SCCP and SIP SRST Admin Guide PDF
SCCP and SIP SRST Admin Guide PDF
SCCP and SIP SRST Admin Guide PDF
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Cisco Unified SCCP and SIP SRST System Administrator Guide (All Versions)
© 2017 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Preface i
Audience ii-i
Conventions ii-i
Contents iii-iii
Documentation Organization iii-iv
Contents 1-1
MIBs 1-30
RFCs 1-30
Technical Assistance 1-30
Contents 2-31
SIP: Configuring Enhanced SRST 2-31
Restrictions 2-32
Enabling the E-SRST Mode 2-32
Configuring SIP shared-line 2-33
Configuring BLF 2-34
Enabling a Directory Number to be Watched 2-34
Enabling BLF on a voice register pool: 2-34
Configuring Digest Credentials On CUCM 2-35
SCCP: Configuring Enhanced SRST 2-36
Prerequisites 2-36
Enhanced SRST Scale Support 2-37
Where to Go Next 2-38
Contents 3-39
Contents 4-51
Examples 5-73
Configuring Eight Calls per Button (Octo-Line) 5-74
Prerequisites 5-74
Restrictions 5-74
Examples 5-76
Configuring the Maximum Number of Calls 5-76
Prerequisites 5-76
Troubleshooting 5-78
How to Set Up Cisco IP Communicator for Cisco Unified SRST 5-78
Prerequisites 5-78
Verifying Cisco IP Communicator 5-79
Troubleshooting Cisco IP Communicator 5-79
Where to Go Next 5-79
Contents 6-81
Contents 7-99
Prerequisites for Configuring SIP SRST Features Using Back-to-Back User Agent
Mode 7-100
Restrictions for Configuring SIP SRST Features Using Back-to-Back User Agent
Mode 7-100
Information About Configuring SCCP SRST Call Handling 7-100
H.323 VoIP Call Preservation Enhancements for WAN Link Failures 7-100
Toll Fraud Prevention 7-101
Information About Configuring SIP SRST Features Using Back-to-Back User Agent
Mode 7-101
Cisco Unified SIP SRST and Cisco SIP Communications Manager Express Feature
Crossover 7-101
How to Configure Cisco Unified SCCP SRST 7-103
Configuring Incoming Calls 7-104
Configuring Call Forwarding During a Busy Signal or No Answer 7-104
Examples 7-105
Configuring Call Rerouting 7-106
Examples 7-109
Configuring Call Pickup 7-109
Examples 7-110
Configuring Consultative Transfer 7-111
Conference Calls 7-112
Configuring Transfer Digit Collection Method 7-112
Examples 7-113
Configuring Global Prefixes 7-113
Examples 7-115
Enabling Digit Translation Rules 7-115
Examples 7-116
Enabling Translation Profiles 7-116
Examples 7-119
Verifying Translation Profiles 7-119
Configuring Dial-Peer and Channel Hunting 7-120
Examples 7-121
Configuring Busy Timeout 7-121
Examples 7-122
Configuring the Ringing Timeout Default 7-122
Examples 7-123
Configuring Outgoing Calls 7-123
Configuring Local and Remote Call Transfer 7-123
Examples 7-124
Enabling Consultative Call Transfer and Forward Using H.450.2 and H.450.3 with
Cisco SRST 3.0 7-124
Examples 7-127
Enabling Analog Transfer Using Hookflash and the H.450.2 Standard with Cisco
SRST 3.0 or Earlier 7-128
Examples 7-132
Establishment of Secure Cisco Unified SRST to the Cisco Unified IP Phone 8-161
Secure SRST Authentication and Encryption 8-163
How to Configure Secure Unified SRST 8-164
Preparing the Cisco Unified SRST Router for Secure Communication 8-165
Configuring a Certificate Authority Server on a Cisco IOS Certificate Server 8-165
Autoenrolling and Authenticating the Secure Cisco Unified SRST Router to the CA
Server 8-167
Disabling Automatic Certificate Enrollment 8-171
What to Do Next 8-171
Verifying Certificate Enrollment 8-172
Enabling Credentials Service on the Secure Cisco Unified SRST Router 8-174
Troubleshooting Credential Settings 8-176
Importing Phone Certificate Files in PEM Format to the Secure SRST Router 8-176
Cisco Unified Communications Manager 4.X.X and Earlier Versions 8-177
Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.0 and Later Versions 8-177
Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.0 and Later Versions 8-178
Authenticating the Imported Certificates on the Cisco Unified SRST Router 8-178
What to Do Next 8-179
Examples 8-179
Configuring Cisco Unified Communications Manager to the Secure Cisco Unified SRST
Router 8-184
Adding an SRST Reference to Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8-184
Configuring SRST Fallback on Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8-185
Configuring CAPF on Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8-187
Enabling SRST Mode on the Secure Cisco Unified SRST Router 8-187
Examples 8-189
Configuring Secure SCCP SRST 8-189
Prerequisites for Configuring Secure SCCP SRST 8-189
Restrictions for Configuring Secure SCCP SRST 8-189
Verifying Phone Status and Registrations 8-190
Configuration Examples for Secure SCCP SRST 8-197
Configuring Secure SIP Call Signaling and SRTP Media with Cisco SRST 8-203
Prerequisites for Configuring Secure SIP Call Signaling and SRTP Media with Cisco
SRST 8-203
Restrictions for Configuring Secure SIP Call Signaling and SRTP Media with Cisco
SRST 8-203
Information About Cisco Unified SIP SRST Support of Secure SIP Signaling and
SRTP Media 8-204
Configuring Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8-204
Configuring Phones 8-205
Configuring SIP options for Secure SIP SRST 8-206
Configuring SIP SRST Security Policy 8-207
Configuring SIP User Agent for Secure SIP SRST 8-208
Configuration Example for Cisco Unified SIP SRST 8-212
Additional References 8-218
Related Documents 8-219
Standards 8-219
MIBs 8-219
RFCs 8-219
Technical Assistance 8-220
Command Reference 8-220
Contents 9-223
Contents 11-263
Configuring Cisco Unified SIP SRST Features Using Redirect Mode A-1
Contents A-1
Prerequisites for Cisco Unified SIP SRST Features Using Redirect Mode A-1
Restrictions for Cisco Unified SIP SRST Features Using Redirect Mode A-1
Information About Cisco Unified SIP SRST Features Using Redirect Mode A-2
How to Configure Cisco Unified SIP SRST Features Using Redirect Mode A-2
Configuring Call Redirect Enhancements to Support Calls Between SIP IP Phones for
Cisco Unified SIP SRST A-2
Configuring Call Redirect Enhancements to Support Calls Globally A-3
Configuring Call Redirect Enhancements to Support Calls on a Specific VoIP Dial
Peer A-4
Configuring Sending 300 Multiple Choice Support A-5
Configuration Examples for Cisco Unified SIP SRST Features Using Redirect Mode A-6
Cisco Unified SIP SRST: Example A-7
Where to Go Next A-8
Integrating Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unified SRST to Use Cisco
Unified SRST as a Multicast MOH Resource B-11
Contents B-11
Prerequisites for Using Cisco Unified SRST Gateways as a Multicast MOH Resource B-12
Restrictions for Using Cisco Unified SRST Gateways as a Multicast MOH Resource B-12
Information About Using Cisco Unified SRST Gateways as a Multicast MOH Resource B-13
Cisco Unified SRST Gateways and Cisco Unified Communications Manager B-13
Codecs, Port Numbers, and IP Addresses B-14
Multicast MOH Transmission B-16
MOH from a Live Feed B-16
MOH from Flash Files B-17
How to Use Cisco Unified SRST Gateways as a Multicast MOH Resource B-18
Configuring Cisco Unified Communications Manager for Cisco Unified SRST Multicast
MOH B-18
Configuring the MOH Audio Source to Enable Multicasting B-19
Enabling Multicast on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager MOH Server and
Configuring Port Numbers and IP Addresses B-20
Creating an MRG and an MRGL, Enabling MOH Multicast, and Configuring
Gateways B-23
Creating a Region for the MOH Server B-25
Verifying Cisco Unified Communications Manager Multicast MOH B-26
Configuring Cisco Unified SRST for Multicast MOH from an Audio File B-26
Prerequisites B-27
Enabling Multicast MOH on the Cisco Unified SRST Gateway B-27
Verifying Basic Cisco Unified SRST Multicast MOH Streaming B-31
Verifying Cisco Unified SRST MOH to PSTN B-32
This preface describes the audience and conventions of the Cisco Unified SCCP and SIP SRST System
Administration Guide. It also describes the available product documentation and provides information
on how to obtain documentation and technical assistance.
• Audience, page i
• Conventions, page i
• Obtain Documentation and Submit a Service Request, page ii
This guide is intended primarily for network administrators and channel partners.
This guide uses the following conventions:
Item Convention
Commands and keywords. boldface font
Variables for which you supply values. italic font
Optional command keywords. You do not [enclosed in brackets]
have to select any options.
Required command keyword to be selected {options enclosed in braces |
from a set of options. You must choose one separated by vertical bar}
Displayed session and system information. screen font
Information you enter. boldface screen font
Tip Means the following information will help you solve a problem.
Caution Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might perform an action that could result in equipment
damage or loss of data.
Timesaver Means the described action saves time. You can save time by performing the action described in
the paragraph.
Warning Means reader be warned. In this situation, you might perform an action that could result in
bodily injury.
This chapter contains a list of Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site Telephony (Cisco Unified SRST)
features and the location of feature documentation.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco IOS software image
support. Access Cisco Feature Navigator at You must have an account on If you do not have an account or have forgotten your username or password, click Cancel at
the login dialog box and follow the instructions that appear.
• Documentation Organization, page iv
• Feature Roadmap, page v
• Information About New Features in Cisco Unified SRST, page xi
• Where to Go Next, page xliv
Documentation Organization
This document consists of the following chapters or appendixes as shown in Table iii-1.
Setting Video Parameters, page 263 Describes how to set up video parameters.
Monitoring and Maintaining Cisco Provides a list of useful show commands for monitoring and maintaining Cisco Unified
Unified SRST, page 277 SRST.
Configuring Cisco Unified SIP Describes features using redirect mode, which applies to version 3.0 only.
SRST Features Using Redirect
Mode, page 1
Integrating Cisco Unified Describes how to configure Cisco Unified CM and Cisco Unified SRST to enable
Communications Manager and multicast music-on-hold (MOH).
Cisco Unified SRST to Use Cisco
Unified SRST as a Multicast MOH
Resource, page 11
Feature Roadmap
Table iii-2 provides a feature history summary of Cisco Unified SRST features.
• The Cisco Jabber for Windows client version should be version 9.1.0 and later version.
• The Cisco Jabber for Windows client should register with a presence server such as cloud-based
Webex server, or a Cisco Unified Presence server to enable the telephony features on the Jabber
• The Cisco Jabber for Windows client supports only the visual voicemail functionality using Internet
Message Access Protocol (IMAP) on the Cisco Unity Connection.
• The Cisco Jabber for Windows client does not support software-based conferencing and supports
only the softphone mode with Cisco Unified CME.
• Desk phone models are not supported.
For configuration information, see the “Cisco Jabber for Windows” section of Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Administration Guide.
Note The maximum length of a regular expression pattern is 32 for both Cisco Unified SIP and Cisco Unified
SCCP IP phones.
Note There is no change in the number of afterhours patterns that can be added. The maximum number is still
For more information on configuration examples, see the “Configuring Afterhours Block Patterns of
Regular Expressions: Example” section of Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration
For a summary of the basic Cisco IOS regular expression characters and their functions, see the “Cisco
Regular Expression Pattern Matching Characters“ section of Terminal Services Configuration Guide.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.5, the recall force keyword is added to the call-park system command in
telephony-service configuration mode to allow a user to force the recall or transfer of a parked call to
the phone that put the call in park or the phone with the reserved-for number as its primary DN when the
destination phone is available to answer the call.
In Cisco Unified CME 10.5, a new ring tone is introduced for park recall to assist the phone user to
distinctly identify the type of call.
This feature is supported on all phone families for SCCP endpoints and on 89XX and 99XX phone
families for SIP endpoints. No configurations are required to activate this feature.
Park Monitor
In Cisco Unified CME 8.5 and later versions, the park monitor feature allows you to park a call and
monitor the status of the parked call until the parked call is retrieved or abandoned. When a Cisco
Unified SIP IP Phone 8961, 9951, or 9971 parks a call using the park soft key, the park monitoring
feature monitors the status of the parked call. The park monitoring call bubble is not cleared until the
parked call gets retrieved or is abandoned by the parkee. This parked call can be retrieved using the same
call bubble on the parker’s phone to monitor the status of the parked call.
Once a call is parked, Cisco Unified CME sends a SIP NOTIFY message to the parker phone indicating
the “parked” event along with the park slot number so that the parker phone can display the park slot
number as long as the call remains parked.
When a parked call is retrieved, Cisco Unified CME sends another SIP NOTIFY message to the parker
phone indicating the “retrieved” event so that the phone can clear the call bubble. When a parked call is
disconnected by the parkee, Cisco Unified CME sends a SIP NOTIFY message to the parker phone
indicating the “abandoned” event and the parker phone clears the call bubble upon cancellation of the
parked call.
When a parked call is recalled or transferred, Cisco Unified CME sends a SIP NOTIFY message to the
parker phone indicating the “forwarded” event so that parker phone can clear the call bubble during park,
recall, and transfer. You can also retrieve a parked call from the parker phone by directly selecting the
call bubble or pressing the resume soft key on the phone.
The following example configures the primary pilot name for both the primary and secondary pilot
name SALES
The following example configures different names for the primary and secondary pilot numbers:
Note Use quotes (") when input strings have spaces in between as shown in the next three examples.
The following example associates a two-word name for the primary pilot number and a one-word name
for the secondary pilot number:
name “CUSTOMER SERVICE” secondary CS
The following example associates a one-word name for the primary pilot number and a two-word name
for the secondary pilot number:
The following example associates two-word names for the primary and secondary pilot numbers:
For configuration information, see the “Associating a Name with a Called Voice Hunt Group” section of
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide.
For configuration examples, see the “Example: Associating a Name with a Called Voice Hunt Group”
section of Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide.
• Display support applies to Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones in voice hunt-group and ephone-hunt
configuration modes but are not supported in Cisco Unified SIP IP phones.
• Called name and called number information displayed on the caller’s phone follows existing
behavior, where the called names and called numbers are updated so that a sequential hunt reflects
the name and number of the ringing phone.
Before Cisco Unified CME 9.5, the no forward local-calls command was configured in ephone-hunt
group to prevent a local call from being forwarded to the next agent.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.5, local calls are prevented from being forwarded to the final destination using
the no forward local-calls to-final command in parallel or sequential voice hunt-group configuration
When the no forward local-calls to-final command is configured in sequential voice hunt-group
configuration mode, local calls to the hunt-group pilot number are sent sequentially only to the list of
members of the group using the rotary-hunt technique. In case all the group members of the voice hunt
group are busy, the caller hears a busy tone. If any of the group members are available but do not answer,
the caller hears a ringback tone and is eventually disconnected after the specified timeout. The call is not
forwarded to the final number.
When the no forward local-calls to-final command is configured in parallel voice hunt-group
configuration mode, local calls to the hunt-group pilot number are sent simultaneously to the list of
members of the group using the blast technique. In case all the group members of the voice hunt group
are busy, the caller hears a busy tone. If any of the group members are available but do not answer, the
caller hears a ringback tone and is eventually disconnected after the specified timeout.The call is not
forwarded to the final number. or configuration examples, see the “Preventing Local-Call Forwarding to
Final Agent in Voice Hunt Groups” section of” section of Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration Guide.
Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer Blocking for Toll Fraud Prevention on Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
In Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site Telephony (SRST) 4.0, trunk-to-trunk transfer blocking for toll
bypass fraud prevention is supported on Cisco Unified Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) IP
Table iii-3 lists the transfer-blocking commands and the appropriate configuration modes for Cisco
Unified CME and Cisco Unified SRST.
Note The call transfer and conference restrictions apply when transfers or conferences are initiated toward
external parties, like a PSTN trunk, a SIP trunk, or an H.323 trunk. The restrictions do not apply to
transfers and conferences to local extensions.
The transfer-pattern command for Cisco Unified SIP IP phones functions like the transfer-pattern
command for Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones by allowing all, not just local, transfers to take place.
The transfer-pattern command specifies the directory numbers for call transfer. The command can be
configured up to 32 times using the following command syntax: transfer-pattern transfer-pattern
Note The blind keyword in the transfer-pattern command applies only to Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones and
does not apply to Cisco Unified SIP IP phones.
With the transfer-pattern command configured, only call transfers to numbers that match the
configured transfer pattern are allowed to take place. With the transfer pattern configured, all or a subset
of transfer numbers can be dialed and the transfer to a remote party can be initiated.
The following are examples of configurable transfer patterns:
• .T—This configuration allows call transfers to any destinations with one or more digits, like 123,
877656, or 76548765.
• 919........—This configuration only allows call transfers to remote numbers beginning with “919”
and followed by eight digits, like 91912345678. However, call transfers to 9191234 or
919123456789 are not allowed.
Backward Compatibility
To maintain backward compatibility, all call transfers from Cisco Unified SIP IP phones to any number
(local or over trunk) are allowed when no transfer patterns are configured through the transfer-pattern,
transfer-pattern blocked, or transfer max-length commands.
For Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones, call transfers over trunk continue to be blocked when no transfer
patterns are configured.
Dial Plans
Whatever dial plan is used for external calls, the same numbers should be configured as specific numbers
using the transfer-pattern command.
If a dial plan requires “9” to be dialed before an external call is made, then “9” should be a prefix of the
transfer-pattern number. For example, if 12345678 is an external number that requires “9” to be dialed
before the external call can be made, then the transfer-pattern number should be 912345678.
transfer max-length
The transfer max-length command is used to indicate the maximum length of the number being dialed
for a call transfer. When only a specific number of digits are to be allowed during a call transfer, a value
between 3 and 16 is configured.When the number dialed exceeds the maximum length configured, then
the call transfer is blocked.
For example, if the maximum length is configured as 5, then only call transfers from Cisco Unified SIP
IP phones up to a five-digit directory number are allowed. All call transfers to directory numbers with
more than five digits are blocked.
Note If only transfer max length is configured and conference max-length is not configured, then transfer
max-length takes effect for transfers and conferences.
transfer-pattern blocked
When the transfer-pattern blocked command is configured for a specific phone, no call transfers are
allowed from that phone over the trunk.
This feature forces unconditional blocking of all call transfers from the specific phone to any other
non-local numbers (external calls from one trunk to another trunk). No call transfers from this specific
phone are possible even when a transfer pattern matches the dialed digits for transfer.
Table iii-4 compares the behaviors of Cisco Unified SCCP and SIP IP phones for specific configurations.
conference-pattern blocked
The conference-pattern blocked command is used to prevent extensions on a voice register pool from
initiating conferences.
The following table summarizes the behavior of the conference-pattern blocked command in relation
to no conference-pattern blocked, conference max-length, no conference max-length, and transfer
max-length commands.
• Cisco Unified SRST 10.5 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool pool-tag
4. conference max-length value
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
• Enter your password if prompted.
Router> enable
Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 voice register pool pool-tag Enters voice register pool configuration mode and creates a
or pool configuration for a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone in Cisco
ephone phone-tag
Unified CME or for a set of Cisco Unified SIP IP phones in
Example: Cisco Unified SIP SRST.
Router(config)# voice register pool 25 • pool-tag—Unique number assigned to the pool. Range is
1 to 100.
Enters voice register template configuration mode and defines
a template of common parameters for Cisco Unified SIP IP
• template-tag—Declares a template tag. Range is 1 to 10.
Enters ephone configuration mode.
phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this
ephone during configuration tasks. The maximum number of
ephones is version and platform-specific. Type ? to display
Step 4 configure max-length value Allows the conference of calls from Cisco IP phones to
specified directory numbers of phones other than Cisco IP
Router(config-telephony)# conference • conference max-length—Allows conference call
max-lenght 6 depending on the configured conference max-length.
Range is 3 to 16.
Step 5 end Exits telephony-service configuration mode and enters
privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
• Cisco Unified SRST 10.5 or a later version.
• The transfer-pattern command must be configured.
• The conference transfer-pattern command must be configured.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool pool-tag
4. conference-pattern blocked
5. end
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 voice register pool pool-tag Enters voice register pool configuration mode and creates a
pool configuration for a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone in Cisco
Unified CME or for a set of Cisco Unified SIP IP phones in
Example: Cisco Unified SIP SRST.
Router(config)# voice register pool 25 • pool-tag—Unique number assigned to the pool. Range is
1 to 100.
Enters voice register template configuration mode and defines
a template of common parameters for Cisco Unified SIP IP
• template-tag—Declares a template tag. Range is 1 to 10.
Enters ephone configuration mode.
phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this
ephone during configuration tasks. The maximum number of
ephones is version and platform-specific. Type? to display
Step 4 conference-pattern blocked Allows the conference of calls from Cisco IP phones to
specified directory numbers of phones other than Cisco IP
Example: phones.
Router(config-telephony)# conference-pattern
blocked • conference-pattern blocked—No conference calls are
Step 5 exit Exits telephony-service configuration mode and enters global
configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# exit
transfer-pattern blocked
When the transfer-pattern blocked command is configured for a specific phone, no call transfers are
allowed from that phone over the trunk.
This feature forces unconditional blocking of all call transfers from the specific phone to any other
non-local numbers (external calls from one trunk to another trunk). No call transfers from this specific
phone are possible even when a transfer pattern matches the dialed digits for transfer.
Table iii-5 compares the behaviors of Cisco Unified SCCP and SIP IP phones for specific configurations.
conference transfer-pattern
When both the transfer-pattern and conference transfer-pattern commands are configured and dialed
digits match the configured transfer pattern, conference calls are allowed. However, when the dialed
digits do not match any of the configured transfer pattern, the conference call is blocked.
For information on provisioning Cisco Unified IP phones for secure access to web content using HTTPS,
see the “HTTPS Provisioning for Cisco Unified IP Phones” section of Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Express System Administrator Guide.
For configuration examples, see the “Configuring HTTPS Support for Cisco Unified CME:Example”
section of Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide.
Note If you have older routers, such as the VG26nn and VG37nn platforms and Cisco Integrated Services
Router (ISR) Generation 1 platforms (Cisco ISR 1861, 2800, and 3800 Series), you need to upgrade to
Cisco ISR 881, 886VA, 887VA, 888, 888E, 1861E, 2900, 3900, and 3900E Series platforms to utilize
these new features.
• Bulk registration is not supported for KEMs in Cisco Unified SRST. Phones do not send bulk
registration requests but always use the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port for registration.
• KEM is not supported for Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phones and Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones other
than the Cisco Unified 8851/51NR, 8861, 8961, 9951, and 9971 SIP IP phones.
• Features configured on keys are disabled when supported Cisco Unified SIP IP phones are in Cisco
Unified SIP SRST.
• All Cisco Unified 8851/51NR, 8861,8961, 9951, and 9971 SIP IP phone restrictions and limitations
apply to KEMs.
• All Cisco Unified SIP SRST feature restrictions and limitations apply to KEMs.
For more information on how the blf-speed-dial, number, and speed-dial commands, in voice register
pool configuration mode, have been modified, see Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
Command Reference.
For information on installing KEMs on Cisco Unified IP Phone, see the “Installing a Key Expansion
Module on the Cisco Unified IP Phone” section of Cisco Unified IP Phone 8961, 9951, and 9971
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.1 (3) (SIP).
For information on installing KEMs on Cisco Unified 8811, 8841, 8851, 8851NR, and 8861 Phones, see
the Cisco IP Phone Key Expansion Module section of Cisco IP Phone 8811, 8841, 8851, 8851NR, and
8861 Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
There are three different types of voice hunt groups. Each type uses a different strategy to determine the
first number that rings for successive calls to the pilot number until a number answers.
• Parallel Hunt Groups—Allows an incoming call to simultaneously ring all the numbers in the hunt
group member list.
• Sequential Hunt Groups—Allows an incoming call to ring all the numbers in the left-to-right order
in which they were listed when the hunt group was defined. The first number in the list is always the
first number tried when the pilot number is called. Maximum number of hops is not a configurable
parameter for sequential hunt groups.
• Longest-Idle Hunt Groups—Allows an incoming call to first go to the number that has been idle the
longest for the number of hops specified when the hunt group was defined. The longest-idle time is
determined from the last time that a phone registered, re-registered, or went on-hook.
While ephone hunt groups only support Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones, a voice hunt group supports
Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones, Cisco Unified SIP IP phones, or a mixture of Cisco Unified SCCP IP
phones and Cisco Unified SIP IP phones.
With the voice hunt group feature preconfigured in the Cisco Unified SIP SRST router, voice hunt groups
continue to be supported after phones fallback from Cisco Unified CM to the Cisco Unified SIP SRST
• Hunt group statistics is not supported for voice hunt groups in Cisco Unified SRST.
• Hunt group nesting or setting the final number of one hunt group as the pilot of another hunt group
is not supported.
Support for Cisco Unified 6921, 6941, 6945, and 6961 SIP IP Phones
For information on feature support for the Cisco Unified 6921, 6941, 6945, and 6961 SIP IP Phones in
Cisco Unified SRST, see Phone Feature Support Guide for Unified CME, Unified SRST, Unified
E-SRST, and Unified Secure SRST.
Before Cisco Unified SRST 9.0, the values for the max-dn and timeouts busy commands were
hardcoded for Cisco Unified 8941 and 8945 SCCP IP phones.
In Cisco Unified SRST 9.0, you can configure the max-dn and timeouts busy commands in
call-manager-fallback configuration mode. Use the max-dn command to set the maximum number of
DNs that can be supported by the router and enable dual-line mode, octo-line mode, or both modes. Use
the timeouts busy command to set the timeout value for call transfers to busy destinations.
For configuration information, see the “Configuring the Maximum Number of Calls” section on page 76.
Cisco Unified 6921, 6941, 6945, 6961, 8941, and 8945 SIP IP Phones
In Cisco Unified SRST 9.0, the maximum number of calls for Cisco Unified 6921, 6941, 6945, 6961,
8941, and 8945 SIP IP phones is controlled by the phones.
• Cisco Unified SRST 9.0 and later versions.
• Correct firmware is installed:
– 9.2(1) or a later version for Cisco Unified 6921, 6941, 6945 and 6961 SIP IP phones.
– 9.2(2) or a later version for Cisco Unified 8941 and 8945 SIP IP phones.
Support for Cisco Unified 6945, 8941, and 8945 SCCP IP Phones
For information on feature support for the Cisco Unified 6945, 8941, and 8945 SCCP IP Phones in Cisco
Unified SRST, see Phone Feature Support Guide for Unified CME, Unified SRST, Unified E-SRST, and
Unified Secure SRST.
For information on the Cisco Unified 6945 SCCP IP Phone, see Cisco Unified IP Phone 6945 User Guide
for Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express Version 8.8 (SCCP).
For information on the Cisco Unified 8941 and 8945 SCCP IP Phones, see Cisco Unified IP Phone 8941
and 8945 User Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express Version 8.8 (SCCP).
Note For ATAs that are registered to a Cisco Unified SRST system to participate in FAX calls, they must have
their ConnectMode parameter set to use the “standard payload type 0/8” as the RTP payload type in FAX
pass-through mode. For ATAs used with Cisco Unified SRST 4.0 and higher versions, this is done by
setting bit 2 of the ConnectMode parameter to 1 on the ATA. For more information, see the “Parameters
and Defaults” chapter in Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Telephone Adaptor Administrator's
Guide for SCCP.
H.323 VoIP Call Preservation Enhancements for WAN Link Failures for SCCP Phones
H.323 VoIP call preservation enhancements for WAN link failures sustains connectivity for H.323
topologies where signaling is handled by an entity, such as Cisco Unified Communications Manager,
that is different from the other endpoint and brokers signaling between the two connected parties.
Call preservation is useful when a gateway and the other endpoint (typically a Cisco Unified IP phone)
are collocated at the same site and the call agent is remote and therefore more likely to experience
connectivity failures. H.323 VoIP call preservation enhancements does not support SIP Phones.
For configuration information see the “Configuring H.323 Gateways” chapter in
Cisco IOS H.323 Configuration Guide.
Video Support
This feature allows you to set video parameters for the Cisco Unified SRST to maintain close feature
parity with Cisco Unified CM. When the Cisco Unified SRST is enabled, Cisco Unified IP Phones do
not have to be reconfigured for video capabilities because all ephones retain the same configuration used
with Cisco Unified CM. However, you must enter call-manager-fallback configuration mode to set video
parameters for Cisco Unified SRST. The feature set for video is the same as that for Cisco Unified SRST
audio calls.
For more information, see the “Setting Video Parameters” section on page 263.
Secure SRST
Secure Cisco IP phones that are located at remote sites and that are attached to gateway routers can
communicate securely with Cisco Unified Communications Manager using the WAN. But if the WAN
link or Cisco Unified Communications Manager goes down, all communication through the remote
phones becomes nonsecure. To overcome this situation, gateway routers can now function in secure
SRST mode, which activates when the WAN link or Cisco Unified Communications Manager goes
down. When the WAN link or Cisco Unified Communications Manager is restored, Cisco Unified
Communications Manager resumes secure call-handling capabilities.
Secure SRST provides new SRST security features such as authentication, integrity, and media
encryption. Authentication provides assurance to one party that another party is whom it claims to be.
Integrity provides assurance that the given data has not been altered between the entities. Encryption
implies confidentiality; that is, that no one can read the data except the intended recipient. These security
features allow privacy for SRST voice calls and protect against voice security violations and identity
theft. For more information see the “Configuring Secure SRST for SCCP and SIP” section on page 155.
Note The Cisco Unified IP Phone 7914 Expansion Module can attach to your Cisco Unified IP Phones 7970G
and 7971G-GE. See the “Cisco Unified IP Phone Expansion Module 7914 Support” section on page xlii
for more information.
Increased the Number of Cisco Unified IP Phones Supported on the Cisco 3845
The Cisco 3845 now supports 720 phones and up to 960 ephone-dns or virtual voice ports.
Note For information about Cisco Unified IP phones, see the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7900 Series
Note This feature is available only for Cisco Unified SRST running under Cisco Unified CM V3.2.
Consultative Call Transfer and Forward Using H.450.2 and H.450.3 for SCCP Phones
Cisco SRST V1.0, Cisco SRST V2.0, and Cisco SRST V2.1 allow blind call transfers and blind call
forwarding. Blind calls do not give transferring and forwarding parties the ability to announce or consult
with destination parties. These three versions of Cisco SRST use a Cisco SRST proprietary mechanism
to perform blind transfers. Cisco SRST V3.0 adds the ability to perform call transfers with consultation
using the ITU-T H.450.2 (H.450.2) standard and call forwarding using the ITU-T H.450.3 (H.450.3)
standard for H.323 calls.
Cisco SRST V3.0 provides support for IP phones to initiate call transfer and forwarding with H.450.2
and H.450.3 by using the default session application. The built-in H.450.2 and H.450.3 support that is
provided by the default session application applies to call transfers and call forwarding initiated by IP
phones, regardless of the PSTN interface type.
