Standard For Certain Canned Fruits

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CODEX STAN 319-2015

Adopted in 2015.

This Standard supersedes individual standards for:

Canned Mangoes (CODEX STAN 159-1987)
Canned Pears (CODEX STAN 61-1981)
CODEX STAN 319-2015 2

This Standard applies to certain canned fruits, as defined in Section 2 below and in the corresponding
Annexes and offered for direct consumption, including for catering purposes or for repackaging if required. It
does not apply to the product when indicated as being intended for further processing.
This Standard does not cover canned applesauce, canned berry fruits, canned citrus fruits, and canned
stone fruits which are covered by other Codex standards.

2.1 Product Definition
Canned fruits are the products:
(1) prepared from substantially sound fruits, fresh, frozen, thermally processed, or processed by other
physical methods, as defined in the corresponding Annexes, having reached appropriate maturity for
processing. None of their essential characteristic elements are removed from them. They undergo
operations such as washing, peeling, coring, stemming, grading, cutting, etc., depending on the type
of product;
(2) (a) packed with or without a suitable liquid packing medium including other optional ingredients as
indicated in Section 3.1.2;
(b) vacuum packaged with packing medium that does not exceed 20% of the product’s net weight
and when the container is sealed in such conditions as to generate an internal pressure in
accordance with good manufacturing practices ; and
(3) processed in an appropriate manner, before or after being hermetically sealed in a container, so as
to prevent spoilage and to ensure product stability in normal storage conditions at ambient
2.2 Styles
In addition to the styles defined in the corresponding Annexes, any other styles should be permitted as
indicated in Section 2.2.1.
2.2.1 Other Styles
Any other presentation of the product should be permitted provided that the product:
(1) is sufficiently distinctive from other forms of presentation laid down in the Standard;
(2) meets all relevant requirements of the Standard, including requirements relating to limitations on
defects, drained weight, and any other requirements which are applicable to that style which most
closely resembles the style or styles intended to be provided for under this provision; and
(3) is adequately described on the label to avoid confusing or misleading the consumer.
2.3 Varietal Type
Any commercially cultivated variety or type suitable for canning may be used.


3.1 Composition
3.1.1 Basic Ingredients
Fruits as defined in Section 2 and the corresponding Annexes and liquid packing medium appropriate to the
product as per Section 3.1.3 below.
3.1.2 Optional Ingredients
In accordance with the relevant provisions in the corresponding Annexes.

High vacuum products typically have an internal pressure of approximately 300 millibars or more below atmospheric
pressure (depending on container size and other relevant factors).
CODEX STAN 319-2015 3

3.1.3 Packing Media

In accordance with the Guidelines for Packing Media for Canned Fruits (CAC/GL 51-2003).
The cut-out strength for any syrup packing medium shall be determined on average, but no container may have
o o
a soluble solids ( Brix) value beyond the next category of the medium Brix.
3.2 Quality Criteria
3.2.1 Colour, Flavour, Odour and Texture
Canned fruits shall have normal colour, flavour and odour of canned fruits, corresponding to the type of fruits,
packing medium, and added optional ingredients used and shall possess texture characteristic of the
3.2.2 Uniformity of Size
In accordance with the relevant provisions in the corresponding Annexes.
3.2.3 Defects and Allowances
Canned fruits should be substantially free from defects. Certain common defects should not be present in
amounts greater than the limitations fixed in the corresponding Annexes.
3.3 Classification of “Defectives”
A container that fails to meet one or more of the applicable quality requirements, as set out in Section 3.2
(except those based on sample averages), should be considered as a “defective”.
3.4 Lot Acceptance
A lot should be considered as meeting the applicable quality requirements referred to in Section 3.1.3 and
3.2 when:
(1) for those requirements which are not based on averages, the number of “defectives”, as defined in
Section 3.3, does not exceed the acceptance number (c) of the appropriate sampling plan with an
Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) of 6.5; and
(2) the requirements of Sections 3.1.3 and 3.2, which are based on sample averages, are complied with.

