THE OLYMPIAD CORNER - Canadian Mathematical Society (PDFDrive) PDF
THE OLYMPIAD CORNER - Canadian Mathematical Society (PDFDrive) PDF
THE OLYMPIAD CORNER - Canadian Mathematical Society (PDFDrive) PDF
\ \
1. On the base of the isosceles triangle ABC (jABj = jAC j) we
choose a point D such that jBDj : jDC j = 2 : 1 and on [AD] we choose a
\ \
point P such that m(B AC ) = m(B PD).
Prove that m(DPC ) = m(B AC )=2.
2. Prove that
(a + 3b)(b + 4c)(c + 2a) 60abc
for all real numbers 0 a b c.
3. The points of a circle are coloured by three colours. Prove that there
exist innitely many isosceles triangles with vertices on the circle and of the
same colour.
Second Day - December 12, 1998 (Time: 4.5 hours)
4. Determine all positive integers x, n satisfying the equation
x + 3367 = 2n .
As a second set for this issue we give the Turkish Team Selection
Examination for the 40th IMO, 1999. Thanks again to Ed Barbeau for col-
lecting them at the IMO in Romania.
n = b + b p + + bs ps ,
0 1
As a nal contest for this issue we give the Final Round of the Japanese
Mathematical Olympiad 1999. Thanks go to Ed Barbeau for collecting this
when he was Canadian Team Leader to the IMO in Romania.
Final Round | February 11, 1999
Duration: 4 hours
1. You can place a stone at each of 1999 1999 squares on a grid pat-
tern. Find the minimum number of stones to satisfy the following condition.
Condition: When an arbitrary blank square is selected, the total number of
stones placed in the corresponding row and column shall be 1999 or more.
2. Let f (x) = x + 17. Prove that for each natural number n, n 2,
X n
X n
ai = 96 , ai = 144 ,
ai = 216 .
1 2
;1K ;2
Let ; and ; be the circumcircles of 4PDG and 4PFE , respectively,
so that O and O are centres of ; and ; , respectively. Let Q be the
1 2
1 2 1 2
2 1 2
P , Q are collinear.
1 2
Since, PQ ? O O , we have AP ? O O .
1 2 1 2
X n
"i xi , "i = 0, 1
i =1
Let S be an n{element subset of (1; +1). Denote by s(A) the sum of the
elements of the subset A of S , with s(;) = 0. Let I be an open interval of
length one.
Claim: If A, B are two subsets of S with A 6 B then s(A) or s(B ) does not
belong to I .
Proof. Since A 6 B there exists x 2 B nA. Thus,
s(B) = x + s(B ; fxg) x + s(A) 1 + s(A) .
Then, s(B ) ; s(A) 1.
It follows that the numbers s(B ) and s(A) cannot belong to a common
open interval of length one.
in another.
Such a family of subsets is a Sperner family. It is well known that a
Sperner family has at most nn2 elements (see [1]).
Since it is true for any I , S under the assumptions of the exercise, we
deduce that
n .
n (1)
For i = 1, : : : , n, let xi = 1 + p i .
j k
n < s(A) = j k
n + X 1
xi 2i A
2 2
< n2 +
X 1
xi 2i A
j k
n + 1 jnk .
2 p 2
s(A) 2 I = n ; n + 1 .
j k j k
2 2
I is clearly an open interval of length one, and I contains all s(A) where
A S with Card(A) = n . 2
Then, at least nn2 elements of the form P "i xi , "i = 0, 1, belong
to I .
It follows that
n .
n (2)
From (1) and (2), we deduce that M = nn2 , as claimed.
[1] K. Engel, \Sperner theory", Cambridge University Press, p. 1{3.
and thus, f ( x ) > ;1. Now, substituting x for x in the original equation,
1 1
we have
(n ; 1) f (x) = f x12 + x ; f x1 < n + 1 .
2 2
0 < x = payz < 2 , 0 < y = pbzx < 2 ,
1 1
z + 2 sin u sin v = 2 cos u cos v ;
and then,
z = 2(cos u cos v ; sin u sin v) ; = 2 cos(u + v) .
a = 2p pyz sin u ,
b = 2pzx sin v ,
c = 2 xy(cos u cos v ; sin u sin v) .
From x + y + z = a + b + c, we get
x cos v ; py cos u + ;px sin v + py sin u ; pz = 0
2 2
which implies
pz = px sin v + py sin u = px y + py x . 1 1
2 2
pz = px pb + py a ,
2 zx 2pyz
and thus, z = a b . Similarly, x = a b , y = c a .
The triple
(x; y; z) = b +2 c ; c +2 a ; a +2 b
Next we turn to the February 2000 number of the Corner and solutions
to problems of the Final (Selection) Round of the Estonian Mathematical
Contests 1995-96 given [2000 : 6].
ka ; b)2 + a2 + 6 = k2 a2 ; 2kab + kab = k
(ka ; b)a ka2 ; ab
2+ 2+6 2+6
ka ; b = a bb ; b = a b > 0,
we see that (ka ; b; a) is also a solution of (1) in natural numbers. Note2
a +6;ab a +6;a(a+1) = 6;a < 0 if a > 6. Thus, ka;b = b < a
2 2 a+6
get b +31 = 5kb. Since b is an integer and 31 is a prime we deduce from the
9abc (a + b + c )(a + b + c) .
2 2 2
(abc) 13 a + 3b + c , or 3(abc) 13 a + b + c .
Multiplying these together it follows that 9abc (a + b + c)(a + b + c ), 2 2 2
Since it is known [1; p. 50] that s 16Rr ; 5r, we must have here that
so that P n (x) < 0 for x < xn and P n (x) > 0 for x > xn .
2 +1 2 +1
P n (x) P n (xn) = P n (xn ) + xnn
2 +2 2 +2 2 +1
(2 + 2)!
= x2nn+2 (
n+1 )2
= (2xnn+ 2)! > 0.
(2 n + 2)!
Thus, P n (x) never takes the value 0.
2 +2
induction and shows that property (n ) is true for all non-negative integer n.
P n (xn ) = P n (xn) ; P n (xn ) = xnn 1 + nxn > 0 ,
2 +3 2 +3 2 +1
(2 + 2)! 2 +3
number m. Assume that the latter does occur. Note that m xn < 0 for
all n. Since for all n 0 we have P n (x) ex P n (x) for all x 0
2 +1 2
[easy induction], we would have
0 exn P n (xn) = P n (xn ) ; (2xnn+ 1)!
2 2 +1
2n+1 2n+1
= ; (2xnn+ 1)! ; (2mn + 1)! .
that the tangents drawn from the point H to the circles with diameters AA ,
BB , CC are equal.
1 1
E t2 r
D A r r
H r
B1 t1
A1 r
F r
;3 r
The lines HA, HB , HC meet BC , CA, AB at D, E , F , respectively.
Then, AD ? BC , BE ? AC and CF ? AB .
Let ; , ; , ; be circles with diameters AA , BB , CC , respectively.
1 2 3 1 1 1
Thus, t = t .
1 2
= ;(x + 1) g x x
= ;(x + 1) g 1 ; x
2 1
= ;(x + 1) x x 2 g x x = ;x g 1 + x = ;x g x
2 +1 2 1 2 1
( + 1)
= ;g(x) .
Hence, g(x) 0, and f (x) = x for all x 2 R.
of numbers fan g is not periodic. (Here byc denotes, as usual, the largest
integer y.)
Solutions by Mohammed Aassila, Strasbourg, France; and by Michel
Bataille, Rouen, France. We give Bataille's solution.