Note All voice gateway routers in the VoIP network must support H.450. For H.450 support, routers with
Cisco SRST must run either Cisco SRST V3.0 and higher versions or Cisco IOS Release 12.2(15)ZJ and
later releases. Routers without Cisco SRST must run either Cisco SRST V2.1 and higher versions or
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)YT and later releases. SIP phones does not support this feature.
For more information about the default session application, see the Default Session Application
Enhancements document.
For configuration information, see the “Enabling Consultative Call Transfer and Forward Using H.450.2
and H.450.3 with Cisco SRST 3.0” section on page 124.
Dual-Line Mode
A new keyword that was added to the max-dn command allows you to set IP phones to dual-line mode.
Each dual-line IP phone must have one voice port and two channels to handle two independent calls.
This mode enables call waiting, call transfer, and conference functions on a single ephone-dn (ephone
directory number). There is a maximum number of DNs available during Cisco SRST fallback. The
max-dn command affects all IP phones on a Cisco SRST router.
For configuration information, see the “Configuring Dual-Line Phones” section on page 72.
E1 R2 Signaling Support
Cisco SRST V3.0 supports E1 R2 signaling. R2 signaling is an international signaling standard that is
common to channelized E1 networks; however, there is no single signaling standard for R2. The ITU-T
Q.400-Q.490 recommendation defines R2, but a number of countries and geographic regions implement
R2 in entirely different ways. Cisco Systems addresses this challenge by supporting many localized
implementations of R2 signaling in its Cisco IOS software.
The Cisco Systems E1 R2 signaling default is ITU, which supports the following countries: Denmark,
Finland, Germany, Russia (ITU variant), Hong Kong (ITU variant), and South Africa (ITU variant). The
expression “ITU variant” means there are multiple R2 signaling types in the specified country, but Cisco
supports the ITU variant.
Cisco Systems also supports specific local variants of E1 R2 signaling in the following regions,
countries, and corporations:
• Argentina
• Australia
• Bolivia
• Brazil
• Bulgaria
• China
• Colombia
• Costa Rica
• East Europe (includes Croatia, Russia, and Slovak Republic)
• Ecuador (ITU)
• Ecuador (LME)
• Greece
• Guatemala
• Hong Kong (uses the China variant)
• Indonesia
• Israel
• Korea
• Laos
• Malaysia
• Malta
• New Zealand
• Paraguay
• Peru
• Philippines
• Saudi Arabia
• Singapore
• South Africa (Panaftel variant)
Support for Cisco VG248 Analog Phone Gateway 1.2(1) and Higher Versions
The Cisco VG248 Analog Phone Gateway is a mixed-environment solution, enabled by Cisco AVVID
(Architecture for Voice, Video and Integrated Data), that allows organizations to support their legacy
analog devices while taking advantage of the new opportunities afforded through the use of IP telephony.
The Cisco VG248 is a high-density gateway for using analog phones, fax machines, modems, voice-mail
systems, and speakerphones within an enterprise voice system based on Cisco Unified CM.
During Cisco Unified CM fallback, Cisco SRST considers the Cisco VG248 to be a group of Cisco
Unified IP Phones. Cisco Unified SRST counts each of the 48 ports on the Cisco VG248 as a separate
Cisco Unified IP Phone. Support for Cisco VG248 Version 1.2(1) and higher versions is also available
in Cisco Unified SRST Version 2.1.
For more information, see Cisco VG248 Analog Phone Gateway Data Sheet and
Cisco VG248 Analog Phone Gateway Version 1.2(1) Release Notes.
Note For information about Cisco Unified IP phones, see the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7900 Series
Note This feature is available only in Cisco Unified SRST running under Cisco Unified CM V3.2.
For configuration information, see the “Configuring IP Phone Language Display” section on page 68.
Cisco Unity Voicemail Integration Using In-Band DTMF Signaling Across the PSTN and
Cisco Unity voicemail and other voicemail systems can be integrated with Unified SRST. Voicemail
integration introduces six new commands:
• pattern direct
Where to Go Next
Proceed to the “Setting Up the Network” section on page 39.
This chapter describes Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site Telephony (Cisco Unified SRST) and what it does. It also
includes information about support for Cisco Unified IP Phones and Platforms, specifications, features, prerequisites,
restrictions and where to find additional reference documents.
For the most up-to-date information about Cisco Unified IP Phone support, the maximum number of Cisco Unified IP Phones,
the maximum number of directory numbers (DNs) or virtual voice ports, and memory requirements for Cisco Unified SRST
and Cisco Unified SIP SRST, see Cisco Unified SRST Supported Firmware, Platforms, Memory, and Voice Products.
• Cisco Unified SCCP SRST, page 1
• Cisco Unified SIP SRST, page 9
• Cisco Unified SRST Licenses
• Interface Support for Unified CME and Unified SRST, page 17
• MGCP Gateways and SRST, page 17
• Support for Cisco Unified IP Phones and Platforms, page 24
• IPv6 Support for Unified SRST SIP IP Phones, page 17
• Where to Go Next, page 26
• Additional References, page 27
• Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines, page 30
Note Cisco Unified CM fallback mode telephone service is available only to those Cisco Unified IP phones that are
supported by a Cisco Unified SRST router. Other Cisco Unified IP phones on the network remain out of service until
they re-establish a connection with their primary, secondary, or tertiary Cisco Unified CM.
Typically, it takes three times the keepalive period for a phone to discover that its connection to Cisco Unified CM has failed.
The default keepalive period is 30 seconds. If the phone has an active standby connection established with a Cisco Unified
SRST router, the fallback process takes 10 to 20 seconds after connection with Cisco Unified CM is lost. An active standby
connection to a Cisco Unified SRST router exists only if the phone has the location of a single Cisco Unified CM in its Unified
Communications Manager list. Otherwise, the phone activates a standby connection to its secondary Cisco Unified CM.
Note The time it takes for a Cisco Unified IP Phone to fallback to the SRST router can vary depending on the phone type.
Phones such as the Cisco 7902, Cisco 7905, and Cisco 7912 can take approximately 2.5 minutes to fallback to SRST
If a Cisco Unified IP phone has multiple Cisco Unified CM in its Cisco Unified CM list, it progresses through its list of
secondary and tertiary Cisco Unified CM before attempting to connect with its local Cisco Unified SRST router. Therefore, the
time that passes before the Cisco Unified IP phone eventually establishes a connection with the Cisco Unified SRST router
increases with each attempt to contact to a Cisco Unified CM. Assuming that each attempt to connect to a Cisco Unified CM
takes about 1 minute, the Cisco Unified IP phone in question could remain offline for 3 minutes or more following a WAN link
Note During a WAN connection failure, when Cisco Unified SRST is enabled, Cisco Unified IP phones display a message
informing you that they are operating in Cisco Unified CM fallback mode. For example, the Cisco Unified IP Phone
7960G and Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940G display a "CM Fallback Service Operating" message, and the Cisco Unified
IP Phone 7910 displays a "CM Fallback Service" message when operating in Cisco Unified CM fallback mode. When
the Cisco Unified CM is restored, the message goes away and full Cisco Unified IP phone functionality is restored.
While in Cisco Unified CM fallback mode, Cisco Unified IP phones periodically attempt to re-establish a connection with
Cisco Unified CM at the central office. Generally, the default time that Cisco Unified IP phones wait before attempting to
re-establish a connection to a remote Cisco Unified CM is 120 seconds. The time can be changed in Cisco Unified CM; see the
"Device Pool Configuration Settings" chapter in the appropriate Cisco Unified CM Administration Guide. A manual reboot can
immediately reconnect Cisco Unified IP phones to Cisco Unified CM.
When a connection is re-established with Cisco Unified CM, Cisco Unified IP phones automatically cancel their registration
with the Cisco Unified SRST Router. However, if a WAN link is unstable, Cisco Unified IP phones can bounce between Cisco
Unified CM and Cisco Unified SRST. A Cisco Unified IP phone cannot re-establish a connection with the primary Cisco
Unified CM at the central office if it is currently engaged in an active call.
Figure 1-1 Branch Office Cisco Unifed IP Phones Connected to a Remote Central Cisco Unified Communications Manage Operating
in SRST Mode
Telephone Telephone
Fax Cisco Unified
Cisco Unified SRST IP
router network
IP IP IP Cisco IP phones disconnected
On H.323 gateways for SCCP SRST, when the WAN link fails, active calls from Cisco Unified IP phones to the PSTN are not
maintained by default. Call preservation may work with the no h225 timeout keepalive command.
Under default configuration, the H.323 gateway maintains a keepalive signal with Cisco Unified Communications Manager
and terminates H.323-to-PSTN calls if the keepalive signal fails, for example, if the WAN link fails. To disable this behavior
and help preserve existing calls from local Cisco Unified IP phones, you can use the no h225 timeout keepalive command.
Disabling the keepalive mechanism only affects calls that will be torn down as a result of the loss of the H.225 keepalive signal.
For information regarding disconnecting a call when an inactive condition is detected, see the Media Inactive Call Detection
• Integrate Cisco Unified SRST with Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Integration is performed from Cisco Unified
Communications Manager. See the “Integrating Cisco Unified SCCP SRST with Cisco Unified
Communications Manager” section on page 5.
Install the Cisco IOS software release image containing the Cisco SRST or Cisco Unified SRST version that is compatible with
your Cisco Unified Communications Manager version. See the “Cisco Unified Communications Manager Compatibility”
section on page 25. Cisco IOS software can be downloaded from the Cisco Software Center at
Cisco SRST and Cisco Unified SRST can be configured to support continuous multicast output of music- on-hold (MOH) from
a flash MOH file in flash memory. For more information, see the “Defining XML API Schema” section on page 152. If you
plan to use MOH, go to the Technical Support Software Download site at
and copy the file to the flash memory on your Cisco SRST or Cisco Unified SRST router.
Download and install Cisco SRST V2.0 or Cisco SRST V2.1 from the Cisco Software Center at
Cisco SRST V1.0 runs with Cisco Communications Manager V3.0.5 only. It is recommended that you upgrade to the latest
Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unified SRST versions.
Integrating Cisco Unified SCCP SRST with Cisco Unified Communications Manager
There are two procedures for integrating Cisco Unified SRST with Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Procedure
selection depends on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager version that you have.
If you have Cisco Communications Manager V3.3 or later versions, you must create an SRST reference and apply it to a device
pool. An SRST reference is the IP address of the Cisco Unified SRST Router.
d. Click Insert.
Step 2 Apply the SRST reference or the default gateway to one or more device pools.
a. From any page in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, click System and Device Pool.
b. On the Device Pool Configuration page, click on the required device pool icon.
c. On the Device Pool Configuration page, choose an SRST reference or “Use Default Gateway” from the SRST Reference
field’s menu.
If you have firmware versions that enable Cisco Unified SRST by default, no additional configuration is required on
Cisco Unified Communications Manager to support Cisco Unified SRST. If your firmware versions disable Cisco Unified
SRST by default, you must enable Cisco Unified SRST for each phone configuration.
Cisco Unified
Version Release Restrictions
Version 4.1 12.4.(15)T • Enhanced 911 Services for Cisco Unified SRST does not interface with the Cisco
Emergency Responder.
• The information about the most recent phone that called 911 is not preserved after
a reboot of Cisco Unified SRST.
• Cisco Emergency Responder does not have access to any updates made to the
emergency call history table when remote IP phones are in Cisco Unified SRST
fallback mode. Therefore, if the PSAP calls back after the Cisco Unified IP phones
register back to Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Emergency
Responder will not have any history of those calls. As a result, those calls will not
get routed to the original 911 caller. Instead, the calls are routed to the default
destination that is configured on Cisco Emergency Responder for the
corresponding ELIN.
• For Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 7920 and 7921, a caller’s location can only be
determined by the static information configured by the system administrator. For
more information, see the Precautions for Mobile Phones in Configuring Enhanced
911 Services.
• The extension numbers of 911 callers can be translated to only two emergency
location identification numbers (ELINs) for each emergency response location
• Using ELINs for multiple purposes can result in unexpected interactions with
existing Cisco Unified SRST features. These multiple uses of an ELIN can include
configuring an ELIN for use as an actual phone number (ephone-dn, voice register
dn, or FXS destination-pattern), a Call Pickup number, or an alias rerouting
number. For more information, see the Multiple Usages of an ELIN in Configuring
Enhanced 911 Services.
• There are a number of other ways that your configuration of Enhanced 911 Services
can interact with existing Cisco Unified SRST features and cause unexpected
behavior. For a complete description of interactions between Enhanced 911
Services and existing Cisco Unified SRST features, see the Interactions with
Existing Cisco Unified CME Features in Configuring Enhanced 911 Services.
Table 1-1 Restrictions from Cisco SCCP SRST from the Present Version to Version 1.0(continued)
Cisco Unified
Version Release Restrictions
Version 4.0 12.4(4)XC • All of the restrictions in Cisco SRST Version 1.0.
Version 3.4 12.4(4)T • Caller-id display on supported Cisco Unified IP phones: SIP phones in fallback
Version 3.2 12.3(11)T mode displays the name and number of the caller. SCCP phones in fallback mode
display only the caller-id number assigned to the line; the caller-ID name
Version 3.1 12.3(7)T configuration for SCCP phones is not preserved during SRST fallback.
Version 3.0 12.2(15)ZJ • Call transfer is supported only on the following:
12.3(4)T – VoIP H.323, VoFR, and VoATM between Cisco gateways running Cisco IOS
Release 12.2(11)T and using the H.323 nonstandard information element
12.2(15)T – FXO and FXS loop-start (analog)
Version 2.1
12.2(13)T – FXO and FXS ground-start (analog)
Version 2.02
12.2(11)T – Ear and mouth (E&M) (analog) and DID (analog)
Version 2.01
12.2(8)T1 – T1 channel-associated signaling (CAS) with FXO and FXS ground-start
Version 2.0
12.2(8)T signaling
Note If you are in one of the states in the United States of America where there is a
regulatory requirement for CAMA trunks to interface to 911 emergency
services, and you would like to connect more than 48 Cisco Unified IP phones
to the Cisco 3660 multiservice routers in your network, contact your local Cisco
account team for help in understanding and meeting the CAMA regulatory
Note Cisco Unity Express (CUE) interworking is not supported with secure SIP SRST.
Table 1-2 Restrictions from Cisco SIP SRST from the Present Version to Version 3.0
Cisco Unified
Version Release Restrictions
Version 8.0 15.1(1)T • SIP phones may be configured on the Cisco Unified CM with an Authenticated
device security mode. The Cisco Unified CM ensures integrity and authentication
for the phone using a TLS connection with NULL-SHA cipher for signaling. If
such an Authenticated SIP phone fails over to the Cisco Unified SRST device, and
if the Cisco Unified CM and SRST device are configured to support secure SIP
SRST, it will register using TCP instead of TLS/TCP, thus disabling the
Authenticated mode until the phone fails back to the Cisco Unified CM.
Table 1-2 Restrictions from Cisco SIP SRST from the Present Version to Version 3.0(continued)
Cisco Unified
Version Release Restrictions
Version 4.1 12.4.(15)T • Cisco Unified SRST does not support BLF speed-dial notification, call forward all
synchronization, dial plans, directory services, or music-on-hold (MOH).
• Prior to SIP phone load 8.0, SIP phones maintained dual registration with both
Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unified SRST simultaneously.
In SIP phone load 8.0 and later versions, SIP phones use keepalive to maintain a
connection with Cisco Unified SRST during active registration with
Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Every two minutes, a SIP phone sends a
keepalive message to Cisco Unified SRST. Cisco Unified SRST responds to this
keepalive with a 404 message. This process repeats until fallback to
Cisco Unified SRST occurs. After fallback, SIP phones send a keepalive message
every two minutes to Cisco Unified Communications Manager while the phones
are registered with Cisco Unified SRST. Cisco Unified SRST continues to support
dual registration for SIP phone loads older than 8.0.
