Virgi Marlany & Rofa Marlisa

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Material Development

Lecturer :

Kustiwan.S.Ag., M.A., Ph.D

Name :

Rofa Marlisa

Virgi Marlany

State Islamic University Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta

Students’ Need Analysis of MTS Nurul Qolbi VII Grade

A. Introduction
In the junior high schools, English is one of the essential subjects since in this
level, it is firstly taught and influenced – whether students will go to the next level of
education or not. In addition, English is one of the obligatory subjects tested in the
national examination. The final goals of learning English in the junior high school are
written in the Content Standard.Those are communication tools to give and accept
information, pertain interpersonal relation, exchange information, and enjoy the English
language aesthetic in the daily life context.Based on the content standard of materials,
junior high school students are regard to masters the four language skills of English.
Those are listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
In teaching, teacher is obligated to maintain the teaching and learning to take
place and involving the students in the activity. Teaching and learning are integrated in a
one component, an educator must understand both the learning and teaching process;
everycomponent in the activity must be accomplished in order to reach the result of
meaningful learning (Wilson : 2006 )
In learning and teaching process, learning materials play the important role and
position to provides and facilitate learning and teaching process for learner and teacher.
There are many kinds of learning materials including cassette, videos, CD-Rooms,
dictionaries, grammar books, readers, work books, photocopied exercises, newspapers,
etc. Not only the teachers but also the learners may create them to supply the information
about and experiences of the language in ways designed to promote language learning
and facilitate the learning of the language. The materials can be used to inform the learner
about the target language, guide the learner in practicing the language, provide the learner
with experience of the language in use, encourage the learner to use the language and
help the learner to make discoveries about the language. (Tomlinson, 2003)
Concerning about the materials, this study focusing the need analysis from
students considering the material of English. Needs analysis is the very first step before
designing the materials. It helps the materials developer to create an appropriate materials

based on the students’ need so that it helps the students comprehending the English
materials based on their expertise. This study attempted to explore the students need in
order to develop the material that suitable for them. The study will be conducted in Mts
Nurul Qolbi in VII Grade the focus of study just develop on three topics in the book
when English Rings Bell namely : chapter 1 : Good Morning How are you? . Chapter 2 :
it’s me , and chapter 3 what time is it?.

B. Research Question

1. What are the target needs of grade VII students at MTs NurulQolbi I in
developing their English skills?
2. What are the learning needs of the grade VII students at NurulQolbi in
developing their English skills?
3. What are the English language learning materials that are suitable for grade
VII students at MTs Nurul Qolbi in developing their English skill?

C. Methodology
The method that is used in the study is mix method quantitative data from
questionnaire with counting the percentage of students preferences and qualitative data in
describing the data from questionnaire and interview. The sample of population is
randomly pick, students grade VII from Mts Nurul Qolbi. The interview conducted as
semi structure interviewed. The questionnaire has 25 points with multiple choice that
given to 10 students. The questionnaires was build based on some consideration from
experts such as the goal of learning ( Hutchinson and Water 1987) , the input and
procedures (Nunan 2004) teachers’ role , Students’ role and Setting ( Nunan 2004).

D. Literature Review

In developing learning materials there are three aspects that should be discussed. Those are needs
analysis, syllabus, and learning materials design.

a. Needs Analysis
Needs analysis are procedures used to collect information about learners’ needs (Richards,
2001:51). Richards adds that the discipline of needs analysis is to determine the kinds of
communication learners would need to master when they are in specific occupational or
educational role, and the language features of particular settings.

According to (Richards, 2001:52), when the focus of a language is used for specific rather
than general purposes such difference, it might include:
1. difference in vocabulary choice
2. difference in grammar
3. difference in the kinds of text
4. difference in functions
5. difference in the need for particular skills

Needs analysis in language teaching may be used for a number of different purposes, for

1. To find out what language skills a learner needs in order to perform a particular role,
such as sales manager, tour guide, or university students;
2. To help determine if an existing course adequately addresses the needs of potential
3. To determine which students from a group are most in need of training in particular
language skills;
4. to identify a change or direction that people in a reference group feel is important;
5. to identify a gap between what students are able to do and what they need to be able
to do;

