Law On Patents Notes
Law On Patents Notes
Law On Patents Notes
Shop Right – employee must accord his master or employer a Term of Patent – 20 years from the filing date of the
non-exclusive right to practice the invention application
First to File Rule – If 2 or more persons have made the *Not absolute – patent shall cease to be in force and effect if
invention separately and independently of each other, the any prescribed annual fees is not paid within the prescribed
right to the patent shall belong to the person who filed an time or if patent is cancelled
application for such invention
- Or where 2 or more applications are filed for the Annual Fees
same invention, to the applicant who has the earliest - First annual fee – due and payable on the expiration
filing date or earliest priority date. of 4 years from the date of application is published
- On each subsequent anniversary of such date
Procedure for the Grant of Patent:
1. Filing of the application *If annual fee is not paid within the prescribed time –
2. Accordance of the filing date application shall be deemed withdrawn or patent considered
3. Formality examination as lapsed.
4. Classification and Search
5. Publication of the application Surrender of Patent:
6. Substantive examination - Owner of the patent, with consent of all persons
7. Grant of the patent having grants or licenses or other right, title or
8. Publication upon grant interest in and to the patent and invention covered –
9. Issuance of the certificate may surrender his patent of any claim/s gorming
part thereof to the Office for cancellation
Patent Application Filing Requirements: - A person may give notice to the Office of his
1. Request for the grant of a patent opposition to the surrender of patent, and if he does
2. Description of the invention so, the Bureau shall notify the proprietor of the
3. Drawings necessary for the understanding of the patent and determine the question
4. One or more claims Correction of Mistakes:
5. Abstract - Director of Patent – has the power to correct,
without a fee, any mistake in a patent incurred
Unity of Invention – an application should always relate to through the fault of the Office when clearly disclosed
one invention only or to a group of inventions forming a in the records
single general inventive step - This is done upon written petition of the patentee or
assignee of record and upon tender to the Office of
Grant of Patent – ultimate objective of the patent application the copy of the patent issued
- Patent is granted if application meets the
requirements of both the law and the implementing
rules and regulations, including timely payment of
- Patent shall take effect on the date of the
publication of the grant of patent in the IPO Gazette
- Grant of patent is NOT a matter of right
*Civil action prescribes in 4 years from time of infringement Doctrine of File Wrapper Estoppel
“File wrapper” – protection covering by which US Patent
Criminal Action for Repetition of Infringement – if Office kept documents of patent applications
infringement is repeated by the infringer or by anyone in
connivance with him after finality of the judgment of the Defenses in Action for Infringement:
court against the infringer – infringers shall be criminally 1. Non-infringement
liable 2. Invalid based on prior art
3. Failure to meet statutory limits (laches)
*Criminal action prescribes in 3 years from date of the 4. Failure to meet requirements
commission of the crime 5. Invalid claims
6. No knowledge or notice
Exclusive Rights Exercised by a Patent Holder: 7. File wrapper estoppel
- Right to make, use, sell, import or offer for sale the
patented product
Limitations on Patent Rights: