L&T Weekly Safety Inspection Report (35) CN - 4400012370 UTHMANIYAH 8th - Oct - 2020
L&T Weekly Safety Inspection Report (35) CN - 4400012370 UTHMANIYAH 8th - Oct - 2020
L&T Weekly Safety Inspection Report (35) CN - 4400012370 UTHMANIYAH 8th - Oct - 2020
Safety Observation
Safety Inspection Report CN:4400012370
Name/ID (optional): االسم/:) الرقمالوظيفي (اختياريDate: التاريخ:
Fida Hussain 03/10/2020
Department: PDE-Al-Hasa
اإلدارة: Location: الموقع:
Report No.35 Uthmaniyah 115 KV SS
حادث كاد أن يقع وضع غير آمن
Near Miss
Unsafe Condition
x Unsafe Act. x
Risk Matrix مصفوفة المخاطر
منخفض متوسط عالي متوسط عالي
High ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ عالي
Probability of
Medium عالي
احتمالية التكرار
☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
-high متوسط
Medium ☐ x ☐ ☐ متوسط
Low ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ منخفض
Low Medium High
Loss Potential Severity شدة الخسائر المحتملة
Describe What Happened:
De-shuttering materials is left over on the basement Ref: 1.7.
Exposed sharp re-bar steel without re-bar caps.Ref:1.8.
Materials scattered on floor unattended .Ref:1.7
Materials scattered on floor unattended Ref:1.7
Accumulated concrete debris on the basement: Ref:1.8
Electric wire lay on the steel cage unattended.Ref: 2.10
Unattended staking & stored the de-shuttering materials. Ref:
1.7 & 1.8.
Unattended staking & stored the de-shuttering materials. Ref:
1.7 & 1.8.
Unattended stacking and storage and materials are not removed
before to start the excavation work.Ref:1.7.
Unattended scattered the scaffold materials.Ref: 1.8.
Damaged reflective vest coat worn by worker’s .Ref: 2.23
Unattended scattered the tie rod on basement.Ref:1.7
Incomplete scaffold left over on the basement.Ref:2.4. وصف ما حدث:
Scattered concrete debris on the basement. Ref:1.8 &2.7
There is no hand rail on the basement stair way.Ref:2.4
Skid loader is using for the transferring the plastering
Lifting gear (Steel Sling) is not stored on suitable pallet and
directly scattered on the ground. Ref: 2.5
Insecure the floor opening on the main GIS building. Ref:1.1
Not properly using the resources on site. Ref:2.4
Left over the wheel barrow at site unattended. Ref:1.7
Ply wood use for the scaffold platform instead of the planks.
Fire extinguisher kept and ties by rope on the man lift are
unattended. Ref:3.1
Color coding is not done for the steel sling of the lifting gear.
Toe board is not providing for the erected protection
Scattered the de-shuttering materials on the ground
Has left over on site unattended the water proofing membrane
Action Taken:
Removed the materials from the basement and storged
to the designated place.
Provided the re-bar caps.
Removed the unwanted materials from the floor and
cleared it.
Removed the concrete debris from the basement.
Re-routed the wire and provided the mess on cage
to secure the materials from falling.
Provided the new vest coat for the said person.
Stacking and storage are done in proper ways and االجراءالمتخذ:
will maintain the same practices always.
Provided the handrails for the stair way with safety
signage like use the hand rail and watch your step.
Renewed the operator TUV card.
Secured the floor opening by steel checker plate.
Provided the top rails for the tubing scaffolding onto
the edge protection.
Rectified the defeat on erected scaffoldings.
Updated the vehicles checklist and educate the
Provided the sole timber for the erected scaffoldings.
Obs. No
Before After
03 Materials scattered on floor unattended Removed all the materials from the floor and stored to
Ref:1.7 the stacking and storage place.
Materials scattered on floor unattended Removed all the materials from the floor and stored to
Ref:1.7 the stacking and storage place.
Removed all the concrete debris from the basement and
Accumulated concrete debris on the basement: instructed the site supervisor daily housekeeping shall be
05 Ref:1.8 done before, during & after the work always.
10 Unattended scattered the scaffold materials. Removed all the scaffold materials and store to the
assign designated place and instructed the site
Ref: 1.8. supervisor always maintain the area neat and clean in
such way to maintain the good housekeeping practices.
Provided the new vest coat for the said person and
Damaged reflective vest coat worn by worker’s instructed the site in charge control of usage, issue
Ref: 2.23 maintenance & record of personal protect equipment
shall be maintained.
Unattended scattered the tie rod on basement. Removed the said materials from the basement and
Ref:1.7 storage to the assign designated place.
Scactered concrete debris on the basement. Removed the debris from the basement and make the
Ref:1.8 &2.7 area neat and clean.
15 Installed the hand rail for the stair way and posted the
safety signage like use hand rails & instructed the site
There is no hand rail on the basement stair way. supervisor Stairways shall be maintained in a good
Ref:2.4 condition, free from defects and obstructions.
Skid loader is using for the trasfering the plastering Stop the work on the same time and educated the
materials. operator to use the equipment for the correct purpose
Ref:2.9 and instructed the site in charge to use the wheel barrow.
Secured the floor opening by steel checker plate and
Insecure the floor opening on the main Gis building. instructed the site supervisor all the floor opening should
Ref:1.1 be secured by checker plate sheet to eliminate the falling
hazards completely and minimized the risk.
Not properly using the resources on site. Re-located the safety signage from the area and posted
Ref:2.4 to the depending area that where it is needed.
Ply wood use for the scaffold platform instead of the Replaced the plywood into the scaffold planks and
planks. educated the scaffold erector always use the planks
Ref:2.4 while erecting the scaffold platform.
Removed the said materials from the area and
instructed the site in charge and supervisor
Stacking and storage is unattended.
Ref:1.7 To ensure that stacking and storage of
equipment and materials is done in such
a way that a risk-free environment is created.
24 Removed this lifting gear from the area and stored to the
Lifting gear (Steel Sling) is not stored on suitable
designated place and educated the site supervisor that slings
pallet and directly scattered on the ground. must be stored on suitable racks, shelves or hooks off the
Ref:2.5 ground and in clean areas.
Educated the man lift operator always keep the
Fire extinguisher kept and ties by rope on the man
fire equipment in such a way to use
lift is unattended.
Ref:3.1 immediately in case of nay emergency and
easily accessible
Color coding is not done for the steel sling of the
Inspection was conducted and posted the color
lifting gear.
Ref:2.5 code onto the lifting and maintained the record.
27 Provided the toe board for the protection
scaffold and instructed the scaffold supervisor
to check the scaffold on being time interval and
Toe board is not providing for the erected protection rectify the defeat if found any &
scaffold. Openings in floors through which persons
Ref:2.4 might fall more than two meters (2M) shall be
protected in the same way as working
Removed all the scattered materials from the
area and instructed the site supervisor to
Scattered the de-shuttering materials on the ground
maintain the good stacking and storage
Ref:1.7 practice always.
37 Checklist is not sign on the equipment. Equipment checklist is signed and maintained
Ref:2.9 the record.