Suppose for purpose of contradiction, that there exists a positive integer
p such that ann pp = ann for all positive integers n. Dening the integer un
by un = bx c ; bx c, we would have un = xun for all n. We now
distinguish the following mutually exclusive cases:
Case 1. u = bxp c ; bxc 6= 0.
where k, l are coprime integers. Note that k > l > 1 (since x > 1 and
x 62 N). For alln n,n un = xnu so that lnun = knu and, ln being
coprime with k , l divides u . This would mean that u has an innite
+1 1 +1 1
Then, un = 0 for all n, and an easy induction shows that, for all positive
integers m,
bxmp c = bxc , bxmp c = bx c , : : : , bxmp
+1 +2 2 +p;1 c = bxp; c ) (1)
Actually, we even have bxn c = bxc for all positive integers n (divide n
!1 x = +1 and thus,
by p and use (1)). Again this is impossible since nlim n
!1bx c = +1.
Thus, in both cases we are led to an impossibility, and fan g cannot be
5. Let q be a real number such that 1 +2 5 < q < 2. When we
represent a positive integer n in binary expansion as
n = 2k + ak; 2k; + + a 2 + a
1 0
(here ai = 0 or 1), we dene pn by
pn = qk + ak; qk; + + a q + a :
1 0
Prove that there exist innitely many positive integers k which satisfy
the following condition: There exists no positive integer l such that
p k < pl < p k .
2 2 +1
: qm
2 +1 = 2k .
2 +1
That completes the Corner for this issue of CRUX with MAYHEM. We
are entering Olympiad season. Send me your nice solutions and generaliza-
tions as well as Olympiad Contests.
Teaching Statistics: Resources for Undergraduate Instructors
edited by Thomas L. Moore, published by the Mathematical Association of
America (MAA Notes Series, #52), 2000,
ISBN 0-88385-162-8, softcover, 222+xii pages, $31.95 (U.S.).
Reviewed by C.L. Kaller, retired Professor of Mathematics, Kelowna, BC.
This instructors' handbook is an eclectic collection of articles (some
published for the rst time, but many reprints of previously published ar-
ticles or commentaries on such articles) on a number of aspects of introduc-
tory undergraduate statistics instruction. It is a compendium of information
intended to be regarded essentially as an instructors' manual for teachers of
statistics courses to undergraduate or even senior secondary school students.
Particular targets of this volume are those teachers of statistics courses who
have limited formal training in that discipline.
The volume consists of articles in six categories:
1. Hortatory Imperatives [of data-based statistical instruction]
2. Teaching with Data [in classroom settings]
3. Established Projects in Active Learning [with usage guidelines]
4. Textbooks [with detailed textbook selection procedures]
5. Technology [resources available for classroom presentations]
6. Assessment [of student achievement].
The motivation behind the choice of articles in each of these categories is rel-
evance to what the editor feels is the current (2000) thinking about just what
constitutes acceptable statistics instruction, particularly when such instruc-
tion is provided by teachers whose formal professional training in statistics
is somewhat limited. The editor points out that the volume is far from an
all-inclusive presentation of resources and ideas on statistics education; it is
his stated hope, however, that the material will provide direction to readers
and to have them keep alert to other instructional resources constantly being
Laudatory as is the intent of the editor in publishing the contents of
this handbook to help the classroom statistics instructor, this publication is
not without some irritating editorial
aws giving this reviewer the distinct
impression that the volume was thrown together in a hasty rush to the print-
ers. Grammar, spelling, consistency and format have not received the careful
editorial attention expected in an MAA publication. Indeed, on the back
cover of the book (as well as elsewhere inside) even the word statistics is
review of the 1997 NCTM Yearbook, an algebra text and the PBS videoseries
Life by the Numbers in The New York Review of Books provides the occa-
sion to vent his displeasure at the \fuzzy new math". He skewers it for its
faddishness and dilution with much that is mathematically irrelevant. If the
Yearbook is any guide, reformers seem to be completely ignorant of fasci-
nating and challenging mathematical material available in a number of ne
books published in recent years by established mathematicians. It is hard to
argue with his assessment of the PBS series as \high on special eects, low
on mathematical content". This is an important article, that well deserves
its more permanent place in this volume.
Those who want to enliven the modern school classroom will nd many
riches in this book. Four successive chapters treat, in whole or in part, magic
squares, with some new material. A prize of $100 has not yet been claimed
for a 3 3 magic square whose entries are all squares. There are many
squares that almost do the job, but getting the complete solution is equiv-
alent to nding rational points on certain cubic curves. There are numerous
dissection problems, a genre which I have found encourages my own under-
graduate students to think of geometry in more structural terms. A Quantum
article deals with decomposing both squares and equilateral triangles into
three similar parts, all three of which, two of which and none of which are
congruent. Is it true that there is a unique solution to the triangle problems
with one and no congruent pairs of parts? In the magazine, Cubism for Fun,
Gardner oered a $50 prize for anyone who could, for any integer n exceeding
1, cover the surface of a cube by n congruent polygons without overlapping.
In an addendum, he tells us that this was won by a reader, Anneke Treep,
who without any technical complications applied the right perspective and
degree of imagination.
Other problems, however, are denitely not for the classroom. Con-
sider the problem, due to Gardner himself from the initial chapter of the
book; it asks for the minimum area of a surface placed inside a transparent
cube to render it opaque from any direction. The best answer seems to be
4:2324. \I believe the opaque cube problem to be extremely dicult," he
writes, \it is keeping me awake at nights."A substantial essay treats mini-
mal Steiner trees (spanning trees of minimum length) on a rectangular array
of nodes, and includes a table of the best known results for n n when
2 n 14.
The pace is varied by a discussion of directed graphs to analyze propo-
sitional calculus, and by some word play. Can you provide a square array of
nine letters for which, each row, column and diagonal, spell out a word? Or
provide a chain of words, each altered by a single letter from its predecessor,
that converts BLACK to WHITE?
The eectiveness of this book derives in large part from the passion
with which Gardner shares his mathematical enthusiasm and on the breadth
and erudition of his discussions. This is another winner!
a b , a + a b + b , : : : , a + a + + an; b + b + + bn; ,
1 2 1 2 1 2
F (a ) + F (a ) + + F (an ) F (b ) + F (b ) + + F (bn ) .
1 2 1 2
Another big plus for the Majorization Inequality is that we can obtain
both upper and lower bounds subject to other kinds of constraints. Here are
two examples:
(1) Consider thePbounds on sin a + sin a + + sin an where n 4,
ai 0 and ai = S 2. Since 1 2
; ; ; ; 0; 0; : : : ; 0 (a ; a ; : : : ; an ) S ; S ; : : : ; S ,
2 2 2 2
1 2
n n n
we have
4 sin a + sin a + + sin an n sin Sn .
1 2
(S ; n + 1; 1; 1; ; 1) (a ; a ; ; an) Sn ; Sn ; ; Sn ,
1 2
we have
(S ; n + 1) + n ; 1 a + a + + an n Sn .
2 2 2 2
1 2
case. The proof of one direction is easy, and the more intricate part can be
proved by applying the Abel Summation Formula
X n
X j
ai bi = ai (bj ; bj ) , +1
i=1 j =1 i=1
setting bn = 0.
Problem 2. Could you guess what substitution is helpful for proving these
inequalities easily?
[1] E. Beckenbach and R. Bellman. Inequalities. Springer, Berlin (1965).
[2] A. Engel Problem solving strategies. Springer, Berlin (1997).
[3] S. Gueron and R. Tessler. Majorization and the Karamata Inequality.
Etgar-Gilionot Mathematica 48-49: 4-10 (1999).
