PR For Tilapia - 2018 - Beta - PCRD-H003804 PDF
PR For Tilapia - 2018 - Beta - PCRD-H003804 PDF
PR For Tilapia - 2018 - Beta - PCRD-H003804 PDF
The Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research
and Development (PCAARRD) is one of the sectoral councils under the Department
of Science and Technology (DOST). It was formed through the consolidation of the
Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and
Development (PCARRD) and the Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research
and Development (PCAMRD) in 2011 pursuant to Executive Order No. 366.
Originally established in 1972 as the Philippine Council for Agricultural Research
(PCAR), it became the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research
(PCARR) to include mines research in 1975. Affirming the role of S&T in development,
PCARR changed its name to Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources
Research and Development (PCARRD) in 1982. The Council was tasked to provide a
unified and focused direction for the country’s agricultural research. It then became an
apex organization that supports and manages the national network of government
and higher education institutions involved in crop, livestock, forestry, fisheries, soil and
water, mineral resources, and socioeconomic research and development (R&D). In
1987, the Council was renamed the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and
Natural Resources Research and Development but retained the acronym PCARRD.
The same year created the Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research
and Development (PCAMRD) from the Fisheries Research Division of PCARRD with
functions focused on aquatic and marine sectors.
With expanded coverage, functions, and responsibilities, the Council formulates
policies, plans, and programs for science and technology-based R&D in the different
sectors under its concern. It coordinates, evaluates, and monitors the national R&D
efforts in the agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources (AANR) sector. It also
allocates government and external funds for R&D and generates resources to support
its program.
As the apex Council, PCAARRD is engaged in active partnerships with international,
regional, and national organizations and funding institutions for joint R&D, human
resource development and training, technical assistance, and exchange of scientists,
information and technologies.
It also supports the National Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research
and Development Network (NAARRDN) composed of national multi- and single-
commodity and regional R&D centers, cooperating stations, and specialized agencies.
Being an ISO 9001:2008-certified agency for its quality management system,
PCAARRD is committed to achieving a sustained dynamic leadership in science and
technology (S&T) innovation in the AANR sector by providing a strategic leadership
in promoting S&T as a platform for AANR products innovation and environment
resiliency. Guided by its core values of relevance, excellence, and cooperation,
PCAARRD will remain steadfast in catalyzing the Philippine AANR sector toward self-
sufficiency and global competitiveness
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Dear Reader,
Some interventions under the ISP contained in this book will help
ensure the steady supply of quality fingerlings from government and
private hatcheries and increase the production capacities of existing
culture systems through innovative management schemes. These will
also help expand the market potential of tilapia.
We hope that you will find this publication a useful and informative
reference material as you venture into your own research and
development studies or into your own tilapia breeding and farming
Acting Executive Director
The Philippines
Recommends for
First Edition 2018
ISSN 0115-7833
Bibliographic Citation:
Acting Executive Director
Foreword iii
Acknowledgment iv
The Tilapia Technical Committee 2017 xi
Glossary of Terms xiii
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms xv
Introduction 1
Tilapia Strains in the Philippines 1
Commodity Profile 6
Tilapia Consumption 8
Fry Production 10
Breeding Habits of Tilapia 11
Broodstock Management 12
Hatchery Technology 13
Market Outlets and Supply Chain 25
Nursery of Fingerlings 29
Pond Preparation 29
Stocking of Fry in the Nursery Pond 30
Care of Stock in the Nursery 30
Releasing of Fingerlings 32
Market Outlets and Supply Chain 32
Cost and Return Analysis 34
Pond Culture 38
Site Selection 38
Pond Construction, Layout, and Design 39
Pond Preparation 43
Feeds and Feeding 50
Pond Care and Maintenance 53
Water Management 54
Health Management 54
Preventive Measures against Off-Flavor 61
Grow-Out System 62
Polyculture 63
Harvesting 64
Market Outlets and Supply Chain 66
Cost and Return Analysis for Grow-out Pond Culture
of Tilapia 73
Cage Culture 78
Tilapia Cage Culture in the Philippines 78
Fingerling Sourcing, Conditioning, and Transport 78
Acclimatization and Stocking 80
Site Selection 80
Cage Module Design and Layout 81
Culture Techniques 83
Feeds and Feeding 84
Health Management 86
Precautionary Measures against Fish Kill 89
Harvesting 91
Market Outlets and Supply Chain 93
Cost and Return Analysis for Grow-out Cage Culture
of Tilapia 100
References 120
List of Tables
List of Figures
26 Commercial feeds (phase diets) for tilapia 50
27 Feeding by broadcasting 51
28 Sampling of fish 52
29 Determining the water transparency using a secchi disk 53
30 A meter stick to measure the pond depth 54
31 Water quality test kit and microscope for monitoring of fish
health status 56
32a Darkening of tilapia fingerlings due to Trichodina spp.