In needs analysis, the quality of the data collected depends on the appropriate data
collection techniques. Accordingly, teachers need to be selective about what type of data to be

collected. Needs analysis offers detail information about linguistic and cognitive challenges
students face in academic settings through analyzing data collected from questionnaire, analysis
of text books, classroom observation, and interviews with students to develop English for
Academic Purposes (EAP), Syllabi and instruction appropriate for particular context (Benesch,

The Syllabus One of the fundamental questions for language teaching is what language to
be taught is. In order to specify what language will be taught, items are typically listed and
referred to as the syllabus (Basturkemen, 2006:20-21) Richards (2001:38) points out ten
components of syllabus. They are

1) The purposes

2) The setting

3) The role of the learners and the role of their interlocutors

4) The communicative events

5) The language functions

6) The notions

7) The discourse and rhetorical skills

8) The variety or varieties of the target language

9) The grammatical content

10) The lexical content

b. Learning Materials
The first step in developing learning materials for MTs N students is knowing and
understanding what materials are. The core of developing learning materials is the materials
themselves. The essences of materials are to facilitate the students in the language learning
process and also facilitate the students to reach the goals of the teaching and learning.

Tomlinson (1998) states materials are used to help to teach language learners and these can
be in the form of a textbook, a cassette, a CD-ROM, a video, a photocopied handout, a
newspaper, a paragraph written on a whiteboard, or 26 anything which presents or informs
about the language being learned. It can be concluded that the forms of materials can be
many things and anything that help teachers to teach the public MTs students and make them
understand what their teachers are teaching.

E. Finding and disscussion
A. Findings
1. Questionnaire
The finding of this research were based on the questionnaires developed based
on the goal of learner, level of learner, Skill that they want to developed, and the
content of material (included the activity that they prefer in the material).

No Questions Answers
1 In learning a. Learning to communicate easily in English in written
English and spoken form = 70 %
subject, I b. To fulfill the world’s demand toward the need of
expected to English = 10%
c. Pass the national Examination = 20 %
2 In what level a. beginner: to be able to comprehend simple sentences

Student your English and utterances in the daily life = 80%

level of skill now? b. Intermediate = intermediate: to be able to comprehend
the main point of the text and give opinions=20%
c. advanced: to be able to comprehend types of text and
the explicit meaning of it= 0%
3 What form of a. Monolog and dialog with vocabulary = 50 %
input do you b. Authentic material such as film, radio, news etc. =
want in 30%
listening skills? c. The songs of English = 20%
4 What topic do a. Topic about conversations in daily life = 90 %
you want in b. Topic about current issue = 0 %

Learning (listening)? c. Topic about Science = 10 %

Needs 5 What form of a. Monolog and dialog that teach by teacher in spoken =
(input) input do you 80 %
want in b. Monolog and dialog from native speaker in video = 10
speaking skills? %
c. Vocabulary that related to monolog and dialog that

will be study = 10 %
6 What topic do a. Topic about conversations in daily life = 90 %
you want in b. Topic about current issue = 20%
(Speaking)? c. Topic about Science = 0%
7 What form of a. Example of writing material from teacher 20%
input do you b. Vocabulary that related with the text that will be
want in writing written = 60 %
skills? c. Sentence structure that related with text that will be
d. All options = 10%
8 What topic do a. Topic about daily life (school, family, friends) = 60 %
you want in b. Topic about hobbies =20 %
Needs (writing)? c. Topic about my idols =20 %
(input) 9 What form of a. Magazine = 0 %
input do you b. Vocabulary that related with text = 30 %
want in reading c. The expressions that related with text that will be
skills? study 50 %
d. All options = 20%
10 What topic do a. Topic about daily life (school, family, friends) = 60 %
you want in b. Topic about hobbies =20 %
(reading)? c. Topic about science =10 %
11 What kind of a. Dialog with friends (role play) 80 %
activity in b. Interview 10 %
speaking do c. Retelling the text or story that has been read 10%
you like?
Learning 12 What kind of a. Completing the sentence based on vocabulary that
Needs activity in provided= 50%
writing do you b. Writing based on example of text that has been
like? provided = 10%
c. Completing the sentence in dialogues = 10 %
d. All options 30 %
13 What kind of a. Answering the question based on the spoken text that
listening recorded in multiple choice 40 %
activity do you b. Answering the questions based on spoken text in the

