Metasurfaces-Based Absorption and Reflection Control: Perfect Absorbers and Reflectors
Metasurfaces-Based Absorption and Reflection Control: Perfect Absorbers and Reflectors
Metasurfaces-Based Absorption and Reflection Control: Perfect Absorbers and Reflectors
Journal of Nanomaterials
Volume 2017, Article ID 2361042, 18 pages
Review Article
Metasurfaces-Based Absorption and Reflection Control:
Perfect Absorbers and Reflectors
Received 8 July 2017; Revised 22 September 2017; Accepted 1 October 2017; Published 6 November 2017
Copyright © 2017 Trevon Badloe et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In the past decade, the realisation of negative index materials has initiated extensive research into metamaterials. Perfect absorbers
and reflectors are of particular interest as their usefulness is endless in a range of different fields and devices. Since it was originally
shown that a device can achieve unity absorption of electromagnetic waves, it has become a hot area of research to develop perfect
absorbers based on polarisation independence and incident angle independence, at a range of frequencies from microwave to
optical ones. The amazing performance, flexibility, and tunability of these metamaterials will be discussed here, by presenting the
different designs and working mechanisms that have been realised up to now. Their limitations and shortcomings will be addressed
and future plans for perfect absorbers and reflectors will be suggested.
t = 0.88D
t D
500 nm
Figure 1: Sketch and scanning electron microscope image of the mesoporous gold surfaces used, consisting of a layer of close packed voids
of diameter 𝐷 = 500 nm covers with gold to a thickness 𝑡 [3].
Absorption Absorption
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
1.3 1.3
1.2 1.2
Photon energy (eV)
1.1 1.1
1.0 1.0
0.9 0.9
0 20 40 60 80 0 10 20 30
Angle of incidence (∘ ) Azimuthal angle (∘ )
(a) (b)
Figure 2: (a) Calculated incidence-angle dependence of absorption by a layer of 500 nm close packed silica filled inclusions buried in gold.
(b) Under the same conditions as (a), there is azimuthal dependence of absorption for 20∘ off-normal incidence [3].
Creating an absorber consisting of a polymer separation excited an electric dipole resonance. This resonance in turn is
layer between a metallic film and a cut wire array it is coupled to its own image which oscillates on the metallic film
possible to achieve up to 99.9% absorption [21] when the in antiphase. Due to this a magnetic polariton is formed and
dimensions are properly designed. In the cut wire design induces a magnetic response, causing a dip in the spectrum
three dimensions are adjustable, the thickness of the polymer [24–26]. This electric dipole resonance strength is mainly
layer, the width of the cut wire, and the length of the cut wire. dependent on the separation between the cut wire and the
The thickness of the metallic film is chosen to ensure that the metal film, that is, the thickness of the polymer [25]. It is
transmission of light is zero; therefore reflection is the only possible to find an optimal thickness whereby the magnetic
mechanism for absorption. and electric responses are impedance matched to the free
To understand the mechanism behind the absorption space and the reflection is reduced to less than 0.1% at
simulations were done to analyse where the resonances resonant frequency.
occurred. In Figure 3 it can be seen that charges with opposite By considering a circuit driven by the magnetic polariton
signs accumulated at opposite ends of the cut wire; this resonance, it can be deduced that the resonant frequency is
4 Journal of Nanomaterials
6.3 2.4
4.0 1.6
1.7 6.7
0 0
−2.9 −1.1
−5.1 −2.0
x x
−7.4 −2.7
Ez y Ez y
(a) (b)
Figure 3: ((a) and (b)) Distribution of the 𝑧 component electric field for resonance on the cut wire and metallic film, respectively [21].
independent of the thickness of the polymer [27] and can be is much smaller than previously reported methods [3] using
given by metal-dielectric interfaces.
