Human Bird Conflicts and Management Issues A Case Study of Birds at Uppalapadu Lake Andhra Pradesh India

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

International Journal of Zoology

Volume 2012, Article ID 848757, 9 pages

Research Article
Human-Bird Conflicts and Management Issues: A Case Study of
Birds at Uppalapadu Lake, Andhra Pradesh, India

P. Rama Chandra Prasad,1 J. Asha Kumari,2 Manju Mathew,2 and Rosina Thomas2
1 Lab for Spatial Informatics, International Institute of Information Technology, Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500032, India
2 Department of Botany, Maris Stella College, Vijayawada 50008, India

Correspondence should be addressed to P. Rama Chandra Prasad, [email protected]

Received 16 March 2012; Revised 8 May 2012; Accepted 14 May 2012

Academic Editor: Randy J. Nelson

Copyright © 2012 P. Rama Chandra Prasad et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

The current research focused on the issues related to human-bird conflicts and subsequent alternatives adopted by the migratory
birds at Uppalapadu Lake (India). The study collates the information from field observations and literature surveys and draws
conclusions based on the observation data. The study highlights the ways the local community, Forest Department, activist groups
and other organizations participate in protecting the birds from harm. It also focuses on some of the management initiatives taken
by the Forest Department that are helping the birds during their breeding periods. Overall, the research identifies the ecological
importance of the lake with respect to birds and stresses the need for its protection and further expansion.

1. Introduction death of the animals [10, 11]. The same impacts occur to
both resident and migratory birds [12–16]. Migratory birds
Wetlands are important aquatic ecosystems that provide are affected by the deteriorated quality of food and water,
services in the form of provision of water for various which is especially harmful during the breeding period.
human uses, groundwater recharge, support of aquatic Local people often threaten these migratory birds with their
biodiversity, and are the location of various recreational activities, precluding the possibility that the birds will return
activities [1–3]. These wetlands act as critical breeding sites to the wetlands [17–20].
for different species of birds within India and overseas [4]. Given the aforementioned problems, we have chosen
Many migratory birds visit water bodies (lakes, ponds, etc.) Uppalapadu Lake (India) as the location of a case study
to lay eggs and raise their young and go back to their place which will highlight the issues related to human and bird
once the young chicks are able to fly. Tourists are attracted to interactions. The study primarily addresses (i) reasons for
wetlands to see the birds. In turn, local people earn income the alternative habitat selection and adaptation by birds at
from the tourism [5]. The primary needs of the birds during Uppalapadu, (ii) resource limitation and water quality dete-
their breeding period are to have suitable habitat to lay their rioration, and (iii) conservation initiatives and management
eggs (generally some kind of trees or shrubs) and a food activities undertaken by local people, the Forest Department,
source. For breeding to be successful, birds require minimal and activist groups to protect and retain the population of
human disturbance and no other threats from humans [6, 7]. avian fauna for future generations.
Human activities, however, are deteriorating wetland
water quality. The main sources of pollution of Indian
wetlands are discharges from industries and urban sewage Study Area. Uppalapadu is a small hamlet two kilometers
systems [8, 9]. Once these pollutants enter into the birds’ from Guntur District of Andhra Pradesh State, India (Figure
bodies, they impair their basic physiological processes and 1). The lake is named as Uppalapadu Cheruvu (Cheruvu is
hamper their metabolic activities, which can result in the lake) after the village. The lake is a part of Pedakakani Mandal
2 International Journal of Zoology

supplement contemporary spatial data (2008–2010). A meta-

analysis was carried out using scientific literature, scientists’
blogs, as well as “grey literature,” Government reports and
unpublished materials from the local Forest Department and
other sources.
3. Results and Discussions
3.1. History

Uppalapadu Pond 3.1.1. Migration from Garapadu Lake to Uppalapadu.