infestation 57
32b Gills heavily infested with Trichodina spp. infestation 57
33 Gills fluke in the gill filaments 58
34a Parasitic isopod in the body surface of tilapia 58
34b Tilapia heavily infested by isopods 59
35a Scale loss, fin rot, and ulcer 59
35b Skin hemorrhages 60
35c Bulging of the eyes 60
35d Distended abdomen 60
36 Live fish during partial draining of pond water 64
37 Seining in the pond 64
38 Harvesting fish stocks from a 200 m2 pond 65
39 Total fish harvesting by completely draining the pond 65
40 Market channels for fresh tilapia in the Philippines 67
41 Viajeros transporting tilapia using insulated plastic boxes
with ice, Taal, Batangas, 2015 67
42 Transporting live tilapia in small tanks with aeration facility,
Pampanga, 2016 68
43 Selling live tilapia in wet markets with aeration facility,
Tanauan, Batangas, 2016 69
44 Roadside retailers of live tilapia with aeration facility,
Pampanga, 2016 69
45 Market channels for pond-raised tilapia under intensive
and semi-intensive systems from farmgate to retail prices
in P/kg and marketing margins as percent of buying price,
Philippines, 2017 71
46 Trends in real wholesale prices and real retail prices of tilapia
and real profit margin in tilapia production, Philippines,
1990–2015 72
47 Floating cages in Taal Lake, Batangas 81
48 Monitoring the health status of farmed tilapias 87
49 Observation of abnormal swimming 88
50 Observation of mortalities of farmed tilapias 88
51 Immediate removal of dead fish 89
52 Massive fish kill of cage-cultured tilapia due to oxygen
depletion 90
53 Stocking of tilapia 90
54 Monitoring the feeding activity of the fish to ensure that the
feeds are consumed 91
55 Partial harvest of stocks due to critical level of dissolved
oxygen 92
56 Agitation of water using a motorized boat’s propeller for
emergency aeration 92
57 Market channels for tilapia in the Philippines 93
58 Transport of tilapia using insulated plastic boxes with ice,
Taal, Batangas, 2015 94
59 Transporting live tilapia by small-scale viajeros with
aeration facility, Pampanga, 2016 95
60 Selling live tilapia in wet markets using aerators to keep
the fish alive, Tanauan, Batangas, 2016 95
61 Roadside retailers of live tilapia with aeration facility,
Pampanga 2016 96
62 Market channels for caged tilapia under intensive and semi
intensive systems from farmgate to retail prices in P/kg and
marketing margins as percent of buying price, Philippines,
2017 97
63 Trends in real wholesale prices and real retail prices of tilapia
and real profit margin in tilapia production, Philippines,
1990–2015 99
64 Fresh farm-raised tilapia 103
65 Tilanggit 112
66 Fish kroepeck 113
67 Fish tofu 114
68 Fish longganisa 115
The Tilapia Technical Committee 2017
Glossary of Terms
genomics – a branch of molecular biology that covers the
structure, function, evolution, and mapping of genomes or
complete set of DNA in a single cell of an organism
herbivore – animals that prefer feeds or food of plant origin
heritability – quality or state of being heritable
hormonal sex reversal – inversion of sex/gender of the animal
from female to male or vice versa, using hormones or agents
of synthetic or organic origin that can help hasten the process
isopod – a type of an external parasite found in tilapia
macrophyte – large aquatic plants
microsatellite markers – one of many types of genetic markers
used in characterizing the genetic make-up of an organism
or group of organisms in a population; it is also known as
simple sequence repeat (SSRs) markers used in linkage
analysis or marker assisted selection to find a gene or
mutation responsible for a given trait
operculum – technical word for gill cover
pathogens – disease-causing organisms
pectoral fins – fins found in the mid-lateral side of the fish
planktonic – pertaining to plankton, which is a minute plant or
animal organism in an ocean, lake etc.