• Enhanced 911 Services for Cisco Unified SRST does not interface with the
Cisco Emergency Responder.
• The information about the most recent phone that called 911 is not preserved after
a reboot of Cisco Unified SRST.
• Cisco Emergency Responder does not have access to any updates made to the
emergency call history table when remote IP Phones are in Cisco Unified SRST
fallback mode. Therefore, if the PSAP calls back after the Cisco Unified IP Phones
register back to Cisco Unified Communications Manager,
Cisco Emergency Responder will not have any history of those calls. As a result,
those calls will not get routed to the original 911 caller. Instead, the calls are routed
to the default destination that is configured on Cisco Emergency Responder for the
corresponding ELIN.
• For Cisco Unified Wireless 7920 and 7921 IP Phones, a caller’s location can only
be determined by the static information configured by the system administrator. For
more information, see Precautions for Mobile Phones in Configuring Enhanced
911 Services.
• The extension numbers of 911 callers can be translated to only two emergency
location identification numbers (ELINs) for each emergency response location
• Using ELINs for multiple purposes can result in unexpected interactions with
existing Cisco Unified SRST features. These multiple uses of an ELIN can include
configuring an ELIN for use as an actual phone number (ephone-dn, voice register
dn, or FXS destination-pattern), a Call Pickup number, or an alias rerouting
number. For more information, see Multiple Usages of an ELIN in Configuring
Enhanced 911 Services.
• There are a number of other ways that your configuration of Enhanced 911 Services
can interact with existing Cisco Unified SRST features and cause unexpected
behavior. For a complete description of interactions between Enhanced 911
Services and existing Cisco Unified SRST features, see the Interactions with
Existing Cisco Unified CME Features in Configuring Enhanced 911 Services..
Table 1-2 Restrictions from Cisco SIP SRST from the Present Version to Version 3.0(continued)
Cisco Unified
Version Release Restrictions
Version 4.0 12.4(4)XC Not Supported
Version 3.4 12.4(4)T • MOH is not supported for a call hold invoked from a SIP phone. A caller hears only
silence when placed on hold by a SIP phone.
Version 3.2 12.3(11)T
• As of Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)T, bridged call appearance, find-me, incoming call
Version 3.1 12.3(7)T screening, paging, SIP presence, call park, call pickup, and SIP location are not
Version 3.0 12.2(15)ZJ supported.
12.3(4)T • SIP-NAT is not supported.
• Cisco Unity Express is not supported.
• Transcoding is not supported.
Phone Features
• For call waiting to work on the Cisco ATA and Cisco IP Phone 7912 and Cisco
Unified IP Phone 7905G with a 1.0(2) build, the incoming call leg should be
configured with the G.711 codec.
Note Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905G, Cisco Unified IP Phone 7912G, and Cisco
Analog Telephone Adaptor (ATA) 186 are not capable of dual registration; thus
they are not supported and have limited functionality with Cisco Unified SIP
• Call detail records (CDRs) are only supported by standard IOS RADIUS support;
CDRs are not supported otherwise.
• All calls must use the same codec, either G.729r8 or G.711.
• Calls that have been transferred cannot be transferred a second time.
• URL dialing is not supported. Only number dialing is supported.
• The SIP registrar functionality provided by Cisco Unified SIP SRST provides no
security or authentication services.
• SIP IP phones that do not support dual concurrent registration with both their
primary and their backup SIP proxy or registrar may be unable to receive incoming
calls from the Cisco Unified SIP SRST gateway during a WAN outage. These
phones may take a significant amount of time to discover that their primary SIP
proxy or registrar is unreachable before they initiate a fallback registration to their
backup proxy or registrar (the SIP SRST gateway).
• SIP-phone-to-SIP-trunk support requires Refer and 302/300 Redirection to be
supported by the SIP trunk (Version 3.0).
Note The SRST_EP license count reflects the total phone count of both the ephones and pools that are
configured in the Unified SRST irrespective of whether the phones are registered or not.
Unified SRST sends an authorization request when a license consumption changes or every 30 days to let CSSM or Cisco Smart
Software Manager satellite know it's still available and communicating. The ID certificate issued to identify Unified SRST at
time of registration is valid for one year, and is automatically renewed every six months.
Note If the router does not communicate with CSSM or Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite for a period
of 90 days, the license authorization expires. When the license authorization expires, the devices
registered on Unified SRST change status to Out of Compliance.
The license count is evaluated for the number of phones configured across the routers. The CSSM Licenses page reflects the
total license count usage, the total number of licenses available for a type of license (Quantity), number of licenses currently
used (In Use), and the number of unused or over-used licenses (Surplus/Shortage). If you do not have enough Cisco Smart
licenses, you are in Out-of-Compliance state.
For example, consider a smart account in CSSM with 50 SRST_EP licenses. If the user has a registered Unified SRST with 20
phones configured, the CSSM licenses page reflects Quantity as 50, In Use as 20, and Surplus as 30. For more information on
Smart Software Manager, see Cisco Smart Software Manager User Guide.
For more information on switching between CSL and Cisco Smart License, see Licensing Modes, page 16.
The license entitlement for Unified SRST smart license is displayed on the router as follows:
Router# show license summary
Smart Licensing is ENABLED
Smart Account: ABC
Virtual Account: XYZ
Export-Controlled Functionality: Not Allowed
Last Renewal Attempt: None
Next Renewal Attempt: Jun 07 12:08:10 2017 UTC
License Authorization:
Last Communication Attempt: SUCCESS
Next Communication Attempt: Apr 13 07:11:48 2017 UTC
License Usage:
• Cisco Smart Software Licensing is enabled.
1. configure terminal
2. call-home destination address http url
3. call-home http-proxy proxy_address port port number
4. end
Router# configure terminal
Step 2 call-home destination address http url (Optional) Defines the destination URL to which
Call Home messages, including licensing requests
are sent. The destination URL can be the URL for
Router(config)# call-home destination address http
Transport Gateway or CSSM satellite. The URL to the Cisco Smart Licensing production
server is set by default.
Step 3 call-home http-proxy proxy_address port port number (Optional) Specifies the proxy server for the HTTP
Router(config)# call-home http-proxy port
Router(config)# end
Licensing Modes
From Unified SRST 12.1 onwards, both CSL and Smart Licensing modes are supported. That is, customers can continue with
CSL by not enabling Smart Licensing. Alternatively, they can enable Smart Licensing and decide later to go back to CSL by
disabling Smart Licensing with the no license smart enable command. When you switch to CSL from the Smart Licensing
mode, you need to ensure that the End User License Agreement (EULA) is signed. CSL is not supported unless the EULA is
signed. Use the CLI command license accept end user agreement in global configuration mode to configure EULA.
To verify the status of the license issued to phones registered on Unified SRST, you can use the show license command.
Router#show license ?
all Show license all information
status Show license status information
summary Show license summary
tech Show license tech support information
udi Show license udi information
usage Show license usage information
• For the Unified SRST license, the UCK9 technology package must be available if the Collaboration Professional Suite
package is not installed.
Note The commands listed above are ineffective unless both commands are configured. For instance, your
configuration will not work if you only configure the ccm-manager fallback-mgcp command.
For more information on the fallback methods for MGCP gateways, see the Configuring MGCP Gateway Support for
Cisco Unified Communications Manager document or the MGCP Gateway Fallback Transition to Default H.323 Session
Application document.
The Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series and 8800 Series are supported on IPv6 for Unified SRST.
For more information on configuring SIP IP phones for IPv6 source address, see Configure IPv6 Pools for SIP IP Phones,
page 18.
For an example of configuring IPv6 Support on Unified SRST, see Examples for Configuring IPv6 Pools for SIP IP Phones,
page 23.
For more details about IPv6 deployment, see IPv6 Deployment Guide for Cisco Collaboration Systems Release 12.0.
The following are the known restrictions for IPv6 support on Unified SRST:
• SIP Trunks are not supported on Unified SRST for IPv6 deployment. PSTN calls are supported only through T1/E1 trunks.
• SCCP IP Phones are not supported in a deployment of IPv6 for Unified SRST.
• SIP Phones can be either in IPv4 only or IPv6 only mode (no anat).
• Trancoding and Transrating are not supported.
• H.323 trunks are not supported.
• Secure SIP lines or trunks are not supported.
5. enable
6. configure terminal
7. ipv6 unicast-routing
8. voice service voip
9. sip
10. no anat
11. call service stop
12. exit
13. exit
14. sip-ua
15. protocol mode {ipv4 | ipv6 | dual-stack [preference {ipv4 | ipv6}]}
16. exit
17. voice service {voip}
18. sip
19. no call service stop
20. exit
21. voice register global
22. default mode
23. max-dn max-directory-numbers
24. max-pool max-voice-register-pools
25. exit
26. voice register pool pool-tag
27. id { network address mask mask | ip address mask mask | mac address }
28. end
Router #configure terminal
Step 3 ipv6 unicast-routing Enables the forwarding of IPv6 unicast datagrams.
Router(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing
Step 4 voice service voip Enters voice-service configuration mode to specify a voice
encapsulation type.
• voip—Specifies Voice over IP (VoIP) parameters.
Router (config)# voice service voip
Step 5 sip Enters SIP configuration mode.
Router(config-voi-serv)# sip
Router(config-serv-sip)# no anat
Router(config-serv-sip)# call service stop
Router(config-serv-sip)# exit
Router(config-voi-sip)# exit
Router(config)# sip-ua
Step 11 protocol mode {ipv4 | ipv6 | dual-stack Allows phones to interact with phones on IPv6 voice
[preference {ipv4 | ipv6}]} gateways. You can configure phones for IPv4 addresses,
IPv6 address es, or for a dual-stack mode.
• ipv4—Allows you to set the protocol mode as an IPv4
Example: address.
Router(config-sip-ua)# protocol mode dual-stack
preference ipv6 • ipv6—Allows you to set the protocol mode as an IPv6
• dual-stack—Allows you to set the protocol mode for
both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
• preference—Allows you to choose a preferred IP
address family if protocol mode is dual-stack.
Router(config-sip-ua)# exit
Step 13 voice service {voip} Enters voice-service configuration mode to specify a voice
encapsulation type.
• voip—Specifies Voice over IP (VoIP) parameters.
Router (config)# voice service voip
Step 14 sip Enters SIP configuration mode.
Router(config-voi-serv)# sip
Router(config-serv-sip)# call service stop
Router(config-serv-sip)# exit
Step 17 voice register global Enters voice register global configuration mode to set
parameters for all supported SIP phones in Cisco Unified
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 18 default mode Enables mode for provisioning SIP phones in Unified
SRST. The default mode is Unified SRST itself.
Router(config-register-global)# default mode
Step 19 max-dn max-directory-numbers Limits number of directory numbers to be supported by this
• Maximum number is platform and version-specific.
Example: Type ? for value.
Router(config-register-global)# max-dn 50
Step 20 max-pool max-voice-register-pools Sets maximum number of SIP phones to be supported by the
Unified SRST router.
Router(config-register-global)# max-pool 40
Step 21 exit Exits voice register global configuration mode.
Router(config-register-global)# exit
Step 22 voice register pool pool-tag Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set
phone-specific parameters for a SIP phone.
Router(config)# voice register pool 1
Router(config-register-pool)# id network
Router(config-register-pool)# id network mask
Step 24 end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config)# end
The following example provides interface configuration for IPv6 supported on Unified SRST:
configure terminal
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
ip address
negotiation auto
ipv6 address 2001:420:54FF:13::312:82/119
ipv6 enable
The following example provides IP route configuration for IPv6 supported on Unified SRST:
The following example displays output when SIP call service is shut down with the call service stop CLI command:
The following example displays output when SIP call service is active with the no call service stop CLI command:
• Finding Cisco IOS Software Releases That Support Cisco Unified SRST, page 24
• Cisco Unified IP Phone Support, page 25
• Platform and Memory Support, page 25
• Cisco Unified Communications Manager Compatibility, page 25
• Signal Support, page 25
• Language Support, page 25
• Switch Support, page 26
Finding Cisco IOS Software Releases That Support Cisco Unified SRST
Note With Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T, the number of SIP phones supported on each platform is now
equivalent to the number of SCCP phones supported. For example, 3845 now supports 720 phones
regardless of whether these are SIP or SCCP.
Signal Support
Cisco Unified SRST supports FXS, FXO, T1, E1, and E1 R2 signals.
Language Support
See Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express Cisco Unified CME Localization Matrix.
Switch Support
Cisco SRST 3.2 and later versions support all PRI and BRI switches including the following:
• basic-1tr6
• basic-5ess
• basic-dms100
• basic-net3
• basic-ni
• basic-ntt NTT switch type for Japan
• basic-ts013
• primary-4ess Lucent 4ESS switch type for the United States
• primary-5ess Lucent 5ESS switch type for the United States
• primary-dms100 Northern Telecom DMS-100 switch type for the United States
• primary-net5 NET5 switch type for the United Kingdom, Europe, Asia, and Australia
• primary-ni National ISDN switch type for the United States
• primary-ntt NTT switch type for Japan
• primary-qsig QSIG switch type
• primary-ts014 TS014 switch type for Australia (obsolete)
Where to Go Next
The next chapters of this book describe how to configure Cisco Unified SIP SRST. As shown in Table 1-3, each chapter takes
you through tasks in the order in which they need to be performed. The first task for configuring Cisco Unified SRST is to
ensure that the basic software and hardware in your system are configured correctly for Cisco Unified SRST.
Table 1-3 Cisco Unified SRST Configuration Sequence
Additional References
The following sections provide additional references related to Cisco Unified SIP SRST:
• Related Documents, page 28
• Standards, page 30
• MIBs, page 30
• RFCs, page 30
• Technical Assistance, page 30
Related Documents
Related Topic Documents
Cisco IOS voice product configuration • Cisco IOS Voice Configuration Library
• Cisco IOS Voice Command Reference
• Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference
• Cisco IOS Tcl IVR and VoiceXML Application Guide
• Cisco IOS Survivable Remote Site Telephony Version 3.2 System
Administrator Guide
Configuring SRST and MGCP Fallback • Configuring MGCP Gateway Support for
Cisco Unified Communications Manager
• MGCP Gateway Fallback Transition to Default H.323 Session
• Configuring SRS Telephony and MGCP Fallback
Cisco Unified Communications Manager user • Cisco Unified Communications Manager
• Cisco Unified Communications Manager Security Guide
• Cisco Unified Communications Operating System
Administration Guide
Cisco Unified IP Phones • Cisco 7900 Series Unified IP Phones End-User Guides
• Cisco IP Phone Authentication and Encryption for
Cisco Communications Manager
• Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970 Series Administration Guide for
Cisco Unified CallManager, Release 5.0 (for models 7970G and
7971G-GE) (SCCP), “Understanding Security Features for
Cisco IP Phones” section.
Cisco Unified SRST commands and specifications • Cisco Unified SRST and Cisco Unified SIP SRST Command
Reference (All Versions)
• Cisco Unified SRST 8.0 Supported Firmware, Platforms,
Memory, and Voice Products
• Cisco Unified SRST 4.3 Supported Firmware, Platforms,
Memory, and Voice Products
Cisco Security Documentation • Media and Signaling Authentication and Encryption Feature for
Cisco IOS MGCP Gateways
• Cisco IOS Certificate Server
• Manual Certificate Enrollment (TFTP and Cut-and-Paste)
• Certification Authority Interoperability Commands
• Certificate Enrollment Enhancements
Cisco SIP SRST V3.4: Cisco IOS SIP Survivable • Cisco IOS SIP SRST Feature Roadmap
Remote Site Telephony Feature Roadmap
Cisco SIP functionality • Cisco IOS SIP Configuration Guide
Standard Title
ITU X. 509 Version 3 Public-Key and Attribute Certificate Frameworks
No new or modified MIBs are supported by this To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco IOS
feature, and support for existing MIBs has not been releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the
modified by this feature. following URL:
RFC Title
RFC 2246 The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.0
RFC 2543 SIP: Session Initiation Protocol
RFC 3261 SIP: Session Initiation Protocol
RFC 3711 The Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol (SRTP)
Technical Assistance
Description Link
The Cisco Technical Support & Documentation
website contains thousands of pages of searchable
technical content, including links to products,
technologies, solutions, technical tips, and tools.