According to the local residents, the birds of Uppalapadu
Lake were once inhabitants of another lake called Gara-
padu Lake (Figure 2) situated about 4 kilometers away in
Garapadu village (also known as Rama Chandra Palem),
near Uppalapadu. Garapadu Lake is larger than Uppalapadu
Courtesy: Google earth Guntur
Lake and has a small island of seasonally saturated trees
surrounded by annually flooded wetland: a combination of
Figure 1: Map showing Uppalapadu Lake.
habitat characteristics which is highly suitable for bird nest-
ing and feeding. These ecological dynamics were not fully
understood by the landowners who chose a management
practice inappropriate for the lake, ultimately resulting in the
(Guntur) and is situated between 16◦ 18 24.5 N and 80◦ 30 displacement of the birds in Garapadu Lake.

36 E. Three more ponds lie adjacent to this lake, forming Garapadu Lake has long been under private management
a complex of water bodies which comprise an area of 30 for commercial fisheries. The owners invested a substantial
acres. Out of this area, the study lake accounts for nine acres, amount of money to feed the fish in the lake. In the past,
seven of which comprise the main permanently flooded area every year, a flock of birds (which migrated from countries
and two of which are saturated. The lake is surrounded like Siberia and Australia) visited Garapadu Lake during
in fencing. The lake is home to a variety of bird species, the breeding season and consumed fish. The landowners
including rare and endemic species. Many researchers have consequently suffered economic losses. Since the intention
analyzed species richness and avian fauna biodiversity on the of the landowners was to earn income through pisciculture,
lake, demonstrating its ecological importance. they saw the best management alternative to be preventing
The present research attempted to trace the historical the birds from eating the fish. Therefore, the landowners
and current habitat selection by avian fauna and identify started trying different techniques to remove the birds from
their adaptation responses to positive and negative anthro- the lake. One technique was to emit loud sounds near the
pogenic forces. An additional intention of this research was bird habitat. Along with landowners, farmers also attempted
to increase understanding about the ecological dynamics to remove the birds since they feared that migratory birds
between avian fauna and the wetland ecosystem. That spoiled their crops. In time, there was a drastic reduction
objective was met through examining analyses done on this in the number of birds visiting this lake and ultimately
lake and comparing them to our recent observations. the majority of birds stopped using Garapadu Lake as their
breeding site. During this study’s field inventory, only a
few individuals of one or two species of avian fauna were
2. Materials and Methods observed in the lake.
Given the anthropogenic disturbances at Garapadu Lake,
This study used a combination of information from literature the migratory birds searched for alternative habitats and
surveys, field observations, and analysis of satellite imagery chose the nearby Uppalapadu Lake as a safe breeding site.
to identify land use-land cover changes. At the commence- Birds appear to have adapted to visiting Uppalapadu during
ment of the project, a preliminary field inventory was carried their breeding periods and the trend continued.
out to characterize the ecosystem of the lake, including avian
fauna and the physical condition. Subsequent inventories by
the team recorded significant biological elements in the lake. 3.1.2. At Uppalapadu. Out of the four water bodies of
Interviews were conducted to obtain information about the Uppalapadu, only one serves as habitat for birds (Figure
historical migration of birds to the lake and efforts made 3). The pond alongside the road (number 4) is on private
by the local Forest Department to feed and breed the birds property, and the two adjacent ponds are used for domestic
and encourage lawmakers to draft regulations to protect water withdrawals and other purposes by the villagers. Rights
them. The study used satellite imagery to depict historic and to develop Uppalapadu Lake as a fishery have annually been
current spatial features of the lake and its contributing area. placed on auction. Beginning in 2002, villagers put pressure
Spatiotemporal satellite imagery for the period 1990–2000 on the local government, Panchayat, to stop auctioning
was used, and high-resolution Google maps were used to fishing rights of this lake in order to protect the birds.
International Journal of Zoology 3

turbidity had increased. One of the reasons for this change

could be release of excreta into the stagnated water by the
Uppalapadu overcrowded bird’s population.
The combined actions of local residents and the Forest
Department helped the birds to establish and maintain stable
nesting and breeding sites at Uppalapadu Lake. Though there

are some reports of migrating birds occasionally stopping


at Garapadu Lake, the majority of birds prefer Uppalapadu


Lake. Thus, Uppalapadu Lake was declared as protected site

by State Forest Department to safeguard the birds against
poaching and other illegal activities that can harm birds and
their chicks.