4.1 Only those food additive classes listed below and in the corresponding Annexes are technologically justified
and may be used in products covered by this Standard. Within each additive class only those food additives
listed in the corresponding Annexes, or referred to, may be used and only for the functions, and within limits,
4.2 Acidity regulators used in accordance with Tables 1 and 2 of the General Standard for Food Additives
(CODEX STAN 192-1995) in food category (Canned or bottled (pasteurized) fruit) or listed in Table
3 of the General Standard are acceptable for use in foods conforming to this Standard.

5.1 The products covered by this Standard shall comply with the maximum levels of the General Standard for
Contaminants and Toxins in Food and Feed (CODEX STAN 193-1995).
5.2 The products covered by this Standard shall comply with the maximum residue limits for pesticides
established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

6.1 It is recommended that the products covered by the provisions of this Standard be prepared and handled in
accordance with the appropriate sections of the General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969),
Code of Hygienic Practice for Canned Fruit and Vegetable Products (CAC/RCP 2-1969), and other relevant
Codex texts such as codes of hygienic practice and codes of practice.
6.2 The products should comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance with the Principles
and Guidelines for the Establishment and Application of Microbiological Criteria related to Foods
(CAC/GL 21-1997).
CODEX STAN 319-2015 4


7.1 Fill of Container
7.1.1 Minimum Fill
The container should be well filled with the product (including packing medium) which should occupy not less
than 90% (minus any necessary head space according to good manufacturing practices) of the water capacity
of the container. The water capacity of the container is the volume of distilled water at 20 C which the sealed
container will hold when completely filled. This provisions does not apply to vacuum packaged fruits.
7.1.2 Classification of “Defectives”
A container that fails to meet the requirement for minimum fill of Section 7.1.1 should be considered as a
7.1.3 Lot Acceptance
A lot should be considered as meeting the requirement of Section 7.1.1 when the number of “defectives”, as
defined in Section 7.1.2, does not exceed the acceptance number (c) of the appropriate sampling plan with
an AQL of 6.5.
7.1.4 Minimum Drained Weight The drained weight of the product should be not less than the percentages indicated in the corresponding
Annexes, calculated on the basis of the weight of distilled water at 20 C which the sealed container will hold
when completely filled. Lot Acceptance
The requirements for minimum drained weight should be deemed to be complied with when the average
drained weight of all containers examined is not less than the minimum required, provided that there is no
unreasonable shortage in individual containers.

8.1 The products covered by the provisions of this Standard shall be labelled in accordance with the General
Standard for the Labelling of Pre-packaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1-1985). In addition, the following specific
provisions apply:
8.2 Name of the Product
8.2.1 The names of the canned fruits shall be those defined in the corresponding Annexes.
8.2.2 When the fruits are sized, the size (or sizes when sizes are mixed), as defined in the corresponding
Annexes, may be declared as part of the name or in close proximity to the name of the product.
8.2.3 The name of the product shall include the indication of the packing medium as set out in Section 2.1.2 (a).
For canned fruits packaged in accordance with Section 2.1.2 (b) the words “vacuum packaged” shall be
affixed to the commercial designation of the product or in close proximity.
8.2.4 The name of the product shall the include indication of the style as set out in Section 2.2.
8.2.5 Other styles - If the product is produced in accordance with the other styles provision (Section 2.2.1), the label
should contain in close proximity to the name of the product such additional words or phrases that will avoid
misleading or confusing the consumer.
8.2.6 If an added ingredient, as defined in Section 3.1.2, alters the flavour characteristic of the product, the name
of the food shall be accompanied by the term “flavoured with X” or “X flavoured” as appropriate.
8.2.7 The name of the product may include the varietal type.
8.3 Labelling of Non-Retail Containers
Information for non-retail containers shall be given either on the container or in accompanying documents,
except that the name of the product, lot identification, and the name and address of the manufacturer, packer,
distributor or importer, as well as storage instructions, shall appear on the container. However, lot identification,
and the name and address of the manufacturer, packer, distributor or importer may be replaced by an
identification mark, provided that such a mark is clearly identifiable with the accompanying documents.