1 1
𝑓𝑚 = ∼ , (3) 2.3. Two-Dimensional Nanostructure. Rather than cut wire
2𝜋√𝐿𝐶/2 𝑙
or cross shaped surfaces, perfect absorbers made from two-
where 𝐿 is the inductance, 𝐶 is the capacitance, and 𝑙 is the dimensional disk arrays have also been thoroughly studied
length of the cut wire. From this we can clearly see that the [32, 33]. In this type of device, the structure is extremely
resonant frequency is solely dependent on the length of the similar to the previous example of nanostructured surfaces,
cut wire. a dielectric spacer sandwiched between a metal mirror and a
By replacing cut wires with crosses, omnidirectional structured top layer. With the main difference here being the
absorption can be achieved for both TE and TM polarisation. top layer, rather than flat cut wire or cross shapes, an array of
Polarisation independence can be easily understood since two-dimensional metallic nanorods are fabricated on top of
any incoming plane wave can be decomposed into two the dielectric layer as seen in Figure 6.
components with magnetic field components in the 𝑥-𝑧 or In a study by Liu et al. [32] a gold disk array is structured
𝑦-𝑧 plane; hence each component can excite the equivalent on top of an MgF2 dielectric spacer and a gold mirror. Again,
magnetic polariton. However, for TE polarisation at an angle the gold mirror acts to eliminate all transmittance across the
of incidence above 60∘ , the 𝑦 component of the incident near infrared frequency regime. For a perfect absorber, 𝐴 =
magnetic field rapidly tends to zero; consequently it is unable 1 − 𝑇 − 𝑅. Since the transmission is zero due to the mirror, 𝑇
to excite the magnetic polariton efficiently and the absorption is zero. Therefore, to achieve a perfect absorber, 𝑅 has to be
rate becomes low. A schematic of these designs can be seen in minimised.
Figure 4. Current distributions were studied to find the mechanism
Another goal for perfect absorbers is to increase the for the absorption in the device, and unsurprisingly it is due
working bandwidth of absorption. This can be done by laying to the same mechanism as the cut wire and cross shaped
the structures on top of each other as shown in Figure 5 nanosurfaces [3, 21], that is, due to antiparallel currents
using layer-by-layer fabrication techniques [28–31]. Since the because of being excited in the metallic layers, inducing a
resonant frequency is only dependent on the length of the magnetic moment inside the dielectric layer that can strongly
cross, it is possible to tune the lengths to be slightly different interact with the magnetic field of the incident light [32].
in different layers and ensure that the resonant frequencies At resonance, the localised electromagnetic field between
of the inducted magnetic polaritons are close to each other. the layers is enhanced greatly [26, 32, 34, 35] and therefore
The stacked structures each excite their respective magnetic electromagnetic energy can be confined inside the dielectric
polaritons and since the resonant peaks are closely positioned spacer, minimising the reflectance. Using this method, a
there becomes a hybridisation of the magnetic polaritons. As perfect absorber was realised with almost zero reflectance
a result, the bandwidth is effectively enhanced. In [21], a stack (𝑅 = 0.28%) [33].
of 3 structures was investigated and a 1.03 THz frequency An advantage of using an array of 2D cylindrical
band with more than 97% absorption was achieved. Finally, nanorods on the top surface is that it is compatible with all
the thickness of the whole structure was less than 𝜆/25 which current nanofabrication techniques such as electron beam
Journal of Nanomaterials 5
H, y
E, x p p
k, z
l t
(a) (b)
H, y p
E, x p
k, z
(c) (d)
Figure 4: Schematic diagrams of the THz absorbers consisting of a metallic film, a polymer separation layer, and (a) a cut wire array and (c)
a cross array. (b) and (d) are unit cells of the two absorbers [21].
E, x
H, y
k, z
l3 t3 Third layer
3rd cross
w t2 Second layer
2nd cross w
w t1 First layer
1st cross
Figure 5: Schematic diagram of a 3-layer cross structure with the geometrical parameters of each layer marked [21].
lithography [36], interference lithography [37], nanosphere 2.4.1. “Bottle-Like” Narrowband Absorber. As illustrated in
lithography [38], and focused ion beam writing [39]. This Figure 7, the bottle-like absorber is made up of an array of
could easy lead to the possible manufacture of ultrasensitive SiO2 strips embedded in gold with small air gaps at the top
plasmonic detectors. of the strips. Gapped nanoparticles have been proved to be
able to concentrate light and therefore as the gap resonance
2.4. Microcavity. Microcavities have been devised in all the electric field inside the gap can be enhanced greatly. The
kinds of shapes, ranging from simple gratings and rods to origin of the absorption and the location of the resonance
more intricate designs [40, 41]. They have been shown to enhanced field are in the gap.