like ? form of essay 20 %
c. Listening to spoken text then chose the wrong and
correct answer 30 %
d. Completing the paragrpagh based on the spoken text
10 %
14 What kind of a. Answering the question in Chosing true or false
reading activity considering with the text 30%
do you like ? b. Answering the question with multiple choices 30 %
c. Answering the question in essay 20 %
d. Match the synonym or antonym in the text 20 %
Learning 15 What kind of a. Identify kind of words (noun,verb, adverb) 20%
Needs vocabulary b. Finding the vocabulary that related and mostly exist in
(Activity )
activity do you the text 20 %
like ? c. Matching the vocabulary with pictures 40 %
d. Matching the vocabulary with its definition 20 %
16 What kind of a. Memorizing the tenses 10 %
grammar b. Finding the form of grammar (tenses) in the text 20 %
activity do you c. Create sentences based on grammar from the sample
like? that has been given 40 %
d. Answering the exercise related to grammar with
multiple choices 30 %

17 What kind of a. Simple text = = 30 %

Content reading text do b. Text with pictures = 40 %

of the you like? c. Text with list of Vocabularies = 30 %
materials 18 In what a. Conversation in school =50 %
situations in b. Conversation at home = 20 %
dialog you will c. Conversation with friends = 30 %
prefer in
and asking

19 What kind of a. Accept the theory first =10 %
method do you b. Games = 20 %
like in learning c. Watching video = 30 %
greeting, d. Singing
introduction e. All options 40 %
and asking
20 How do you a. Read from textbooks’ instruction = 10%
learn greeting, b. Discuss with friends = 40 %
Content of introduction c. Study just from teachers’ explanation = 40 %
materials and asking d. Watching video and youtube = 10 %
time? e. All options
21 What kinds of a. Practice from book and internet =10 %
activity that b. Speaking with native speaker = 30 %
you have been c. Studying from textbook = 30 %
doing in d. Memorizing vocabulary = 30%
learning e. All options
and asking
22 Is the materials a. Yes = 90 %
that taught by b. No = 10 %
teacher has
fulfilled your
23 In Learning a. As the learning center in classroom 40 %
English The b. As. The guidance that help me in learning in
Need role of teachers classroom 20 %
( Teachers that I expected c. As the facilitator and controller in learning and
’ Role)
is teaching activity in the classroom 20 %
d. Help students in giving the critic 10 %

24 In Learning a. As listeners meanwhile the teachers explain in
English the role classroom 50 %
of students that b. As listeners then doing the command from teacher 20
I expected is %
c. As an active participant that responded to
Learning explanation/ question from teacher 10 %
d. As an active participant that not only responded to
( students’
Role ) explanation / question from teachers but also giving
the critics for teacher 20 %
25 In learning a. By myself 50 %
Needs English I prefer b. Pair 20 %
(setting) to doing my c. Group 30 %
task in d. All options

Based of the questionare of thetabel, we devide the questionare into 7 catagories such
goals of student in learning English, students level of english, Student input come
from and topic they want, Activity for each skill that they wanted, Content of material
about three topic above,Experiences student.
1. Goals of Students
Based on the data from questionare about student goals in learning English
found that 70 % of them prefered English as the tool for commucication both in
speaking or written form. Then 10% of them choose the goals of English as their
need in globalization, and last 20 % of the student choose their goal in learning
English as a prepsrstion nstional examination.

2. Level of Students
From the students level of English we found that mostly students is
beginner, around 80 % students is beginner and 20 % students is intermediate, 0
% students is advance. In beginner level we define that students can comprehend
the expression in the text , meanwhile in intermediate level we defined that
students can comprehend the text and give the opinion about the text.