protozoan infection – parasitic disease caused by protozoa,
which are microscopic, one-celled organisms that can be
free-living or parasitic in nature
secchi disc transparency – the level of transparency in a water
body as measured using black and white 30 cm circular disk
septicaemia – blood poisoning especially caused by bacteria or
their toxins
single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) – a variation in a single
base pair in a DNA sequence
vermicast – worm castings, worm humus, or worm manure
which is the end product of the breakdown of organic matter
by an earthworm
Vibrio – water-borne bacteria that include some pathogens
zooplankton – plankton consisting of minute floating animals
List of Abbreviations
and Acronyms
ABW - average body weight
AQD - Aquaculture Department
ADB - Asian Development Bank
AGNA - Aquaculture Genetics Network in Asia
AHPND - Acute Hepato Pancreatic Necrosis Disease
BCR - benefit-cost ratio
BE - break-even
BFAR - Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
BW - body weight
BEST - Brackishwater Enhanced Saline Tilapia
CALABARZON - Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, and Quezon
°C - degree centigrade
CP - crude protein
CIRAD - Agricultural Research Center for International
CLSU - Central Luzon State University
CRSP - Collaborative Research Support Program
DENR - Department of Environment and Natural Resources
EMS - Early Mortality Syndrome
ExCel - Excellent strain that has comparable advantage with
other tilapia strain for Entrepreneurial Livelihood
projects in support to Aquaculture
EU - European Union
FAC - Freshwater Aquaculture Center
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization
FaST - Freshwater Aquaculture Center Selected Tilapia
g - gram
GET - Genetically Enhanced Tilapia
GFII - GIFT Foundation International Inc.
GIFT - Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia
GMP - good manufacturing practices
GMT - Genetically Male Tilapia
ICLARM - International Center for Living Aquatic Resource
IDRC - International Development and Research Center
IRR - Internal Rate of Return
ml - milliliter
MIB - Methyl Isoborneol
NFFTC - National Freshwater Fisheries Training Center
NIFTDC - National Institute of Fisheries Technology
Development Center
NPV - Net Present Value
PDP - principal display panel
PE - polyethylene
PP - polypropylene
ppt - parts per thousand
PSA - Philippine Statistics Authority
PVC - polyvinyl chloride
PVDC - polyvinylidene chloride
ROI - Return on Investment
SDP - secondary display panel
SEAFDEC - Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
SR - survival rate
tbsp - tablespoon
tsp - teaspoon
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
US - United States
USA - United States of America
USD - US dollars
Tilapia Consumption
Tilapia can be bred as early as 3 months from the fry stage. Their
ability to naturally spawn in captivity makes tilapia suitable for mass
production. However, despite its high reproductive capacity and the
simplicity of fry production, tilapia has a disadvantage of producing
small number of eggs compared with other freshwater fish species
like carps and catfishes. Under natural fry production systems in
tanks and/or ponds, high fry yield requires a relatively large number
of broodstock and area of spawning units. Given these limitations
associated with natural production, the introduction of more advanced
fry production systems is the key to increase fry yield and fry
production efficiency. Hatchery operations can be a lucrative business
since there is presently a huge demand for tilapia fingerlings.
Depending on the fry production system, natural fry production
poses several limitations and disadvantages, which include: (a) female
breeders spawning asynchronously (or not spawning at the same time)
resulting in the production of fry with mixed ages and sizes, (b) low fry
production per female breeder due to long interval between spawnings,
(c) difficulty in the collection of first-feeding fry stage (especially
in pond enclosure and lake-based cage hatchery systems), (d) high
fry mortality due to cannibalism, and (e) fry production decreasing
with time due to reduced spawning activity associated with declining
amount of natural food apart from ageing broodstock.
Given these limitations, selection and proper management
of broodstock are keys to high fry yield. Recent trends in tilapia
broodstock management have focused on: (a) selection of broodstock
with reproductive advantage using behavioral stress response as a
criterion for higher seed production, (b) removing eggs from the
mouths of incubating females for artificial incubation, (c) conditioning
of broodfish after spawning, (d) regular replacement of broodstock
with conditioned fish for improved spawning synchrony, and (e) use
of aquashade to provide ideal temperature for reproduction during
hot months. This section describes the various systems of broodstock
management for O. niloticus to improve fry yield.
Broodstock Selection
The ideal breeder size for optimum egg and fry production depends
on the age of maturity of the fish. For early maturing strains, the
ideal size at initial stocking in spawning enclosures is 50–150 g and
150–200 g for late maturing strains. The number of eggs produced
increases as the breeders get larger, but they spawn less often when
they get older. Moreover, egg quality deterioration is observed while
breeders become less productive after 1.5 years of spawning hence
it is recommended that broodfish replacement be done after every
1.5 years.
Tilapias generally feed low in the food chain, but their preferred
feeding habits vary with species, from macrophyte feeding to detritus
consumption. They eat a variety of natural food but they also accept
artificially formulated feed. The Nile tilapia are omnivorous (eating
both phyto- and zooplankton) though preferentially it consumes
phytoplankton, which are filtered out of the water and are retained by
mucus in their gill rakers.