[4] J. Karamata. Sur une inegalite relative aux fonctions convexes Publ.
Math. Univ. Belgrade 1:145-148 (1932).
[5] M.S. Klamkin. Duality in triangle inequalities. Notices of the
Amer. Math. Soc. p. 782 (1971).
[6] M.S. Klamkin. On a Problem of the Month. Crux Mathematicorum,
Vol 28, p. 86 (2002) .
[7] A.W. Marshall and I. Olkin. Inequalities: Theory of Majorization and
its Applications. Academic Press, N.Y. (1979).
[8] D.S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric and V. Volenec. Recent advances in geo-
metric inequalities. Kluwer, London (1989).
[9] T.B. Soulami. Les Olympiades de mathematiques ; Re
exes et
strategies. Ellipse, Paris (1999).
Shay Gueron
University of Haifa
[email protected]
Mathematical Mayhem began in 1988 as a Mathematical Journal for and by
High School and University Students. It continues, with the same emphasis,
as an integral part of Crux Mathematicorum with Mathematical Mayhem.
All material intended for inclusion in this section should be sent to
Mathematical Mayhem, Cairine Wilson Secondary School, 977 Orleans Blvd.,
Gloucester, Ontario, Canada. K1C 2Z7 (NEW!). The electronic address is
[email protected]
Envoyez vos propositions et solutions a MATHEMATICAL MAYHEM,
Faculte de mathematiques, Universite de Waterloo, 200 University Avenue
West, Waterloo, ON, N2L 3G1, ou par courriel a
[email protected]
N'oubliez pas d'inclure a toute correspondance votre nom, votre annee sco-
laire, le nom de votre e cole, ainsi que votre ville, province ou e tat et pays.
Nous sommes surtout interesses par les solutions d'etudiants du secondaire.
Veuillez nous transmettre vos solutions aux problemes du present numero
avant le 1er septembre 2002. Les solutions recues apres cette date ne seront
prises en compte que s'il nous reste du temps avant la publication des solu-
Chaque probleme sera publie dans les deux langues ocielles du Canada
(anglais et francais). Dans les numeros 1, 3, 5 et 7, l'anglais precedera le
francais, et dans les numeros 2, 4, 6 et 8, le francais precedera l'anglais.
Pour e^ tre admissibles au DEFI MAYHEM de ce mois-ci, les solutions doivent
avoir e te postees avant le 1er juillet 2002, cachet de la poste faisant foi.
34. Propose par l'equipe de Mayhem.
Les nombres 1 a 2002 sont e crits au tableau noir et l'on decide de jouer
au jeu suivant :
On lance une piece de monnaie et on eace deux nombres x et y du
tableau. Si l'on tombe sur pile, on e crit x + y au tableau, sinon on e crit
jx ; yj ; on continue le processus jusqu'a ce qu'il ne reste plus qu'un nombre.
Montrer que ce dernier nombre est impair.
yn = xnxnyynn . Trouver
1 1 +1 2
+1 +
!1 xn
nlim et !1 yn .
Two sequences are dened by: x = 4732, y = 847, xn = xn yn
!1 xn
nlim and !1 yn .
36. Propose par l'equipe de Mayhem.
Dans un triangle ABC , soit AM la mediane issue du sommet A. Mon-
trer que AM AB AC . +
In 4ABC , AM is the median from A. Prove AM AB AC . +
to one of the other two pegs, which are originally empty. No disc is ever al-
lowed to rest on a larger disc, and the discs must be moved one at a time. If bd
is the number of moves required for d discs, one shows that bd = 2bd + 1
(that is, to move the bottom disc, rst move the other discs onto a single
peg, then after the bottom disc is moved, the others are moved back onto
it). However, all we need for our present purpose is that bd > bd .
The connection between the given problem and the \Towers of Hanoi"
problem can be seen by writing n as a sum of distinct powers of 2. Then, n
can be written as such a sum in exactly one way.
The distinct powers of 2 correspond to the discs in the \Towers of
Hanoi" problem, but larger powers of 2 correspond to smaller discs. The
condition for moving 2k pebbles corresponds to the fact that the top disc
must be moved before any of the discs underneath.
Note that d corresponds to the number of distinct powers of 2 that add
up to n (or the number of 1's in the binary expansion of n). So our problem
boils down to: what numbers n 100 have the most digits 1 in their binary
The powers of 2 that can be used in the binary expansion of numbers
n 100 are 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 . However, they cannot all be used
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
since their sum is 127 > 100. It is possible to use all but one of them in just
two ways:
2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 95 ,
6 4 3 2 1 0
2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 63 .
5 4 3 2 1 0
Prove that the letters at the corners of the resulting triangle are always either
all the same or all dierent.
Solution: Think of the letters A, B, C as representing the numbers 0,
1, 2, respectively, (mod 3). Then, if in some row we have x y
where x and y are integers (mod 3), we get ; x ; y in the next row,
where ;x ; y is computed (mod 3). If the original row corresponds to the
integers x x x (mod 3), then the next rows are:
1 2 10
;x ; x
1 ;x ; x
2 ;x ; x 2 3 3 4
x + 2x + x 1 x + 2x + x
2 3 2 3 4
;x ; 3x ; 3x ; x 1
::: 2 3 4
and we see the pattern (which can be proved by induction): apart from the
signs, the coecients are those of Pascal's triangle, the binomial coe-
cients. In particular, the tenth (bottom) row will consist of the single entry
;x ; 91 x ; 92 x ; ; 98 x ; x
1 2 3 9 10 (mod 3) .
;9 ;9
But since 9 is a power of the prime 3, all binomial coecients , ,
: : : , ; are divisible by 3, so that the entry in the bottom row is equal to
1 2
stride. If his last stride was 1{step, then before that he climbed an n ; 1{step
staircase, and there are an; ways in which that can be done. Using a similar
argument for 2{ and 3{step last steps, we get an = an; + an; + an; for
n > 3. Using this we can calculate a = 274. Thus there are 274 ways that
1 2 3
Mark can climb the stairs before the spill has occurred.
Once the spill has occurred, we can work through the same way. If bn
is the number of ways to get to step n and not step on step 6, then we have:
bn = an for n 5, b = 0. Thus, using the recurrence relation for an we
get b = 0 + 13 + 7 = 20, b = 20 + 0 + 13 = 33, b = 0 + 20 + 33 = 53
and avoid the spill.
5. Number the vertices of a cube from 1 to 8. Let A be the 8 8 matrix
whose (i; j ) entry is 1 if the cube has an edge between vertices i and j , and
is 0 otherwise. Find the eigenvalues of A, and describe the corresponding
Solution:Let the vertices be numbered as shown.
8 7
4 3
1 2
Then we have
2 3
0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
6 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 7
6 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 7
A= 6
6 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 7
6 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 7
6 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 7
4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 5
0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
We can nd a few eigenvectors by inspection; for example (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)T
is an eigenvector for = 3 and (1 1 1 1 ; 1 ; 1 ; 1 ; 1)T is an
eigenvector for = ;1. From these a pattern starts to emerge. Note that
the entries 1 occur in positions 1, 2, 3, 4 and the entries ;1 occur in positions
5, 6, 7, 8. Now, f1, 2, 3, 4g [ f5, 6, 7, 8g = S [ S is a decomposition of
the vertex set S = f1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8g into two disjoint parts S , S with
1 2
the property that each vertex in Si is connected to two vertices in Si and one
1 2
vertices in Sj for i, j 2 f1, 2g, i 6= j . Then the vector with entries 1 in the
positions corresponding to S and ;1 in the positions corresponding to S
is an eigenvector of A for the eigenvalue k ; l.