For non-metallic rigid containers such as glass jars, the basis for the determination should be calculated on the
weight of distilled water at 20C which the sealed container will hold when completely filled less 20 ml.
CODEX STAN 319-2015 5


Provision Method Principle Type

AOAC 968.30 Sieving

Drained weight I
(Codex general method for processed fruits and vegetables) Gravimetry

CAC/RM 46-1972 (for glass containers)

(Codex general method for processed fruit and vegetables)
Fill of
and Weighing I
ISO 90.1:1999 (for metal containers)
(Codex general method for processed fruit and vegetables)

ISO 2173:2003
Soluble solids (Codex general method for processed fruit and vegetables) Refractometry I
AOAC 932.14C


(CAC/RM 46-1972)

This method applies to glass containers.

The water capacity of a container is the volume of distilled water at 20°C which the sealed container will hold
when completely filled.

3.1 Select a container which is undamaged in all respects.
3.2 Wash, dry and weigh the empty container.
3.3 Fill the container with distilled water at 20°C to the level of the top thereof, and weigh the container thus


Subtract the weight found in 3.2 from the weight found in 3.3. The difference shall be considered to be the
weight of water required to fill the container. Results are expressed as ml of water.
CODEX STAN 319-2015 6

Sampling Plans
The appropriate inspection level is selected as follows:
Inspection level I - Normal Sampling
Inspection level II - Disputes, (Codex referee purposes sample size),
enforcement or need for better lot estimate

SAMPLING PLAN 1 (Inspection Level I, AQL = 6.5)


Lot Size (N) Sample Size (n) Acceptance Number (c)

4,800 or less 6 1

4,801 - 24,000 13 2

24,001 - 48,000 21 3

48,001 - 84,000 29 4

84,001 - 144,000 38 5

144,001 - 240,000 48 6

more than 240,000 60 7


Lot Size (N) Sample Size (n) Acceptance Number (c)

2,400 or less 6 1
2,401 - 15,000 13 2

15,001 - 24,000 21 3

24,001 - 42,000 29 4
42,001 - 72,000 38 5

72,001 - 120,000 48 6

more than 120,000 60 7


Lot Size (N) Sample Size (n) Acceptance Number (c)

600 or less 6 1
601 - 2,000 13 2

2,001 - 7,200 21 3

7,201 - 15,000 29 4
15,001 - 24,000 38 5

24,001 - 42,000 48 6

more than 42,000 60 7

CODEX STAN 319-2015 7

SAMPLING PLAN (Inspection Level II, AQL = 6.5)


Lot Size (N) Sample Size (n) Acceptance Number (c)

4,800 or less 13 2

4,801 - 24,000 21 3

24,001 - 48,000 29 4

48,001 - 84,000 38 5

84,001 - 144,000 48 6

144,001 - 240,000 60 7

more than 240,000 72 8


Lot Size (N) Sample Size (n) Acceptance Number (c)

2,400 or less 13 2

2,401 - 15,000 21 3

15,001 - 24,000 29 4

24,001 - 42,000 38 5

42,001 - 72,000 48 6

72,001 - 120,000 60 7

more than 120,000 72 8


Lot Size (N) Sample Size (n) Acceptance Number (c)

600 or less 13 2

601 - 2,000 21 3

2,001 - 7,200 29 4

7,201 - 15,000 38 5

15,001 - 24,000 48 6

24,001 - 42,000 60 7

more than 42,000 72 8

CODEX STAN 319-2015 8


In addition to the general provisions applicable to canned fruits,
the following specific provisions apply:

1.1 Product Definition
Canned mango is the product conforming to the characteristics of the fruits of Mangifera indica L and from
which peel has been removed.
1.2 Styles
The product shall be prepared from peeled fruit for all the following styles:
1.2.1 Whole – whole fruit with or without stone.
1.2.2 Halves - cut into two approximately equal parts along the stone from stem to apex.
1.2.3 Slices - long, slender pieces cut lengthwise or crosswise.
1.2.4 Pieces - (or mixed pieces or irregular pieces) - pitted and comprising irregular shapes and sizes.
1.2.5 Diced - flesh cut into cube-like pieces.