The Oreochromis species is greatly affected by the unique
mode of reproduction and egg-hatching. Mouth-brooding female
tilapia deprive themselves of food throughout each period of oral
incubation lasting for 12–30 days. Since females can reproduce
several times per year, there is only a short feeding and recovery
period (7–28 days) between the reproductive cycles. During this
recovery period, the females have to eat voraciously to regain their
energy for growth, which is hampered during reproduction. They also
need to obtain energy to support the next reproductive activity. It is
during the conditioning period that the breeders reared in fertilized
ponds should be fed diets containing 25–30% crude protein (CP) and
30–40% CP for those reared in clear water, given daily at 2–3% of the
BW. The best duration of conditioning for optimal egg/fry output per
unit of spawning area is 15 days.
Hatchery Technology
Egg and fry production from ‘hapas’ or tanks can be done with
ease and can be increased by removing the eggs from the mouth of the
incubating females and by replacing the spawned females, all females,
or all of the breeders with conditioned fish after the seed collection
period. Seed collection at an earlier stage followed by reconditioning,
shortens the interspawning interval resulting in increased productivity
in the female tilapias (Fig. 2). If efficient egg incubators are available,
eggs can be collected as early as every five days after stocking of
conditioned breeders.
In tanks, seeds are collected and breeders are replaced by draining
the tank to a water depth of approximately 30 cm (in case there is no
provision in the tank for a shallow spawner pit) and carefully netting
each female spawner and gently keeping the fish’s mouth open, forcing
the eggs to be spitted out into a small basin containing water. Spawned
females are then replaced with rested females from the conditioning
For egg and fry production in hapa net cages, hapa breeding
units are designed with narrow widths (1.5–3 m) to ease up
egg and fry collection and removal of breeders. During egg
and fry collection, the collectors located on the opposite length
of the hapa use bamboo pole, which runs under and across the
breeding unit. This makes the collection process easy by having
all the breeders move to one end of the hapa. Spawned females are
replaced with conditioned females from the conditioning hapas.
Although breeder replacement increases seed production, it also
increases hatchery operating cost as more breeders and holding units
need to be maintained. The number of holding units depends on the
frequency of seed collection, period of broodstock conditioning, and
the target production volume of the hatchery.
1. Natural Recruitment
In this fry production system, the size of breeding unit varies but
a 100-m3 tank is acceptable. A catch basin is necessary in each tank
to allow easy collection of eggs, fry, and breeders during harvest.
Stocking of breeders from conditioning hapas or tanks can be done
in two ways: by number or by weight. The breeders are stocked at
two or more fish per square meter and with a sex ratio of 1M:4F. The
stocking density can go beyond 2 fish/m2 depending on the rate of
water exchange. The water level in the tank should be maintained
between 0.75–1.0 m to enhance fish reproduction. The fry and
fingerlings are collected by totally draining the tank around two
months after stocking breeders. Fry, fingerlings, and broodfish are
collected from the catch basin. Fry produced are of mixed-age and size
and variation in size increases as the length of time from stocking of
broodfish to collection of fry increases. The seeds are then graded and
stocked directly to the nursery tanks or hapas. Some hatcheries using
smaller tanks install net enclosures inside the tank to ensure ease and
efficiency of seed collection.
Fertilized eggs and yolk-sac fry are collected from the female's
mouth every 5–10 days and artificially incubated. Spawned females
or all the female spawners are exchanged for conditioned fish. In this
system, seed collection at an earlier stage followed by broodstock
Market Channels
The market channel for tilapia fry is very short and generally
simple (Fig. 8). Three marketing channels are commonly
observed especially in Luzon. Chain 1 involves the movement
of fry from hatcheries to assemblers/distributors who function as
consolidators of fry harvest from numerous small hatchery operators.
Middlemen, in turn, sell the fry to big grow-out operators in bulk.
In Chain 2, the shortest marketing channel, the hatchery
operator sells directly to the grow-out operator. Chain 3 is
the newest of the three marketing channels, where the hatchery
operator sells the fry to the nursery operators, who in turn rear
them into larger-sized fingerlings before selling them to grow-out
operators. This market chain emerged from the desire of grow-out
operators to shorten the growing period of large-sized tilapia that is
ideal for processing into fillet, i.e., at least 0.6 kg/piece.