Registered users can log in from this page to
access even more content.
This chapter describes the Enhanced SRST feature which is an enhancement of the SRST feature that
provides advanced services compared to the existing classic SRST.
• SIP: Configuring Enhanced SRST, page 31
• SCCP: Configuring Enhanced SRST, page 36
• Enhanced SRST Scale Support, page 37
• Where to Go Next, page 38
Table 2-1 contains a list of supported features and the expected behavior of the features in the E-SRST
Table 2-1 Supported features in the E-SRST mode
• To enable version negotiation feature between ESRST & phone, user needs to configure "mode
esrst" under voice register global mode.
• It is recommended to use SRST manager to automate the CLI provisioning of ESRST branch
For more information on SRST, see the Cisco Unified SRST Manager Administration Guide.
• The Version Negotiation feature is supported only on the Cisco Unified 9951, 9971, and 8961 SIP
IP phones.
• The phone firmware version should be Version 9.4.1 or later versions.
• This feature supports video calls only between the local Cisco Unified SIP IP phones and the No
Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM) video calls during the SRST failovers.
• To enable phone specific features like shared-line & BLF work, individual voice register pools need
to be configured.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. mode esrst
5. exit
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 voice register global Enters the voice register global configuration mode to set
the parameters for all the supported SIP phones in Cisco
Unified CME.
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 4 mode esrst Configures the E-SRST mode under the voice register
global mode.
Router(config-register-global)# mode esrst
Step 5 exit Exits the voice register-global configuration mode.
Router(config-register-global)# exit
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register dn dn-tag
4. number number
5. shared-line [max-calls number-of-calls]
6. huntstop channel number-of-channels
7. end
Configuring BLF
To configure BLF, perform the following procedure:
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. sip-ua
4. presence enable
5. exit
6. presence
7. max-subscription number
8. presence call-list
9. end
Router(config)#voice register dn 1
Router (config-register-dn)#number 2222
Note If the phone and the ESRST router are in different subnets, then the user must configure digest
credentials on CUCM & username & password configuration under voice register pool on ESRST.
To configure credentials under a specific voice register pool, perform the following procedure:
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool <pool-tag>
4. username <username> password <password>
5. end
• Cisco Unified CME 10.5 or later version
• The telephony-services command must be configured
Note For SCCP phones, CME-as-SRST mode is provisioned using the srst mode auto-provision command.
From 10.5 release onwards, this command will be deprecated. When you try to configure CME-as-SRST
mode, the following message will be displayed:
“Note: This configuration is being deprecated. Please configure "mode esrst" to use the enhanced SRST
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. mode esrst
5. exit
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 4 mode esrst Configures the E-SRST mode under the telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# mode esrst
Step 5 exit Exits the telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# exit
The following example shows the status of the device in E-SRST mode:
show telephony-service
CONFIG (Version=10.5)
Version 10.5
Max phoneload sccp version 17
Max dspfarm sccp version 18
Cisco Unified Enhanced SRST
Note For SCCP phones, switching the mode from CME to ESRST and vice versa, results in wiping out the
entire CME or ESRST configurations (including ephone, DNs, templates etc.).
The following example shows the increase in scale support in the E-SRST mode for ISR 3945E platform:
ESRST_3945e(config-telephony)#max-dn ?
<1-2500> Maximum single/dual/octo line directory numbers supported
ESRST_3945e(config-telephony)#max-ephones ?
<1-1500> Maximum phones to support
Where to Go Next
Proceed to the “Setting Up the Network” section on page 39.
This chapter describes how to configure your Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site Telephony (SRST)
router to run DHCP and to communicate with the IP phones during Cisco Unified Communications
Manager fallback.
• Information About Setting Up the Network, page 40
• How to Set Up the Network, page 40
• Where to Go Next, page 50
Enabling IP Routing
To initiate SRST service, you need to enable IP routing command and configure an interface that you
want to use or bind. For information about enabling IP routing, see Configuring IP Addressing.
Note The commands described in the configuration below are ineffective unless both commands are
configured. For instance, your configuration will not work if you only configure the ccm-manager
fallback-mgcp command.
Note When an MGCP-controlled PRI goes into SRST mode, do not make or save configuration changes to the
NVRAM on the router. If configuration changes are made and saved in SRST mode, the
MGCP-controlled PRI fails when normal MGCP operation is restored.
Configuring Cisco Unified SRST on an MGCP Gateway Prior to Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T
Perform this task to enable SRST on a MGCP Gateway if you are using a software release prior to
Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ccm-manager fallback-mgcp
4. call application alternate [application-name]
service [alternate | default] service-name location
5. exit
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 ccm-manager fallback-mgcp Enables the gateway fallback feature and allows an MGCP
voice gateway to provide call processing services through
SRST or other configured applications when
Router(config)# ccm-manager fallback-mgcp
Cisco Unified Communications Manager is unavailable.
Configuring SRST on an MGCP Gateway Using Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T or Later
Perform this task to enable SRST on an MGCP Gateway if you are using Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T
or later version.
Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T, the call application alternate command is replaced by the
service command. The service command can be used in all releases after Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ccm-manager fallback-mgcp
4. application [application-name]
5. global
6. service [alternate | default] service-name location
7. exit
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 ccm-manager fallback-mgcp Enables the gateway fallback feature and allows an MGCP
voice gateway to provide call processing services through
SRST or other configured applications when
Router(config)# ccm-manager fallback-mgcp
Cisco Unified Communications Manager is unavailable.
Step 4 application [application-name] The application-name argument is optional and indicates
the name of the specific voice application to use if the
application in the dial peer fails. If a specific application
Router(config) application app-xfer
name is not entered, the gateway uses the DEFAULT
Step 5 global Enters global configuration mode.
Router(config)# global
Configuration Example of Enabling SRST on a MGCP Gateway using Cisco IOS Release
The following is an example of configuring SRST on an MGCP Gateway if you are using Cisco IOS
Release 12.3(14)T or later release:
isdn switch-type primary-net5
ccm-manager fallback-mgcp
ccm-manager mgcp
ccm-manager config
mta receive maximum-recipients 0
controller E1 1/0
pri-group timeslots 1-12,16 service mgcp
controller E1 1/1
interface Ethernet0/0
ip address
interface Serial1/0:15
no ip address
no logging event link-status
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn incoming-voice voice
isdn bind-l3 ccm-manager
no cdp enable
call rsvp-sync
call application alternate DEFAULT
voice-port 1/0:15
mgcp dtmf-relay voip codec all mode cisco
mgcp package-capability rtp-package
mgcp sdp simple
mgcp profile default
dial-peer cor custom
dial-peer voice 10 pots
application mgcpapp
incoming called-number
destination-pattern 9T
port 1/0:15
limit-dn 7960 2
ip source-address port 2000
max-ephones 10
max-dn 32
dialplan-pattern 1 704.... extension-length 4
keepalive 20
default-destination 5002
alias 1 5003 to 5002
call-forward busy 5002
call-forward noan 5002 timeout 12
time-format 24
line con 0
exec-timeout 0 0
line aux
Router(config-dhcp)# exit
Defining a Separate DHCP IP Address Pool for Each Cisco Unified IP Phone
This task creates a name for the DHCP server address pool and specifies IP addresses. This method
requires you to make an entry for every Cisco Unified IP phone.
Router(config-dhcp)# exit
1. service dhcp
2. interface type number
3. ip helper-address ip-address
4. exit
Router(config-if)# exit
Note If you plan to use the default time interval between messages, which is 30 seconds, you do not have to
perform this task.
1. call-manager-fallback
2. keepalive seconds
3. exit
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 keepalive seconds Sets the time interval, in seconds, between keepalive
messages that are sent to the router by Cisco Unified IP
Router(config-cm-fallback)# keepalive 60 • seconds: Range is 10 to 65535. Default is 30.
Step 3 exit Exits call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
The following example sets a keepalive interval of 45 seconds:
keepalive 45
Where to Go Next
The next step is setting up the phone and getting a dial tone. For instructions, see the
“Cisco Unified SIP SRST 4.1” section on page 51.
For additional information, see the “Additional References” section on page 27 in the “Cisco Unified
SRST Feature Overview” section on page 1 chapter.
This chapter describes the features and provides the configuration information for Cisco Unified
• Out-of-Dialog REFER(OOD-R)
• Digit Collection on SIP Phones
• Caller ID Display
• Disabling SIP Supplementary Services for Call Forward and Call Transfer
• Idle Prompt Status
Note With Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T, the number of SIP phones supported on each platform is now
equivalent to the number of SCCP phones supported. For example, 3845 now supports 720 phones
regardless of whether these are SIP or SCCP.
• Prerequisites for Cisco Unified SIP SRST 4.1, page 51
• Restrictions for Cisco Unified SIP SRST 4.1, page 52
• Information About Cisco Unified SIP SRST 4.1, page 52
• How to Configure Cisco Unified SIP SRST 4.1 Features, page 55
• Where to Go Next, page 59
Out-of-Dialog REFER
Out-of-dialog REFER (OOD-R) enables remote applications to establish calls by sending a REFER
message to Cisco Unified SRST without an initial INVITE. After the REFER is sent, the remainder of
the call setup is independent of the application and the media stream does not flow through the
application. The application using OOD-R triggers a call setup request that specifies the Referee address
in the Request-URI and the Refer-Target in the Refer-To header. The SIP messaging used to
communicate with Cisco Unified SRST is independent of the end-user device protocol, which can be
H.323, plain old telephone service (POTS), SCCP, or SIP. Click-to-dial is an example of an application
that can be created using OOD-R.
A click-to-dial application enables users to combine multiple steps into one click for a call setup. For
example, a user can click a web-based directory application from his or her PC to look up a telephone
number, off-hook the desktop phone, and dial the called number. The application initiates the call setup
without the user having to out-dial from his or her own phone. The directory application sends a REFER
message to Cisco Unified SRST, which sets up the call between both parties based on this REFER.
For more information about OOD-R, see Out-of-Dialog REFER from the Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Express System Administrator Guide.
When you reset a phone, the phone requests its configuration files from the TFTP server, which builds
the appropriate configuration files depending on the type of phone.
• Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905 and 7912: The dial plan is a field in their configuration files.
• Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911G, 7940, 7941G, 7941GE, 7960, 7961G, 7961GE, 7970G, and
7971GE: The dial plan is a separate XML file that is pointed to from the normal configuration file.
The Cisco Unified SRST supports SIP dial plans if they are provisioned in
Cisco Unified Communications Manager. You cannot configure dial plans in Cisco Unified SRST.
Caller ID Display
The name and number of the caller is included in the Caller ID display on the
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911G, 7941G, 7941GE, 7961G, 7961GE, 7970G, and 7971GE. Other SIP
phones display only the number of the caller. Also, the caller ID information is updated on the
destination phone when there is a change in the caller ID of the originating party such as with call
forwarding or call transfer. No new configuration is required to support these enhancements.
Disabling SIP Supplementary Services for Call Forward and Call Transfer
If a destination gateway does not support supplementary services, you can disable REFER messages for
call transfers and redirect responses for call forwarding from being sent by Cisco Unified SRST.
Disabling supplementary services is supported if all endpoints use SCCP or all endpoints use SIP. It is
not supported for a mix of SCCP and SIP endpoints.
the caller, before dispatching a response team from the ambulance service, fire department, or police
department. Calls could not be routed to different PSAPs, based on the specific geographic areas that
they cover.
With Enhanced 911 Services, 911 calls are selectively routed to the closest PSAP based on the caller’s
location. In addition, the caller’s phone number and address automatically display on a terminal at the
PSAP. Therefore, the PSAP can quickly dispatch emergency help, even if the caller is unable to
communicate the location. Also, if the caller disconnects prematurely, the PSAP has the information it
needs to contact the 911 caller.
See Configuring Enhanced 911 Services from Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System
Administrator Guide for more information.
• This feature is supported only on Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911G, 7941G, 7941GE, 7961G, 7961GE,
7970G, and 7971GE.
• A dial plan assigned to a phone has priority over KPML.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool pool-tag
4. digit collect kpml
5. end
6. show voice register dial-peer
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 voice register pool pool-tag Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set
phone-specific parameters for a SIP phone.
Example: • pool-tag: Unique sequence number of the SIP phone to
Router(config)# voice register pool 4 be configured. Range is version and
platform-dependent; type ? to display range. You can
modify the upper limit for this argument with the
max-pool command.
Step 4 digit collect kpml Enables KPML digit collection for the SIP phone.
Note This command is enabled by default for supported
Example: phones in Cisco Unified CME and
Router(config-register-pool)# digit collect Cisco Unified SRST.
Step 5 end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 6 show voice register dial-peers Displays details of all dynamically created VoIP dial peers
associated with the Cisco Unified CME SIP register
including the defined digit collection method.
Router# show voice register dial-peers
What to Do Next
After changing the KPML configuration in Cisco Unified SRST, you do not need to create new
configuration profiles and restart the phones. Enabling or disabling KPML is effective immediately in
Cisco Unified SRST.
Disabling SIP Supplementary Services for Call Forward and Call Transfer
Perform the following steps to disable REFER messages for call transfers and redirect responses for call
forwarding from being sent to the destination by Cisco Unified SRST. You can disable these
supplementary features if the destination gateway does not support them.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service voip
dial-peer voice tag voip
4. no supplementary-service sip {moved-temporarily | refer}
5. end
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 voice service voip Enters voice-service configuration mode to set global
or parameters for VoIP features.
dial-peer voice tag voip or
Enters dial peer configuration mode to set parameters for a
Example: specific dial peer.
Router(config)# voice service voip
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 99 voip
Router(config-voi-serv)# end
Router(config-dial-peer)# end
Note You do not need to create new configuration files with the create profile command and restart the phones
after changing the idle status message in Cisco Unified SRST. Modifying the status message takes effect
immediately in Cisco Unified SRST.
Cisco Unified SRST 4.1 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. system message string
5. end
6. show voice register global
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 voice register global Enters voice register global configuration mode to set
global parameters for all supported SIP phones in a
Cisco Unified CME environment.
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 4 system message string Defines a status message that displays on SIP phones
registered to Cisco Unified SRST.
Example: • string: Up to 32 alphanumeric characters. Default is
Router(config-register-global)# system message “CM Fallback Service Operating.”
fallback active
Step 5 end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 6 show voice register global Displays all global configuration parameters associated
with SIP phones.
Router# show voice register global
Where to Go Next
The next step is configuring Cisco Unified IP phones using SCCP. For instructions, see the “Setting Up
Cisco Unified IP Phones using SCCP” section on page 61.
For additional information, see the “Additional References” section on page 27 in the “Cisco Unified
SRST Feature Overview” section on page 1 chapter.
This chapter describes how to set up the displays and features that callers will see and use on Cisco
Unified IP Phones during Cisco Unified CM fallback.
Note Ciso Unified IP Phones discussed in this chapter are just examples. For a complete list of IP phones, see
Compatibility Information.