Figure 2: Map showing Garapadu and Uppalapadu Lakes (cour-

tesy: Google map). 3.2. Fauna. Since the lake serves as home for a variety
of avian fauna which migrate from Australia and Siberia
(continental migration), the species richness of birds in
Uppalapadu Lake is high and a few researchers and orga-
nizations (including Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and
Feeding channel Natural History, SACON) studied avian fauna diversity of
this lake (Figure 5). A few studies compared the bird species
in Uppalapadu Lake with that of other nearby local lakes
[22]. A study by SACON [23] recorded about 1,583 birds
belonging to 40 wetlands and 20 land species in and around
School Uppalapadu Lake with spot-billed pelican, painted stork, and
Agriculture 1
night heron as dominant species. Their study recorded 283
land nests of painted storks with 959 adults and 828 young ones
2 and 145 nests of spot-billed pelican comprised of 649 adults
and 282 young ones. This indicates that the birds favour
Uppalapadu Lake as a breeding site.
An additional detailed study on the spot-billed pelican
4 (a globally threatened species) was carried out by SACON
Settlements researchers in 2007-2008 [24]. They observed an increase in
the breeding population (400 individuals in October 2007
to 1,500 in February 2008) of this bird in Uppalapadu
Lake compared to other areas of India, where there was
Figure 3: Map showing three associated water bodies and other drastic decline due to human disturbances near nesting sites,
land use–land cover classes surrounding Uppalapadu Lake (court- poaching, and lacking the pelican’s primary food source:
sey: Google maps).
fish. They also reported about 560 nests in January 2008
at Uppalapadu Lake. The existence of favorable nesting and
feeding conditions at this lake attracted a higher number of
Visual observation of Landsat satellite imagery for the these birds, thereby showing peak population of this single
years 1990 and 2000 (Figure 4) showed significant changes species at Uppalapadu Lake. Existence of higher population
with respect to habitat and settlement in and around the of pelicans encouraged SACON researchers to further study
lake, as well as in the size of the standing water areas (mostly other local ecological characters that might cause these birds
reduction). The changes in land use-land cover patterns in to choose Uppalapadu Lake as breeding site. Along with
and around lake can be linked to the birds’ population. pelican population statistics, SACON reported counts of
A study by Sailaja et al. [21] reported reduction in the other species and provided information on their nesting
population of birds from 12,000 to 7,000 individuals, which locations. Interestingly, they reported a breeding colony of
they attributed to anthropogenic activities. There was also a spot-billed pelican, painted stork and ibis at Garapadu Lake
change in the water quality of the lake compared to other (Rama Chandra Palem). This implies that the birds tried to
hydrologically connected water bodies that can be seen in return to their previous habitat despite past anthropogenic
Google Map (Figure 3). Usually, deep, clear waters appear disturbances.
dark bluish or black in remote sensing satellite imagery Single species studies are more commonly undertaken in
because they absorb all the wavelengths of the electromag- Uppalapadu Lake. Mruthumjaya Rao [25], a bird watcher,
netic spectrum. The presence of any sedimentation in water did an interesting study about the birds of this lake.
thereby increases reflectance so that the water bodies appear According to his observations, resident birds, including cattle
shades of grey to light blue or cyan. In the 1990 image, the egrets, little cormorants, open-billed storks, night herons,
lake was black. In 2000, it was grey, indicating that the lake’s and jacanas, used to roost and breed there prior 1992. But
4 International Journal of Zoology

Lakes Lakes


Garapadu Crops
Garapadu Crops

Landsat TM data of November 10, 1990 Landsat ETM data of October 28, 2000
(a) (b)

Figure 4: Satellite imagery showing changes in lake size and increased settlement areas.