Among the three market chains, Chain 2 is common among
small-scale hatchery operators, while Chains 1 and 3 are generally
observed among medium- to large-scale hatcheries. The fry are
either delivered by the hatchery operators or picked up by the
Nursery Operators
Fry Prices
Pond Preparation
Prior to removing the divider net or hapa, record the weight and
estimate the remaining fish to compute for percentage (%) survival.
The fingerlings are individually and/or weighed altogether (= in bulk).
The divider is removed to completely release the reared fingerlings.
Pond Grow-out
Nursery Assemblers/
Operators Distributors
Cage Grow-out
On the average, the price of larger fingerlings (sizes #17, #14, and
#12) based on the quotations of the three major producing centers, i.e.,
SEAFDEC/AQD, FAC/CLSU, and BFAR is P 0.50/piece. This average
price is higher by about 61% compared with their smaller counterpart
(#24, #22, and #20), with an average price of P0.33/piece (Table 4).
Larger-sized fingerlings (>20 g) have no standard BFAR price and is
often directly negotiated by buyers and sellers.
Table 4. Average prices (P) of tilapia fry and fingerlings by size from
three major producing centers, 2017.
feeds for breeders and fry comprise the variable cost (Section C).
Section D shows that the total fixed cost at P303,327 is moderately
lower than the variable cost. It comprises costs for depreciation, rent
on land, and interest on capital or loans to fund investment items and
variable cost items. Interest rate on loans or opportunity cost of own
capital is assumed at 12%.
Considering an annual production capacity and sale of 3.58 million
fry, annual gross income is estimated to be P1.434 million. Annual
net income is P666,600 after deducting total cost and 2% of value of
gross sales for commission for workers as generally practiced in the
industry (Section E). With P510,000 cost of investment items, the
expected return on investment (ROI) is 131% and the payback period
is 0.61 year. Breakeven (BE) production to recover total cost is only
1.84 million fry, which is easily attainable considering the 3.58 million
annual fry production capacity. The total production cost per fry or
breakeven selling price is P0.21. With a 5-year project duration, the
tilapia hatchery and nursery business may expect a net present value
(NPV) at P1.69 million, internal rate of return (IRR) at 129%, and
4.71 discounted benefit-cost ratio (BCR).
Results of the sensitivity analysis in Section F show that varying
survival rates of fry after a month from stocking of breeders, and
changes in the selling price of fry will likely lead to changes in the
productivity and profitability parameters. For example, consider a
baseline scenario (marked by @ in Section F) where fry survival
rate (SR) is 70% and selling price is P0.40/fry. The fry production
per month is 358,400 pieces and the other economic indicators are
ROI at 131%, IRR at 129%, and benefit-cost ratio (BCR) at 4.71%.
If the scenario will change, such that SR is lower at 60% and selling
price is higher at P0.50/fry due to lower supply volume, there will be
Site Selection
Time of Construction
The best time of the year for constructing ponds in clayey soil is
after the rainy period when the soil is soft. When constructed during
the dry season, the soil is very hard. For swampy and waterlogged
areas, the most desirable time is summer when the area becomes
slightly drier than usual. If a pond is built during early summer, make
sure to remove the weeds before filling the pond.
Site Preparation
The pond site should be thoroughly cleared of all the trees and
bushes, including their roots. No wooden material should be left
because these will eventually rot and cause leaks.
Location Select land with gentle slope and layout ponds to take advantage
of the existing contours
Construction Ponds may be constructed by digging into the ground using a
backhoe; slopes and bottoms must be well packed
Pond depth Depth must be 0.5–1.0 m at shallow end; Sloping to 1.5–2.0 m
at drain end
Pond shape Pond may be rectangular or square
Slopes Construct ponds with 2:1 or 3:1 slopes on all sides
Drainage Gate valves and stand pipes; draining should not take more than
three days
Water supply lines Water supply lines should be sufficient to fill each pond within
three days
Dikes Grass must be planted
Orientation Situate the pond so that the longer axis is parallel to the prevailing
wind direction to take advantage of mixing by wind
The excavation work within the area marked for the pond
bottom can be carried out either manually or mechanically. Pond
construction becomes economical if earthen dikes are made around the
pond using the excavated earth from the pond bed. All dikes should
be raised. Soil is dumped layer by layer right across the whole section
with each layer not exceeding 20 cm in thickness.
2 meters
H = 1 meter
Pond bottom
regularly avoid the chances of more costly repairs later. Soil erosion
from the top of the dike during heavy rains causes formation of small
channels and is an indication that the dike material has not been
properly compacted. The area should be leveled with more soil and
grass should be planted to minimize soil erosion. Rip-rapping may also
be used.
