Unit I-Introduction Part-A 1. Define Computers? 2. Define An Analog and A Digital Computer.
Unit I-Introduction Part-A 1. Define Computers? 2. Define An Analog and A Digital Computer.
Unit I-Introduction Part-A 1. Define Computers? 2. Define An Analog and A Digital Computer.
1. Define computers?
2. Define an analog and a digital computer..
3.What are the characteristics of computers?
4.How will you classify computer systems?
6. List the examples and drawbacks of all the generations of computer.
7. What is an expert system?
8. Define micro computers.
9. Give two examples of micro computers.
10. List three categories of micro computers.
11. What are the advantages of laptop computers?
12. Define Mini computers.
13. Define super computers.
14. Define dumb terminal and intelligent terminal.
15. Highlight the difference between micro computer, minicomputer, mainframe and super
16. What is hardware?
17. Define software and data, hardware.
18. List and explain the components of computer hardware.
19. List the main functions of CPU
20. Explain the input-Process - Output cycle (or) working of a computer.
21. What are registers?
22. List five important register and also state the purpose of each register.
23. Define word size.
24. “This is 64-bit processor”. Explain its meaning.
25. Differentiate algorithm, pseudo code and flowchart.
26. What is need for flowchart symbol?
27. Write some rules for drawing a flowchart.
28. What are the rules for writing pseudo code?
29. Write any two advantages of pseudo code.
30. Write any two disadvantages of flowchart.
31. List the bases and the permissible digits in various number systems
32. Determine the decimal equivalent of (B14)16
float a;
int x=6, y=4;
printf(“Value of a=%f”, a);
1. Define array.(Dec/Jan 2014)
2. Write the classification of arrays.
3. Define one-dimensional arrays.
4. Write the features of arrays.
5. What is meant by two-dimensional array?
6. Define multi-dimensional array.
7. Write any two important points of arrays in C language.
8. Define strcpy() function.
9. Define string in C language.
10. Write down any two important points of string literal constant.
11. What is the difference between an array and a pointer?
12. Why the terminating null character is very important in C language.
13. Define length of a string in C language
7. Define user-defined functions with example. Is main a library function or a user defined
8. Why do we include header files in the programs and their role?
9. What is meant by the terms actual arguments and formal parameters. Explain with an
10. Can a function have more than one return statement within the body?
1. Explain in detail about pass by value and pass by reference with example.
2. Write a program for matrix multiplication.
3. Write a program that would sort a list of names in alphabetical order.
4. Write a C program to calculate standard deviation of an array of values. Use functions to
calculate std. deviation and mean.
5. Write a program for counting words in a text.
6. Define in detail about pointers with example.
7. Write a function using pointers to exchange the values stored in two locations in the
8. Write a C program for Inventory updating using structure pointers.
9. Explain the categories of functions.
1. Define structure.
2. Differentiate Array from structure.
3.Give the structure definition
4. What are the elements to be included while declaring a structure variable?
5. Mention the advantages of Pointers to structure.
6.Can a structure have a pointer to itself?
7.Mention the two ways of accessing a structure object.
8. List the three ways of passing a structure object to a function.
9.What are anonymous structures.
10. Mention the categories of operations on structure.
11. Enumerate the two ways of accessing a structure object.
12. Give the syntax for dot operator
13. Define union.
14. Give syntax for union.
15. Give any three comparison structure and union. (Dec/Jan2014)
16. How to keep track of which field of a union is in use?
17. How can you access the members of the Union?
18. What are the storage classes available in C?
19. What is meant by storage duration and Lifetime of an object
20.Write the general syntax of a declaration statement.
21. What do you mean by preprocessor directives?
22.List some of the preprocessor directives available in C language. (Dec/Jan2014)
23. Enumerate two types of Macros.
24.What are the various stages a program undergoes before execution?
25.Is it better to use a macro or a function?
26.What is register storage in storage class?
27.What is static storage class?
28. Define Auto storage class in C.
29. Define pre-processor in C.
30. Define Macro in C.
31. What are conditional Inclusions in Preprocessor Directive?
32. What you meant by Source file Inclusion in Preprocessor directive?