwork degrees or other related programs and relevant
Core Competency trainings for upgrading competencies.
Open, Quality, Affordable Education 3. Exemplify a sense of community involvement
maximizing their knowledge and skills in English

Student Outcomes
Outcomes (SO)

1. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice
2. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino
3. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural
4. Act in recognition of professional, social and ethical responsibility
5. Preserve and promote ”Filipino historical and cultural heritage”
Course Outcomes
Outcomes (CO)
6. Recognize the need for and demonstrate the ability of lifelong learning
7. Identify multi-perspectives and interrelations among texts and contexts
8. Apply analytical and interpretive skills in the study of texts 1. Analyze the essential features of the
9. Discuss and/or creative artistic forms
10. Demonstrate research skills specific to the sub-disciplines in the humanities
English Language System
11. Use appropriate theories and methodologies critically and creatively 2. Explain the how knowledge of the English
12. Appraise the role of humanistic education in the formation of the human Language System leads to its effective
being and society learning and use.
13. Articulate a comprehensive and contextualized view of the English language
system and development
14. Communicate in English (both oral and written) fluently, accurately and
creatively in diverse social, cultural, academic and professional settings.
15. Facilitate English language learning in diverse social, cultural, academic and
professional settings
16. Participate effectively in oral communication situations where language
system (phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic) vary
17. Produce well-written texts for various academic and professional purposes.
18. Facilitate English language learning in a school setting
19. Teach English communication skills using knowledge of best practices
20. Enhance literacy development and critical/creative thinking among students
through the use of different types of texts
21. Engage in English Language Research relevant to the school and workplace
22. Engage in English Language Research relevant to the school and workplace

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Department of Arts and Sciences

ELS 112 - Syllabus

11. CO and Assessment Task Alignment

CO Assessment Task Assessment Schedule Coverage
Theory-based Practice-based
1 Analyze the basic branches Multiple Choice Comparative 1st exam Topic 1 - 3
of linguistics Question Essay

2 Analyze the essential Multiple Choice 2nd Exam Topic 4.1- 4.2
features of the English Question
Language System. Multiple Choice 3rd Exam Topic 4.3-4.5
Multiple Choice 4th Exam Topic 1 – 4.7

12. Assessment Task Details (Theory-based)

Assessment Coverage Assessment Task Details
First Exam Topic 1 – 3.1 Multiple Choice You are expected to demonstrate extensive understanding on
Questions the Vision, Mission and Goal of UM Tagum, Nature of Language
60% as well as the preliminary part of the English Language System
specifically on Phonology.

Second Topic 4- 4.2 Multiple Choice You are expected to demonstrate detailed understanding on the
Exam Questions essential features of the English Language System specifically of
100% Morphology and Syntax.

Third Exam Topic 4.3 Multiple Choice You are expected to demonstrate detailed understanding on the
Questions essential features of the English Language System specifically on
100% Semantics and Discourse.

Final Exam Topic 1 – 4.5 Multiple Choice You are expected to demonstrate extensive knowledge of the
Questions concepts of the English Language System that leads to the
100% effective learning and use of the English Language.

13. Assessment Task Details (Practice-based)

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Language System August 7, 2020 August 17, 2020
Department of Arts and Sciences

ELS 112 - Syllabus

Assessment Coverage Assessment Task Details

First Exam Topic 1 – 3.1 Comparative Essay  You will be asked to read extensively on the branches of
40% linguistics.
 You will write an essay as that will compare the branches of
linguistics. In your essay, you are going to highlight the
salient features of the branches of linguistics and highlight
elements that make each branch distinct from one another
 You will submit the essay through quipper and the details to
the deadline will be poster through LMS
 The criterion for grading will be as follows;
o Content (15 points)
o Grammatical Accuracy (5 points)


TOPICS TLA Required Readings
1. Vision, Mission, and Goal of UM Tagum  Self-introduction 1. UM Students Manual
Week 1 1.1. Goals and Objectives  Oral presentation using 2. Singh,S.(2018). English language
to 1.2. Course Description creative way and linguistics. New Delhi:
Week 2 1.3. Objectives  Group work Random Publications
1.4. Requirements
 Lecture with discussion 3. Plag, I., Arndt-Lappe, S., &
1.5. Guidelines
2. Introduction: The Study of Language  Group Discussion Braun, M. (2015). Introduction
2.1. The Nature of Language  Illustration to english linguistics. Retrieved
2.2. Types of Grammar  Reflective Essay from
2.3. The Discipline of Linguistics
3. Language and the Brain
3.1. Parts of the Brain

Week 3  Lecture with discussion 4. Plag, I., Arndt-Lappe, S., &
to 4. The English Language System  Group Discussion Braun, M. (2015). Introduction
Week 4 4.1. Phonology: Sound patterns  Illustration to english linguistics. Retrieved
o Definition and Concepts  Oral Recitation from
o Phonology vs Phonetics  Role Play
The Sounds of English
4.2. Morphology: Words
o Definition and Concepts
o Word Formation Processes
Week 5 4.3. Lexical Categories  Group Activity 5. Hazen, K. (2014). An
to 4.4. Grammatical Categories  Oral Recitation introduction to language.
Week 6 4.5. Syntax: Sentence Patterns  Board work Retrieved from
 Lecture – discussion
o Definition and Concepts
o Sentence Structure
o Reed-Kellogg Sentence Diagramming
Week 7 4.6. Semantics: Meanings  Group Activity 6. Plag, I., Arndt-Lappe, S., &
to  Oral Recitation Braun, M. (2015). Introduction

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Department of Arts and Sciences

ELS 112 - Syllabus

Week 9 o Definition and Concepts  Lecture – discussion to english linguistics. Retrieved

o Lexical relations from
o Semiotics
4.7. Pragmatics and Speech Acts
o Definition and Concepts
o Pragmatics and Speech Acts

15. TEXTBOOK: Plag, I., Arndt-Lappe, S., & Braun, M. (2015). Introduction to english linguistics. Retrieved from

Aronoff, M., & Rees-Miller, J. (Eds.). (2017). The handbook of linguistics. Retrieved from
Hazen, K. (2014). An introduction to language. Retrieved from
Kiss, T., & Alexiadou, A. (Eds.). (2015). Syntax - theory and analysis. volume 3. Retrieved from
Singh,S.(2018). English language and linguistics. New Delhi: Random Publications


Assessment methods Weights

A. Exam 1st – 3rd 30%
B. Final Exam 30%
C. Quizzes 10%
D. Assignments 5%
E. Research/Requirement 15%
F. Oral recitation 10%
Total 100%


a. Attendance is counted from the first regular class meeting.

b. A validated student identification card must always by worn be all students while attending classes.
c. Cheating is strictly prohibited. Any form of dishonesty shall be dealt with accordingly. Honesty is called for at all times.
d. Valid examination permits are necessary in taking the examinations as scheduled.
e. Base -15 grading policy should be observed.

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Language System August 7, 2020 August 17, 2020
Department of Arts and Sciences

ELS 112 - Syllabus

Prepared by: References reviewed by:


Program Head – AB English Chief, Learning and Information Center

Reviewed by: Recommending approval:


Assistant Dean Dean of College

Approved by:


AVP, Learning Innovation and Design

ELS 112 Introduction to the English Date Prepared: Revision No. 02 Effectivity date: Page 7 of 7
Language System August 7, 2020 August 17, 2020

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