Repairing gates and screens. Check all gates and pipes for broken
slabs and other parts. Repair screens to prevent predators and pests
from entering the pond system.
Pond Preparation
Pond Drying
Pond Leveling
After tilling, the pond bottom is evened out to remove pot holes
and mounds. Even and level the pond bottom out in a manner that
allows it to slope gradually towards the lowest elevation where the
drainage is located.
animals that compete for food or space are called competitors and
these are unwanted species that must be eliminated.
Catfish (or ‘hito,’ mudfish or ‘dalag,’ and other fish predators
devour fry and fingerlings during or after stocking. To catch
these predators, drain the pond totally after harvest or before
stocking. Other predators/pests such as snakes, herons, kingfishers,
and other birds also devour fish and fingerlings. Sometimes,
these are also carriers of parasites. Always keep pond banks
and dikes clean to prevent snakes from harboring in the culture
area. Frogs also eat fry and fingerlings and compete with the
fish for space and oxygen. Their population can be controlled by
removing their egg sacs from the pond water. Soft-shelled turtles
are also considered as nuisance in fish ponds as they are known to eat
fingerlings and even destroy hapas and pond dikes (Fig. 22).
Soil Conditioning
Pond Fertilization
Stocking of Fingerlings
Supplemental Feeding
Type of Feeds
The feeding begins at a high rate when the fish are small and
then reduced as the fish grow larger.
Method of Feeding
0 0.2–1.0 20 +
1 1.1–2.0 15 +
2 3.0–5.0 10 +
3 6.0–9.0 7 +
4 10.0–15.0 7 +
5 16.0–22.0 7 +
6 23.0–30.0 6 +
7 31.0–39.0 6 +
8 40.0–50.0 5 +
9 51.1–65.0 5 +
10 66.0–75.0 4 +
11 76.0–90.0 4 +
12 91.0–120.0 3 +
13 121.0–150.0 3 +
14 151.0–160.0 3 +
15 161.0–200.0 3 +
16 201.0–250.0 2 +
17 251.0 above 2 +
Water Management
Health Management
Gyrodactylus spp. Flatworms on • Infestation spread • Abnormal • Based on gross • Indefinite bath in
(skin fluke) skin and gills through contact swimming signs 40–50 ppm formalin
Dactylogyrus spp. (Fig. 33) which with affected behavior • Microscopic (4–5 ml formalin
(gill fluke) affect the nursery, fish and water. • Fish do not eat examination of in 100 L of water)
grow-out, and • Spread is faster well or have no parasite from the • During treatment,
broodstock phases during stressful or little appetite smear of body fish should be
of culture. conditions caused • Excessive mucus surface and gills observed, monitored,
by poor water production and provided with
quality and high • Frayed fins aeration
outbreaks are abdomen (Fig 35d) • The organisms can culture period are
Table 10. (Continued).
Grow-out System
Culture Methods
Market Channels
Producer Broker Consumer
Localized niche
(Source: Adapted from ADB, 2004)
Fig. 40. Market channels for fresh tilapia in the Philippines.
Fig. 43. Selling live tilapia in wet markets with aeration facility, Tanauan,
Batangas, 2016.
Supply Chain
Production Cost
Operators P52.00 P57.00
+25% margin +14% margin
P65.00 P65.00
Farmgate Price +13% margin +13% margin
P73.45 P73.45
Brokers/Consignacion +5% margin +5% margin
P87.46 P87.46
Fig. 46. Trends in real wholesale prices and real retail prices of
tilapia and real profit margin in tilapia production, Philippines,
F. Sensitivity Total Gross Break-even Return on Payback Benefit-
Analysis Harvest income Net Income Price investment Period Cost Ratio
Scenarios* (kg/year) (P/year) per year (P) (P/kg) (ROI), % (years) (BCR)
F. Sensitivity Total Gross Break-even Return on Payback Benefit-
Analysis Harvest income Net Income Price investment Period Cost Ratio
Scenarios* (kg/year) (P/year) per year (P) (P/kg) (ROI), % (years) (BCR)
Once the fingerlings reach the farm site, the newly transported
stocks are conditioned yet again before these are directly stocked into
the lake cages. The transported fingerlings, usually stocked at optimal
loading densities, are kept in polyethylene transport bags. Before
releasing the stocks inside the netcages, the transport bags with the
fish are placed inside the netcages for acclimatization or conditioning
until the water temperature inside the bags are the same as the water
temperature in the culture enclosure. This is to prevent stress when
the fish are exposed to abrupt temperature changes. Once the water
temperatures in and out of the transport bags become equal, the
fingerlings are released into the rearing cages.
Site Selection
Daily Amount
Size of Feed of Feed (in % No of Feedings
Fish Type Total Biomass) per Day
Health Management
Market Channels
Producer Broker Consumer
Localized niche
(Source: Adapted from ADB, 2004)
Fig. 57. Market channels for tilapia in the Philippines.
The Philippines Recommends for Tilapia 93
wholesalers/retailers in the market place or picked up by wholesalers
or viajeros to be transported to nearby towns and municipalities.
These intermediaries normally operate within the municipality where
tilapias are grown. In some instances, the wholesalers finance the
grow-out operation of small-scale producers to ensure the steady
supply of fresh harvest. However, under this arrangement, the small-
scale producers are required to exclusively sell their produce at
pre-agreed price often dictated by the wholesalers.
Tricycles and jeepneys are the common means of transportation
among the small-scale viajeros, while large-scale viajeros use bigger
vehicles like trucks. When transporting large quantities of fish
harvest, tilapias are often packed in iced containers (Fig. 58) to
preserve their freshness. For long distance travel across provinces,
the trucks are sometimes equipped with refrigeration facilities.
Large-scale consumers often consist of restaurants, school cafeterias,
hotels, and other institutional buyers.
Since most consumers near tilapia production areas are often
willing to pay some price premium for live tilapia, transporting the
fish requires live tanks with aerators or oxygen tanks (Fig. 59). At
the market place, sellers often use aerators (Fig. 60) to prolong the
life of tilapia and maximize its price. Incidentally, the price of live
tilapia drops dramatically by about 50% when the fish is no longer
Fig. 58. Transport of tilapia using insulated plastic boxes with ice, Taal
Batangas, 2015.
Fig. 60. Selling live tilapia in wet markets using aerators to keep the fish
alive, Tanauan, Batangas, 2016.
Supply Chain
Intensive Semi-intensive
System System
Production Cost
Operators P59.00 P57.00
+10% margin +14% margin
P65.00 P65.00
Farmgate Price +13% margin +13% margin
P73.45 P73.45
Brokers/Consignacion +5% margin +5% margin
P87.46 P87.46
Fig. 62. Market channels for caged tilapia under intensive and semi-
intensive systems from farmgate to retail prices in P/kg and
marketing margins as percent of buying price, Philippines, 2017.
Fig. 63. Trends in real wholesale prices and real retail prices of
tilapia and real profit margin in tilapia production, Philippines,
Total 1,320,556
E. Profitability Indicators
F. Sensitivity Total Gross Break-even Return on Payback Benefit-
Analysis Harvest income Net Income Price investment Period Cost Ratio
Scenarios* (kg/year) (P/year) per year (P) (P/kg) (ROI), % (years) (BCR)
Total 606,027
102 The Philippines Recommends for Tilapia
Table 15. (Continued.)
E. Profitability Indicators
F. Sensitivity Total Gross Break-even Return on Payback Benefit-
Analysis Harvest income Net Income Price investment Period Cost Ratio
Scenarios* (kg/year) (P/year) per year (P) (P/kg) (ROI), % (years) (BCR)
Postharvest Handling
1. Wash the harvested fish with pond water prior to icing and sort
according to size.
2. Place a bamboo screen or seine over the live fish until they
stop flopping or trashing about to prevent physical damage to
the fish, including loss of scales.
3. Use ice slurry to pre-chill the fish at 4°C in the chilling tank
immediately after harvest to maintain quality of harvested fish.
4. Maintain 1:1 ratio of ice to a kilogram of fish or two blocks of
ice for each ton of fish to maintain freshness and delay spoilage.
5. If the fish is to be sold locally, they can be vertically packed heads
up in slatted baskets that are well-ventilated and well-drained.
6. If the fish are to be transported by land to a distant market,
sufficient ice must be used to maintain fish temperature at 0°C.
For longer trips, more ice than fish is needed, more than the usual
1:1 ice to fish ratio.
7. For shipping tilapia on commercial cargo vessels, pack the fish in
rigid wooded containers or in insulated plastic boxes alternately
with a layer of crushed ice.
• The container is usually made of wood or fiberglass. Lay the
fish on top of the crushed ice.
• Spread another layer of crushed ice 5 cm thick on top of the
• Repeat steps (7.1) and (7.2) until the last layer of fish is 15 cm
thick below the top of the box.
• Place the last layer of crushed ice 15 cm thick on top of the
last layer of fish. The bottom and the top layers of ice should
always be 15 cm thick.
• Do not remove the fish from the container until it reaches
the market place so that the fish can stay fresh in the container
for more than 12 hours.
