Essay: EAPP: Lesson III: Structure of Academic Text

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EAPP: Lesson III: Structure of academic text

Introduction Introduction
Body Used to show the author’s knowledge
about his field of study and existing
Introduction - a thesis statement that gives an
insight to the author’s evidence
Usually contains a summary of existing
This is where the subject or topic is
research on the subject, a thesis
statement, hypothesis, or research
You can quote a statement about a topic question, and relevant theories
or something related to the whole point
of your essay.
Shows that the author has arrived at his
The evidence and supporting details of the
results by applying valid and reliable
expository essay in addition to the author’s
A set of transition words or sentences to
This part accounts what the author did and
create a good flow of the essay.
did not do
Sufficient examples, evidence, data, and
information that must be relevant to the
particular topic of the essay.
A relatively large part of the paper
Conclusion This section presents, organizes and
categorizes the findings
Wrap up and summarize the essay, as well
as the arguments, ideas, and points.
Restate the main arguments in a simplified
The result is the essence of the paper. The
and clear manner that must be understood
introduction and methods builds up to the
by the reader.
results by showing how the author arrived at
Guarantee that the reader is left with
his results (method) and their significance
something to think about, especially the
main point of your essay.

IMRAD Discussion
Introduction In this section, the author discusses the
results of his study/project
This section determines the strong and weak
Results aspects of the paper
The author makes recommendations to be
applied for future.
It is a statement that summarizes your topic and declares your position on it.
Tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of the subject matter under discussion.
It is the central idea of multiple paragraph composition. It is one sentence summary that guides,
controls and unifies ideas when writing a paper. In simple terms, all the other ideas present in an essay
revolve around the thesis statement.
In academic writing, the thesis is often explicit: it is included as a sentence as part of text. It might be
near the beginning of the work, but not always some types of academic writing leave the thsis until the
You should provide a thesis early in your essay – in the introduction or in longer essays in the second
paragraph – in order to establish your position and give your reader a sense of direction.
Be clear and as specific as possible: avoid vague words.
Indicate the point of your paper but avoid sentence structures like, “The point of my paper is ..”

How to support Thesis Statement with Evidences

1. Cite an evidence to support your thesis statement. It can be:
A. Fact – an objective information about the topic.
(a) Laws
(b) Figures/Statistics/Surveys/Researches
(c) People with Expertise – their quotations or point of view.

2. Relate why you choose the specific evidence to support your thesis statement.

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