1 2
Note that while we could interchange the subsets S and S , that would
1 2
just change the eigenvector to its opposite. Except for this, there are eight
dierent decompositions of S of the desired type, as shown in the table
1 S 2 k l Eigenvector
S 3 0 3 (1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1)T
f1, 2, 3, 4g f5, 6, 7, 8g 2 1 1 (1; 1; 1; 1; ;1; ;1; ;1; ;1)TT
f1, 2, 5, 6g f3, 4, 7, 8g 2 1 1 (1; 1; ;1; ;1; 1; 1; ;1; ;1)T
f1, 4, 5, 8g f2, 3, 6, 7g 2 1 1 (1; ;1; ;1; 1; 1; ;1; ;1; 1)T
f1, 2, 7, 8g f3, 4, 5, 6g 1 2 ;1 (1; 1; ;1; ;1; ;1; ;1; 1; 1)T
f1, 4, 6, 7g f2, 3, 5, 8g 1 2 ;1 (1; ;1; ;1; 1; ;1; 1; 1; ;1)T
f1, 3, 5, 7g f2, 4, 6, 8g 1 2 ;1 (1; ;1; 1; ;1; 1; ;1; 1; ;1)T
f1, 3, 6, 8g f2, 4, 5, 7g 0 3 ;3 (1; ;1; 1; ;1; ;1; 1; ;1; 1)
(Geometrically, the eigenvectors for = 1 in this table can be thought
of as corresponding to pairs of opposite faces of the cube; the eigenvectors
for = ;1 can be thought of as corresponding to pairs of diagonal planes
through the cube.) It is easily checked that the eigenvectors for = 1 (simi-
larly for = ;1) listed above are linearly independent. Therefore, for matrix
A we have eigenvalues = 3, = 1 (with multiplicity 3), = ;1 (with
multiplicity 3) and = ;3, and the eigenspaces are spanned by the vectors
in the table.
6. Let f (x) be a twice-dierentiable function on the open interval (0; 1)
such that
lim f (x) = ;1 , and xlim
x!0+ !;
f (x) = +1 .
0 0 0
0 0 0
Thus, we must have f 00 (x) > 0 for some x in (0; 1) as well as f 00 (x) < 0
for some x in (0; 1), and we are done.
7. Three stationary sentries are guarding an important public square
which is, in fact, square, with each side measuring 8 rods (recall that one rod
equals 5:5 yards). (If any of the sentries see trouble brewing at any location
on the square, the sentry closest to the trouble spot will immediately cease to
be stationary and dispatch to that location. And like all good sentries, these
three are continually looking in all directions for trouble to occur.) Find the
maximum value of D, so that no matter how the sentries are placed, there
is always some spot in the square that is at least D rods from the closest
Solution: Divide the square into rectangles as shown, in such a way
that QY = Y R = 4 and PZ = XY . We claim once this has been done
D = 21 XY is the maximum value of D.
Proof: One way to place the sentries is at the centres of the rectangles
PXZS , XQY T , TY RZ ; for this placement, every point on the square is at
most D from the sentry at the centre of the rectangle it belongs to. Thus,
a value D > D is not possible. To show that D = D actually works,
0 0
we have to show that there is no placement of the sentries for which every
point of the square has distance less than D to the closest sentry. Suppose
we did have such a placement. Since there are four corners P , Q, R, S of
the square and only three sentries, at least two corners would be guarded
by the same sentry. Without loss of generality, let P and S be two corners
guarded by the same sentry. Now note that X and Y cannot be guarded by
a single sentry, because by our assumption that sentry would have distance
less than D to both X and Y , so that XY < 2D = XY , a contradiction.
0 0
Similarly, no other two opposite corners of the three smaller rectangles that
we constructed can be guarded by a single sentry. Thus, S , X , Y are all
guarded by dierent sentries, say 1, 2, 3, in that order, and since S and P
are guarded by the same sentry P , Z , Y are also guarded by 1, 2, 3 in that
order. Thus, Q and R must be guarded by 3. But, we will show that the
answer is D = 12 65.
i =1
n n n ! 2
=1 =1 =1
(b) The sum of sixteen positive numbers is 100 and the sum of their
squares is 1000. Prove that none of the sixteen numbers is greater than 25.
(1996 Canadian Open, Problem B3)
Solution. (a) The quadratic function f (x) is a parabola, and the graph
y = f (x) opens upward. (The x {coecient is positive.) Hence the vertex
of the graph is a minimum point; that is, there is a unique value of x that
minimizes y = f (x), and the point (x; y) is the vertex.
It is known that the x{coordinate of the vertex of the function
f (x) = ax + bx +n c is ;b=n2a. Our given function, after expanding, is
n i =1 i =1
We also know that f (x) is greater than or equal to 0, since it is the sum
of non-negative squares. Hence, the discriminant must be less than or equal
to 0. (This condition corresponds to f (x) having one or no roots.)
n ! n 2
i i =1 =1
n 1 n ! 2
i =1 =1
(b) Let the largest value of the ai 's be b. Consider the 15 ai 's, ex-
cluding b. Then, apply the result in (a) to these 15 numbers. We have
X 1 X
ai ; 15 ai 0, where both summations are taken over the 15
ai 's excluding b.
ai ; 15 1 X a = 1 15 ;1000 ; b ; (100 ; b)
2 n o
i 15
2 2
= 15 ;16b + 200b + 5000 = ; 15
; 2
8 (b ; 25) (2b + 25) 0 .
Since b is a positive value, the inequality holds true if and only if b 25. In
other words, the largest of the ai 's must not exceed 25, QED.
Shawn Godin
Solutions may be sent to Shawn Godin, Cairine Wilson S.S., 975 Orleans
Blvd., Orleans, ON, CANADA, K1C 2Z5, or emailed to
[email protected]
Please include on any correspondence your name, school, grade, city, province
or state and country. We are especially looking for solutions from high school
students. Please send your solutions to the problems in this edition by
1 July 2002. A copy of MATHEMATICAL MAYHEM Vol. 2 will be presented
to the pre-university reader(s) who send in the best set of solutions before
the deadline. The decision of the editor is nal.
(b) Find real numbers a and b such that (2a )(4b ) = 8 and a+7b = 4.
2. (a) Find all real numbers x such that 25jxj = x + 144. 2
value but opposite in sign, prove that pq = r. (p, q and r are real numbers.)
(b) If a, b and c are real numbers such that a + b + c = 14,
c = a + b and ab = 14, nd the numerical value of c.
2 2 2
4. (a) If 0 < < 180 and 2 sin + 3 sin 2 what is the largest
possible value of ?
(b) Let O be the origin, P the point whose x coordinates are (2; 3)
and F a point on the line whose equation is y = 2 . If PF is perpendicular
to OF nd the coordinates of F .
5. How many consecutive zeros are there at the end of the product of
all the integers from 16 to 100 inclusive?
6. In triangle ABC , \ACB = 135 , CA = 6 and BC = p2. If M is
the mid-point of the side AB , nd the length of CM .
7. A circle of radius 2 has its centre in the rst quadrant and has both
coordinate axes as tangents. Another smaller circle also has both coordinate
axes as tangents and has exactly one point in common with the larger circle.
Find the radius of the smaller circle.
8. A parallelogram has an area of 36 and diagonals whose lengths are
10 and 12. Find the lengths of its sides.
9. a, b, c, d are distinct integers such that (x;a)(x;b)(x;c)(x;d)=4
has an integral root r. Prove that a + b + c + d = 4r.
10. If x, y and z are positive real numbers, prove that
(x + y ; z)(x ; y) + z(x ; z)(y ; z) 0 .
