2nd. Assessment
2nd. Assessment
2nd. Assessment
Chief Complaint
• Patient’ interpretation of what prompted
him to seek medical care.
• The nurse should record it in the patient’
own words
• The most common cardiovascular
complaints are: chest pain, shortness of
breath; peripheral edema, weight gain,
abdominal distension; palpitation; fatigue;
diizziness. 4
Chest Pain
• Chest pain: or discomfort, a
symptom of cardiac disease,
can result from ischemic
heart disease, pericarditis
and aortic dissection.
• Chest pain: can also be
due to non- cardiac causes;
pleurisy, pulmonary
embolus, hiatal hernia and
anxiety musculoskeletal
strain, GERD
Chest Pain
• Palliative/Provocative
• Quality and : How does it feel? (heavy,
tight, burning/ deep or superficial).
• Radiation: Exact Location and radiation
• Severity: pain scale, associated
• Time: sudden or gradual, comes and goes
or present at all time
Assessment: Subjective
• Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea – client
has been recumbent for several hours,
increase in venous return leads to
pulmonary congestion.
• Fatigue- resulting from decreased cardiac
output is usually worse in evening. Ask pt.
if can they perform same activities as a
year ago
Assessment: Subjective
• Palpitations- fluttering or unpleasant
awareness of heartbeat. Non- cardiac-
causes- fatigue, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol
• Weight gain- a sudden increase in wt. of
2.2 pounds (1 kg) can be result of
accumulation of fluid (1L) in interstitial
spaces, known as edema.
• Syncope- transient loss of consciousness,
decrease in perfusion to brain.
Past History
Family Health History
• Seek information on age,
health, and cause of
death of the pt’s
grandparents, parents,
and siblings.
• Tobacco & Smoking habits
• Familial hypercholesterolemia
• Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Health History
Personal &Social History
• Biographic data
• Diet history: 24 hr. sample diet
Opportunity for teaching food selection
and preparation
• Socioeconomic status – ability to
purchase proper foods, medicines.
Employment and its effects on health?
• Cigarette smoking : # packs /day and
also # years smoked PACK YEARS
Assessment: Subjective
• Physical Activity/Inactivity –
30 minutes daily of moderate
exercise recommended on
most days
• Obesity – associated with
HTN, hyperlipidemia, and
diabetes and all contribute to
CV disease.
• Type A personality – not
conclusive proof
Physical Assessment
• Inspection
• Palpation
• Percussion
• Auscultation
Before beginning, if possible:
› Quiet environment
› Proper positioning (patient sitting for posterior
thorax exam, supine for anterior thorax exam)
› Expose skin for auscultation
› Patient comfort, warm hands and diaphragm of
stethoscope, be considerate of women (drape sheet
to cover chest)
After that the nurse should apply the four techniques;
Inspection, Palpation, Percussion and Auscultation
• The presence of
yellowish plaques on
the eyelids
(xanthelasma) could
hyperlipoproteinemia, a
risk factor for
hypertension as well as
• The presence of
cyanosis (bluish
colour) also
denotes chronic
poor oxygen
delivery to the
peripheral tissues
of the hands and
• The presence of
yellowish plaques
under the skin (non-
eruptive) excoriated
through the skin
(eruptive) could
a risk factor for
hypertension as well
as arteriolosclerosis.
Nursing Intervention:
- Instruct pt not to eat or drink for at least 4
- Wear suitable clothes & shoes for exercise
- Inform pt about the procedure
• Buat ringkasan tentang prosedur berikut
dengan Nursing Implicationnya
1. Echocardiography
2. Radionuclide Imaging
3. Cardiac Catheterization
4. Electrophysiology Testing
5. Hemodinamic Monitoring
6. Angiography