Access Select and Access SelectPay Portfolio
Access Select and Access SelectPay Portfolio
Access Select and Access SelectPay Portfolio
01 Our company
About Access
As both a business-focused consultancy and a specialist
software developer, we combine our innovative, award-
winning software with practical experience to deliver
an HR and payroll solution that’s exactly right for you.
Consulting Contents “We have been impressed
Software is a vital tool, but we Services & support 4 by the professionalism and
believe the right partner is the most SelectHR 6 experience offered by
valuable element of any software HR administration 7 Access Select, and I am sure
change. For 20 years, our consultants Integration with SelectPay 7 they will greatly enhance
have helped organisations like yours Recruitment & selection 8 our HR operations.”
to improve their HR and payroll Learning & development 8 Jackie Evans
operations, utilising their first-class Self-service 9 Reading Football Club
software expertise and market Workflow 10
knowledge to accurately assess and Document management 10
deliver to your needs. Business intelligence 11
System configurability 11
Software SelectPay 12
Our modular HR and payroll software Paytypes & deductions 13
will give you a fully connected Statutory requirements 13
platform that can be constantly Electronic submission 14
tailored, now and as you grow. From Reporting & analysis 14
headcount reporting and payroll Integration 15
processing to online recruitment and Timesheets 15
absence management, you can rely on Extend your solution 16
us for a proven solution that’s highly
functional and easy to use.
Our aim is to provide solutions that
meet the needs of your whole
organisation. By extending your HR
and payroll software to cover the rest
of your financial and administrative
processes, you will gain clarity of
information across every department
and function.
Our company 03
We believe in providing long-term solutions. That’s why
we offer a complete range of services to support you
during every phase of your project.
02 Services and
support Services and
From consultancy and software configuration to
bespoke development and hotline support, our expert
team will provide you with the advice and tools you
need to ensure a smooth implementation and
maximum return on investment.
“I couldn’t speak more
Phase 1 - pre-project Phase 2 - configure Phase 4 - support
Phase 3 - training highly of the helpdesk.
planning & install
They are helpful, friendly
and understanding – very
Installation of
Assign Pilot test Assign Account impressive to deal with.”
software &
consultant with user group Manager
data mapping David Gayler
St Barnabas House
Long-term solutions: from pre-sales consultancy to account management, you can rely on our
team to provide you with expert support for the lifetime of your Access Select solution.
Phase 1: pre-project planning We will also discuss the Helpdesk, personal & remote support
We will assign you a consultant as a implementation of self-service and We invest heavily in our UK-based
main point of contact throughout identify your security levels. support technicians, who are all fully
your implementation project. A kick- trained to provide you with personal,
off meeting will determine your Phase 3: training professional hotline support. Our
requirements and help us propose We will train your users onsite, team may also take charge of your
which of the approaches outlined following your chosen agenda. system remotely (using ‘GoToAssist’
below is right for you. technology) to help resolve your
Phase 4: support issue as quickly as possible.
Consulting and approach Following your implementation, we
Our accredited consultants operate offer a range of services to ensure that Optional user groups & training
from a national office network your system continues to meet your As a customer, you will be invited to
covering the UK and Ireland. Each needs, now and in the future. attend our regional user group
consultant is an implementation meetings. These forums are held
expert, fully capable of adapting our Account management regularly and provide an excellent
HR and payroll software to meet your Your account manager is responsible opportunity to share best practice and
individual requirements. for maintaining the ongoing network with peers. You will also
relationship between you and Access receive newsletters containing useful
Your consultant will work closely with Select. He or she will remain in regular product information and details of any
you to determine which level of contact to ensure that you make the training courses.
project management best suits your most of your new solution and, going
needs. These range from ‘express’ forward, will work with you to
through to ‘elite’ and ‘enterprise’ and constantly improve your business
will be based on a thorough processes. Account managers are your
understanding of your budget, point of contact for any of the
timescales and priorities. following:
03 SelectHR
By providing tools not only for your HR team but also
for your job applicants, agencies, employees and
decision-makers, we aim to streamline the
communication, collection and analysis of information
across your entire organisation.
Information Learning &
“Access has developed a
Recruitment Self-service HR Administration
management development college version of their
product which
Create & manage
Holiday &
Organisational Resource Absence demonstrates to me a
planned absence Management
(inc. skills management)
Management strong commitment to
further education and their
client base compared with
Monitor success, Document Disciplinary &
cost & compliance
Requests for
Training needs
other systems.”