Let the two-digit number n be t u . If u is not 9, then the num-
ber obtained by adding one and reversing the digits is u + 1 t . Since
this potential divisor; cannot equal n, it must be half of n or less, so that
2(u + 1) t and 2 (u + 1) 10 + t t 10 + u. This restricts us to
the numbers n = 30, 40, 50, 51, 60, 61, 70, 71, 80, 81, 82, 90, 91, or 92. A
quick check shows that none of these numbers works. Hence, u must be 9.
If n = t 9 , then n + 1 = t + 1 0 (unless t = 9), so that the divisor
would be t + 1. But n equals 10(t + 1) ; 1, which cannot be a multiple of
t + 1. Thus t must also be 9, yielding n = 99 , making the divisor equal to
001, or 1.
3. Ten slips of paper, numbered 1 through 10, are placed in a hat.
Three numbers are drawn out, one after another. What is the probability
that the three numbers are drawn in increasing order? (2 points)
Let the numbers chosen be A, B , and C . There are six orders in which
the slips can be chosen: ABC , ACB , BAC , BCA, CAB , CBA. Of these
six, only one is in the increasing order we desire. Hence, the probability
is 16 .
4. The three marked angles are right angles. If \a = 20 , then what
is \b? (2 points)
Note that \b is complementary to an angle which is complementary
to \a; hence, \b = \a, so that \b = 20 .
5. Vicky asks Charlene to identify all non-congruent triangles 4ABC
(a) the value of \A
(b) AB = 10, and
(c) length BC equals either 5 or 15.
Charlene responds that there are only two triangles meeting the given con-
ditions. What is the value of \A? (2 points)
Consider AB to be a xed segment of length 10. Since BC is either 5
or 15, C must lie on one of the two circles with center B and radii 5 and 15,
as in the diagram. R
There are many possible values for \A; the possible positions for point C
are the points where \A intersects the two circles. For some angles, as with
\A = \BAR in the diagram, there is only one possible point C ; for others,
as with \A = \BAT , there are three. The only value which gives exactly
two points C is that which makes the angle tangent to the inner circle, as
with \A = \BAS . Call the point of tangency X . Since AB = 10, BX = 5,
and \BXA is a right angle, we conclude that triangle ABX is a 30 -60 -90
triangle. Hence, \A = 30 .
6. Five pirates nd a cache of ve gold coins. They decide that the
shortest pirate will become bursar and distribute the coins | if half or more
of the pirates (including the bursar) agree to the distribution, it will be ac-
cepted; otherwise, the bursar will walk the plank and the next shortest pirate
will become bursar. This process will continue until a distribution of coins is
agreed upon. If each pirate always acts so as to stay aboard if possible and
maximize his wealth, and would rather see another pirate walk the plank
than not (all else being equal), then how many coins will the shortest pirate
keep for himself? (3 points)
Call the pirates p , p , : : : , p , with p the shortest and p the tallest.
Consider what would happen if only p and p remained. Whatever division
1 2 5 1 5
strategy p suggested would hold, since p 's vote alone would constitute half
4 5
the total vote. Thus, p would simply allot himself all the gold. Next consider
4 4
at all. Hence, p would simply take 4 coins for himself and allot 1 coin to
p , getting a majority vote from himself and p . Similarly, with four pirates
remaining, p , the bursar, would take 4 coins for himself and allot 1 coin
5 5
to support the plan. With ve pirates, the bursar, p , would allot himself 3
4 4
coins and give one coin each to p and p . Since each of p and p gets more
3 5 3 5
than they would get by vetoing the plan, they must support it. The shortest
pirate gets 3 coins.
7. The twelve positive integers a a a have the property
1 2 12
that no three of them can be the side lengths of a non-degenerate triangle.
Find the smallest possible value of aa121 . (3 points)
If a, b and c can be sides of a non-degenerate triangle with a b c,
we always must have c < a + b. Hence, if no three of our integers can form
a non-degenerate triangle, we must have ai aj + ak for any three with
i > j , k. Since the numbers are increasing, it suces to show that
a +a a , a +a a , a +a a
1 2 3 2 3 4 3 4 5
and so on. Substituting the rst inequality into the second, we have
a + 2a a .
1 2 4
Substituting this and the second inequality into the third, we get
2a + 3a a .
1 2 5
a = a = 1, a = 2, a = 3, a = 5, : : : , a = 144, we nd that
1 12 12 1
1 2 3 4 5 12
144 is the least value.
for some constants A through A . The goal of this team test will be to
compute the Ai and use them to nd information about p(16) without ever
0 3
Apparently we have been handed a magic formula which generates the
constants Ai needed for computing p(16). It is referred to frequently in this
solution, so we reproduce it here:
x ; (x ; 1)(x ; 2)(x ; 4)(x ; 8) = A x + A x + A x + A . (2)
1 0
Rather than marvel at this stroke of good fortune so early on, we set about
computing the values A through A . Carefully multiplying out the left-hand
0 3
side yields
x ; (x ; 1)(x ; 2)(x ; 4)(x ; 8)
= A x +A x +A x+A .
1 0
Part ii: (4 points) To show that these Ai are in fact the correct numbers
we must show that they correctly predict p(16) for four \dierent" polyno-
mials. We begin with the case p(x) = x. Show that the value of p(16) agrees
with the prediction A p(1) + A p(2) + A p(4) + A p(8). (HINT: try x = 2
0 1 2 3
in (1).)
According to Lagrange Interpolation, if p(x) is a polynomial of degree
three or less, then we should be able to predict p(16) based on the val-
ues of p(x) at x = 1, 2, 4 and 8. We will now show that the constants
Ai just computed do the job by showing that p(16) always equals the sum
A p(8) + A p(4) + A p(2) + A p(1). According to the facts section we
need only verify that the Ai work in four dierent cases to know that they
3 2 1 0
will always work. In checking these four cases we employ a somewhat clever
method that never actually uses the numbers calculated in part i, just the
equation (2) that produced them.
First suppose that p(x) = x. Then clearly p(1) = 1, p(2) = 2,
p(4) = 4, and p(8) = 8. Let us check whether or not A p(8) + A p(4) +
A p(2) + A p(1), which is the same as 8A + 4A + 2A + A , correctly
3 2
The left-hand side equals 16 since the (2 ; 2) factor causes the second term
to vanish. However, the right hand side is our prediction for p(16). Sure
enough, we get p(16) = 16, just as we should for the function p(x) = x.
Part iii: (5 points) Continuing the previous part, show that the Ai
correctly predict p(16) for the three other polynomials p(x) = 1,
p(x) = x and p(x) = x .
2 3
In all cases the prediction for p(16) is A p(8) + A p(4) + A p(2) +
A p(1). Continuing our work from part ii we try p(x) = 1, so our prediction
3 2 1
3 2 1 0
The now familiar cancellation occurs on the left hand side, leaving us with a
prediction of 4 for p(16). Since p(x) = x we expect to have p(16) = 16 ,
4 2 2
==) 90 = 15p(8)
==) 6 = p(8) .
Thus we need p(8) = 6 to ensure that p(16) = 0 so that there is a root at
x = 16.
Part v: (4 points) Let p(x) be a degree three polynomial with
p(1) = 1, p(2) = 3, p(4) = 9, and p(8) = 27. Calculate p(16). How
close does it come to the natural guess of 81?
There are two ways to do this problem|a long way and a short way.
The long way involves substituting all of the values for A through A and
p(1) through p(8) into the interpolation formula shown above and crank-
0 3
ing out the answer. The short way, hinted at by our above work, involves
plugging x = 3 into equation (2). We opt for the short way, obtaining
3 ; (3 ; 1)(3 ; 2)(3 ; 4)(3 ; 8) = 27A + 9A + 3A + A .
