Aemili Lepidi Main Line

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The princeps line of Aemili Lepidi

M.Livius Drusus
pr.c.220s (b.c.260)
/ M.Aemilius Lepidus pont.max. M.Claudius Canina
\ cos.I 187, cens.179 (c.230-151) (c.240s-200)
adopted 180s | PRINCEPS SENATVS \
/ | /
\ | testamento
/ ______________________________________|_________________________________ \ ________________________
\ | | | c.122 | / |
M.Drusus Aemilianus Mam.Lepidus Q.Lepidus(2) =[Cornelia sister M.Claudius Lepidus M.Lepidus Porcina augur
(M.Lepidus natus) (170s-c.110) (b.c.160s) |of L.Scipio cos.83] (L.Lepidus natus) cos.137 (180-c.120) (b.c.211) / | (b.c.137) (b.c.209) |
| \ | ___________|__________
| / | | | | c.117
| \ | Q.Servilius Caepio M.Lepidus Aemilia Aemilia = M.Antonius
C.Livius Drusus / | cos.106 (149-c.86) (c.140-113) Vestal (b.c.134) |augur cos.99
cos.147 (b.c.190) adopted c.110s | | pont.max. († Dec.114) |(143-87)
| / | ______|________ |
| / | c.100 | | c.102-97 |
C.Livius Drusus / M.Aemilius Q.f.M.n.Lepidus = Servilia Q.Servilius Caepio = (1) Livia M.Antonius
(c.157-100) \ (121-77) cos.78 | (Tertia) (127-90) q.100 | (b.c.120) pr.74 (114-71)
| / | b.c.116 |
| / | ______|_____________________________________
| / | c.86 | 76/5 |
Mam.Lepidus Livianus | M.Brutus = (1) Servilia (2) = D.Silanus |
cos.77 (127/6-c.64) | (117-77) | (c.101-30s) | (107-c.60) |
| | | | cos.62 |
| | | ______| |
| ______________________________________________|______________ | _________ | _______________________________ |
| | | | | c.68 | | c.58 | | c.79 |
Mam.Lepidus Lepida L.Scipio Aemilianus Q.Lepidus L.Lepidus Paullus = Iunia M.f. Iunia D.f. = M.Lepidus M.f.Q.n. Lepida = Q.Caepio
(b.106/05) Metelli (M.Lepidus natus) Regillus cos.50 (93-c.35) | (b.c.83) minor | cos.I 46 (89-13) Servili|(c.99-67)
?interrex 52? Scipionis (c.99-77) (c.97-77) | (b.c.73) | pont.max.44-13 (b.c.95)| q.67
q.75/74 (b.c.91) | | |
| | |
______________________________________|__ |_____________ |
| c.11 c.51 | | | Servilia
Cornelia = (1)Paullus Lepidus(2) = Marcella Cn.Domitius = Lepida Cornelia = Q.Lepidus M.Lepidus L.Luculli
(Marcellini | cos.suff.34 (c.67-5) | minor Ahenobarbus | (b.c.65) Fausti f.| (b.c.55) (c.57-30) (b.c.77)
filia) | cens.22 | cos.32 (75-31)| (b.c.50) |
| | | |
| | | |
______________|__________ | Domiti ____|________________
| | | | Ahenobarbi | |
L.Aemilius Paullus M.Lepidus Aemilia | Aemilia Lepida Mn.Lepidus Q.f.M.n.
cos.AD 1 cos.AD 6 (b.22) Paullus Aemilius Paulli f. Sulpici Quirini cos.AD 11 (b.c.25)
| Regillus q.Ti.Aug.AD 15/20 = Sempronia
| (ILS 949) | Atratina
| ?
M.Lepidus = Appuleia
(b.c.5 BC)|
Six children of the theoretical marriage of M. Lepidus cos.78 and Servilia (Tertia) of the Caepiones (born c.116).

1. M. Lepidus (Papus?), born c. 99.

Adopted by L. Scipio Asiagenus (pr.92, cos.83) in 92/1 to become L. Scipio Aemilianus. Killed fighting for his father's
cause in 77 (Orosius V 22 17: Scipio Lepidi filius captus atque occisus est). Probably no children.

2. (Q.) Lepidus Regillus, born c. 97.

