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Contemporary Philippine Art From The Region: For Senior High School

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This unit shines a beam of light on the contexts of contemporary art. Context is not
just a background or backdrop; it is intricately wedded to form- what art is made of ,
and how it is made. Art is shaped by draws inspiration from the society and at the same
time, art is honed by the specific conditions that endangered products.

Philippine Art
from the Region
For Senior High School




1. Researches on various contemporary art forms, techniques, and performance practices. II. DISCUSSION (LESSON 1)
 Contemporary art Lesson Proper: Defining Contemporary Art and Modern art
 Modern Art
 Characteristics of contemporary art What is Contemporary Art?
 Characteristics of modern art
Contemporary art is the art of today, produced by artists who are living in the twenty-first
century. Contemporary art provides an opportunity to reflect on contemporary society and the
issues relevant to ourselves, and the world around us. Contemporary artists work in a globally
influenced, culturally diverse, and technologically advancing world. Their art is a dynamic
1. What do you think of when you hear the word “ART”? Write your insight in atleast 100 words. combination of materials, methods, concepts, and subjects that challenge traditional boundaries
____________________________________________________________________________ and defy easy definition.
________________________________________________________________________________ Contemporary performance is  hybrid work that integrates text, dance, objects, music,
________________________________________________________________________________ costumes, lighting, image, sound, sets, and vocal expression into complex interactive systems.  
Contemporary performance collages are often non-narrative, technically rigorous, and
________________________________________________________________________________ carefully orchestrated anarchic chaos. They unsettle perception, demand critical engagement
________________________________________________________________________________ from audiences, address conceptual debates within aesthetics, draw on a diverse range of
________________________________________________________________________________ cultural interests, and bring pleasure to populations across the globe.”  (Morgan v. P. Pecelli)
 Contemporary Art refers to current and very recent practice. It also refers to works of art
made by living artists.
 Contemporary Art tends to be assessed thematically and subjectively, drawing on an
2. JUMBLED WORDS expanded range of theoretical and practical disciplines.
TAR METPOOYRARNOC  Contemporary Art can be driven by both theory and ideas, and is also characterized by a
blurring of the distinction between art and other categories of cultural experience, such as
Question: What can be the topic from the words revealed from the challenge? television, cinema, mass media, entertainment and digital technology.
Answer: __________________________________ Topic: Modern Art

Modern art includes artistic work produced during the period extending roughly from the 1860s
3. Why do people engaged in art? Write your answer below atleast 5-10 sentences.
to the 1970s, and denotes the styles and philosophy of the art produced during that era. The term
________________________________________________________________________________ is usually associated with art in which the traditions of the past have been thrown aside in a
________________________________________________________________________________ spirit of experimentation. Modern artists experimented with new ways of seeing and with fresh
________________________________________________________________________________ ideas about the nature of materials and functions of art. A tendency away from the narrative,
which was characteristic for the traditional arts, toward abstraction is characteristic of much
modern art. More recent artistic production is often called contemporary art or postmodern art.


       Iconography can be found in any style of art. Iconography is the was the
ACTIVITY TIME: VENN DIAGRAM subject(s), scenery, elements and/or details are depicted in the work of art. 
-Characteristic #5: It Had Real Value
What is the difference between contemporary arts and modern arts?Answer it to the box        "Real Value" is the artists self value of their artwork. In the past before
provided below by using venn diagram.
modern art, artists just assumed art had value. That it was worth something.
This was common during the eras before the modern era because art then just
revolved around religions. They followed the "rules". Modern artists painted
what made them happy, what they liked. 

In 150 words ,you will write a reflection about the topic being discussed in the space
What are the general characteristics of Contemporary Arts? provided in a paragraph form. The teacher will use scoring rubrics.

-It is collaborative/ participative;

-It is interactive; ____________________________________________________________________________
-It is process- oriented;
-It has a wide range of strategies, media, and techniques.
What are the General Characteristics of Modern Arts? ________________________________________________________________________________
-Characteristic #1: Response to Surroundings  ________________________________________________________________________________
       This type of art commonly shows postmodern buildings in contrast to modern ________________________________________________________________________________
ones. Post modern art that shows these buildings usually reflects the history of the ________________________________________________________________________________
landscape and its shape.  ________________________________________________________________________________
-Characteristic #2: Expansive
       Expansive is a characteristic that makes art look like it expands beyond the canvas.
It is as if it is a widow and you can see further than what is right in front of you. 
-Characteristic #3: Symbolism
        Symbolism can be found in and style, theme or genre of art. Symbolism shows
meaning in either the whole painting, a portion, here can be  multiple meanings in
one piece of art. 
-Characteristic #4: Iconography

MELC/s: 1. Pigment- nearly all paint colors come from nature. Dirt, rock, plants etc. Are the raw material,
which is ground down into what is called a pigment.
2. Describe various contemporary art forms and their practices from the various regions.
2. Acrylic paint- A thick shiny paint made by mixing pigment with water and an acrylic base. It
will dries with in a few hours.
IV. PRE-ACTIVITIES 3. Poster paint- A solid-based paint that dries to a matte finish.
WORDY CHALLENGE! 4. Fresco- It is an Italian word for “fresh”. The techniques involves painting with dry pigment on
The students will organize the words to become a one complete statement with thought. wet plaster. It involves painting on dry plaster.
CONTEMPORARY FORMS PRACTICES 5. Oil Paint- A thick, shiny paint maid by mixing pigment with oil. It takes several days to dry.
ART REGIONS FROM 6. Tempera- A water-based paint that may or may not be mixed with egg yolks (egg tempera)
7. Watercolor- A soft and see through (transparent) paint made from pigment, water and gum
*From the disarranged words, what should be our topic?
________________________________________________________________________________ ELEMENTS OF PAINTING
V. DISCUSSION (LESSON 2) 1. Color- It is the most basic element of painting.
DESCRIBE VARIOUS CONTEMPORARY ART FORMS AND THEIR PRACTICES 2. Tone- the degree of lightness or darkness of an area.
FROM THE VARIOUS REGIONS 3. Line-use to control your eyes , create unity and balance.
There are three major directions lines:
PAINTING Horizontal
DRAWING 4. Shape- 2D or two dimensional area that defined in some way. A shape may have an outline
PHOTOGRAPH around and it may recognizes its area.

