PR2 Quarter 1 Week 1 Session 2 Learners-Materials PDF

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Quarter 1
WEEK 1—Session 2


TLE Grade 11
PIVOT IV-A Learner’s Material
Quarter 1 Module 1
First Edition, 2020 WEEK

Practical Research 2
Week 1_ SESSION 2

Development Team of the Module

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I What I need to know?

In this lesson, you will learn how to demonstrate an understanding of the importance of quanti-
tative research across fields.

Answer the questions below. Follow instructions properly.

TYPE. Match item in A with those of B
by placing the

1. What Effect do Punitive Behavioral Control

Statements have on Classroom?
of Fast Food Chains and Obesity of Children
in Kuopo, Eastern England.
3. Effect of Tourism to the Cultural System of
Villagers in Southern Cordillera.
4. Factors Quality of
Education in Saint Louis University.
to the Physical Aggression of a Person.
6. Factors Affecting Crime Rates in Burgos, La
7. Video Integration in Teaching Science in
Grade 12 of Upper Tumapoc National High
8. Communicative Behaviors Associated in

9. Ethnographic Study: Changes of Aeta

Behaviors in past 5 years.
10. Relationship of Physical Activity to the
Amount of Adipose Tissue and Endurance
Fitness of Children Aged 15 22 in Burgos,
La Union.

I What is new?

Activity 2: What’s New

Answer the following questions: Write your answer in 3-5 sentences only
on the space provided below.

1. What are the things you still remember in Practical Research I?


2. What is your idea about Practical search II?


3. Are you ready to know more about quantitative research and its im-
portance across fields?


D What I know?

Activity 3: What I Know?

Directions: write things about quantitative research based on their own
knowledge or understanding.

Based on your answers define quantitative research.


D What is in?

Activity 4: What is in?

Directions: Answer the following question and write your answer on the space

1. In your own opinion what is the importance of quantitative research in our dai-
ly lives? State at least three examples.


D What is it?

People do research to find solutions, even tentative ones, to problems, in

order to improve or enhance ways of doing things, to disprove or provide a
new hypothesis, or simply to find answers to

used because of its emphasis on proof rather than discovery.

met. Innovative teaching strategies are product of research.

quantitative research is to develop

and employ mathematical models, theories and/or hypotheses

quantitative relationships.

to guarantee sufficient dis-

tribution of their products and decide where they need to increase their prod-
uct distribution. Conducting researches can also help a business determine
whether now is the proper time to open another branch or whether it needs to ap-
ply for a new loan. It may also help a small
base. Research
is important for any organization to remain in the market. The primary function

find ways on how to continu-

ously satisfy the growing and varied needs of the clients.

D What is it?



may be randomly assigned, either to the intervention group or

to the control group to ensure that the

again. This is the post test.

Researchers are often interested in how an understanding of a par-

ticular communication
“What Effect do punitive be-
havioral control statements have on a classroom? What communicative

are used to respond to co-workers displaying emotional

stress? (Allen, Titsworth, Hunt, 2009)

Quantitative research is used to analyze how sports may be used as

an alternative way of

activity in
weight control.

D What is it?


Researchers are using to cope with the emerging trends in

recent times.

physical aggression that is,

when a person has a level of verbally aggressive behavior, does he or she

experiences of employees?

cation styles differ from one culture to the next? (Alle, Titsworth, Hunt, 2009).

do so in an attempt to uncover certain patterns of be-

havior. If the researcher discovers that a certain
generalizations about patterns expected of human behavior.

treatment and control groups.

ses of Quantitative Research

D What is it?

nesses of Quantitative Research

of a causal nature can be provid-



mechanisms for best practices

and to ensure high quality patient care. Researchers in these fields ultimate-
ly aim for man’s longevity.

further strengthen the structural materials than can withstand various calami-
ties and disasters.

D What is it?

nesses of Quantitative
Activity # 5: What is it?

Directions: To further develop your knowledge on the importance of quanti-

tative research, you will be grouped into five. Different fields will be given
to you. Your task is to collect information on the following fields and illus-
trate the importance of research on these fields.

Group 1:What is Anthropology?


Importance of quantitative research on Anthropology


Group 2: What is Medicine?


Importance of quantitative research on Medicine


Group 3: What is Behavioural Science?


Importance of quantitative research on Behavioural Science


Group 4: What is Educational Psychology?


Importance of quantitative research on Educational Psychology


Group 5: What is Social Science?


Importance of quantitative research on Social Science


*Representative from each group will discuss their output .

*Choose one (1) topic from Group 1 to 5 to discuss your answer.

E What is more?

Activity # 6 “Individual Activity”

Directions: Individual learner is tasked to think of a research topic related to his/

her strand. The following questions must be answered:

1. What
is your research topic related to your strand?

2. Is quantitative research applicable to your topic? Why?


3. How important is quantitative research to pursue your topic? Explain


4. How quantitative research related or important to different field of discipline ?


E What I can do?

Activity 7: What I can do?

ESSAY. Discuss briefly, what is ask below.

1. How quantitative research related or important to different field of discipline?

How could it help in your daily life?


research was used

on it.


E What else can I do?

Activity 8: What else can I do?

Directions: To further enrich the knowledge and to be aware of the latest
event/news in the community, the learners are tasked to watch the news on
COVID-19. The following questions will be answer by the learners:

1. What is the latest figure of COVID-19 in the world? How many were able to
recover? How may are dead?
2. What is the current number of COVID-19 in the Philippines? How many
were able to recover? So far, how many lives are taken by the virus?

3. Do you believe research plays a vital role on the current issue of COVID-
19? Why?

4. Is quantitative data on COVID-19 important on the actions to be taken by the

government? Why

5. Based on quantitative data on corona virus cases, what is the best thing that
you can do to help prevent the spread of the virus?

A What I have learned?

Activity 9: “I LEARNED”

ESSAY. Briefly explain what is asked below.

How important quantitative research across fields? Cite at least five fields
and explain how quantitative research is interconnected with it.


A What I can achieve?

Activity #10: Concept Map

CONCEPT MAP. Complete the concept map presented below. Add figures
so long as you
different fields. Maximize the
space below.


Baraceros, Esther L. Practical Research 2, First Edition, Rex Book Store, Inc.
(RBSI) 856 Nicanor Reyes Sr. St., Sampaloc, Manila , 2016.
Occiano, Rodel. IDEA Exemplar, Cainta Senior High School, Cainta, 2020. Un


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