Also died in his father's lifetime or very shortly after, known only from Cicero's query (for the Consolatio he was preparing
in March 45 B.C.) about the chronology of his and his father's deaths (ad Att. XII.24: item quaero de Regillo Lepidi filio
rectene meminerim patre vivo mortuum).

3. Lepida Servili, born c. 95.

Known only from her name (in this form) as domina of a freedman in the household of Marcella minor before AD 10 -
CIL VI, 4694: "[Aem]ilius / [---]anus / Lacne Lepidae / Servili l.".
There are several possibilities for her paternity and even generation, but they belong to the context of Marcella's second
marriage to Paullus Lepidus (cos.suff.34) from c.11/10 B.C. Cf. Syme (Aristocracy, 147), noting Münzer's reluctance to
identify the husband, and suggesting a son of Servilius Isauricus (cos.48 and 41).
Perhaps most likely the eldest daughter of M. Lepidus cos.78 and wife of Q. Caepio (c.99-67) the avunculus of Marcus
Brutus. Thus wife of her own consobrinus frater (she her husband's soror patruelis), and mother of Caepio's only child to
survive him, Servilia the second wife of L. Lucullus (cos.74) and mother of his only son and heir M. Lucullus.
In this interpretation she was a paternal line aunt of Paullus Lepidus, her slaves, and her freedmen retained in personal
service, joining Paullus' familia after her death, perhaps as late as c.10 B.C. (her relative Iunia Tertia Cassi, some two
decades younger, received her grand funeral in AD 22, sixty-three years after Philippi). Marcella wed Paullus Lepidus
around 11/10 B.C. (after the death of her first husband Messalla Barbatus Appianus in consulatu in 12 B.C.).

4. L. Lepidus Paullus cos.50 (93-c.35).

Probably married a Iunia M. f. (born c.83) younger sister of M. Brutus tyrannicide.
Father of Paullus Lepidus (cos.suff.34, cens.22) and (probably) of a Lepida wife of Cn. Domitius (cos.32), the grandmother
from whom Nero's aunt Domitia Lepida was given her second name (instead of Domitia Tertia).

5. Lepida Scipionis, born c. 91.

The Lepida in the engagement contest between P. Scipio cos.52 (renamed Q. Metellus Pius Scipio by testamentary naming
condicio in 64 B.C.) and M. Cato pr.54 in the mide/late 70s (Plut. Cato 7.1).
The only know child of Lepida and Scipio was the exquisitely mannered and educated Cornelia, who married;
a) (c.55-53) P. Licinius Crassus, mint IIIvir 55,
b) (52-48) Cn. Pompeius Magnus.
Born some time 74/70, Cornelia was quite young at Pompeius' death, and perhaps married again the next year:
M. Piso Frugi (mint IIIvir 58, pr.44, born c.84/81) - if she was the mother of M. Crassus Frugi cos.14 (born 47), and
grandmother of Licinia Cornelia M. f. Volusia Torquata, wife of L. Volusius cos. and augur (ILS 924), and said
by Pliny to have belonged to the gens = stock or lineage, rather than familia or stirps, of the Scipiones (Scipionum gentis;
contrast HN 21.10 on P. Scipio cos.111: dignusque Africanorum familia).

6. M. Lepidus Triumvir and pont.max. (89-13).

Married to Iunia D. f. minor, second daughter of Cato's uterine sister Servilia and D. Silanus (cos.62), called "Bruti soror"
by Velleius (II 88.1) with reference to M. Brutus tyrannicide.
Parents of M. Lepidus, the iuvenis conspirator against the Caesar executed by Maecenas in 30 B.C., and of Q. Lepidus the
father of Manius cos. AD 11 (with filiation Q. f. M. n. in the Capitoline fasti).
M. Lepidus filius' wife was a Servilia (Velleius II 88.3), perhaps a sister of Fannius Caepio the conspirator of 22 B.C.,
whose father Caepio was still alive in 22 (aged at least in his fifties, probably closer to 70), and probably identical with Q.
Caepio the betrothed of Iulia in 59, who was perhaps q.59 to Caesar cos., born c.90, but at any rate married in or after 59, so
a daughter born c.55/50 makes a good fit for the wife of the young Lepidus.

Note that there are many interconnections among the Roman pontifices maximi, a post held by very few families. In this
reconstruction this Marcus Lepidus was not just great-grandson of the previous homonymous Lepidus pont. max., but
grandson of another, Q. Caepio cos.106.

M. K. Passehl, Oct09

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