• Information About Setting Up Cisco Unified IP Phones, page 61
• How to Set Up Cisco Unified IP Phones, page 62
• How to Set Up Cisco IP Communicator for Cisco Unified SRST, page 78
• Where to Go Next, page 79
Tip When the Cisco Unified SRST is enabled, Cisco Unified IP Phones do not have to be reconfigured while
in Cisco Unified Communications Manager fallback mode because phones retain the same configuration
that was used with Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
To configure Cisco Unified SRST on the router to support the Cisco Unified IP Phone functions, use the
following commands beginning in global configuration mode.
1. call-manager-fallback
2. ip source-address ip-address [port port] [any-match | strict-match]
3. max-dn max-directory-numbers [dual-line] [preference preference-order]
4. max-ephones max-phones
5. limit-dn phone-type max-lines
6. exit
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 ip source-address ip-address [port port] Enables the router to receive messages from the Cisco IP
[any-match | strict-match] phones through the specified IP addresses and provides
for strict IP address verification. The default port number
Example: is 2000.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# ip source-address port 2002 strict-match
Step 3 max-dn max-directory-numbers [dual-line] Sets the maximum number of directory numbers (DNs)
[preference preference-order] or virtual voice ports that can be supported by the router
and activates the dual-line mode.
Example: • max-directory-numbers: Maximum number of
Router(config-cm-fallback)# max-dn 15 dual-line directory numbers (dns) or virtual voice ports
preference 1
supported by the router. The maximum number is
platform-dependent. The default is 0. See
Compatibility Information for further details.
• dual-line (Optional). Allows IP phones in
Cisco Unified Communications Manager fallback
mode to have a virtual voice port with two channels.
• preference preference-order (Optional). Sets the
global preference for creating the VoIP dial peers for
all directory numbers that are associated with the
primary number. Range is from 0 to 10. Default is 0,
which is the highest preference.
The alias command also has a preference keyword
that sets alias command preference values. Setting
the alias command preference keyword allows the
default preference set with the max-dn command to
be overridden. See the “Configuring Call Rerouting”
section on page 106 for more information on using
the max-dn command with the alias command.
Note You must reboot the router to reduce the limit of
the directory numbers or virtual voice ports after
the maximum allowable number is configured.
Step 4 max-ephones max-phones Configures the maximum number of Cisco IP phones
that can be supported by the router. The default is 0. The
maximum number is platform dependent. See
Router(config-cm-fallback)# max-ephones 24
Compatibility Information for further details.
Note You must reboot the router to reduce the limit of
Cisco IP phones after the maximum allowable
number is configured.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
Note This section is required only in SRST version 8.6 and is not required for version 8.6 and higher.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-type phone-type
4. device-id number
5. device-type phone-type
6. end
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 ephone-type phone-type Enters phone type to configure.
• 8941
Example: • 8945
Router(config)# ephone-type 8941
Step 4 device-id number Specifies the device ID for the phone type.
• 8941—586
Example: • 8945—585
Router(config-ephone-type)# device-id 586
Step 5 device-type phone-type Specifies the device type for the phone.
• 8941
Example: • 8945
Router(config-ephone-type)# device-type 8941
Step 6 end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-type)# end
Step 4 To temporarily block the TCP port 2000 Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) connection for one of
the Cisco IP phones to force the Cisco IP phone to lose its connection to the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager and register with the Cisco Unified SRST router, perform the
following steps:
a. Use the appropriate IP access-list command to temporarily disconnect a Cisco Unified IP Phone
from the Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
During a WAN connection failure, when Cisco Unified SRST is enabled, Cisco Unified IP Phones
display a message informing you that they are operating in Cisco Unified Communications Manager
fallback mode. The Cisco IP Phone 7960 and Cisco IP Phone 7940 display a “CM Fallback Service
Operating” message, and the Cisco IP Phone 7910 displays a “CM Fallback Service” message when
operating in Cisco Unified Communications Manager fallback mode. When the Cisco
Unified Communications Manager is restored, the message goes away and full Cisco IP phone
functionality is restored.
b. Use the debug ephone register command to observe the registration process of the Cisco IP phone
on the Cisco Unified SRST router.
c. Use the show ephone command to display the Cisco IP phones that have registered to the
Cisco Unified SRST router.
d. Enter the no form of the appropriate access-list command to restore normal service for the phone.
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 3 date-format {mm-dd-yy | dd-mm-yy | yy-dd-mm | Sets the date format for IP phone display. The choices are
yy-mm-dd} mm-dd-yy, dd-mm-yy, yy-dd-mm, and yy-mm-dd, where
• dd: day
Router(config-cm-fallback)# date-format
• mm: month
yy-dd-mm • yy: year
The default is set to mm-dd-yy.
Step 4 time-format {12 | 24} Sets the time display format on all Cisco Unified IP Phones
registered with the router. The default is set to a 12-hour
Router(config-cm-fallback)# time-format 24
Step 5 exit Exits call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
The following example sets the time zone to Pacific Standard Time (PST), which is 8 hours behind UTC
and sets the time display format to a 24 hour clock:
Router(config)# clock timezone PST -8
Rounter(config)# call-manager-fallback
Rounter(config-cm-fallback)# time-format 24
Note This configuration option is available in Cisco SRST V2.1 and later versions running under
Cisco Unified CM V3.2 and later versions. Systems with software prior to
Cisco Unified SRST V2.1 and Cisco Unified CM V3.2 can use the default country, United States (US),
1. call-manager-fallback
2. user-locale country-code
3. exit
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 user-locale country-code Selects a language by country for displays on the Cisco IP
Phone 7940 and Cisco IP Phone 7960.
Example: The following ISO-3166 codes are available to Cisco SRST
Router(config-cm-fallback)# user-locale ES and Cisco Unified SRST systems running under
Cisco Communications Manager V3.2 or later versions:
• DE: German.
• DK: Danish.
• ES: Spanish.
• FR: French.
• IT: Italian.
• JP: Japanese Katakana (available under
Cisco Unified Communications Manager V4.0 or later
• NL: Dutch.
• NO: Norwegian.
• PT: Portuguese.
• RU: Russian.
• SE: Swedish.
• US: United States English (default).
Step 3 exit Exits call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
The following example offers a configuration for the Portugal user locale:
user-locale PT
Note The normal in-service static text message is controlled by Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
1. call-manager-fallback
2. system message {primary primary-string | secondary secondary-string}
3. exit
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 system message {primary primary-string | Declares the text for the system display message on IP
secondary secondary-string} phones in fallback mode.
• primary primary-string: For Cisco Unified IP Phones
Example: that can support static text messages during fallback,
Router(config-cm-fallback)# system message such as the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940 and Cisco
primary Custom Message
Unified IP Phone 7960 units. A string of approximately
27 to 30 characters is allowed.
• secondary secondary-string: For Cisco Unified IP
Phones that do not support static text messages, such as
the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7910. A string of
approximately 20 characters is allowed.
Step 3 exit Exits call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
The following example sets “SRST V3.0” as the system display message for all Cisco Unified IP Phones
on a router:
system message primary SRST V3.0
system message secondary SRST V3.0
1. call-manager-fallback
2. secondary-dialtone digit-string
3. exit
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 secondary-dialtone digit-string Activates a secondary dial tone when a digit string is dialed.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# secondary-dialtone
Step 3 exit Exits call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
The following example sets the number 8 to trigger a secondary dial tone:
secondary-dialtone 8
1. call-manager-fallback
2. max-dn max-directory-numbers [dual-line] [preference preference-order]
3. exit
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 max-dn max-directory-numbers [dual-line] Sets the maximum number of directory numbers (DNs) or
[preference preference-order] virtual voice ports that can be supported by the router and
activates dual-line mode.
Example: • max-directory-numbers: Maximum number of
Router(config-cm-fallback)# max-dn 15 dual-line directory numbers (dns) or virtual voice ports
preference 1
supported by the router. The maximum number is
platform-dependent. The default is 0. See
Compatibility Information for further details.
• dual-line (Optional). Allows IP phones in
Cisco Unified Communications Manager fallback
mode to have a virtual voice port with two channels.
• preference preference-order (Optional). Sets the
global preference for creating the VoIP dial peers for all
directory numbers that are associated with the primary
number. Range is from 0 to 10. Default is 0, which is
the highest preference.
The alias command also has a preference keyword that
sets alias command preference values. Setting the alias
command preference keyword allows the default
preference set with the max-dn command to be
overridden. See the “Configuring Call Rerouting”
section on page 106 for more information on using the
max-dn command with the alias command.
Step 3 exit Exits call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
The following example sets the maximum number of DNs or virtual voice ports that can be supported
by a router to 10 and activates the dual-line mode for all IP phones in Cisco Unified CM fallback mode:
max-dn 10 dual-line
• Cisco Unified SRST 7.0/4.3
• Cisco Unified CM 6.0
• Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)XZ
Octo-line directory numbers are not supported by the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7902, 7920, or 7931, or
by analog phones connected to Cisco ATA or Cisco VG224.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. call-manager-fallback
4. max-dn max-no-of-directories [dual-line | octo-line] [number octo-line]
5. huntstop channel 1-8
6. end
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 call-manager-fallback Enters call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 4 max-dn max-no-of-directories [dual-line | Sets the maximum number of DNs or virtual voice ports
octo-line] [number octo-line] that can be supported by the router and activates dual-line
mode, octo-line mode, or both modes.
Example: • max-no-of-directories: Maximum number of directory
Router(config-cm-fallback)# max-dn 15 dual-line numbers (dns) or virtual voice ports supported by the
6 octo-line
router. The maximum number is platform-dependent.
The default is 0.
• dual-line: (Optional) Allows IP phones in
Cisco Unified Communications Manager fallback
mode to have a virtual voice port with two channels.
• octo-line: (Optional) Allows IP phones in
Cisco Unified Communications Manager fallback
mode to have a virtual voice port with eight channels.
• number (Optional): Sets the number of directory
numbers for octo-mode.
Step 5 huntstop channel 1-8 Enables channel huntstop on an octo-line, which keeps a
call from hunting to the next channel of a directory number
if the last allowed channel is busy or does not answer.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# huntstop channel 4 • number: Number of channels available to accept
incoming calls. The remaining channels are reserved
for outgoing calls and features such as call transfer,
call waiting, and conferencing. The range is 1 to 8 and
the default is 8.
• The command is supported for octo-line directory
numbers only.
Step 6 end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config)# end
In the following example, octo-line mode is enabled, there are 8 octo-line directory numbers, there are
a maximum of 23 directory numbers, and a maximum of 6 channels are available for incoming calls:
max-dn 23 octo-line 8
huntstop channel 6
• Cisco Unified SRST 9.0 and later versions.
• Correct firmware, 9.2(1) or a later version, is installed.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. call-manager-fallback
4. max-dn max-no-of-directories [dual-line | octo-line]
5. timeouts busy seconds
6. end
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 call-manager-fallback Enables Cisco Unified SRST support and enters
call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
To troubleshoot your Cisco Unified SRST configuration, use the following commands:
• To set keepalive debugging for Cisco IP phones, use the debug ephone keepalive command.
• To set registration debugging for Cisco IP phones, use the debug ephone register command.
• To set state debugging for Cisco IP phones, use the debug ephone state command.
• To set detail debugging for Cisco IP phones, use the debug ephone detail command.
• To set error debugging for Cisco IP phones, use the debug ephone error command.
• To set call statistics debugging for Cisco IP phones, use the debug ephone statistics command.
• To provide voice-packet-level debugging and to display the contents of one voice packet in every
1024 voice packets, use the debug ephone pak command.
• To provide raw low-level protocol debugging display for all SCCP messages, use the debug ephone
raw command.
For further debugging, see Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference.
You should have the following before you begin this task:
• IP address of the Cisco Unified CM (Call Manager) TFTP server
• IP address of the Cisco Unified SRST TFTP server
• Headset with microphone for your PC (Optional; you can use PC internal speakers and microphone)
Step 1 Download the latest version of the Cisco IP Communicator software and install it on your PC. The
software is available for download at
a. Click Voice and Unified Communication.
b. Click IP Telephony.
c. Click IP Phones.
d. Click Cisco IP Communicator.
Step 2 (Optional) Attach a headset to your PC.
Step 3 Start the Cisco IP Communicator software application.
Step 4 Define the IP address of the Cisco Unified CM as primary TFTP server
a. Open the Network > User Preferences window.
b. Enter the IP address of the Cisco Unified CM TFTP server.
Step 5 Define the IP address of the Cisco Unified SRST as secondary TFTP server.
a. Open the Network > User Preferences window.
b. Enter the IP address of the Cisco Unified SRST TFTP server.
Step 6 Ensure that Cisco IP Communicator has at least once registered to Cisco Unified CM. For more details,
see Install and Configure IP Communicator with CallManager.
Step 7 Wait for the Cisco IP Communicator to connect to the Cisco Unified SRST system (upon Cisco Unified
CM Failure) and register itself.
Step 8 Cisco IP Communicator should have retained the original buttons and numbers for Cisco IP
Where to Go Next
The next step is configuring Cisco Unified IP Phones using SIP. For more information, see the “” section
on page 81.
For additional information, see the “Additional References” section on page 27.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) registrar functionality in Cisco IOS software is an essential part of
Cisco Unified SIP Survivable Remote Site Telephony (SRST). According to RFC 3261, a SIP registrar
is a server that accepts Register requests and is typically collocated with a proxy or redirect server. A
SIP registrar may also offer location services.
• Prerequisites for Configuring the SIP Registrar, page 81
• Restrictions for Configuring the SIP Registrar, page 81
• Information About Configuring the SIP Registrar, page 81
• How to Configure the SIP Registrar, page 82
• Where to Go Next, page 96
• Local SIP IP phone to local SIP phone, if the main proxy is unavailable.
• Additional services like class of restriction (COR) for local SIP IP phones to the outgoing PSTN.
For example, to block outgoing 1-900 numbers.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service voip
4. allow-connections sip to sip
5. sip
6. registrar server [expires [max sec] [min sec]]
7. end
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 voice service voip Enters voice service configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 4 allow-connections sip to sip Allows connections from SIP to SIP endpoints.
Router(config-voi-srv)# allow-connections sip
to sip
Router(config-voi-srv)# sip
Ensure that the registration expiration timeout is set
to a value smaller than the TCP connection aging
timeout to avoid disconnection from the TCP.
Router(conf-serv-sip)# end
What to Do Next
For incoming SIP Register messages to be successfully accepted, users must also set up a voice register
pool. See the “Configuring Backup Registrar Service to SIP Phones” section on page 84.
• The SIP registrar must be configured before a voice register pool is set up. See the “Configuring the
SIP Registrar” section on page 82 for complete instructions.
• The id command identifies the individual SIP IP phone or sets of SIP IP phones that are to be
configured. Thus, the id command configured in Step 5 is required and must be configured before
any other voice register pool commands. When the mac address keyword and argument are used,
the IP phone must be in the same subnet as that of the router’s LAN interface, such that the phone’s
MAC address is visible in the router’s Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache. Once a MAC
address is configured for a specific voice register pool, remove the existing MAC address before
changing to a new MAC address.
• Proxy dial peers are autogenerated dial peers that route all calls from the PSTN to
Cisco Unified SIP SRST. When a SIP phone registers to Cisco Unified SIP SRST and the proxy
command is enabled, two dial peers are automatically created. The first dial peer routes to the proxy,
and the second (or fallback) dial peer routes to the SIP phone. The same functionality can also be
achieved with the appropriate creation of static dial peers (manually creating dial peers that point to
the proxy). Proxy dial peers can be monitored to one proxy IP address, only. That is, only one proxy
from a voice registration pool can be monitored at a time. If more than one proxy address needs to
be monitored, you must manually create and configure additional dial peers.