3 2 1 0
Faire parvenir les propositions de problemes et les solutions a Bruce Shawyer,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Memorial University of Newfoundland,
St. John's (Terre-Neuve), Canada, A1C 5S7. Les propositions de problemes doivent
e^ tre accompagnees d'une solution ainsi que de references et d'autres indications qui
pourraient e^ tre utiles a la redaction. Si vous envoyez une proposition sans solution,
vous devez justier une solution probable en fournissant susamment d'information.
Un numero suivi d'une asterisque (?) indique que le probleme a e te propose sans
Nous sollicitons en particulier des problemes originaux. Cependant, d'autres
problemes interessants pourraient e^ tre acceptables s'ils ne sont pas trop connus et si
leur provenance est precisee. Normalement, si l'auteur d'un probleme est connu, il
faut demander sa permission avant de proposer un de ses problemes.
Pour faciliter l'etude de vos propositions, veuillez taper ou e crire a la main
(lisiblement) chaque probleme sur une feuille distincte de format 8 12 "11" ou A4, la
signer et la faire parvenir au redacteur en chef. Les propositions devront lui parvenir
au plus tard le 1er octobre 2002. Vous pouvez aussi les faire parvenir par courriel a
[email protected]. (Nous apprecierions de recevoir les problemes et solu-
tions envoyes par courriel au format LATEX). Les chiers graphiques doivent e^ tre de
format epic ou eps (encapsulated postscript). Les solutions recues apres la date
ci-dessus seront prises en compte s'il reste du temps avant la publication. Veuillez
prendre note que nous n'acceptons pas les propositions par telecopieur.
Chaque probleme sera publie dans les deux langues ocielles du Canada
(anglais et francais). Dans les numeros 1, 3, 5 et 7, l'anglais precedera le francais,
et dans les numeros 2, 4, 6 et 8, le francais precedera l'anglais.
Dans la section des solutions, le probleme sera publie dans la langue de la
principale solution presentee.
For any triangle ABC , prove that
8 sin A2 sin B2 sin C2 cos A ;2 B cos B ;2 C cos C ;2 A .
1 1
(;1)j (k +j !j ) = (;1)n (;1)j (;k ;j2! + j )
X n X n
j =0 j =0
for n = 1 and n = 2.
Are these equalities true or false for other positive integral values of n?
2720. Propose par Antal E. Fekete, Memorial University, St. John's,
Soit k un entier et n un entier non negatif.
k + j )n est un multiple entier de e et trouver la somme.
(a) Montrer que j!
j =0
(b) Montrer que (;1)j (k +j !j ) est un multiple entier de 1e et trouver la
P n
Let k be an integer and n be a non-negative integer.
k + j )n is an integral multiple of e, and nd the sum.
(a) Show that j!
j =0
1 n
(b) Show that (;1)j (k +j !j ) is an integral multiple of 1e , and nd the
verier que les racines de cette e quation sont ;5, 2 et 3. Si l'on essaie de
resoudre l'equation ci-dessus par la methode trigonometrique, on trouve que
les racines sont :
;2 31 cos , ; 2 13 cos , et ; 2 31 cos ,
2 + 4 +
3 3 3
r 32
ou 13 = 19
et cos = 15 3
Sans utiliser de calculatrice, montrer que
that the roots of this equation are ;5, 2 and 3. If one tries to solve the
above equation using trigonometry, the roots come out as
;2 31 cos , ; 2 13 cos , and ; 2 31 cos ,
2 + 4 +
3 3 3
r 3
where 31 =
and cos = 15 19
19 3
Show, without the use of a calculator, that
;2 13 cos = ;5, ;2 31 cos = 2, and ;2 31 cos = 3 .
2 + 4 +
3 3 3
2722. Propose par Vaclav Kone cny, Ferris State University, Big
Rapids, MI, USA.
On considere deux triangles pythagoriciens comme in-
dique dans la gure. Les longueurs de AC , CB , AD
et DE sont des nombres impairs et les longueurs des
c^otes superposes, AE et AB , sont des nombres pairs. C
Existe-t-il une conguration semblable telle que la
longueur de CD soit un entier ?
................................................................. A E
Consider two Pythagorean triangles as indicated in
the gure. The lengths of AC , CB , AD and DE are D
odd integers and the lengths of the overlapping sides,
AE and AB, are even integers.
Does there exist such a conguration of Pythagorean
triangles such that the length of CD is an integer?
2723. Propose par Walther Janous, Ursulinengymnasium, Innsbruck,
Soit n , n , : : : , nk (1 k N ) des entiers non negatifs tels que
n + n + + nk = N . Trouver la valeur minimale de la somme
1 2
k ;nj
1 2
k ;nj
1 2
(b)? m 3.
m when (a) m = 2;
j =1
No problem is ever permanently closed. The editor is always pleased to
consider for publication new solutions or new insights on past problems.
2 2
AC = AB + 125
2 2
9 ; 37
= 49 + (125 + 37)(125 ; 37) = 49 + 162 88 = 225 ,
81 81
from which we conclude that AC = 15.
II. Solution by Henry Liu, student, University of Memphis, TN, USA.
Let J lie on side BC with BJ = 7. Then (as in solution I above)
4ABE = 4JBE . Thus, \BAE = \BJE . Also, ED = EA = EJ ,
9 AC
==) AC = 162 + 63 = 225
==) AC = 15 .
III. Solution by Paul Jereys, student, Berkhamsted Collegiate School,
Since BE bisects \ABC , we have 7=AE = 18=EC . Thus
AE = 7 and EC = 18 AC: (1)
EC 18 25
Let = \BAC and = \ABC . By the Law of Sines on 4ABE , we have
AE = BE (=) AE sin = BE sin(=2):
sin(=2) sin
Applying the Law of Sines to 4BDE yields:
sin(=2) sin(\BDE ) (=) DE sin(\BDE ) = BE sin(=2) .
Since AE = ED we have sin(\BDE ) = sin . If \BDE = , then 4BAE
is similar to 4BDE . Since BD = 9 =6 7 = BA, we get a contradiction,
whence we have \BDE = 180 ; . Thus BDEA is a cyclic quadrilateral.
Since \BDE = 180 ; , we also have \CDE = , which implies that
4CDE is similar to 4CAB. Therefore, 9=AC = EC=18. From (1), we
9 = 18 AC , so that 9 25 = AC . 2
AC 25 18
Thus, AC = 15.
Also solved by SEFKET University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and
Leopoldo Cano, Valladolid, Spain; CHRISTOPHER J. BRADLEY, Clifton College, Bristol, UK;
SCOTT BROWN, Auburn University, Montgomery, AL; NIKOLAOS DERGIADES, Thessaloniki,
Greece; CHARLES DIMINNIE and KARL HAVLAK, Angelo State University, San Angelo, TX;
C. FESTRAETS-HAMOIR, Brussels, Belgium; VINAYAK GANESHAN, student, University of Wa-
terloo, Waterloo, Ontario; RICHARD I. HESS, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, USA; JOE HOWARD,
Portales, NM, USA; WALTHER JANOUS, Ursulinengymnasium, Innsbruck, Austria; GEOFFREY
Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI,
USA; MITKO KUNCHEV, Baba Tonka School of Mathematics, Rousse, Bulgaria; KEE-WAI LAU,
Hong Kong, China; GERRY LEVERSHA, St. Paul's School, London, England; DAVID LOEFFLER,
student, Cotham School, Bristol, UK; DAVID E. MANES, SUNY at Oneonta, Oneonta, NY, USA;
REVAI MATH CLUB, Gyor, } Hungary; JOEL SCHLOSBERG, student, New York University, NY,
USA; HEINZ-JURGEN SEIFFERT, Berlin, Germany (2 solutions); ECKARD SPECHT, Otto-von-
Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany; KENNETH M. WILKE, Topeka, KS, USA; LI ZHOU,
Polk Community College, Winter Haven, FL, USA; and the proposer. There was one incorrect
Most solvers used a variation of solution III above. Kandall observes \It is easy to show
that if a = 2c, then EA = ED regardless of the length of AC ", where a and c, of course, are
the lengths of the sides opposite A and C , respectively.
q more general problem with BC = a,
Kandall, Kone cny, and Seiert all consider the
AB = c and DE = EA, and conclude that AC = 12 a(a + c).
