John Spencer L. Guangco Midterm Activity 2

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1. Define the following terms:

This word can be simply defined as knowledge which has been communicated to
and are received by another concerning a particular issue or circumstance. This can
be perceived as a solution to the uncertain. Particularly, data gathered through
investigation, study, and research for a specific purpose or undertaking are
interpreted, compiled, and combined to create information. The information can
affect our lives as individuals because they can be reasons to why we do things or
can be factors to create decisions in our day to day activities.

Living beings communicate with one another. Basically, communication is the
process of passing messages or information to another through a common system
typically symbols, signs, behavior (non-verbal), or modern technology. This is the
medium used by us humans to pass around information when we interact with one
another. It can also be a tool to transmit the information to a large number of
people or groups. It requires at least one sender, a message such as information,
and or a group of receivers. Through communication, individuals can gain
information which they may or may have not known yet.

Humans tend to rely on technology to complete their day to day task. Simply put,
technology is a breakthrough which humans created through the application and
usage of scientific knowledge. These technologies can be used in a number of ways.
Industries use technologies such as machineries to produce large amounts of
products they sell. Humans also use technology to fulfill their daily needs. With
technology, information can be communicated to individuals without the need of
physical contact between persons who are conversing.
2. Give one picture for each term that is related to the business industry.


3. What are the impacts of ICT in the Philippine Business Industry?

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected lots of Filipino people. Plenty have lost their jobs
due to the mere fact that the disease can spread through contact. Small-medium enterprises
(SMEs) closed down due to the pandemic, drastically changing the economy of the Philippines.
Even big companies lost plenty due to the changes dealt with the pandemic. With this
occurrence, the gross domestic product (GDP) dropped by 16%.
With all the negative occurrences, one thing is for sure, the Information and
Communication Technologies will aid in the recovery of the Philippines. In order to reduce and
reverse the adverse effects of the pandemic, business can surely rely on the powers of ICT. It
can aid by allowing businesses to play in an avenue where remote working can be possible and
collaboration can still continue. According to Mr. Allyxon Cua, President of Accent Micro
Technologies Inc., the upsurge and demand for laptops and IT peripherals occurred due to the
fact that in can be utilized by businesses as an alternative method in conducting operation.
Through cloud computing, these businesses can now operate with the ability of sharing data
through an online database which can be accessed by those who are allowed to, meaning, work
can be efficiently done and is more flexible. Through ICT, changes in the business landscape
were made possible. Those companies that restructured quickly and applied the technologies
are now operating, generating profits which could have not been down decades ago.
Because technology is now very prevalent even in the Philippines which is a third world
country, the business industry can efficiently operate. Even small business owners can create
and manufacture large amounts of products which they are going to sell. Even more so, the ICT
enables people with far distances which allows business transactions to occur without the need
of physical contact. With ICT, the delivery, tracking, and databasing of the items which are
shipped or ordered can be done more efficiently and can be easily communicated to the person
who has done these orders. Through ICT, information can be easily transferred from one person
to another. And in the Philippines, ICT is commonly utilized such as through the medium of
social media, and the likes.
With ICT’s role to enable unified communications and integration of
telecommunications, businesses in the Philippines can perform and fare better that it could
have ever had. Effeciency is achieved because the delivery of information can be done in better
ways. Thus, ICT, in the long run, is very helpful to the business industry in the Philippines.
4. What are the impacts of ICT in the Global Business Industry?
ICT has major impacts on the performance of businesses across the globe. The World
Bank on 2006 observed that ICTs are being adopted and used by plenty of businesses and these
businesses are very productive in utilizing input factors, thus increasing labor productivity. With
technology as a method to do more things and processes more efficiently, these companies
tend to have reduced wastage and create more profit.
A study conducted by the Italian researchers, Luccheti and Sterlacchini on 2004,
revealed that ICT is being adopted regardless of the size and the number of employees in the
business industry. Meaning, that the size of the company does not matter and that ICT is truly
beneficial to all. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have shown that ICT creates positive
outcomes related to operational efficiencies, increased revenues, and even increased market
Examples of mediums used includes electronic mails which allow the quick and timely
transfer of information from one business partner to another, thus creating possibilities of
efficient operation.
YouTube videos, Twitch live streaming, and other video platforms that utilize ICT are
now transformed into businesses for those who utilize them. YouTubers and Twitch live
streamers earn revenue through advertisements which are communicated from the advertising
company, to the viewers of the said videos. The advertising companies, too, would earn
through the purchases of the viewers from those they sponsored. This way, the entertainment
industry is transformed into somewhat a business industry through ICT.
With different businesses able to access relevant data of their environment through ICT
such as the internet, or online repositories, they can view statistics of the products and items
which consumers of the area prefers to buy. Through this, they can optimize their business so
that those who reside nearby them would surely purchase from them. Through statistics which
can be seen online, businesses can perform more efficiently.
Another important impact is how ICT allows businesses worldwide to operate without
the need of physical contact. Through online video conferences, mediums used to
communicate information, businesses can now transfer data and information to their
employees for them to work on. Thus, helping prevent another disaster such as the great
depression of the 1930s. The likelihood of the wall street scandal involving subprime mortgages
in housing back in the early 2000s can be prevented because of how advanced ICTs have
become. Because of these breakthroughs, information about your stocks can be communicated
to you very easily using various devices you own including your phone. You would be better
informed and your economic decisions would be way better.

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