Talimongan Christine PR
Talimongan Christine PR
Talimongan Christine PR
Topic: The Importance of research in daily life, its characteristics, processes and
matters, policy draft and implication, classroom dimension and so forth. It involves a
and an attempt to realize the truth from an objective point of view based on factual
Educational Researches are the main input as well as the output to bring such
change in the educational sector. Research findings identify the shortcomings, strength
and weakness of the educational sector of the country and it recommends implementing
such and such programme for the development of their educational sector. Educational
research also helps to evaluate the effectiveness as well as the impact of particular
programmes and project which has been undertaken by any governmental or non-
governmental agencies. Hence the breadth and width of the educational research is
unlimited. It has a scope to conduct research in any area of education which has a chance
Nation as well.
conducted to
There are many kinds of research which are classified according to their distinctive
1. According to purpose - There are three broadly different kinds of research, namely,
redirecting such for the better. “Predictive research proposes to give the result
from one specific educational practice or pattern and seeks to establish a close
educational outcome.”
Directive research determines what should be done based on the findings. This
systems and aims to show the connections among, for example, student
testing the efficacy of theories and principles. For instance, a principle says that
experiment in which there are two classes. In one class, he uses praise but in the
other class there is no praise at all. All other things are kept equal. At the end of
the experimental period, he gives the same test to the two classes. If the scores
of the pupils in the class with praise are significantly higher than those in the
experimental research.
In exploratory research, the researcher studies the variables pertinent to a
specific situation.
on each other.
In the analytic approach, the researcher attempts to identify and isolate the
The holistic approach begins with the total situation, focusing attention on the
relationships, etc.
where description is usually used. Descriptive data are gathered rather than
quantitative data.
We must need to know about the nature of research first, because through this we
acquire knowledge, knowledge is power, and we use this knowledge gained through
research to gain power over ourselves, and over the world around us. Next is to construct
always race against the clock to get things done, finish tasks and assignments and meet
deadlines. So, we need to optimize it to get better results. Lastly, find and evaluate
credible resources. When you do research, you want to find the best information to
support your ideas. Evaluate information means to find the most relevant information for
your topic and assignment, to ensure the quality and reliability of your research, to find
expert views, opinions, and research on your topic, and to weed out unreliable, biased,
The size, complexity, and diversity of research efforts, among other factors, contribute to
these same features can provide opportunities for misconduct in science, questionable
responsibility and take action in order to balance ethical consideration and bias.
Recognizing the presence of an ethical issue is the first step in ethical decision making
because we can’t solve a moral problem unless we first know that one exists. Like for
example, many students are focused on finishing their research paper and see no problem
with plagiarism.
3. How can these issues in the society address the needs to concern individual?
Because we are in position to affect social change. And talking about issues is the start of
the process. Discussing social issues in everyday life helps create awareness, and better
understanding of problems regarding their exact nature and causes, etc. More people
talking about them will raise the popularity of the issues, which leads to increase in
momentum, which is required to cause any sort of social change. Also, the more often
you talk about these issues, the more you make yourself and your peers think about them,
which leads to greater clarity on what the bigger picture is, then leads to clearer demands
of an issue, respecting and listening to all, thinking alternatives for a demanded solution,
suggesting probable solutions than complaints, cooperating with the mass, correcting
agreeable to majority. If everyone follows these, society will have least problems but
Research improves the quality of life in all different aspects, since it is a lesson learned,
lesson that shows what others did, what mistakes they fell in and how they succeeded. It
saves many years of struggling and trying; it paved the road for a happy life, guided to
the right directions. Think of it this way, if it weren’t for research, we will still be
uncivilized cavemen.
Module # 2 - Week 2
matters, policy draft and implication, classroom dimension and so forth. It involves a
and an attempt to realize the truth from an objective point of view based on factual
b. The goal of the research process is to produce new knowledge or deepen understanding
of a topic or issue.
Research methods refers to the tools that one uses to do research. These can either be
often requires the use of statistical tools to analyze data collected. This allows for the
measurement of variables and relationships between them can then be established. This
type of data can be represented using graphs and tables. Qualitative data is non-numerical
and focuses on establishing patterns. Mixed methods are composed of both qualitative
and quantitative research methods. Mixed methods allow for explanation of unexpected
c. Quantitative research is the process of collecting and analyzing numerical data. It can be
used to find patterns and averages, make predictions, test causal relationships, and
d. Basic research: A basic research definition is data collected to enhance knowledge. The
simple fact.
Applied research: Applied research focuses on analyzing and solving real-life problems.
This type refers to the study that helps solve practical problems using scientific methods.
Studies play an important role in solving issues that impact the overall well-being of
conducted to understand the exact nature of a problem to find out relevant solutions. The
understand and resolve their own problems. The problem-solving method uses applied
non-statistical method.
about numbers.
Research can be classified according to the distinctive feature. Some of the classification
According to purpose
According to goal
According to scope
e. It is important because issues or topics discussed on research papers are different and
unique, usually there is a specific method of research intended to use. For example, if you
are planning to collect your data through various forms of surveys then quantitative