Prove that p
z + 1 = j (;1) =1
z +1 3
j =1
Solution by Michel Bataille, Rouen, France.
(a) Observing that n is necessarily even, we may write
qX pn
(;1)b j;p 1 c zj = (;1)b j;p 1 c zj
j =1 j =1
X p p
X X p X p
= zj ; zj p + zj p ; ; zj n; p.
+ +2 +( 1)
j =1 j =1 j =1 j =1
If z = 1, this sum is p ; p + p ; p + + p ; p = 0. Note that
zp ; 1 = 0 as well.
zp + 1
If z 6= 1, the sum is
z zz ;;11 ; zp zz ;;11 + ; z n; p zz ;;11
p +1
p p ( 1) +1
= zz ;;11 (z) 1 ; zp + z p ; ; z n; p
( 1)
(the latter, using zq; = z1 ). Thus, we have (a). Note that it is not necessary
S =
j =1 j =1
= ;z ; z + z + z + z ; z + z + z +
; 3 4 5
; 6 7 8
; z n; + z n; + z n; 3(
+z n+z n
1) 3( 1)+1 3( 1)+2 3 3 +1
= ;z ; z + z n + z n
2 3 3
+z 1 + z + z 1 ; z + z ; ; z n; .
; 3 2 3 6 3( 2)
If z = 1, we have S = 0 = zz3 ;
If z 6= 1, we have
3 3 n;1
S = ;z ; z + zq; + zq; + zz ;; z ; ;zz3 .
2 2 1 1
3 1 (
S = zz3 ;
3 1 ;z ( + 1)( z3 + 1) + z3 1 ; 1 = z3 ; 1 .
+1 z 2 z;1 z5 z3 + 1
This completes the proof of (b). Similarly to (a), it is sucent to require that
q is odd.
Also solved by AUSTRIAN IMO{TEAM 2001; VINAYAK GANESHAN, student, University
of Waterloo, Walerloo, Ontario; WALTHER JANOUS, Ursulinengymnasium, Innsbruck, Austria;
GERRY LEVERSHA, St. Paul's School, London, England; HENRY LIU, student, University of
Memphis, Memphis, TN, USA; DAVID LOEFFLER, student, Cotham School, Bristol, UK; JOEL
SCHLOSBERG, student, New York University, NY, USA; HEINZ-JURGEN SEIFFERT, Berlin,
Germany; CHRIS WILDHAGEN, Rotterdam, the Netherlands; and the proposer.
In fact, only Janous and Seiert considered the case: z = 1. The other solvers ignored
it. The editor was generous in not classing their solutions as incomplete.
Determine the probability P (n; k) (1 k < n) such that the two balls
reach the bottom level without colliding.
Solution by Li Zhou, Polk Community College, Winter Haven, FL, USA.
Denote by c(n; k), the number of pairs of colliding paths. Then,
c(n; k) = 0 if k n, c(n; n ; 1) = 1, and c(n; 0) = 2n; 2n; = 2 n; . 1 1 2 2
Also, there are c(n ; 1; k) pairs of colliding paths starting with (.; .),
c(n ; 1; k + 1) with (.; &), c(n ; 1; k ; 1) with (& ; .), and c(n ; 1; k)
with (& ; &). Therefore,
c(n; k) = c(n ; 1; k ; 1) + 2c(n ; 1; k) + c(n ; 1; k + 1) .
n;X k ; 2n ; 2
2n ; 2 2
m ; 2
m ; 2
m ; 2
Indeed, using the identity
j = j;2 +2 j;1 + j ,
we see easily that it satises the recursion. Moreover, since
2n ; 2 + 2 nX ; 2n ; 2
X n 2n ; 2 2
n;1 i = i = 2 n; , 2 2
i =0 i =0
we see that all three boundary conditions are satised as well. Hence,
nXk; 2n ; 2
P (n; k) = 1 ; c2(n;n;k) = 2 2 ;n;c(n; k) = 2 n1;
n; 2 2 + 1
2 2
i n;k
i .
2 2 2
Also solve by MANUEL BENITO and EMILIO FERNANDEZ, I.B. Praxedes Mateo Sagasta,
Logro~no, Spain; KEITH EKBLAW, Walla Walla, WA, USA; RICHARD I. HESS, Rancho Palos
New York University, NY, USA. There was one incomplete solution.
The submitted solutions varied in length from the above to one of ten pages. Postpischil
noted that, in the CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA
(1999), p. 138, Eric Weisstein shows how to write the sum in terms of the Beta Function (also
known as the Eulerian Integral of the Second Kind) and the incomplete Beta Function.
Once again, the last equation holds if and only if the given triangle is
I.B. Emilio Ferrari, Valladolid, Spain; CHRISTOPHER J. BRADLEY, Clifton College, Bris-
tol, UK; JOHN G. HEUVER, Grande Prairie Composite High School, Grande Prairie, Alberta;
WALTHER JANOUS, Ursulinengymnasium, Innsbruck, Austria; HENRY LIU, student, Univer-
sity of Memphis, Memphis, TN, USA; DAVID LOEFFLER, student, Trinity College, Cambridge,
UK; JOEL SCHLOSBERG, student, New York University, NY, USA; D.J. SMEENK, Zaltbom-
mel, the Netherlands; ECKARD SPECHT, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany;
PETER Y. WOO, Biola University, La Mirada, CA, USA; and by the proposer.
Most solvers used essentially the same argument as in the featured solution, sometimes
with more detail, sometimes with less. Together with problem 2515 [2000 : 114; 2001 : 144],
we now have established that
AF + BD + CE = s if and only if 4ABC is isosceles
when P is the incentre, the orthocentre, and the Lemoine point. David Loeer continues the
theme with the comment:
In fact, huge numbers of triangle centres may be dealt with in the same way, if you have a
computer algebra system or incredible patience! The Mittenpunkt | Kimberling's X(9) [Clark
Kimberling, Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers,;
or Math. Mag. 67:3 (June 1994), 163{187] | satises the condition only for isosceles triangles,
although this is slightly more tricky to prove than the above. The same is true of the Spieker
center X(10), all of the power points, and various others such as X(37), X(38), X(39), X(42), and
Klamkin wondered whether the same is true of the circumcentre. However, before we
get carried away with wild conjectures note that AF + BD + CE = s for all triangles when
P is either the centroid or the Gergonne point.
contains E and AC contains D, the two sides of 4ABC coincide, and the
triangle is therefore degenerate (with \A = 0 and the vertices B and C
(iii) As in problem 2613, when P is the Lemoine point,
2 2
AE = a2cb b2 and EB = a2ca b2 . + +
By Stewart's
Theorem we have
c(CE + AE EB) = a AE + b EB , so 2 2 2
abc a 2 b2 c
that c CE + a2 b2 = a2 b2 and therefore,
2 2
+ +
CE = a b 2 2 2 2 a2 + 2b2 ; c2 .
