Culture IV. Lesson 7 PDF
Culture IV. Lesson 7 PDF
Culture IV. Lesson 7 PDF
Introductory Video
We are not having an online meeting today. Instead, please watch this video. It is an introduction to
Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales. The slides are available here.
Reading Assignment
Reading Assignment (Literature)
• The Canterbury Tales (General Prologue). As you read the General Prologue you can use
these slides as a guide. They present some general ideas about the most important
characters introduced in the GP. The audiobook is available here.
• Allen, V. (2004). The Age of Chaucer. Cambridge: CUP, p. 26-47. This book provides a
thorough description of 14th century England.
These topics are explained in McDowall, David (2006) “The Early Middle Ages”. An
Illustrated History of Britain. England: Longman, 23-29. If possible, try to make notes
or organise the information in charts. You will have the chance to meet in groups next
time to discuss them.
Forum 7 will later include the questions about The Pardoner’s Prologue and Tale.