be polarisation dependent, polarisation independent, and The width and height of the dielectric strips can be tuned
narrowband and broadband depending on the dimensions as desired to produce the desired spectra. It was shown that
and design. Here a few select designs will be discussed and over all range of widths and heights the spectra always remain
compared for simplicity. over 97% absorption. This is only true to TM polarised light
6 Journal of Nanomaterials
s p
y a
(a) (b)
Figure 7: (a) Schematic of the bottle-like absorber: the yellow region is gold and blue regions are the dielectric. (b) Cross section of a unit
cell, the width, and depth of the air gap as represented by 𝑎 and 𝑏, respectively [42].
35 4 35 4
3 3
0 0
2 2
Z (nm)
Z (nm)
−35 −35 1
0 0
−70 −70
−1 −1
−60 −30 0 30 60 −60 −30 0 30 60
X (nm) X (nm)
(a) (b)
Figure 8: Comparison between the electric intensity enhancement under (a) TM polarised light and (b) TE polarised light [42].
s p
z a
d H
(a) (b)
Figure 9: (a) Schematic diagram of the cup-like perfect absorber: the yellow region is gold and the blue regions are dielectric. (b) Cross
section of a unit cell [42].
8 Journal of Nanomaterials
7 8 9
4 5 6
2 3
(a) (b)
Figure 10: (a) Schematic of the periodic resonator. (b) The fabricated structure [44].
L1 t2
a L2
⇀ L3
y, E
x, H
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 11: Schematic structure of the triple band microwave absorber (a) from the front and (b) the side [43].
layer was patterned. Two patterns were investigated, a metal visible light. By calculating the electric response, it was shown
strip array and a trapezoid array as can be seen in Figure 13. that different parts of the trapezoidal wire were responsible
The pattern was repeated over the 𝑥-axis to give a periodic for exciting of different resonances at different frequencies.
pattern. Again, the localised surface plasmon resonances
could be identified from the absorption in the spectra, and
2.6.1. Ultrathin Metal Layer. To continue the development of
as always they produce narrowband resonances which are
layered perfect absorbers, a method based on one ultrathin
dependent on the width of the pattern. As the patterns width
layer of chromium between two silica layers was devised
was increased, the resonances were red shifted. When the
electric field of the incident light is parallel to the wire arrays, [3, 51]. The thin metal layer is no longer a noble metal and
that is under TE polarisation, the wire arrays act as effective no longer requires any structuring. By using the impedance
plasma media. But this resonant behaviour is much weaker transformation method [52], chromium was chosen as the
in the case of TM polarisation, showing strong polarisation refractory metal as it most closely matches the ideal permit-
dependence. tivity in the visible and near infrared range [53–55]. The whole
To remove the polarisation dependence of the periodic assembly is placed on a gold substrate which acts only as a
wire pattern, from intuition we can assume that a symmet- mirror to give zero transmission. A schematic of the absorber
rical shape could be useful. By arranging the trapezoidal can be seen in Figure 14. Absorption of over 90% over the
wires into an array of crosses this feat was accomplished [5]. wavelength range of 0.4–1.4 𝜇m was shown, with angle and
Trapezoidal shaped cross arrays were able to produce a broad polarisation independence.
absorption spectrum of over 70% that ranged from 400 to By investigating the electric field distribution under
700 nm. This is extremely significant as it is in the range of normal incidence shown in Figure 15, it was shown that
Journal of Nanomaterials 9
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Figure 12: Distribution of normal electric fields and (d)–(i) surface current distributions for the three peaks of absorption. (d)–(f) Surface
current distributions on the top rings; (g)–(i) surface current distributions on the ground plane [43].