Note To monitor SIP proxies, the call fallback active command must be configured, as described in Step 3.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. call fallback active
4. voice register pool tag
5. id {network address mask mask | ip address mask mask | mac address}
6. preference preference-order
7. proxy ip-address [preference value] [monitor probe {icmp-ping | rtr} [alternate-ip-address]]
8. voice-class codec tag
9. application application-name
10. end
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 call fallback active (Optional) Enables a call request to fall back to alternate
dial peers in case of network congestion.
Example: • This command is used if you want to monitor the proxy
Router(config)# call fallback active dial peer and fallback to the next preferred dial peer.
For full information on the call fallback active
command, see PSTN Fallback Feature.
Step 4 voice register pool tag Enters voice register pool configuration mode for SIP
Example: • Use this command to control which registrations are
Router(config)# voice register pool 12 accepted or rejected by a Cisco Unified SIP SRST
Step 5 id {network address mask mask | ip address mask Explicitly identifies a locally available individual or set of
mask | mac address} SIP IP phones. The keywords and arguments are defined as
Example: • network address mask mask: The network address
Router(config-register-pool)# id network mask mask keyword/argument combination is used to mask
accept SIP Register messages for the indicated phone
numbers from any IP phone within the indicated IP
• ip address mask mask: The ip address mask mask
keyword/argument combination is used to identify an
individual phone.
• mac address: MAC address of a particular
Cisco Unified IP Phone.
Step 6 preference preference-order Sets the preference order for the VoIP dial peers to be
created. Range is from 0 to 10. Default is 0, which is the
highest preference.
Router(config-register-pool)# preference 2 • The preference must be greater (lower priority) than the
preference configured with the preference keyword in
the proxy command.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
What to Do Next
There are several more voice register pool commands that add functionality, but that are not required.
See the “Configuring Backup Registrar Service to SIP Phones (Using Optional Commands)” section on
page 88 for these commands.
• Prerequisites as described in the “Configuring Backup Registrar Service to SIP Phones” section on
page 84.
• Configuration of the required commands as described in the “Configuring Backup Registrar Service
to SIP Phones” section on page 84.
• Before configuring the 'alias' command, translation rules must be set using the translate-outgoing
(voice register pool) command.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool tag
4. translation-profile outgoing profile-tag
5. alias tag pattern to target [preference value]
6. cor {incoming | outgoing} cor-list-name {cor-list-number starting-number [- ending-number] |
7. incoming called-number [number]
8. number tag number-pattern {preference value} [huntstop]
9. dtmf-relay [cisco-rtp] [rtp-nte] [sip-notify]
10. end
Router# configure terminal
Router(config-register-pool)# end
The following partial output from the show running-config command shows that voice register pool 12
is configured to accept all registrations from SIP IP phones with extension number 50xx from the network. Autogenerated dial peers for registrations that match pool 12 have attributes
configured in this pool.
voice register pool 12
id network mask
number 1 50.. preference 2
preference 2
incoming called-number
cor incoming allowall default
translate-outgoing called 1
voice-class codec 1
1. configure terminal
2. voice register pool tag
3. proxy ip-address [preference value] [monitor probe {icmp-ping | rtr} [alternate-ip-address]]
4. end
5. show voice register dial-peers
6. show dial-peer voice
Router(config-register-pool)# proxy
preference 1 monitor probe icmp-ping
Step 4 end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 5 show voice register dial-peers Use this command to verify dial-peer
configurations, and notice that icmp-ping
monitoring is set.
Router# show voice register dial-peers
dial-peer voice 40035 voip
preference 5
destination-pattern 91011
session target ipv4:
session protocol sipv2
voice-class codec 1
Where to Go Next
The next step is configuring incoming and outgoing calls for Cisco Unified SRST. For more information,
see the “Configuring Call Handling” section on page 99.
For additional information, see the “Additional References” section on page 27 in the “Cisco Unified
SRST Feature Overview” section on page 1 chapter.
This chapter describes how to configure Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site Telephony (Cisco Unified
SRST) for incoming and outgoing calls for SCCP phones.
This chapter also describes support for standardized RFC 3261 features for SIP phones. Features include
call blocking and call forwarding.
Note Configuring Call Handling for SIP phones applies to versions 4.0 and 3.4 only.
• Prerequisites for Configuring SIP SRST Features Using Back-to-Back User Agent Mode, page 100
• Restrictions for Configuring SIP SRST Features Using Back-to-Back User Agent Mode, page 100
• Information About Configuring SCCP SRST Call Handling, page 100
• Information About Configuring SIP SRST Features Using Back-to-Back User Agent Mode,
page 101
• How to Configure Cisco Unified SCCP SRST, page 103
• How to Configure Cisco Unified SIP SRST, page 140
• How to Configure Optional Features, page 150
• Configuration Examples for Call Handling, page 152
• Where to Go Next, page 153
Cisco Unified SIP SRST and Cisco SIP Communications Manager Express
Feature Crossover
The voice regisiter dn, voice register global and voice register pool configuration mode commands are
accessible in both Cisco Unified SIP CME and Cisco Unified SIP SRST modes of operation. However,
not all of the commands within these modes are intended for use in SIP SRST mode. Table 7-1 provides
a summary guide to which commands are relevant to the CME or SRST modes of operation.
For more detailed information, refer to the command reference pages for each of the individual
Table 7-1 Version 3.4 New or Enhanced Commands for Cisco Unified SRST and Cisco Unified CME (Sorted
by Configuration Mode)
Configurable for
Voice Cisco Unified (SIP ) CME Applicable to
Dial Register and Cisco Unified SIP Cisco Unified (SIP) CME
Command Peer Mode SRST Only
after-hour exempt X dn X —
auto-answer — dn — X
call forward X dn X —
huntstop X dn X —
label — dn — X
name — dn — X
number X dn X —
preference X dn X —
application X global X —
authenticate — global — X
create — global — X
date-format — global — X
dst — global — X
external ring — global X —
file — global — X
hold-alert — global — X
load — global — X
logo — global — X
max-dn — global X —
max-pool — global X —
max-redirect — global — X
mode — global X —
mwi — global — X
reset — global — X
tftp-path — global — X
timezone — global — X
upgrade — global — X
url — global — X
voicemail — global — X
after-hour exempt X pool X —
application X pool X —
call-forward — pool X —
call-waiting — pool — X
Table 7-1 Version 3.4 New or Enhanced Commands for Cisco Unified SRST and Cisco Unified CME (Sorted
by Configuration Mode) (continued)
Configurable for
Voice Cisco Unified (SIP ) CME Applicable to
Dial Register and Cisco Unified SIP Cisco Unified (SIP) CME
Command Peer Mode SRST Only
codec X pool X —
description — pool — X
dnd-control — pool — X
dtmf-relay — pool X —
id — pool X —
keep-conference — pool — X
max-pool — pool X —
number X pool X —
preference X pool X —
proxy X pool X —
reset — pool — X
speed-dial — pool — X
template — pool — X
translation-profile X pool X —
type — pool — X
username — pool — X
vad X pool X —
anonymous — template — X
caller-id — template — X
conference — template — X
dnd-control — template — X
forward — template — X
transfer — template — X
1. call-manager-fallback
2. call-forward busy directory-number
3. call-forward noan directory-number timeout seconds
4. exit
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 call-forward busy directory-number Configures call forwarding to another number when the
Cisco IP phone is busy.
Example: • directory-number: Selected directory number
Router(config-cm-fallback)# call-forward busy representing a fully qualified E.164 number. This
50.. number can contain “.” wildcard characters that
correspond to the right-justified digits in the directory
number extension.
Step 3 call-forward noan directory-number timeout Configures call forwarding to another number when no
seconds answer is received from the Cisco IP phone.
• directory-number: Selected directory number
Example: representing a fully qualified E.164 number or a local
Router(config-cm-fallback)# call-forward noan extension number. This number can contain “.”
5005 timeout 10
wildcard characters that correspond to the
right-justified digits in the directory number extension.
• timeout seconds: Sets the waiting time, in seconds,
before the call is forwarded to another phone. The
seconds range is from 3 to 60000.
Step 4 exit Exits call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
The following example forwards calls to extension number 5005 when an incoming call reaches a busy
or unattended IP phone extension number. Incoming calls will ring for 15 seconds before being
forwarded to extension 5005.
call-forward busy 5005
call-forward noan 5005 timeout seconds 15
The following example transforms an extension number for call forwarding when the extension number
is busy or unattended. The call-forward busy command has an argument of 50.., which prepends the
digits 50 to the last two digits of the called extension. The resulting extension is the number to which
incoming calls are forwarded when the original extension number is busy or unattended. For instance,
an incoming call to the busy extension 6002 will be forwarded to extension 5002, and an incoming call
to the busy extension 3442 will be forwarded to extension 5042. Incoming calls will ring for 15 seconds
before being forwarded.
call-forward busy 50..
call-forward noan 50.. timeout seconds 15
Note We recommend the alias command, which obsoletes the default-destination command, instead of the
default-destination command.
The alias command provides a mechanism for rerouting calls to telephone numbers that are unavailable
during fallback. Up to 50 sets of rerouting alias rules can be created for calls to telephone numbers that
are unavailable during Cisco Unified Communications Manager fallback. Sets of alias rules are created
using the alias command. An alias is activated when a telephone registers that has a phone number
matching a configured alternate-number alias. Under that condition, an incoming call is rerouted to the
alternate number. The alternate-number argument can be used in multiple alias commands, allowing you
to reroute multiple different numbers to the same target number.
The configured alternate-number must be a specific E.164 phone number or extension that belongs to
an IP phone registered on the Cisco Unified SRST router. When an IP phone registers with a number that
matches an alternate-number, an additional POTS dial peer is created. The destination pattern is set to
the initial configured number-pattern, and the POTS dial peer voice port is set to match the voice port
associated with the alternate-number.
If other IP phones register with specific phone numbers within the range of the initial number-pattern,
the call is routed back to the IP phone rather than to the alternate-number (according to normal dial-peer
longest-match, preference, and huntstop rules).
The cfw keyword allows you to configure a call forward destination for calls that are busy or not
answered. Call forward no answer is defined as when the phone rings for a user configurable amount of
time, the call is not answered, and is forwarded to the configured destination. Call forward busy and call
forward no answer can be configured to a set string and override globally configured call forward
Note Globally configured settings are selected under call-manager-fallback and apply to all phones that
register for SRST service.
You can also create a specific call forwarding path for a particular number. The benefit of using the cfw
keyword is that during SRST, you can reroute calls from otherwise unreachable numbers onto phones
that are available. Basic hunt groups can be established with call-forwarding rules so that if the first
SRST phone is busy, you can forward the call to a second SRST phone.
The cfw keyword also allows you to alias a phone number to itself, permitting setting of per-phone
number forwarding. An example of aliasing a number to itself follows. If a phone registers with
extension 1001, a dial peer that routes calls to the phone is automatically created for 1001. If the
call-manager-fallback dial-peer preference (set with the max-dn command) for this initial dial peer is
set to 2, the dial peer uses 2 as its preference setting.
Then, use the alias command to alias the phone number to itself:
alias 1 1001 to 1001 preference 1 cfw 2001 timeout 20
In this example, you have created a second dial peer for 1001 to route calls to 1001, but that has
preference 1 and call forwarding to 2001. Because the preference on the dial peer created by the alias
command is now a lower numeric value than the preference that the dial peer first created, all calls come
initially to the dial peer created by the alias command. In that way, they are subject to the forward as set
by the alias command, instead of any call forwarding that may have been set globally.
The alias huntstop keyword is relevant only if you have also set the global no huntstop command under
call-manager-fallback. Also, you may need to set the global no huntstop if you have multiple alias
commands with the same number-pattern and you want to enable hunting on busy between the aliases.
That is, one alias for number-pattern is tried, and then if that phone is busy, the second alias for
number-pattern is tried.
The alias huntstop keyword allows you to turn huntstop behavior back on for an individual alias, if
huntstop is turned off globally by the no huntstop command. Setting the huntstop keyword on an
individual alias stops hunting at the alias, making the alias the final member of the hunt sequence.
1. call-manager-fallback
2. alias tag number-pattern to alternate-number [preference preference-value] [cfw number timeout
timeout-value] [huntstop]
3. max-dn max-directory-numbers [dual-line] [preference preference-order]
4. end
5. show dial-peer voice summary
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 alias tag number-pattern to alternate-number Creates a set rules for rerouting calls to sets of phones that
[preference preference-value] [cfw number are unavailable during Cisco Unified CM fallback.
timeout timeout-value] [huntstop]
• tag: Identifier for alias rule range. The range is from 1
to 50.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# alias 1 60.. to • number-pattern: Pattern to match the incoming
5001 preference 1 cfw 2000 timeout 10 telephone number. This pattern may include wildcards.
• to: Connects the tag number pattern to the alternate
• alternate-number: Alternate telephone number to
route incoming calls to match the number pattern. The
alternate number has to be a specific extension that
belongs to an IP phone that is actively registered on the
Cisco Unified SRST router. The alternate telephone
number can be used in multiple alias commands.
• preference preference-value (Optional). Assigns a
dial-peer preference value to the alias. The preference
value of the associated dial peer is from 0 to 10. Use
with the max-dn command.
• cfw number (Optional). The cfw keyword allows users
to set call forward busy and call forward no answer to
a set string and override globally configured call
forward settings.
• timeout timeout-value (Optional). Sets the ring
no-answer timeout duration for call forwarding, in
seconds. Range is from 3 to 60000.
• huntstop (Optional). Stops call hunting after trying
the alternate number.
Step 3 max-dn max-directory-numbers [dual-line] Sets the maximum possible number of directory numbers
[preference preference-order] or virtual voice ports that can be supported by a router and
sets the global preference for creating the VoIP dial peers
Example: for all directory numbers that are associated with the
Router(config-cm-fallback)# max-dn 10 primary number.
preference 2
• Using the max-dn command sets the preference for the
default dial peers created with the alias command.
• When configuring call rerouting, set the max-dn
preference to a higher numeric preference than the
preference that was set with the alias command.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# end
Step 5 show dial-peer voice summary Displays information for voice dial peers.
• If you suspect a problem with the dial peers, use this
Example: command to display the dial peers created by the alias
Router# show dial-peer voice summary command.
The following example sets the preference keyword in the alias command to a lower preference value
that the preference value created by the max-dn command. Setting the value lower allows the cfw
keyword to take effect. The incoming call to extension 1000 hunts to alias because it has a lower
preference, and no-answer/busy calls to 1000 are forwarded to 2000. All incoming calls to other
extensions in SRST mode are forwarded to 3000 after 10 seconds.
alias 1 1000 to 1000 preference 1 cfw 2000 timeout 10
max-dn 10 preference 2
call-forward busy 3000
call-forward noan 3000 timeout 10
Note The default phone load on Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Release 4.0(1) for the Cisco 7905
and Cisco 7912 IP phones does not enable the PickUp soft key during fallback. To enable the PickUp
soft key on Cisco 7905 and Cisco 7912 IP phones, upgrade your default phone load to
Cisco Unified CM, Version 4.0(1) Sr2. Alternatively, you can upgrade the phone load to
cmterm-7905g-sccp.3-3-8.exe or cmterm-7912g-sccp.3-3-8.exe, respectively.
1. call-manager-fallback
2. no huntstop
3. alias tag number-pattern to alternate-number
4. pickup telephone-number
5. end
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 no huntstop Disables huntstop.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# no huntstop
Step 3 alias tag number-pattern to alternate-number Creates a set rules for rerouting calls to sets of phones that
are unavailable during Cisco Unified CM fallback.
Example: • tag: Identifier for alias rule range. The range is from 1
Router(config-cm-fallback)# alias 1 8005550100 to 50.
to 5001
• number-pattern: Pattern to match the incoming
telephone number. This pattern may include wildcards.