2.1 Composition
2.1.1 Optional Ingredients
Spices and aromatic plants (in accordance with the relevant Codex standards for spices and culinary herbs),
spice oils.
2.2 Quality Criteria
2.2.1 Colour
Canned mangoes containing optional ingredients shall be considered to be of characteristic colour when there
is no abnormal discolouration of the respective ingredient used.
2.2.2 Flavour
Canned mangoes with optional ingredients shall have the characteristic flavour of the mangoes and the other
substances used.
2.2.3 Texture
The mangoes shall have degree of fleshiness and fibre characteristic of the variety. They may be variable in
tenderness but shall neither be mushy nor excessively firm in regular pack, and shall not be excessively firm in
solid packs.
2.2.4 Uniformity of Size Halves styles - Most of the units shall be reasonably uniform in size. Where a unit has broken within the
container, the combined broken pieces are considered as a single unit.

Tolerances for uniformity of size for halves

Regular packs Solid packs

Non uniformity of size for halves
Less than 30% by count Less than 30% by count
CODEX STAN 319-2015 9

2.2.6 Definition of Defects

(a) Blemishes - surface discolouration and spots arising from physical, pathological, insect or other agents
that definitely contrast with the overall colour, and which may penetrate into the flesh. Examples
include bruises, scab and dark discolouration.
(b) Crushed or mashed - means a unit which has been crushed to the extent that it has lost its normal
shape (not due to ripeness) or has been severed into definite parts. Partially disintegrated halves are
not counted as broken. All portions that collectively equal the size of a full size unit are considered one
unit in applying the allowance herein.
(c) Peel - considered as a defect. It refers to peel adhering to the pulp of the mango or found loose in the
(d) Pit (or stone) material/fragment - considered a defect in all styles except Whole. In Whole mangoes,
the whole stone may be present inside the fruit but no loose or broken fragments shall be present
beyond the allowances in the table under Section 2.2.7.
(e) Harmless extraneous material - means any vegetable substance (such as, but not limited to a leaf or
portion thereof or a stem or portion thereof) that is harmless but which tends to detract from the
appearance of the product.
(f) Trim - considered a defect only in halved and sliced canned mangoes in regular packs. The trimming
must be excessive and includes serious gouges (whether due to physical trimming or other means) on
the surface of the units which definitely detract from the appearance.
2.2.7 Allowances for Defects
The product shall be reasonably free from defects such as harmless extraneous material, pit (stone) material,
blemished and trim, crushed or mashed, peel and spotted slices or chunks to the extent indicated below:

Defects Regular packs Solid packs

Blemishes and trim 30% by count 3 units per 500 g

Crushed or mashed 5% by weight not applicable

2 2
Peel and or chunks not more than 6 cm not more than 12 cm
aggregate area per 500 g aggregate area per 500 g
Pit or pit material (average) 1/8 stone or equivalent 1/8 stone or equivalent
per 500 g per 500 g

Harmless extraneous material 2 pieces per 500 g 3 pieces per 500 g

Whole pit is not considered for defects.
CODEX STAN 319-2015 10

3.1 Antioxidants, and firming agents used in accordance with Tables 1 and 2 of the General Standard for Food
Additives (CODEX STAN 192-1995) in Food Category (Canned or bottled (pasteurized) fruit) or
listed in Table 3 of the General Standard are acceptable for use for foods conforming to this Annex.
3.2 Colours
Only the colours listed below is permitted for use in canned mangoes.

INS No Name of the Food Additive Maximum Level

160a(i),a(iii),e, f Carotenoids 200 mg/kg

160a(ii) Carotene beta - vegetable 1,000 mg/kg

120 Carmines 200 mg/kg


4.1 Minimum Drained Weight

(a) Regular packs 50%

(b) Solid pack 70%

CODEX STAN 319-2015 11


In addition to the general provisions applicable to canned fruits,
the following specific provisions apply:

1.1 Product Definition
Canned pear is the product conforming to the characteristics of the fruit of Pyrus communis or Pyrus sinensis,
which are peeled or unpeeled, cored, and stemmed, except that whole pears may not need to be peeled,
cored, or stemmed and half pears may not need to be peeled.
1.2 Styles
1.2.1 Whole - “peeled stemmed” or “unstemmed” or “unpeeled stemmed” or “unstemmed” with cores removed
“cored” or left in “not cored”.
1.2.2 Halves - peeled or unpeeled, with stems and cores removed, and cut into two approximately equal parts.
1.2.3 Quarters - peeled or unpeeled and cut into four approximately equal parts.
1.2.4 Sliced - peeled and cut into wedge-shaped sectors.
1.2.5 Diced - peeled and cut into cube-like parts.
1.2.6 Pieces or Irregular Pieces - peeled and comprising irregular shapes and sizes.