the Cr layer did not reflect any light, and from the time- In [61] rather than creating a waveguide or grating into a
averaged power flow it is obvious to see that all of the light is dielectric top layer, the grating was constructed directly onto
trapped and absorbed by the thin Cr layer, not in the dielectric the silver surface. This resulted in a simple absorber with a
layers. Since refractory metals such as Cr have extraordinary subnanometer bandwidth. The resonant wavelength of this
resistance to heat and high melting points compared to noble absorber is very easily tuneable via geometrical scaling and
metals such as gold and silver [56], this kind of absorber could is also ultrasensitive to the refractive index and the dielectric
have utility in applications such as high temperature thermal substrate. A schematic of the design is shown in Figure 16.
emitters in the visible and near infrared range [57, 58], solar The temporal coupled-mode theory [58–62] is used to
energy harvesting [3], and thermal imaging [2]. provide light on the mechanism of the absorption. Under
illumination of the resonant wavelength, surface plasmon
2.6.2. Additional Grating. Although gratings were one of polaritons will be excited. This energy will dissipate into the
the first methods of creating a perfect absorber [59], it still metal as resistive heat while the remaining part is radiated
has valid interest to this day. It can be used to enhance into the free space. These damping rates can be varied by
certain structures by introducing features and useful tuneable altering the size of the grating. Finally, the resistive damping
parameters. Dielectric gratings and waveguides have been rate can be obtained from
previously studied [60] whereby the surface plasmon polari-
tons form a surface wave between the dielectric and metal due
to the oscillation of free electrons at the interface. 𝛾res = 𝛾tot − 𝛾rad , (4)
10 Journal of Nanomaterials
300 nm
3C/ Ag
z 2
Ag ℎ!A = 100 nm
ℎ3C/2 = 60 nm
ℎ!A = 100 nm
40 nm
1 20 n
y m
300 n
(c) (d)
Figure 13: Schematic diagram of the three-layer system with (a) metal strip and (b) trapezoidal grating. (c) Electron microscope images of
the fabricated devices. (d) Unit cell of the trapezoid grating [5].
0 (b)
3C/2 3C/2
Ex & P Q
−1 0
(a) (c)
Figure 15: (a) The calculated electric field distribution and time-average power flow 𝑃, (b) time-averaged energy density distribution and
power flow, and (c) heat generation density distribution under normal incidence at the wavelength of 500 nm [51].
without complex nanostructures. These simultaneous electric these all metal structures utilise the excitation of local
and magnetic resonances are responsible for unidirectional surface plasmon resonances instead. These allow the indi-
scattering, which we can relate to high efficiency reflection, vidual nanostructures that exhibit different colours to be in
transmission, and absorption. We can then add various close proximity and exhibit angle independent nondiffractive
nanostructures to the metal top layer to control the absorp- colours. Narrow near perfect absorption peaks, above 95%,
tion direction and polarisation as we desire. were observed at fairly large incident angles as the localised
surface plasmon resonances produce subtractive colours with
2.7. All Metal Subtractive Reflector. Although most of the high saturation.
devices presented here use a mixture of metal-dielectric mul- The mechanism for this all metal absorber was explored
tilayers so as to reduce the effects of the ohmic losses in metals by looking at the field, charge, and power distributions at res-
[48–50], this costs extra time and money during fabrication onant frequency. In Figure 20 it is clear to see that the electric
[66–69]. So more recently all metal perfect absorbers [70] field is concentrated at the top and bottom of the edge of
have been investigated.
the structure, while the magnetic field is concentrated above
Previous studies have shown how all metal surface
the top surface and to the side walls. The electromagnetic
absorbers have been achieved within nanotrenches of varying
power is absorbed at the circumference at the top surface
depths and broadband absorption within ultrasharp convex
grooves [71, 72], but more recently Ng et al. [70] presented and partially at the base. This power absorption is the reason
an all metal structure with individual nanostructures of equal for the absorption of the incident light as we can see that
height. This design has the added advantage of being easy no power is reflected; therefore it is completely absorbed by
and simple to fabricate via scalable patterning and etching the structure at the resonant wavelength. Possible uses for
processes or even direct printing onto metal substrates [73]. this kind of device are as a colourant for plastic consumer
A schematic of the structure is shown in Figure 19. Three products [74], in high resolution colour printing [75], and in
silver nanostructures were considered, a circle, square, and polarisation sensitive colour printing [76].
