Natural Resource1
Natural Resource1
Natural Resource1
The natural resource of wind powers these 5MW wind
turbines on this wind farm 28 km off the coast of
Forest Resources
Water Resources
Mineral Resources
Food Resources
Energy Resources
Land Resources
Commercial Uses
Fire wood
Pulp Wood
Food items
Non-edible Oils
Bamboo Canes
Ecological Uses
Production of Oxygen
Soil Conservation
Pollution Moderators.
Increased requirements
Shifting Cultivation
300 million people living as shifting cultivators.
5 lakh ha of forests cleared annually.
Fuel Requirements
Increase in fuel wood requirement
1945 – 65 million tons
2001 – 300-500 million tons
Raw Materials for Industrial Use
wood for making boxes, furniture, railway
sleepers, plywood…
Pulp for paper industry.
Development Projects
Hydroelectric power projects, Big dams, Roads,
Growing Food Needs
Creation of agricultural land and settlements by
clearing forests.
It threatens the existence of many wild life
species due to destruction of their natural
Biodiversity is lost and along with that
genetic diversity is eroded.
Hydrological cycle gets affected, thereby
influencing rainfalls.
Problems of soil erosion and loss of soil fertility
In hilly areas it often leads to landslides .
Desertification of Hilly regions of the
Deforestation in Himalayas, involving clearance of
natural forests and plantations of monocultures
like Pinus Roxbhurgi, Eucalyptus Camadulenses
etc. have upset the ecosystem by changing the
various soil and biological properties. Nutrient
cycling has become poor, original germplasm is
lost and the area is invaded by exotic weeds.
These areas are not able to recover and are
losing their fertility. The entire west Khasi hill
district of Meghalaya in North-East Himalayas,
Ladakh and Parts of Kumaon and Garhwal are
now facing the serious problem of desertification.
Waning rainfall in Udhagamandalam (Ooty)
The sub normal rainfall during 1965-1984 at Ooty
in Nilgiri Mountains has been found to be closely
associated with declining forest cover in this
region in the past 20 years. The rainfall pattern
was found to fluctuate with wooded land area in
the hills. When the NIlgiri mountains had
luxuriant forest cover annual rainfall used to be
much higher.
Water resources are sources of water that are useful or
potentially useful to humans. Uses of water include
agricultural, industrial, household, recreational and
environmental activities. Virtually all of these human
uses require fresh water.
97% of water on the Earth is salt water, leaving only 3%
as fresh water of which slightly over two thirds is frozen
in glaciers and polar ice caps. The remaining unfrozen
freshwater is mainly found as groundwater, with only a
small fraction present above ground or in the air.
Fresh water is a renewable resource, yet the world's
supply of clean, fresh water is steadily decreasing. Water
demand already exceeds supply in many parts of the
world and as the world population continues to rise, so
too does the water demand. Awareness of the global
importance of preserving water for ecosystem services
has only recently emerged as, during the 20th century,
more than half the world’s wetlands have been lost along
with their valuable environmental services. Biodiversity-
rich freshwater ecosystems are currently declining faster
than marine or land ecosystems. The framework for
allocating water resources to water users (where such a
framework exists) is known as water rights.
Non-Metallic Minerals
graphite, diamond, quartz, feldspar…
Metallic Minerals
Bauxite, Laterite, Hematite…
Critical Minerals – essential for the economy of
a nation e.g., iron, aluminum, copper, gold…
Strategic Minerals – required for the defence
of the country e.g., Manganese, Cobalt,
Platinum, Chromium…
Impacts of Mining
Devegetation and Defacing of Landscape
Subsidence of Land
Ground water Contamination
Surface water Pollution
Air Pollution
Occupational Health Hazards
Remedial Measures
It is desirable to adopt eco-friendly mining
The low grade ores can be better utilized by
using microbial leaching technique.
Thiobacillus ferroxidans has been successfully
and economically used for extracting gold
embedded in iron sulfide ores
Restoration of mined areas by re-vegetating
them with appropriate plant species.
3rd largest producer of staple crops
300 million Indians are under nourished
Livestock wealth plays a crucial role in the rural life
our country
India leads in livestock population
The huge population of live stock needs to be fed and
the grazing land or the pastures areas are not
Livestock grazing on a particular piece of grass land
or pasture surpass the carry capacity
Carrying capacity of any system is the
maximumpopulation that can be supported by it on
asustainable basis
However, most often, the grazing pressure is so high
that its carrying capacity is crossed and the
sustainability of the grazing land fails.
Impacts of Overgrazing
Land Degradation
Overgrazing removes the vegetal cover over the soil
and the exposed soil gets compacted due to which
the operativesoil depth declines
Roots cannot go deep into the soil
Adequate soil moisture is not available
Organic recycling also declines in the ecosystem
Because → not enough detritus or litter remains on the
soil to be decomposed
The humus content of the soil decreases and
overgrazing leads to organically poor, dry,
compacted soil
Due trampling by cattle the soil loses infiltration
capacity,which reduces percolation of water into the
soil and as aresult of this more water gets lost from
the ecosystem alongwith surface runoff
Thus overgrazing leads to multiple actions resulting in
loss of soil structure, hydraulic conductivity and soil
Soil Erosion
Due to overgrazing by cattle, the cover of
vegetation almost gets removed from the land
The soil becomes exposed and gets eroded by the
action of strong wind, rainfall etc…
The grass roots are very good binders of soil
When the grasses are removed, the soil becomes
loose and susceptible to the action of wind and water.
