Test 2 PDF
Test 2 PDF
Test 2 PDF
From the scenario above, what are the factors that you think affect employees’ job satisfaction in
SegiTech company?
Employees, ongoing absenteeism is reflecting that the organization is earning higher income and
turnover so in like manner organization should need to deal with its employees accordingly in wording
to raise the compensations of the workers and giving them the necessary most recent offices in
wording to develop all the more quicker as organization is winning and building a major income in
light of its persevering workers so by absenting in a major number will in general signify the
organization to understand and to take care of the employees additionally in terms to give a raise and
updating of their office's and operational fragments. Job satisfaction depends on several different
factors such as satisfaction with pay, promotion opportunities, fringe benefits, job security,
relationship with co-workers and supervisors, etc. What happen in segi tech company is Working
Environment It is essential to provide employees with a work environment that is conducive to their
overall development. They need an environment which is healthy and safe and which caters to both
personal comforts and facilitates doing a good job. If the working conditions are good (clean, attractive
surroundings), the personnel will find it easier to carry out their jobs. On the other hand, if the working
conditions are poor (hot, noisy surroundings), personnel will find it more difficult to get things
done.Hence, it can be said that having a friendly, and supportive environment can lead to increased
job satisfaction .Next, Fair Policies and Practice Individuals who perceive that promotion decisions are
made in a fair and just manner are likely to experience satisfaction from their jobs. Very often
employees are demotivated and dissatisfied with their jobs because unfair policies and practices
prevail at their place of work. It is therefore of utmost importance for an organization to have a fair
and equal system regarding practices and policies so that there is no discrimination and frustration.
Third is, Caring Organization Care can be shown in various ways, but it takes into consideration career
development, adult treatment, being taken seriously and being appreciated for a job well done. When
people feel that the organization; for which they are working, cares for them and takes actions to
improve their work and lives, they are happy, and this creates higher satisfaction. Fourth, Appreciation
The human race loves to be appreciated. Even for the smaller job that does one seek to have an
appreciation, from colleagues, boss, and seniors. When one gets acknowledged in front of everyone,
it gives up a boost to their morale. When appreciation leads to encouragement, the ultimate result is
reflected in the efficiency of work automatically. Therefore, the level of job satisfaction is always
higher wherever appreciation is higher. Money not only helps people attain their basic needs but is
also instrumental in providing upper-level need satisfaction. Employees often see pay as a reflection
of how management views their contribution to the organization. Fringe benefits are also significant,
but they are not as influential. One reason undoubtedly is that most employees do not even know
how much they are receiving in benefits. Moreover, most tend to undervalue these benefits because
they do not realize their significant monetary value. Lastly is Feel of Being Loved It is noticed that if an
employee has a good bonding with colleague’s arid seniors, then the job satisfaction level is higher.
One feels like coming to the office and performing the job. If the environment is not friendly, office
politics is at its peak, and malpractices are done, then all these factors together leave no stone
unturned in discouraging an employee from not coming to the office. Offering flexibility is a great way
to show the team members that what is expected from them. What’s more, the gift of time is one of
the most appreciated workplace perks. Smart people work best when they can choose their schedule.
Flexible hours can increase engagement and productivity. But keep in mind that these may decrease
Suggest ways that SegiTech company can created to boost their employee satisfaction and
overcome the absenteeism and turnover problem.
SegiTech Company needs to boost their representatives fulfilment to conquer the non-attendance and
turnover issue is that the organization needs to a arrange quick meeting with the employees to
discover the issue they have been facing in terms to give the solutions appropriately so the workplace
will proceed as previously in terms to keep up great connection with the employees by understanding
their terms and necessities and satisfying the prerequisites from both the side viewpoints as indicated
by the conversation which will eliminate absenteeism and help defeat the turnover issue so that the
professional environment will be in pursuit.
Segi tech can apply these 5 steps firstly, provide a positive working environment Creating job
satisfaction begins by first providing a positive work environment. to find what motivates people, “you
have to find what turns people on.” This is the most important factor in the process. A motivating
working environment requires going over and beyond the call of duty and providing for the needs of
the worker. Second, reward and recognition. Mark Twain once said, “I can live for two months on a
good compliment.” Personal recognition is a powerful tool in building morale and motivation. A pat
on the back, a personal note from a peer or a supervisor does wonders. Small, informal celebrations
are many times more effective than a once a quarter or once a year formal event. Third, involve and
engage the workforce. People may show up for work, but are they engaged and productive? People
are more committed and engaged when there is a process for them to contribute their ideas and
employee suggestions. This gives them a sense of ownership and pride in their work. Last but not least,
develop worker’s skills and potential. Training and education motivate people and makes them more
productive and innovative. At Federal Express, all customer contact people are given six weeks of
training before they ever answer the first phone call. Learning never stops and testing continues
throughout their employment tenure. Every six months customer service people are tested using an
on-line computer system. Pass/fail results are sent to each employee within 24 hours. They receive
a personalized “prescription” on areas that need reviewing with a list of resources and lessons that
will help. Federal Express’ intensive training and development program has resulted in higher
motivation and lower turnover. There are many reasons training and development makes sense. Well-
trained employees are more capable and willing to assume more control over their jobs. They need
less supervision, which frees management for other tasks. Employees are more capable to answer
the questions of customers which builds better customer loyalty. Employees who understand the
business, complain less, are more satisfied, and are more motivated. All this leads to better
management-employee relationships. Lastly, evaluate and measure job satisfaction. Continuous
evaluation and never-ending improvement are the final step of the PRIDE system. Evaluation is a
nonstop activity that includes a specific cycle of steps. The primary purpose of evaluation is to
measure progress and determine what needs improving. Continuous evaluation includes, but is not
limited to, the measurement of attitudes, morale, and motivation of the workforce. It includes the
identification of problem areas needing improvement and the design and implementation of an
improvement plan. Good organizations conduct a job satisfaction survey at least once a year.
Businesses have searched far and wide for the competitive advantage, the best equipment, robotics,
or the latest business technique. These devices provide only temporary solutions. The true
competitive advantage is trained and motivated people proudly working together, contributing their
vitality and energy toward the goals of the enterprise. Based on the apparent positive relationship
between wages and employee satisfaction, I recommend that segi tech, where possible, raise wages
to exceed the industry average in order to attract and retain higher quality employees. In response to
the second hypothesis, i discovered that there is a negative relationship between stress and employee
performance. I noticed that influences such as an aggressive supervisor, poor communication,
inadequate training, role ambiguity, and role conflict can raise the level of work-related stress.
Overwhelming stress levels will naturally lead to reduced performance. On the other hand, I noticed
that training and development increase employees’ skills and raise their confidence in their ability to
do the job, indicating a positive relationship between training and satisfaction. Increased training
helps employees feel more comfortable to perform tasks and brings about greater proficiency, which
in turn gives employees internal motivation and high self-esteem.