3. Learning Needs (input)
Based on the questionnaires we divided the input based on the skill
(listening, speaking , reading, writing ). This category included the input form of
material based on skill and the input of topic that the students prefer based on the
skill. In listening skill the input that mostly student wants is monolog and dialog
with vocabulary around 50 % students chose this input, and 30 % students chose
the authentic material such as film, and 20 % students choose the song as the
listening input. Meanwhile, for the topic of listening 90 % students prefer topic
about conversation in daily life.
Moreover, for input speaking skill based on the data the students prefer
Monolog and dialog that teach by teacher in spoken form around 80 %, Monolog
and dialog from native speaker in video around 10 %, and Vocabulary that related
to monolog and dialog that will be study 10 %, for topic in speaking around 90 %
students chose topic about conversation in daily life and 10 % students chose
topic about currents issue.
In addition, for writing input around 60 % of the students mostly want
vocabulary that related with the text that will be written. Around 20 % students
chose theexample of writing material from teacher. Meanwhile for topic mostly
students around 60 % chose the daily life topic that related with family, friend,
and school. 20 % chose my hobbies and 20 % chose my idol as the topic in
Moreover, in input of reading skill students, there around 50 % students
chose the expressions that related with text that will be study. meanwhile for the
topic, there around 60 % of students chose Topic about daily life (school, family,
friends). 20 % students chose topic about hobbies and 20 % students chose topic
about sciences.

4. Learning Needs (Activity)

In this category we divided the activity based on the skills. Based on the
data, in speaking activity around 80 % students prefer dialog with friends role

play as the activity they want. In writing activity around 50 % of students want
completing the sentences based on vocabulary that provided. 10 % of students
want writing based on example of text that has been provided, 10 % completing
the sentences of dialogue, and 30 % of students chose all options.
Moreover, for listening activity 40 % students chose answering the
question based on that recorded with the multiple choices. 20 % of students chose
answering the question from essay, 30 % listening spoken text then chose the
wrong and correct answer. completing 10 % the sentence based on the spoken
In reading activity 30 % students chose answering question in chosing true
or false considering with text, 20 % answering the question in essay. 20 %
answering the question in essay. 20 % match the synonym and antonym in the
text. 20 % .
In vocabulary activity 20 % chose identify kind of words (noun, verb,
adverb). 20 % chose finding the vocabulary that related and mostly exist in the
text. 40 % matching the vocabulary with picture, matching vocabulary with its
definition 20 %..
In grammar activity 10 % students chose memorizing the tenses, 20 %
finding the form of grammar ( tenses) in text. 40 % create the sentences based on
grammar example that been given, 30 % of students chose to answering the
exercise related to grammar with multiple choices.

5. Content of Material
This category describes the data based on the content of material. First is
the situation in dialogues in the three topic of material from VII grade ( greeting ,
introduction , and asking time). For situation in dialogues of three topics, 50 %
students chose conversation in school, conversation at home 20 % and
conversation with friends 30%. Second is the method of learning that students
related to the topic of material, 10 % students prefer accept the theory first, 20 %

students chose playing games, 30 % students chose watching video, 0 % students
singing, and 40 % all options. The third is about the activity that they have been
doing in three topics, 10 % chose practice from book and internet. 30 % speaking
with native speakers. 30 % studying from textbook. 30 % Memorizing vocabulary
or related expressions. The last is about the satisfaction of the materials that have
been given from teacher 90 % students chose they are satisfied with the material
m 10 % answer not satisfied.

6. Learning Needs (teachers’ role)

Based on the results of needs analysis questionnaire about teacher’s role,
those are options about teacher’s role which have been chosen by the students.40
% students chose teacher as the learning center in the classroom, 20 % students
chose teacher as the guidance in the classroom, 20 % students chose teacher as the
facilitator and controller in learning and teaching activity in the classroom, 10 %
students chose teacher as helper in giving the critic in classroom.

7. Learning Needs ( Students’ role)

Based on the data of students role, 50 % students chose as the listeners
meanwhile the teacher explain in the classroom. Then around 20 % students chose
as the listener then doing the command from teachers, 10 % as an active
participant responding to explanation / question from teacher. 20 % students
chose as an active participant that not only responding to explanation / question
from teacher but also giving the critics for teacher 20 %.