2.1 Composition
2.1.1 Optional Ingredients
(a) Lemon juice (single strength or concentrated) added as an acidulant or flavour enhancer; and
(b) Spices and aromatic plants (in accordance with the relevant Codex standards for spices and culinary
herbs), spice oils.
2.2 Quality Criteria
2.2.1 Colour
Canned pears shall have normal colour (except for coloured pears as listed in Section 4 of the Standard). A
slight pink discoloration should not be regarded as a defective.
2.2.2 Uniformity of Size
“Whole”, “halves”, “quarters” - 95% by count of units that are most uniform in size, the weight of the largest unit
should be no more than twice the weight of the smallest unit, but if there are less than 20 units, one unit may
be disregarded. Where a unit has broken in the container, the broken pieces are reassembled to approximate
a single unit of the appropriate style.
2.2.3 Definition of Defects
(a) Blemished and trimmed pear units - blemished units with surface discoloration and spots that
definitely contrast with the overall colour and which may penetrate into the flesh, such as bruises,
scab, and dark discoloration. Trimmed units that have deep gouges, whether due to physical trimming
or other means, and which definitely detract from the appearance; trimmed units are considered
defects only in whole, halved, and quartered styles.
(b) Broken - a unit severed in two or more parts should be considered as one unit when reassembled to
the approximate size and shape of an average unit in the container.
(c) Core material - consisting of the seed cell, whether loose or attached, with or without seeds. For the
purposes of calculating the defects allowance, all pieces of a core in the sample should be aggregated
and pieces totalling approximately one-half of a core should be counted as one unit.
(d) Harmless plant material - stems or stalks and leaf (or similar vegetable material).
(e) Peel - peel that adheres to pear flesh or is found loose in the container.
(f) Seeds - any one pear seed or the equivalent in pieces of one seed that are not included in core
CODEX STAN 319-2015 12

2.2.4 Allowances for Defects

The product should be substantially free from defects such as harmless plant material, peel (in peeled styles),
core material, blemished and trimmed units, seeds and broken units to the extent indicated below:

Defects Maximum Limits

(i) Total, 20% by count; or 3 units per

container when count is less than 10;
provided the sample average is no more
than 20%
(a) Blemished and trimmed pear units - but limited to -
(ii) 20% by count blemished; or 2 units per
container when count is less than 10;
provided the sample average is no more
than 10% for blemished.

20% by count; or 2 units per container

(b) Broken - in “whole”, “halves”, and “quartered” styles only. when count is less than 10; provided the
sample average is no more than 10%.

(c) Core material (average) - except in “whole-not-cored”

2 units per kg of total contents.

(i) Stems or stalks (in styles in which

the stem is customarily removed)
(d) Harmless plant
3 pieces per 3 kg of total contents.
(ii) Leaf (or similar vegetable
10 cm (10 sq. cm.) aggregate area per
(e) Peel (Average) - except in “unpeeled” styles.
kg of total contents.

(f) Seeds (average) - except in “whole-not-cored” styles. 8 per kg of total contents.

3.1 Colours (permitted only in special holiday packs) used in accordance with Tables 1 and 2 of the General
Standard for Food Additives (CODEX STAN 192-1995) in Food Category (Canned or bottled
(pasteurized) fruit) or listed in Table 3 of the General Standard are acceptable for use for foods conforming to
this Annex.
3.2 Flavourings used in products covered by this Annex should comply with the Guidelines for the Use of
Flavourings (CAC/GL 66-2008).


4.1 Minimum Drained Weight

Style Containers smaller than Containers

and/or equal to 425 ml greater than 425 ml

(a) Whole style 46% 50%

(b) Halves, quarters, slices, pieces 46% 53%

(c) Diced 50% 56%

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