cross, respectively, on a bulk silver layer. By using these three Green colour continues to be a difficult problem, as it is
shapes, absorption peaks across the whole visible spectrum difficult to produce peaks at green wavelengths using this type
are tuneable by modifying the width and shape of the metal of perfect absorber. Black, that is absorption of all colours, is
protrusion. also still yet to be found using the methods reported here, but
Rather than relying on surface plasmon polaritons that other methods such as randomly roughened and vertically
occur at the interface between a metal and dielectric layer, tapered metal surfaces have achieved this feat [72, 77].
12 Journal of Nanomaterials
z y
h r s
Substrate a
(a) (b)
Figure 16: (a) Schematic of the 1D grating; the grey region is silver and the blue region is the substrate. (b) Cross section of a unit cell [61].
TE 1
d 80
fd 70 0.8
Angle of incidence (∘ )
Au ℎ1 60
Si ℎ2 0.6
Au ℎ3
Si ℎ4 40
20 0.2
0 0
1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400
Wavelength (nm)
(a) (b)
Figure 18: (a) Schematic of the triband perfect absorber consisting of three layers or metal and dielectric grating structure. (b) Absorbance
as a function of wavelength and the angle of incidence [64].
t=0 t = T/4
+ − + −
+ − + −
−− ++ −− J ++
Figure 19: (a) Schematic diagrams of all-metallic silver structures with nanoprotrusions emerging from a bulk layer of silver for three
geometries (circle, square, and cross). (b) Electric and magnetic fields at different time instances for the localised surface plasmon resonance
mode [70].
and dielectric nanostructure schemes had been used for high several discrete sized elements in the unit cell [83, 84], this
efficiency metasurfaces. The schemes rely not only on electric design is basically an array of trapezoid shaped Ag nanorods
resonances but also on simultaneously magnetic resonances, coupled with an optically thick Ag film separated by a SiO2
which make the most desirable unidirectional scattering spacer [5, 85]. This kind of single atom unit cell makes
possible. fabrication much easier with high geometric accuracy [86].
In [82] Li et al. suggested a simple design to realise a The design is shown in Figure 21.
broadband perfect reflector across the visible frequency range As with perfect absorbers, the absorptivity 𝐴 is reduced
by using a single gradient meta-atom design. Rather than to 𝐴 = 1 − 𝑅 − 𝑇, where 𝑅 and 𝑇 are the reflectivity and
14 Journal of Nanomaterials
100 90 100 8
z (nm)
50 50 50
0 0 0
−50 −50 0.1
−50 0
−120 −60 0 60 120 −120 −60 0 60 120 −120 −60 0 60 120
x (nm) x (nm) x (nm)
×10 ×10−10
150 150 150
65% absorption
50 50 50
10 0.7
0 0 0
−50 0 0.1 0
−50 −50
−120 −60 0 60 120 −120 −60 0 60 120 −120 −60 0 60 120
x (nm) x (nm) x (nm)
Figure 20: Electric and magnetic field and absorbed power density for a structure with nearly perfect maximum absorption at the resonance
frequency and a structure with 65% maximum absorption [70].
transmission, respectively. Since 𝑇 is 0 due to the optically 3.2. All Dielectric Silicon Cylinder. Due to the aforemen-
thick Ag film, naturally, for a perfect reflector we require that tioned shortcomings of plasmonic metamaterials, all dielec-
the absorption is 0. In order to achieve a broadband design, tric metamaterials utilising Mie resonances [48] in high per-
the simple linearly changing width of the antenna causes the mittivity dielectric resonators offer a great choice as a low loss
relative phase shift along the metasurfaces to be continu- alternative at optical frequencies. Additionally, metallic based
ously modulated. Because the thickness of the antenna is of nanosurfaces are often based on complicated and difficult to
deep-subwavelength scale the light propagation path can be produce patterns that require the use of techniques such as
neglected and the phase discontinuity is only induced by the electron beam lithography to be fabricated [49, 50, 93]. These
ultrathin metasurface. This produces a reflection of the beam techniques are not only slow but expensive which prohibits
to an arbitrary direction determined by the gradient of the them from being used on a larger scale. Usually dielectric
phase change, and since in the configuration described in based metamaterials are based on simpler unit cell geometries
[82] there is no spatial-variant phase shift in the 𝑥-direction, such as spheres, cubes, and rods, so they can be patterned
generalised Snell’s law for reflection [83] is reduced to with alternative and cheaper techniques, allowing them to be
scaled to large areas [94–98].