(a2 + b2 )2
Similarly, we have
AD = a2bc c2 and BD = a c 2 2 2 2a2 + 2c2 ; b2 .
+ (a2 + c2 )2
AE = BD , so that
The given conditions imply AD
2 2
cb2 (a2 + c2 ) = a2 c2 (a2 + b2 )2 2a2 + 2c2 ; b2 . (1)
bc2 (a2 + b2 ) a2 b2 (a2 + c2 )2 2a2 + 2b2 ; c2
Set x = a , y = b , z = c , and (1) reduces to
2 2 2
b = a (2a + b ) .
4 2 2 2
(x x ) = n(n2+ 1) ,
x + 2
1 1 2
where the sums here and subsequently are symmetric over the subscripts
1, 2, : : : , n.
(a) Determine the maximum of P x . r 1
we obtain
X 2 n
X n
x 1 = xk = xk + 2
xj xk
k=1 k=1 1j<kn
= xk + 2
xj xk + (xj xk ) ; (xj xk )
2 2
n(n2+ 1) +
1 = n , 2
or P
x n. Hence, the maximum of P x is n.
1 1
3 < 2, so that (x + x ) = 3 + x x (2 p ; x x ) 3, or
1 2
2 3 1
We choose
r to disprove for n 4. The equation (1) is satised when
x =x =
1 2 2n(n + 1) + 4 ; 2 and x = x = = xn = 0.
2 3 4
r q
However, x = 2 2n(n + 1) + 4 ; 2 < n(n + 1), because the
P 1
1 2
last inequality easily reduces to n(n + 1) > 16, which is true for n 4.
Also solved by PETER Y. WOO, Biola University, La Mirada, CA, USA. Part (a) only was
solved by the proposer. One solver sent an incomplete solution. Another solver misinterpreted
the condition and solved a dierent problem.
a = (0; 2u; 0), b = (u; u; v) and c = (;u; u; v). A simple calculation shows
jc ; bj = j(;2u; 0; 0)j = j(0; 2u; 0)j = jaj ,
ja ; cj = j(u; u; ;v)j = j(u; u; v)j = jbj ,
jb ; aj = j(u; ;u; v)j = j(;u; u; v)j = jcj ,
so that the tetrahedron is isosceles. However,
cos X = aja jjc c;;ab jb = 2u ja;j 2u = 0 ,
2 2
cos Y = ajbbjja;;bcjc = 2ujb;j v 6= 0 .
2 2
and thus,
;a a + b b + c c = 2b c .
a a ; b b + c c = 2a c and a a + b b ; c c = 2a b .
If the tetrahedron is orthocentric, then a (c;b) = b (a;c) = c (b;a) = 0,
and further, we have a b = a c = b c. Combining this with the previous
equations gives us
;a a + b b + c c = a a ; b b + c c = a a + b b ; c c .
Combining these equations pairwise allows us to deduce that a a = b b =
c c, and hence that jaj = jbj = jcj. Combining this with the equations
jaj = jc ; bj, jbj = ja ; cj and jcj = jb ; aj shows us that all six sides are
equal in length, so that the tetrahedron is regular.
Also solved by JOHN G. HEUVER, Grande Prairie Composite High School, Grande
Prairie, Alberta; PETER Y. WOO, Biola University, La Mirada, CA, USA; and the proposer.
R2 + x2 ; a2 4R2 + x2 ; b2 4R2 + x2 ; c2
3 + +
p p p
= 4R2 + x2 ; a2 + 4R2 + x2 ; b2 + 4R2 + x2 ; c2 + a + b + c ,
where a, b, c and R are the sides and circumradius of a given triangle ABC .
Solution by the proposer.
We show that x is the altitude to the face ABC of an orthocentric
tetrahedron of maximum isoperimetric quotient, EV3 , where V and E are
the volume and total edge length of the tetrahedron, respectively.
If PABC is an orthocentric tetrahedron, then P must lie on a line
through H , the orthocentre of ABC , and perpendicular to the plane of
ABC . Then
p p
PA = 4R cos A + x = 4R + x ; a , etc.,
2 2 2 2 2 2
d V
and 3V = x[ABC ]. The given equation corresponds to dx = 0.
That the maximum is unique follows by dividing both sides of the given equa-
tion by x, and then noting that the left hand side is an increasing function
of x, whereas the right hand side is a decreasing one.
No other solutions were received.
Following the process described in the statement of the problem, we can form
six sums, namely
s = a +b +c ,
1 1 s = a +c +b ,
2 3 2 1 2 3
s = b +a +c ,
3 1 s = b +c +a ,
2 3 4 1 2 3
s = c +a +b ,
5 1 s = c +b +a .
2 3 6 1 2 3
we even have s < and s > . The latter implies that we cannot have
2 6
1 3
2 6
c + b + a > 2. 1 2 (1) 3
If s < and s < , then b < and a < , which implies b +a < 1.
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 2 3
If s < and s < , then b < and c < , which implies b + c < 1.
1 1 1 1
If s < and s < , then a < and c < , which implies a + c < 1.
1 1 1 1
In the same way it is readily checked that we are also led to a contradic-
tion when the condition (1) is replaced by s > 2 or s > 2. The conclusion 2 3
[Editor's comment: When this problem was originally printed, the in-
terval that appeared was ; . (This problem is impossible since the inter-
1 2
the interval to ; . This new problem can now be proven, but is not as
1 3
sharp as it could be, since we can improve the lower bound on the interval. In
3 2
the next issue, [2001 : 267], the problem was further corrected to the (cor-
rect) interval listed in the problem statement above. Unfortunately, some
solvers missed this last correction, and solved the previously stated (weaker)
problem. As a result, we have split the solvers into two groups: those who
have solved the intended problem, and those who solved the weaker prob-
Also solved by CHARLES R. DIMINNIE, Angelo State University, San Angelo, TX, USA;
RICHARD I. HESS, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, USA; KEE-WAI LAU, Hong Kong; JOEL
SCHLOSBERG, student, New York University, NY, USA; LI ZHOU, Polk Community College,
Winter Haven, FL, USA; and the proposer. The weaker version of the problem was cor-
rectly solved by CHRISTOPHER J. BRADLEY, Clifton College, Bristol, UK; ERIC POSTPISCHIL,
Nashua, NH; and CHRIS WILDHAGEN, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. There was one incorrect
Both Dimminie and the proposer show that these bounds are the best possible:
; 21 ; 12 ; 0, ; 12 ; 21 ; 0, (0; 0; 1) can give a sum of 12 or 2, and
; 21 ; 12 ; 0, (0; 0; 1), (0; 0; 1) can give a sum of 0 or 32 .
The proposer also asks about generalizing the problem to n cards of n numbers each. He
conjectures that the best intervals for achievable sums appear to be
1 ; 2 ; 1 + 2 for n even, 1 ; 2 ;1+ 2
n n n+1 n + 1 for n odd,
but he has no proof. Perhaps our readers can check these bounds and supply proofs!
Crux Mathematicorum
Founding Editors / Redacteurs-fondateurs: Leopold Sauve & Frederick G.B. Maskell
Editors emeriti / Redacteur-emeriti: G.W. Sands, R.E. Woodrow, Bruce L.R. Shawyer
Mathematical Mayhem
Founding Editors / Redacteurs-fondateurs: Patrick Surry & Ravi Vakil
Editors emeriti / Redacteurs-emeriti: Philip Jong, Je Higham,
J.P. Grossman, Andre Chang, Naoki Sato, Cyrus Hsia