Figure 5: View of avian fauna at Uppalapadu Lake.

after 1992, local residents, painted storks, and the glossy ibis population between years in this period showed a reduction
became regular annual migrants. He noted regular migration in the population of few species during 2007-2008 (3,135)
of pelicans and described how these pelicans build nests on compared to 2006-2007 (4,984) and an increase in 2009-
Prosopis juliflora and now compete with painted storks for 2010 (5,813). Nanda Kumar et al. [22] also reported the
space. presence of painted storks only in Uppalapadu. The study
A study carried out by Nanda Kumar et al. [22] described also calculated diversity (using Simpson’s diversity Index)
six dominant bird species inhabiting Uppalapadu Lake. of the avian fauna for the periods 2006 to 2010, ranging
Their study focused on the population characteristics of between 0.62 and 0.71 with an average of 0.67, which shows
these dominant birds over a period of three years (2006– there was no significant variation in the diversity patterns.
2010). They observed that the pelican’s population was most With respect to the distribution of bird species within the
abundant with a total of 6,700 individuals observed in three lake habitats, he noticed grey pelicans, painted storks, and
years, followed by white ibis (2,600), painted storks (2,000), open bill stork occupying upper strata levels and white ibis,
open bill stork (1,820), glossy ibis (550), and darter (11), glossy ibis at lower levels of Prosopis juliflora, and Acacia
along with six other species (250). A comparison of the nilotica trees. The study concluded that the overcrowding
International Journal of Zoology 5

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 6: View of various aquatic weed growth at Uppalapadu Lake.

of birds and other resource limitations at Uppalapadu Lake lakes [22]. The overcrowding of birds on Prosopis juliflora
led to a few bird species choosing alternative habitat near reduced the photosynthetic capacity of the trees and resulted
Garapadu village. in their death, which indirectly affected the birds [26]. An
observation by Nani [27] was that, in order to cope with this
space competition, a group of birds started migrating back
3.3. Threats to the Lake and Birds. In the past (maybe around
to Garapadu Lake. Nani’s study observed 700 pelicans and 50
2002), there was impact from human activities on this lake
storks inhabiting Garapadu Lake.
[26]. At the time of this study, yet, there was no serious
The constraint of space not only resulted in inter- and
threat from anthropogenic activities observed to be affecting
intraspecies competition but also fouled the lake water with
the lake. However, the size of the lake limits population of
the excreta of the birds, which is in excess of what the lake has
birds, which may exceed more than 20,000 individuals in
historically been able to process. The bird excreta likely also
peak season. The main reason for the increase in population
contaminate the adjacent water bodies. Local residents who
is mainly due to the shrinking (by anthropogenic actions)
use this water for domestic purposes reported skin ailments
of nearby Kolleru Lake (125 kilometers away), which is
(itching, pustules, and rashes) during interviews conducted
one of the important bird habitats [22]. Birds are not
for this study.
able to use adjacent water bodies, perhaps due to lack of
Since the water in the lake is nearly stagnant (less inflow
shelter for nesting and limited food resources, or perhaps
than outflow), it accumulates biowaste materials from the
due to the threat of being nearer to human settlements,
birds, causing profound growth of invasive species, notably
or a combination of these factors. In the past (prior to
Eichhornia spp., and microscopic algae. The extent of growth
2000), birds faced conflict with humans for space and food
of these species varies seasonally. The team observed an
resources at Garapadu Lake. Currently, at Uppalapadu Lake,
increase in the area occupied by weeds and algae during field
different bird species compete among themselves for food
surveys conducted at different periods (Figure 6). The team
and space due to the limited availability of resources. Small
noticed that the main lake along with adjacent water bodies
water fowl has to compete with larger birds (pelicans) who
is subject to eutrophication, resulting in the covering of the
come early to this lake to occupy the nests of other birds
water surface with vegetation, predominantly Eichhornia spp.
(such as the open bill stork); as a result, the later-arriving
This ultimately reduced the open water on the lake, affecting
birds land in nearby paddy fields, ultimately being preyed on
birds’ access to food.
by domestic dogs and cats [25, 26].
The seven acres of annually flooded wetland of Uppala-
padu Lake cannot sustain the entire migrating bird popula- 3.4. Management of the Lake. The local residents of Uppala-
tion. At the time of the study, it was estimated that the total padu village initially created problems for the migrating
population of birds per unit is higher than any other nearby birds but later gladly accepted the migrating birds when
6 International Journal of Zoology




(a) (b)

Watch tower

Iron rail fencing

(c) (d)