(inc. diversity, work permits) training (inc. search, scan, forward)
analysis (inc. stage tracking & docs)
Sam Horler
Lambeth College
Bulk Training course
Online appraisals Board pack Role & Benefits
correspondence administration
(inc. competency models) reporting (inc. fleet, salary, pension)
creation (inc. online booking)
Workflow in SelectHR: powerful features are linked by customisable workflows, enabling us to create
an HR solution that meets your exact needs.
SelectHR 07
“SelectHR has saved a
phenomenal amount of
paperwork and data
entry…it has become
second nature to
everyone here!”
Joan Wixey
Cripps Harries Hall LLP
Recruitment & selection: SelectHR enables you to plan, manage and execute your recruitment
campaigns and easily monitor their success and costs.
“We were extremely keen
from the outset to
maximise the use of
SelectHR... Project Planning
helped us focus on how to
do this.”
Andy Bragg
Warwickshire College
Personalised view
As SelectHR is browser-based, you can
choose to give access to anyone in your
organisation, 24-7. Security options
enable you to specify what you want
them to be able to see and do.
SelectHR can be personalised to give
each type of user the information and
options that are relevant to them.
SelectHR 09
“We can honestly say that
having meaningful
turnover and absence
reports has certainly
assisted us in relation to
our recruitment and
absence management
Paula Hilton
Community Integrated
Care (CIC)
Workflow designer: SelectHR enables you to tailor workflows, dashboards and add fields to
ensure that your solution fits perfectly with your ways of working.
“I am not a ‘techy’, so it’s
great to know that you can
design your own
dashboard with all the
information you need in a
matter of minutes. It
really is that easy!”
Chris Davies
A J Bell
SelectHR 11
SelectPay simplifies payroll processing and provides the
in-depth analysis you need to align payment with your
strategic objectives.
04 SelectPay
Featuring the Microsoft 2010 Ribbon interface,
SelectPay has an intuitive look and feel that will
become second nature to your users. Powerful
functionality ensures you can easily adapt your payroll
to varying paytypes and frequencies, and being based
on the highly scalable Microsoft SQL Server platform, is
a solution that grows with you.
Payroll process Payroll period end “We are very pleased with
Payroll preparation Payroll processing
reporting processes SelectPay. We got a great
system, delivered on time
Import timesheet Print pay run
Project summary, exception and on budget.”
HR or expense Run period end
costing report & payment
information schedules Tracey Simpson
Euro Garages
Print statutory
Create employee Print / email
Enter absences return & generate
record payslips
BACS export file
Payroll workflow: SelectPay links seamlessly with other areas of your business such as SelectHR and
financials for efficient, accurate and timely import/export of your critical information.
SelectPay 13
“Access Select have
provided the Fire Fighters
Charity with the most
cost-effective integrated
solution to its human
resources, payroll and
finance needs.”
Graham Barnes
The Fire Fighters Charity
Integrated HR/payroll: the alignment of SelectHR and SelectPay ensures that all your
departments use the most recent and accurate data. Here, new starter details are entered into
SelectHR for your payroll team to approve.
“We chose SelectHR
because of the many work
processes we could
automate and the ability
to create bespoke reports
easily and quickly.”
Jane McDiarmid
Hill Dickinson LLP
All in sync: having received and authorised the new starter details from SelectHR, SelectPay is
updated automatically. This process reduces duplication and saves time across your
Integration Timesheets
SelectHR offers seamless integration Timesheets entered into SelectHR’s
to SelectPay. With these dynamic links, Self-service module can also be passed
you can eliminate duplication errors to SelectPay via an authorisation
and ensure HR and payroll staff have process. For total control over your
access to timely, accurate employee payroll, you have the option to reject
information. timesheets at any stage.
SelectPay 15
In addition to HR and payroll, we provide a
comprehensive software portfolio covering a broad range
of financial, business and administrative processes.
05 Access software
portfolio Extend your
By extending your solution to include other areas of the
Access suite, you will get full visibility over all your
business operations, helping you to cut complexity and
increase efficiency.
Business efficiency Sales & billing Reporting & analysis Purchasing Project management Staff transactions Stock management
Reporting & Purchase order
Office Credit control CIS Time recording Production
enquiries processing
CRM Sales ledger Financial reports information Project costing Payroll Stock control
Corrections Resource
Purchase ledger HR Distribution
& auditing scheduling
Cut complexity, increase visibility: as part of the Access portfolio, SelectHR and SelectPay can be easily extended to cover your complete range
of business, administrative and financial processes.
To find out more about our consulting,
software and solutions, telephone us
on 01206 322 575 or email
[email protected]
Access Select
71 New Dover Road
Canterbury, Kent
CT1 3DZ, United Kingdom
Access Ireland
Plaza 212
Blanchardstown Corporate Park 2
Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, Ireland