HISTORY of Painting *Geometrical Shapes- ex. Circle, rectangle, square, triangle, hexagon and etc.
In the early 19th century, wealthier , educated Filipinos introduced more secular Filipino art, *Freedom Shapes- also called an organic shapes, it can be irregular and uneven shapes. Their
causing art in the Philippines to deviate from religious motifs. The use of watercolor paintings outlines maybe curved, angular, or a combination of both.
increase and the subject of painting began to include landscape. Filipino inhabitants, Philippine *Form- an element of art, means object that have three dimensions or 3D.
fashion and government officials. 5. Space- It is the are around ,above and within the object.
Portrait paintings featured the painters themselves, Filipino jewelry and native furniture. The TYPES OF PAINTING
subject of landscape paintings featured artist’s names painted ornately as well as day-to-day
scenes average Filipinos partaking in their daily tasks. These paintings were done on canvas, 1. Portrait Painting- an image of a person or an animal.
wood and variety of metals. During, World War II , some painters focused their artwork on the 2. Landscape Painting- is an outdoor scene, Landscape artist uses paint to create not only land,
effects of war, including battle scenes, destruction and suffering of the Filipino people. water,clouds, but also air, water and sunlight.
3. Still Life- shows objects such as flowers, food or musical instrument. A still life reveals an
WHAT IS PAINTING? artists skill in painting shapes, light and shadow.
It is the process or art of using paint, in a picture, as a protective coating, or as decoration. It is 4. Religious- work of art that shares a religious message.
also an expression of ideas and emotions , with creation of certain aesthetic qualities, in a two
dimensional visual.
It is a branch of visual arts that operates in Three dimensional or 3D and one of the plastic arts. BASIC SHAPES AND FORMS
Durable sculptural processes originally used carving( removal of material), modelling (by adding Shapes: Square, Circle, rectangle & triangle Forms: sphere,cube,pyramid,cone&cylinder
material like clay) , in stone, metal, ceramics, wood and other materials.
Example of sculpture:


It is a form of visual art that makes use of any number of drawing instruments to mark a SHADING
two-dimensional medium. It is the use of light to dark values to give the illusion of form and depth.
An artist who practices or works in drawing may be called draftsman or draughtsman.
An instruments used for drawing include graphite pencils ,pen and ink , inked brushes , wax
color pencils . Crayons , charcoal, chalk, pastel, marker, stylus. The most common surfaces for
drawing is PAPER.


The precursor to modern paper dates back to 2nd century BC in China. It is the most basic
material in drawing.
- from French word “pincel” means a small paintbrush.
-from Latin word “ penicillus” means “little tail.
Pencils usually graded on the European System using a continuum SHADING TECNIQUES
from “H” (hardness to“B” blackness.  Hatching- is a series of straight or curve lines (called set) drawn beside one another to give
the illusion of value.
 Crosshatching- is a shading technique in which one set of lines crosses over
(overlaps)another set.
 Stippling- involves covering an area with dots. Pointillism in art is basedon thise technique.
 Scribbling - has may names such as scumbling ,circling and squirking. I use s random
strokes or circular strokes.
 ERASER -an eraser is an article stationery that is used for removing pencil markings.  Blending- also known as smooth shading , you use your finger or some smudge tool such
as piece of cloth or cotton swab.


What is photograph? Direction: Draw an object by applying ALL THE BASIC FORMS AND SHAPES inside the
A picture made using a camera, in which an image is focused onto film or other light-sensitive box below.
material and then made visible and permanent by chemical treatment, or stored digitally.

Types of Photographic Prints

 C-Type: is the chromogenic colour print which uses chromogenic materials and
processes. The print can be produced from an original which is colour negative, slide or digital
image. Typically the colour is red, green, blue.
 Cibachrome: made from negative; richer colour and last longer as the dyes are
incorporated into the emulsion rather than floating on top of the paper.
 Digital -This type of print is computer-generated using a photographic image which is
converted into a digital file.
 Estate: This is posthumous print that is normally commissioned by the photographer’s
estate from the original negative.
 Photoetching: techniques uses an image formed on an intaglio metal plate, which is
coated with a light-sensitive, acid-resistant ground.
 Photo gram: Here the image is created by placing an object onto sensitive paper which ACTIVITY 3
is briefly exposed to light, leaving the object’s imprint on the paper. Reflect on what you have learned after taking up this lesson by answering the questions
Functions of Photos below:
 To attract attention
 To illustrate a point in the story 1. In your own opinion , what is art?
 To tell a story itself through the aid of captions ________________________________________________________________________________
 To tell story in sequence with other illustrations ________________________________________________________________________________
 To give visual relief
III. ACTIVITY TIME! _______________________________________________________________________________.
“PRE-PAINTING” 2. What new or additional ideas did you learn after taking up the lessons? Begin your
answer with “I learned that…”
Instructions: You are going to make a pre-painting of your own version; by using a long ____________________________________________________________________________
bondpaper and a brief explanation of your painting at the back area or you can use another
sheet of paper.
Guide questions: ____________________________________________________________________________
1. Is there a story that this piece seems to tell? What is it? Why? ___________________________________________________________________________.
2. What do these image stands for?


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