8. Learning Needs ( Setting)

This category describe what kind of setting that the students prefer, based
on the data 50 % students prefer to do learning task of English subject by their
self (alone) , 20 % chose in pair , and 30 % chose in group.

2. Interview
1. Result of Interview

Name of Teachers: ErniyantiNurFatahellah
Class : VII
Texbook : When English Rings A Bell

1. What kind of problems do you face when you teach English in grade VII?
It’s depend on situation, but usually I have problem with the students passivity in the
class, mostly students also have problem with their English vocabulary.

2. What is your opinion about the students’ English ability in class VII?
I think the students have various skill, thus we cannot make the similar judgment for
each students.

3. What kind of method do you use to teach students in grade VII especially in topic
about greeting, introduction and asking time?
I used various method such as games, asking and answer, role playing.

4. What kind of problem that you face in teaching VII grade especially for (greeting,
introduction , asking time) ? it’s depend on class and students, but I face the difficulty
to find the suitable material that develop the skill for each topic. Sometimes the
textbook the instruction seems so vague.

5. What is your effort to solve the problems that you face in teaching VII grade
especially for topic ( greeting, introduction and asking time)? It’s depend on the case
that I face when I teach, I have to find the best method in teaching them those topics.
Thus , I usually use the method that will be enjoy by them so they will not feel burden
in learning the subjects

6. Do you think the textbook that you used has covered the material and the need of
your students?
Not yet, thus I still need to adapted from another books. For the materials that I
thought it is lack to students’ need.

B. Discussion
Based on the result of data analysis,it found that most of student still in beginner
level which prefer the english subject as communication tool and they still need more
teacher attention to improve their English skill. In specifically, the term of their
learning material development about vocabulary and expression that become the one

essential in the three topics. The developing of material should be consider with
learner level, we should chose or considering the vocabulary or expression in the text
that should be easy to understand for beginner level.
From the questionnaire and interview data we also found about the students
passivity, in the questionnaire data it can be highlighted from the role of students and
teachers in the classroom. The students preferences of the role of teacher in the
classroom is for the learning center in the classroom instead of as the guidance or
facilitator, moreover from students role preferences ( learning need ) students mostly
chose as the listeners instead of participants in the classroom activity. Thus, in this
case we should develop the material that can make students active in involving
learning and teaching activity.
From another data in learning needs (Activity) that based on the skill, it should be
provided some activity or various activity based on the students preferences in
developing material. For instance the result showing that in reading skill the activity
that the students mostly chose is answering the questions in choosing true of false
considering the text. thus, the material should be consider based on the preferences of
Moreover, from the interview also, It can be found that the teacher have the
problems with the textbooks’ instruction, she said that the instruction is not clear, thus
we should make the instruction in the textbook should be clear.

F. Conclusion
The students need analysis in this data divided into two data first is the students’
questionnaire that consists of 25 questions with multiple choice. The questionnaire
divided into 8 categories : The goals of learner, level of learner , learning need ( input,
activity, roles of students, roles of teacher and setting) , and content of the materials.
The interview consists of 6 six questions according to teachers’ problem in teaching
English in VII grade in Mts Nurul Qolbi and the material that teachers used.

From those data there are some highlighted need from students that could
become the recommendation to build the material. First is the need for students to be
active in the classroom thus the material should included the activity that can make the
students active in the classroom. Second , the materials should consider the learning
level of English, for instance in three topics that will be build the expression and
vocabulary should become as consideration as one of essential things in the material.
The vocabulary and expression should build in easy level suitable for beginner level.
The last is about the instruction in the textbook materials that should be clear, thus the
teacher can understand the instruction.


Basturkmen, H. 2006. Ideas and Opinion in English for Specific Purposes. Mahwah:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associate Publisher.
Nunan, D. 2004. Task-Based Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge Language
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Richards, J.C., and Theodore S.R., 2001. Approaches and Methods in Language
Teaching (second edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Tomlinson, B. (ed.) 2003. Developing Materials for Language Teaching. London: 
Continuum Press.
Tomlinson, B. 1998. Materials Development in Language teaching. Cambridge:
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Wilson, S. M. (2006) , Theories of Learning and Teaching What do They mean for
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