Educator AS Assessor . Name: Pamella
Educator AS Assessor . Name: Pamella
Educator AS Assessor . Name: Pamella
………………………………… ………………….
❖ Question 1……………………………...4
❖ Question 2……………………………5-6
❖ Question 3……………………………6-8
❖ Self-assessment……………………….9
❖ Bibliography……………………………10
Question 1
Question 2
2.1 basic principles teachers should adhere to in order to observe learners successfully.
1) Be unobtrusive; move into the background and do not interfere with what you
about to observe.
2) Be objective as possible and do not allow own values, experiences and opinions
to influence your interpretation.
3) Be cautious of early reaction and suspend judgement. Wait before reaching
conclusion and other interpretations of meaning until after observation (Macfee
and Leong 2002:53)
4) Focus your observation on specific leaner’s behavior, situation concern or
identified goal. As observation is multi skilled activity your attention should be
5) Observing both verbal and non-verbal behavior, posture and body language can
be important clues to behavior.
a) Baseline assessment: it is the assessment that takes place in the
beginning of the learning process, to measure the quality of education by
comparing their baseline assessment of learner with their performance.
Difference between Peer Assessment and Self-assessment
Peer Assessment Self-Assessment
- entails one learner or group of learners - it implies that the learner make
making assessment decision about the judgement about their own work.
work of another learner or group of
learners. - assessing their own essay, report,
presentation, performance and projects.
- It can be individual task or performance
such as essay, projects, reports,
presentation and practical work.
Question 3
a) What subject, lesson topic, learning aims, and grade are being taught and
▪ Subject: Life orientation
▪ Topic: Physical development and movement,Social and Personal
development, Health promotion
▪ Learning aims: Learners able to demonstrate understanding of participate
in activities that promote physical development and movement.Able to
make informed decision regarding – personal health – environmental
health and community health.
▪ Grade: 9
b) What is the purpose of the assessment?
o It is to identify any barriers that the learners might experience in learning
o Maximise learner’s access to knowledge attitude value and skills in the
o Notify the teacher about the success of the learning programme and
where there is a need for improvement.
o To inform learners on their achievement and to report to parents/guardian
and stakeholders.
c) What assessment activity will the learners3
do and what assessment products
and/or assessment performances are produced by the learners as evidence?
❖ They will do individual, pair or group presentation activities, written
assignment, design and make activities, oral presentation activities,
research projects activities and written tests.
➢ In the summative and baseline assessments the teacher will assess learners’
performance of evidence as subject he/she is the expertise is of the subject
matter and these kinds of assessment.
➢ Learners (Self, peer, group) and teacher will be the assessor judge on
learner’s performance for the formative assessment like oral presentations,
group presentation, debates.
e) Which assessment method, instrument and assessment criteria will be used?
• An assessment rubric will be used to assess the learners’ project, as it divides an
assignment into its component parts and objectives and provides detailed criteria
and descriptions of what is seen as acceptable and unacceptable levels of
performance. It gives learners a better 5
idea of what is expected of them.
• Practical assessment tasks such as role plays and other performances, use
Instructions and assessment checklists, grids, or rubrics as instruments.
• Observation sheet and worksheet for design and make activities
f) Indicate how different levels of thinking would be assessed in the task.
▪ KNOWLEDGE: simply knowing facts, definitions or terminology.
Knowledge level focuses on memory or recall. Learner must be able to
recall information and reproduce it in the exact way. Knowledge is
important for thinking and reasoning.
▪ COMPREHENSION: this requires learners to understand the information
and say it in their own words, and comparing it with other info. Learners
should translate, interpret info based on their prior knowledge.Why,
compare, distinguish, explain in your own words, rearrange, describe
▪ ANALYSIS: learners need to break up info into its component parts. They
must be able to identify the elements or parts which comprise the
information and determine how the parts are connected to each other.
Identify determine, analyse, deconstruct, find the cause, distinguish
g) How do you take into account learners’ individual learning styles? multiple
intelligences, aptitudes and interests?
▪ in the assessment activity I will cater for HAPTIC i.e. collecting data
practically, Form of assessment will be `roleplays, songs, presentations,
physical action experiments and brainstorming
▪ VISUAL; writing down the information; In visual learning, leaners learn
best by seeing diagrams, charts, pictures, films, and written directions.
They observe things carefully have a good visual memory for faces,
places, instructions and have a sense of direction.
These learners will value a to-do list, and assignment logs. " Show me
and I will understand.
▪ AND AUDITORY; talking about the findings learning styles. In this way, a
variety is given in the assessment activity. Assessment forms will be
brainstorming, group work, surveys, presentations and dialogues.
h) What practical arrangements have to be made? Where, when and how will the
assessment activity be done, and the evidence assessed?
❖ Learners will need to complete this project at home during the school
holidays period of four weeks. learners and I will then assess the oral
presentation during class and assess, design and make and projects will
be assessed after classes.
❖ As a teacher, I will then give feedback on both the oral presentation
written test after week, so that there is enough time for discussing the
project results and giving constructive feedback.
i) how will you make sure that the task is assessed in a credible way?
I will make sure that the assessment is credible, by ensuring that all assessment
practices and procedures for example how assessment will be conducted, design and
implementation of assessment guides, recording of evidence and use of results are
governed by the following principles:
• Fairness: set an assessment that does not in any way disadvantages or
advantage a learner .
o will not be biased in terms of gender, age, disability and race.
o not being clear on what is being assessed;
o and inappropriate assessment methods and instruments used.
• Validity : Validity in assessment refers to measuring those elements that it says it
is measuring, be it knowledge, understanding, subject content, skills, information,
behaviour. I will make sure that assessment procedures, methods, instruments
and material match what is being assessed.
• Reliability: is about the consistency of judgements made by an assessor for
different assessments conducted against a specific unit standard as well as the
consistency of judgements made by different assessors for assessments
conducted against the same unit standard. I will ensure that;
o same or similar procedures, methods and instruments are used;
o I give clear, consistent and unambiguous instructions; and
o I record the evidence gathered and judgements in a clear and systematic way
• Ma nageability: Manageable assessment balances the anticipated time an
assessment task will take to complete with the time students have available; and
considers other concurrent assessments due. E.g. the teacher plans the
assessment task to take place after sufficient time has been given for the teacher
to teach the content and the learners to understand the outcomes.
j) How will assessment judgements be recorded and how will the results be used?
The assessment judgement will be recorded in year schedule and results will be
used for feedback and promotion.
3.2. Curriculum Assessment Policy statement (CAPS)
3.3. The National Curriculum Statement
3.4. School Based Assessment
Question: (a) what pedagogical knowledge and skills have you gained and by
doing this assignment?
Answer: (a)I have gained planning skill.
Question (c) Which strengths could you apply in the future as an educator in
Answer (c) The ability to do assessment using CAPs document.
- Department of Basic Education. 2011. Curriculum and Assessment Policy
Statement(Grades 10-12) LIFE ORIENTATION. Pretoria.
Total = 82 / 100 (82%)
1 One type of assessment not mentioned.
2 Read page 17 of the prescribed textbook.
3 None of the activities mentioned are linked to the topic above.
4 Your explanation had to be linked to the purpose mentioned in (b) above.
5 Your answers are not linked to the topic you chose.