• Add ice on the top layer of the fishes in the container if
the fishes cannot be sold within 24 hours.
5. Mixing of ingredients
• Ingredients used should be of food grade quality.
• Equipment used for mixing should be cleaned and
sanitized to avoid contamination.
• In mixing, chilled water should be added gradually.
• Ice must be made from potable water.
• Maximum time of mixing should not exceed 20 minutes.
Reason: Prolonged mixing of ingredients will result in
protein denaturation.
The tilapia chain’s key customers are classified into three: the
export markets (US and EU); the institutional buyers (hypermarkets
of restaurants/specialty food shops); and the household-level/end-users
or consumers.
Frozen Fillet
1. Lay fish on side. Cut from just behind base of pectoral fin
round the back of the head.
2. Cut towards tail along the line of the dorsal fin. The cut
should only penetrate as far as the backbone.
3. Cut forward to clear fillet from the ribs. The knife should be
held parallel to the rib bones. Cut through the “pin” (small rib)
4. Cut over the edge of the ribs towards the tail, flatten knife
on to the backbone after finishing cutting over the ribs and
remove the fillet. The fillet should be trimmed to remove any
belly flap or fin present.
5. Turn fish over. Cut just behind the base of the pectoral fin
and round the back of the head.
6. Cut from tail as close to the backbone as possible into the
corner at the back of the neck. Note the angle at which the
head is held. This keeps the backbone flat on the board.
7. Cut forward, parallel to angle of the rib bones, cutting through
the pin bones ad open cut fillet.
trays, and dry under the sun for 8–10 hours. Cool, pack, and seal in
clean plastic bags, and store in a cool, dry place.
Value-added Products
• Fish Kroepeck
• Tilapia Longganisa
Cut the tilapia fillet (3 kg) into cubes and pass through the
grinder. Wash minced fish with chilled 0.3% brine solution.
Mix all ingredients (minced tilapia, 1 tbsp fresh garlic,
4 tbsp salt, 1 tbsp ground white pepper, 10 tbsp atsuete,
½ tsp monosodium glutamate, and 1 tsp all spice powder) and
blend well. Insert the mixture stuff manually in a pig casing.
Tie the casing with a cotton thread in equal distance of about
2 inches. Dip the product in hot water (80°–90°C) for 30 minutes.
Cool in running water. Pack the tilapia longganisa (Fig. 68) in
polyethylene plastic bag, seal, and store at freezing temperature (0°C).
• Tilapia Tocino
Cut tilapia fillet (3 kg) into halves. Meanwhile, mix 10 tbsp brown
sugar, salt, 1 cup soy sauce, 1 tbsp garlic powder and 1 tbsp black
pepper powder together to dissolve. Pour the mixture over the fillets
and soak for 6 hours. Drain the fillets and sun or air-dry until dry to
touch. Pack the dried product in polyethylene plastic bags, seal, and
keep frozen for longer storage.
• Fish Nuggets
Grind minced fish meat (750 g) in silent cutter and then add
salt (15 g). Add chopped garlic (10 g), onions (150 g) and continue
grinding. Add the rest of the ingredients (250 g shrimp meat,
80 g wheat flour, 10 g white sugar, 1 g nutmeg, 0.5 g cinnamon, 5 g
monosodium glutamate, 2 tbsp vegetable oil) and grind thoroughly
while gradually adding 1½ cup cold water. Mold into rectangular
shape. Dip nuggets in a cold commercially prepared batter mix in
1:1 ratio (batter mix and cold water). If commercial batter mix is
unavailable, combine 1 cup sifted flour, 1 tsp baking powder and
¾ tsp salt. Beat then add ½ cup milk and 2 eggs. Add ice. Roll in
breadcrumbs. Freeze nuggets and pack in polyethylene plastic bags,
seal, and keep frozen.
Total tilapia imports into the US during the first quarter of 2016
were 14% lower in terms of volume and 24% less in value terms
compared with the same period of last year. China dominated the
exports of frozen fillets and whole frozen tilapia to the US. Meanwhile,
Honduras maintains its leadership as the largest exporter of fresh
tilapia. The US is also the top destination of the country’s exports
of tilapia frozen fillet. In 2014, the country exported 1,363 t of the
commodity. In terms of whole frozen tilapia, the country exported
nearly 90 t less in January 2015.
The Cover
Technology unfolding-reaching out,
touching the people's way of life and
their way of doing things, offering
techniques that improve commodity
production. Each recommendation
is a bid to make the venture more
productive and profitable for the crop,
livestock, or tree farmer.
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