𝜆 0 𝑑𝜙 Recent work by Moitra et al. [98] designed an all dielectric
𝜃𝑟 = arcsin ( ), (7) perfect reflector at telecommunications frequencies, based on
2𝜋 𝑑𝑦
silicon cylinder resonators and fabricated using self-assembly
based nanosphere lithography [99, 100]. While there is,
where 𝜃𝑟 is the angle of reflection, 𝜆 0 is the vacuum wave-
certainly, disorder originating from the self-assembly process,
length, and 𝑑𝜙/𝑑𝑦 is the phase shift along the 𝑦-axis of the
an average reflectance of 99.7% at 1530 nm was measured.
interface. This produces an additional effective wave vector
This is actually higher than the reflectance of metallic mirrors.
to the reflected photons; thus different wavelengths of light
are reflected at different angles, giving a rainbow anomalous
reflection [87, 88]. 4. Conclusion
This design exhibits high broadband reflectivity with an
average of over 86% between 450 and 800 nm. This type Here we presented a variety of perfect light absorbing and
of reflector device could be providing functionality in such reflecting mechanisms and device designs with a range
practical settings as a polarisation beam splitter and high of functionalities and working frequencies, from THz to
efficiency plasmon coupler as well as flat lenses [80, 89–91] visible light. The key to unlocking effective and efficient
and mirrors [92]. perfect absorbers and reflectors is found in the electric and
Journal of Nanomaterials 15
(a) (b)
Figure 21: (a) Schematic drawing of trapezoid shaped nanorod array. (b) SEM image of the Au trapezoid nanorods on top of SiO2 and Ag
substrate [82].
magnetic resonances of the metamaterial or metasurface. utilising dielectric materials in combination with metals, we
By carefully designing the metasurface we can satisfy the are heading towards highly tuneable and robust metasurfaces
impedance matching condition, 𝜇(𝜔) = 𝜀(𝜔), of the but at the moment we are hindered by the limitations of
magnetic permeability and electric permittivity. By finely the current, slow fabrication processes. There are further
tuning the dimensions and design of the metasurface we have potential directions to be explored that were not covered
the ability to precisely control these parameters. in this paper, such as the use of liquid crystals in strategic
By changing the structuring of the surface, we have the locations in the metamaterial and the use of phase change
capability of switching between polarisation dependent and materials. Both of these approaches add an extra degree
independence. In a device discussed here, it has been shown of freedom to the tunability of the metasurface that can
that this freedom of polarisation could be of great use for be controlled electrically or optically. The advancement of
applications such as sensing. Incident angle independence perfect absorbers and reflectors has a great deal of real world
has also been shown in many different applications which is applicability and could pave the way for future technological
a valuable characteristic for devices such as solar cells, but advances in many fields.
not always a necessary feature. By combining gratings within
such devices, it has been shown that we can also recover Conflicts of Interest
incident angle dependence at will.
Both broadband and narrowband perfect absorbers have The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
numerous useful applications. One of the main focuses is to
address the limitations of metallic absorbers by incorporating Acknowledgments
dielectric material into the designs, thereby reducing losses
due to ohmic losses, heat generation in the metal, and This work is financially supported by the National Research
the excitation of surface plasmons at higher frequencies. Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Ministry
Ultrabroadband metasurfaces could open the possibilities of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP) of Korean
of creating optically thin coatings that can be designed to government (CAMM-2014M3A6B3063708 and NRF-
have spectral properties as we desire over large spectral 2015R1A5A1037668).
ranges, leading to applications such as camouflage, control
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