Business Taxation: History of Income Tax Law in Pakistan
Business Taxation: History of Income Tax Law in Pakistan
Business Taxation: History of Income Tax Law in Pakistan
Tax sec-2(63)
1. Penalty
2. Fee
3. Default surcharge
4. Any sum or amount leviable or payable under the ordinance.
Taxpayer sec-2(66)
1. Any representative of a person who derives an amount chargeable
to tax under the income tax ordinance, 2001
2. Any person who is required to deduct tax at source or collect tax in
3. Any person which is required to furnish a return of income or pay
tax under the income tax ordinance,2001
Tax year sec-74
Types of tax year
1. Normal tax year (1-7-2020 to 30-6-2021) period of twelve months
2. Special tax year (period of twelve months other than 30 th june.
3. Transitional tax year (less than 12 months period)
4. Separate tax year (less than 12 months period)
Agricultural income (sec-41)
1. Any rent or revenue derived from land
2. Land should be situated in Pakistan
3. Land is used for agriculture purpose
4. Human efforts should involve
Non agriculture income
Partially agriculture/partial non agriculture income
Definitions: Income from salary
Employment: sec-2(22)
• A directorship or any other office involved in the management of a
• A position entitling the holder to a fixed or ascertainable
• The holding or acting in any public office.
Employee: sec-2(20) any individual engaged in employment.
Salary sec-12(2)
1. Pay, wages, leave pay, overtime payment, bonus, commission, fee,
gratuity or work conditions supplement or any other remuneration
2. Any perquisite, whether convertible into money or not
3. Amount of any allowance (which is given to remunerate an
4. Any expenditure reimbursed by the employer (that has not been
incurred in the performance of duties)
5. Profit in lieu of or in addition to salary.
6. Consideration of person agreement to enter into an employment
Salary sec-12(2)
1. Consideration for persons agreement to enter into an employment
2. Consideration for an employee agreement to any conditions for
employment or any change to the employee conditions of employment
3. Amount received on termination of employment
4. Amount received from provident fund or any other fund for employee
5. Consideration for agreement to a restrictive covenant
6. Pension, annuity or any supplement to pension or annuity.
7. Any amount chargeable to tax under employee share scheme under
sections 14.
Minimum time scale (MTS)
(20,000-5000-80,000) 12*20000=240000
• Basic salary= MTS+ annual increment
3rd year = 20,000+15000=35,000
2nd year =20,000+10000=30,000
1st year =20,000+5000 =25,000
Exemptions- income from salary
1. Salary of foreign government officials
2. Salary of services under an aid agreement
3. Salary of agha khan development network Pakistan (AKDNP)
4. Salary of seafarer
5. Perquisites in foreign country