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1. In - house contractor is the company conducts its work or operation from within,
without depending on people from outside. The company that conducts the operation
does it by using its employees and its own time without any outsourcing.
2. Out - source contractor is the company enable to hire the person that they are
exactly looking for. These out – source staff already have all the skills, supplies, and
equipment. Besides, outsourcing is cheaper in the long term and allows to get the job
done faster while you focus on the tasks you are actually in charge of.
3. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a framework that have been prepared with
the intention of applying a payment deduction mechanism for the Facilities
Management & Maintenance services at the site. KPI also refer to a set of
quantifiable measurements used to gauge a company's overall long-
term performance. KPIs specifically help determine a company's strategic, financial,
and operational achievements, especially compared to those of other businesses
within the same sector.
4. Service Level Agreement (SLA) is defines the agreed target performance levels
between E & PS and its customers for the provision of the service. SLA also can be
define as a commitment between a service provider and a client. Particular aspects of
the service – quality, availability, responsibilities – are agreed between the service
provider and the service user.
9. Maintenance Planning involve the monitoring of asset conditions to assess the need
for maintenance work in the short - term, middle - term and long - term program. This
planning is to create program planning for building maintenance works/activities of
planned maintenance (preventive maintenance records and corrective maintenance
records) that are associated with asset parts and it will transform in Maintenance
10. Maintenance Strategy is defining the rules for the sequence of planned maintenance
work. It contains general scheduling information and can therefore be assigned to as
many maintenance tasks lists (PM task lists) and maintenance plans as required.
11. Maintenance Programme is a work that should be carried out on time, planned as
far as possible and should be kept to a minimum time only. The main core of
Maintenance Programme are consist two which are preventive and corrective
13. Maintenance Procurement is the process of finding, agreeing terms and acquiring
goods, services or works from an external source, often via a tendering or
competitive bidding process. The process is used to ensure the buyer receives goods,
services or works at the best possible price, when aspects such as quality, quantity,
time, and location are compared. Corporations and public bodies often define
processes intended to promote fair and open competition for their business while
minimizing risk, such as exposure to fraud and collusion.
14. Planned Maintenance is the maintenance organised and carried out with
forethought, control and the use of records to a predetermined plan.