Figure 7: Management steps at Uppalapadu Lake.

they emigrated from Garapadu Lake and did not bother created a barrier to prevent direct and indirect human
them in one of the lakes in the Uppalapadu complex. The interference (Figure 7). In order to promote tourism, they
villagers continued to use the water in the adjacent pond installed a watchtower near the lake (Figure 7). The Forest
for the domestic purposes. In order to prevent pollution of Department also installed interpretive signs near the lake
the pond by bird feces, they constructed a bund (sand fence) which showed pictures of some of the important bird species
to remove the hydrologic connection between the two lakes. and described their life history (Figure 8).
The villagers liked these birds and started protecting them The Forest Department continues to take additional
from poaching. measures to improve the quality of the lake for the birds.
The Forest Department took over management of the They frequently introduce fish into the lake to provide a
lake in 1997 and developed it with the intention of restoring food source for the birds. They also take measures to modify
and maintaining physical and biological features that benefit the hydrology of the lake. The lake inlet is a tributary to
the birds. The Department increased potential bird habitat the Krishna River, and, whenever inflow exceeds outflow,
by constructing fourteen mounds in the 2-acre lake that har- they create an additional outlet to drain water into a
bors the majority of the birds (Figure 7). They strengthened nearby water body. Due to those measures, there is standing
the mounds by curbing them with Napa slab. water in the lake throughout the year, which supports the
Prosopis juliflora and Pithecellobium dulce are the dom- birds.
inant species on the mounds and are used by the birds for Recognizing the ecological significance of this lake and
nesting [23]. Due to continuous use by the new immigrants, its avian fauna biodiversity [28], the Government of Andhra
the shrubs get deteriorated regularly. In order to prevent Pradesh passed various laws to punish the people who try to
further deterioration, the Forest Department introduced two poach the birds, steal their eggs, or disturb their activities.
artificial trees into the lake. The technique of introducing From February 2002 to present, two guards working for the
artificial trees provided the birds with a supportive substra- Forest Department have monitored the lake and the activities
tum for nesting and breeding purposes. After noting that the of the visitors entering this protected area.
birds nested in the introduced trees, the Department planted
two more trees (Figure 7).
The Forest Department closed off the perimeter of the 3.4.1. Proposals by the Forest Department to Promote Sustain-
entire lake with a chain-like fence and iron railing. These able Management. Collated observations from the studies
International Journal of Zoology 7

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 8: Display boards at entrance of the lake showing important bird species of the lake.

on this lake suggest that there are a large number of birds Uppalapadu protected area. The planned use of these funds
frequently visiting this lake. Species per unit area is very high, is to plant more shrubs to shelter migrating birds and thereby
leading to constraints on perching, nesting, and breeding encourage more tourists to visit the lake.
activities. Thus, the Forest Department has come up with
following conservation proposals, which would amount to 3.5. Activist Groups Working on Bird Conservation. Currently,
a 3.61 crores investment. the local people living around Uppalapadu Lake show great
compassion for the birds that inhabit their lake. Even though
(1) As space is the main constraint on the number of
these birds raid their crops to build their nests and dirty
birds that can use the lake, they proposed acquiring
their water bodies with their excreta, the residents ignore
habitat on adjacent land. One identified conservation
these damaging impacts and actually protect the birds from
area is the nearby high school property (Figure 3).
poachers. School children also demonstrate appreciation for
(2) Creating a new pond with additional vegetated the birds. They are actively involved in identifying bird’s
mounds. species and explaining their characteristics to the tourists
(3) Planting more saplings and shrubs that can provide [25].
shelter. Apart from Government and local people, a nongovern-
mental organization called “Care for Nature’s Creatures”
The Times of India [29] recently reported that, in Andhra advocates protection of the birds. They take care of orphaned
Pradesh (State of India), the Irrigation Department released pelicans and rehabilitate them until they can take care of
two crore rupees under the environmental protection fund themselves [30]. In 2009-2010, SACON conducted a study
that the Forest Department could use to upgrade the on the spot-billed pelican breeding colony with 500 nests.
8 International Journal of Zoology

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