1. Slash and burn cultivation or shifting
2. Modern agriculture
The Impacts
Impacts related to high yielding varieties
Fertilizer related problems
Pesticide related problems
Water logging
Salinity problems
Water logging
Over irrigation of croplands by farmers for good
growth of their crop usually leads to water logging
Inadequate drainage causes excess water to
accumulate underground and gradually forms a
continuous column with the water table
Under water logged conditions, pore spaces in the
get fully drenched with water and the soil-air gets
The water table rises while the roots of the plant do
not get adequate air for respiration
Mechanical strength of the soil declines, crop plants
get lodged and crop yield fails
Preventing excessive irrigation, sub-surface drainage
technology and bio-drainage with trees like Eucalyptus
are some of the remedial measures to prevent water
Salinity Problems
At present ⅓rd of the total cultivable land area
of the world is affected by salts
In India about 7 million Hectares of land are
estimated to be salt affected
Saline soils are characterized by the
accumulation of soluble salts like sodium
chloride, sodium sulphate, calcium chloride,
magnesium chloride…
The most common method for getting rid of salts
is to flush them out by applying more good
quality water to such soils. Another method is
laying under ground network of perforated
drainage pipes for flushing out the salts slowly.
Energy Sources
A source of energy is one that can provide adequate
amount of energy in a usable form over a long period
of time
These sources are of two types:
Renewable Resources – which can be generated
continuously in nature and are inexhaustible
(also called as non-conventional energy sources)
e.g., wood, solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, hydro
power, bio-mass energy, bio-fuels, geo-thermal energy
and hydrogen
Non-renewable Resources – which have
accumulated in nature over a long span of time and
cannot be quickly replenished when exhausted.
e.g., coal, petroleum, natural gas and nuclear fuels like
uranium thorium…
Solar Energy
Sun is the ultimate source of energy.
The nuclear fusion reaction taking place inside the
sunrelease enormous quantities of energy in the
form ofheat and light
The solar energy received by the near earth space is
approx. 1.4kJ/m2-s (solar constant)
Traditional uses – drying clothes and food grains,
preservation eatables, for obtaining salt from seawater…
Techniques for harnessing Solar energy
→ Solar Heat Collectors → Solar Cells
→ Solar Cookers → Solar Water Heaters
→ Solar Furnaces → Solar Power Plants
Solar Furnace
Thousands of plane mirrors are arranged in concave
Reflectors , all of which collect the solar heat and
produce a high temperature.
Geothermal Energy
The energy harnessed from the hot rocks
present inside the earth is called geothermal
High temperature, high pressure steam fields
exist below the earth’s surface in many places,
this heat comes from the fission of the
radioactive material naturally present in the
Holes are drilled artificially upto the hot rocks
and and pipes are put through which the steam
gushes out at high pressure which turns the
turbine of a generator to produce electricity.
Bio-mass Energy
Bio-mass is the organic matter produced by the
plants or animals which include wood, crop
residues, cattle dung, manure, sewage…
The bio-mass is directly used as a fuel but the
efficiency of such furnaces is very low and it
produces lot of smoke causing air pollution
It is therefore more useful to convert the biomass
into bio-gas or bio-fuels.
Bio-gas is mixture of methane, carbon dioxide,
hydrogen and hydrogen sulfide, the major constituent
being methane
Bio-gas is produced by anaerobic degradation of
animal wastes in presence of water
Bio-gas is non-polluting, clean and low cost fuel
No storage problems (direct supply from plant)
The sludge left over is a rich fertilizer containing
bacterial biomass with most of the nutrients preserved
as such
Bio-gas plants in our country are basically two types:
1. Floating gas holder type
2. Fixed dome type.
Land degradation
With increasing population growth the demand
for arable land for producing food, fiber and fuel
wood are also increasing
more and more pressure on the limited land
resource; degraded due to over exploitation
Soil degradation is a real cause of alarm
because soil formation is an extremely slow
Soil erosion, water-logging, salinization and
contamination of the soil with the various
industrial wastes … cause land degradation.
Soil Erosion
Soil erosion means wearing away of the soil; defined
as movement of soil components, especially surface
litter and top soil from one place to another
Soil erosion results in loss of fertility because it is the
top soil layer that is fertile.
Normal erosion or geologic erosion
gradual removal of top soil by natural processes which
bring an equilibrium between physical, biological and
hydrological activities and maintain a natural balance
between erosion and renewal
Accelerated erosion
caused by anthropogenic activities; the rate of erosion is
much faster than the rate of formation of soil;
Overgrazing,deforestation, mining accelerated erosion
Land Slides
Various anthropogenic activities like hydro-electric
projects, large dams, reservoirs, construction of
roads and railway lines, construction of buildings,
mining … are responsible for clearance of large
forested areas.
During the construction of roads, mining activities
etc., huge portions of fragile mountainous areas
are cut or destroyed by dynamite and thrown into
adjacent valleys and streams. These activities
weaken the already fragile mountain slopes and
lead to land slides
They also increase the turbidity of various nearby
streams thereby reducing their productivity.
Desertification is a process whereby the
productive potential of a rid and semi-arid land
falls by 10% or more
Moderate desertification – 10-25% drop
Severe desertification – 25-50% drop
Very Severe desertification – >50% drop
Desertification is characterized by devegetation
and loss of vegetal cover, depletion of ground,
salinization ans severe soil erosion
→ Deforestation, Overgrazing, Mining…
Conservation of Natural Resources
- Role of an individual