• to: Connects the tag number pattern to the alternate
• alternate-number: Alternate telephone number to
route incoming calls to match the number pattern. The
alternate number has to be a specific extension that
belongs to an IP phone that is actively registered on the
Cisco Unified SRST router. The alternate telephone
number can be used in multiple alias commands.
Step 4 pickup telephone-number Enables the PickUp soft key on all Cisco Unified IP
Phones, allowing an external Direct Inward Dialing (DID)
call coming into one extension to be picked up from
Router(config-cm-fallback)# pickup 8005550100
another extension during SRST. The telephone-number
argument is the telephone number to match an incoming
called number.
Step 5 end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# end
The pickup command is best used with the alias command. The following partial output from the show
running-config command shows the pickup command and the alias command configured to provide
call routing for a pilot number of a hunt group:
no huntstop
alias 1 8005550100 to 5001
alias 2 8005550100 to 5002
alias 3 8005550100 to 5003
alias 4 8005550100 to 5004
pickup 8005550100
When a DID incoming call to 800 555-0100 is received, the alias command routes the call at random to
one of the four extensions (5001 to 5004). Because the pickup command is configured, if the DID call
rings on extension 5002, the call can be answered from any of the other extensions (5001, 5003, 5004)
by pressing the PickUp soft key.
The pickup command works by finding a match based on the incoming DID called number. In this
example, a call from extension 5004 to extension 5001 (an internal call) does not activate the pickup
command because the called number (5001) does not match the configured pickup number (800
555-0100). Thus, the pickup command distinguishes between internal and external calls if multiple calls
are ringing simultaneously.
Note The enhancement, by default, collects the transfer digits from the new call leg. If required, you can
configure the system to collect the transfer digits from the original call leg. See the “Configuring
Transfer Digit Collection Method” section on page 112.
The error handling for transfer failure because of transfer blocking or interdigit timer expiration remains.
It includes displaying an error message on the prompt line and logging it if “debug ephone error” is
enabled, playing a fast-busy or busy tone, and terminating the consultative transfer call leg.
No new configuration is required to support these enhancements.
Conference Calls
No configuration steps are required for these conference call enhancements.
• The Cisco 3200 Series Mobile Access Router does not support SRST.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. call-manager-fallback
4. transfer-digit-collect {new-call | orig-call}
5. end
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 call-manager-fallback Enters call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 4 transfer-digit-collect {new-call | orig-call} Selects the digit-collection method used for consultative
call transfers.
Example: • new-call: Digits are collected from the new call leg.
transfer-digit-collect orig-call
• orig-call: Digits are collected from the original
call-leg. This was the default behavior in versions
before Cisco Unified SRST 4.3.
Step 5 end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config)# end
The following example shows the transfer-digit-collect method set to the legacy value of orig-call:
transfer-digit collect orig-call
1. call-manager-fallback
2. dialplan-pattern tag pattern extension-length length [extension-pattern extension-pattern]
3. exit
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 dialplan-pattern tag pattern extension-length Creates a global prefix that can be used to expand the
length [extension-pattern extension-pattern] abbreviated extension numbers into fully qualified E.164
• tag: Dial-plan string tag used before a 10-digit
Example: telephone number. The tag number is from 1 to 5.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# dialplan-pattern 1
4085550100 extension-length 3 extension-pattern • pattern: Dial-plan pattern, such as the area code, the
4.. prefix, and the first one or two digits of the extension
number, plus wildcard markers or dots (.) for the
Note This example maps all extension numbers 4xx remainder of the extension number digits.
to the PSTN number 40855501xx, so that
extension 412 corresponds to 4085550112. • extension-length: Sets the number of extension digits.
• length: The number of extension digits. The range is
from 1 to 32.
• extension-pattern: (Optional) Sets an extension
number’s leading digit pattern when it is different from
the E.164 telephone number’s leading digits defined in
the pattern argument.
• extension-pattern: (Optional) The extension number’s
leading digit pattern. Consists of one or more digits
and wildcard markers or dots (.). For example, 5..
would include extension 500 to 599; 5... would include
5000 to 5999.
• no-reg: (Optional) Prevents the E.164 numbers in the
dial peer from registering with the gatekeeper.
Step 3 exit Exits call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
The following example shows how to create dial-plan pattern 1 for extension numbers 101 to 199 with
the telephone prefix starting with 4085550. If the following example is set, the router will recognize that
4085550144 matches dial-plan pattern 1. It will use the extension-length keyword to extract the last
three digits of the number 144 and present this as the caller ID for the incoming call.
dialplan-pattern 1 40855501.. extension-length 3 no-reg
In the following example, the leading prefix digit for the 3-digit extension numbers is transformed from
0 to 4, so that the extension-number range becomes 400 to 499:
dialplan-pattern 1 40855500.. extension-length 3 extension-pattern 4..
In the following example, the dialplan-pattern command creates dial-plan pattern 2 for extensions 801
to 899 with the telephone prefix starting with 4085559. As each number in the extension pattern is
declared with the number command, two POTS dial peers are created. In the example, they are 801 (an
internal office number) and 4085559001 (an external number).
dialplan-pattern 2 40855590.. extension-length 3 extension-pattern 8..
Note Digit translation rules have many applications and variations. For further information about them, see
Cisco IOS Voice Configuration Library.
If you are running Cisco SRST 3.2 and later or Cisco Unified SRST 4.0 and later, use the configuration
described in the “Enabling Translation Profiles” section on page 116 instead of using the translate
command as described below. Translation Profiles are new to Cisco SRST 3.2 and provide added
1. call-manager-fallback
2. translate {called | calling} translation-rule-tag
3. exit
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 translate {called | calling} Applies a translation rule to modify the phone number
translation-rule-tag dialed or received by any Cisco Unified IP Phone user
while Cisco Unified CM fallback is active.
Example: • called: Applies the translation rule to an outbound call
Router(config-cm-fallback)# translate called 20 number.
• calling: Applies the translation rule to an inbound call
• translation-rule-tag: The reference number of the
translation rule from 1 to 2147483647.
Step 3 exit Exits call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
The following example applies translation rule 10 to the calls coming into extension 1111. All inbound
calls to 1111 will go to 2222 during Cisco Unified CM fallback.
translation-rule 10
rule 1 1111 2222 abbreviated
translate calling 10
The following is a sample configuration of digit translation rule 20, where the priority of the translation
rule is 1 (the range is from 1 to 15) and the abbreviated representation of a complete number (1234) is
replaced with the number 2345:
translation-rule 20
rule 1 1234 2345 abbreviated
In the configuration below, the voice translation-rule and the rule command allow you to set and define
how a number is to be manipulated. The translate command in voice translation-profile mode defines
the type of number you are going to manipulate, such as a called, calling, or a redirecting number. Once
you have defined your translation profiles, you can then apply the translation profiles in various places,
such as dial peers and voice ports. For SRST, you apply your profiles in call-manager fallback mode.
Cisco IP phones support one incoming and one outgoing translation profile when in SRST mode.
Note For Cisco SRST 3.2 and later versions and Cisco Unified SRST 4.0 and later versions, use the voice
translation-rule and translation-profile commands shown below instead of the translation rule
configuration described in the “Enabling Digit Translation Rules” section on page 115. Voice translation
rules are a separate feature from translation rules. See the voice translation-rule command in Cisco IOS
Voice Command Reference for more information and the VoIP Gateway Trunk and Carrier Based
Routing Enhancements documentation for more general information on translation rules and profiles.
Router(cfg-translation-rule)# exit
Step 4 voice translation-profile name Defines a translation profile for voice calls.
• name: Name of the translation profile. Maximum
Example: length of the voice translation profile name is 31
Router(config)# voice translation-profile name1 alphanumeric characters.
Step 5 translate {called | calling | redirect-called} Associates a voice translation rule with a voice translation
translation-rule-number profile.
• called: Associates the translation rule with called
Example: numbers.
Router(cfg-translation-profile)# translate
called 1 • calling: Associates the translation rule with calling
• redirect-called: Associates the translation rule with
redirected called numbers.
• translation-rule-number: The reference number of the
translation rule from 1 to 2147483647.
Step 6 exit Exits translation-profile configuration mode.
Router(cfg-translation-profile)# exit
Step 7 call-manager-fallback Enters call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
The following example shows the configuration where a translation profile called name1 is created with
two voice translation rules. Rule1 consists of associated calling numbers, and rule2 consists of redirected
called numbers. The Cisco Unified IP Phones in SRST mode are configured with name1.
voice translation-profile name1
translate calling 1
translate called redirect-called 2
translation-profile incoming name1
1. call-manager-fallback
2. huntstop [channel]
3. exit
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 huntstop [channel] Sets the huntstop attribute for the dial peers associated with
the Cisco Unified IP Phone dial peers created during
Communications Manager fallback.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# huntstop channel • For dual-line configurations, the channel keyword
keeps incoming calls from hunting to the second
channel if the first channel is busy or does not answer.
Step 3 exit Exits call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
The following example disables dial-peer hunting during Cisco Unified CM fallback and hunting to the
secondary channels in dual-line phone configurations:
no huntstop channel
1. call-manager-fallback
2. timeouts busy seconds
3. exit
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 timeouts busy seconds Sets the amount of time after which calls are disconnected
when they are transferred to busy destinations.
Example: • seconds: Number of seconds. Range is from 0 to 30.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# timeouts busy 20 Default is 10.
Note This command sets the busy timeout only for calls
that are transferred to busy destinations and does
not affect the timeout for calls that directly dial
busy destinations.
Step 3 exit Exits call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
The following example sets a timeout of 20 seconds for calls that are transferred to busy destinations:
timeouts busy 20
1. call-manager-fallback
2. timeouts ringing seconds
3. exit
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 timeouts ringing seconds Sets the ringing timeout default, in seconds. The range is
from 5 to 60000. There is no default value.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# timeouts ringing 30
Step 3 exit Exits call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
The following example sets the ringing timeout default to 30 seconds:
timeouts ringing 30
1. call-manager-fallback
2. transfer-pattern transfer-pattern
3. exit
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 transfer-pattern transfer-pattern Enables the transfer of a call from a non-IP phone number
to another Cisco Unified IP Phone on the same IP network
using the specified transfer pattern.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# transfer-pattern • transfer-pattern: String of digits for permitted call
52540.. transfers. Wildcards are permitted.
Step 3 exit Exits call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
In the following example, the transfer-pattern command permits transfers from a non-IP phone number
to any Cisco Unified IP Phone on the same IP network with a number in the range from 5550100 to
transfer-pattern 55501..
Enabling Consultative Call Transfer and Forward Using H.450.2 and H.450.3 with Cisco SRST
Consultative call transfer using H.450.2 adds support for initiating call transfers and call forwarding on
a call leg using the ITU-T H.450.2 and ITU-T H.450.3 standards. Call transfers and call forwarding using
H.450.2 and H.450.3 can be blind or consultative. A blind call transfer or blind call forward is one in
which the transferring or forwarding phone connects the caller to a destination line before a ringing tone
begins. A consultative transfer is one in which the transferring or forwarding party either connects the
caller to a ringing phone (ringback heard) or speaks with the third party before connecting the caller to
the third party.
Note For Cisco SRST 3.1 and later versions and Cisco Unified SRST 4.0 and later versions, call transfer and
call forward using H.450.2 is supported automatically with the default session application.
• Call transfer with consultation is available only when a second line or call instance is supported by
the IP phone. Please see the dual-line keyword in the max-dn command.
• All voice gateway routers in the VoIP network must support the H.450 standard.
• All voice gateway routers in the VoIP network must be running the following software:
– Cisco IOS Release 12.3(2)T or a later release
– Cisco SRST 3.0
1. call-manager-fallback
2. call-forward pattern pattern (call forward only)
3. transfer-system {blind | full-blind | full-consult | local-consult} (call transfer only)
4. transfer-pattern transfer-pattern (call transfer only)
5. exit
6. voice service voip
7. h323
8. h450 h450-2 timeout {T1 | T2 | T3 | T4} milliseconds
9. end
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 call-forward pattern pattern Specifies the H.450.3 standard for call forwarding.
• pattern: Digits to match for call forwarding using the
Example: H.450.3 standard. If an incoming calling-party number
Router(config-cm-fallback)# call-forward matches the pattern, it can be forwarded using the
pattern 4... H.450.3 standard. A pattern of .T forwards all calling
parties using the H.450.3 standard.
Step 3 transfer-system {blind | full-blind | Not supported if the transfer-to destination is on the Cisco
full-consult | local-consult} ATA, Cisco VG224, or an SCCP-controlled FXS port.
Defines the call-transfer method for all lines served by the
Example: Cisco Unified SRST router.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# transfer-system
full-consult • blind: Calls are transferred without consultation with a
single phone line using the Cisco proprietary method.
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 7 h323 (Optional) Enters H.323 voice service configuration mode.
Router(conf-voi-serv)# h323
Step 8 h450 h450-2 timeout {T1 | T2 | T3 | T4} (Optional) Sets timeouts for supplementary service timers,
milliseconds in milliseconds. This command is used primarily when the
default settings for these timers do not match your network
Example: delay parameters. See the ITU-T H.450.2 specification for
Router(conf-serv-h323)# h450 h450-2 timeout T1 more information on these timers.
• T1: Timeout value to wait to identify a response.
Default is 2000.
• T2: Timeout value to wait for call setup.
Default is 5000.
• T3: Timeout value to wait to initiate a response. Default
is 5000.
• T4: Timeout value to wait for setup of a response.
Default is 5000.
• milliseconds: Number of milliseconds.
Range is from 500 to 60000.
Step 9 end (Optional) Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(conf-serv-h323)# end
The following example specifies transfer with consultation using the H.450.2 standard for all IP phones
serviced by the Cisco Unified SRST router:
dial-peer voice 100 pots
destination-pattern 9.T
port 1/0/0
transfer-pattern 4…
transfer-system full-consult
The following example enables call forwarding using the H.450.3 standard:
dial-peer voice 100 pots
destination-pattern 9.T
port 1/0/0
dial-peer voice 4000 voip
destination-pattern 4
session-target ipv4:
call-forward pattern 4
Enabling Analog Transfer Using Hookflash and the H.450.2 Standard with Cisco SRST 3.0 or
Analog call transfer using hookflash and the H.450.2 standard allows analog phones to transfer calls with
consultation by using the hookflash to initiate the transfer. Hookflash refers to the short on-hook period
usually generated by a telephone-like device during a call to indicate that the telephone is attempting to
perform a dial-tone recall from a PBX. Hookflash is often used to perform call transfer. For example, a
hookflash occurs when a caller quickly taps once on the button in the cradle of an analog phone’s
This feature requires installation of a Tool Command Language (Tcl) script. The script
app-h450-transfer.tcl must be downloaded from the Cisco Software Center at and copied to a TFTP server that is available to the
Cisco Unified SRST router or copied to the flash memory on the Cisco Unified SRST router. To apply
this script globally to all dial peers, use the call application global command in global configuration
mode. The Tcl script has parameters to which you can pass values using attribute-value (AV) pairs in the
call application voice command. The parameter that applies to this feature is as follows:
• delay-time: Speeds up or delays the setting up of the consultation call during a call transfer from an
analog phone using a delay timer. When all digits have been collected, the delay timer is started. The
call setup to the receiving party does not begin until the delay timer expires. If the transferring party
goes on-hook before the delay timer expires, the transfer is considered a blind transfer rather than a
consultative transfer. If the transferring party goes on-hook after the delay timer expires, either
while the destination phone is ringing or after the destination party answers, the transfer is
considered a consultative transfer.
In addition to the Tcl script, a ReadMe file describes the script and the configurable AV pairs. Read this
file whenever you download a new version of the script because it may contain additional script-specific
information, such as configuration parameters and user interface descriptions.
Note For Cisco SRST 3.1 and later versions and Cisco Unified SRST 4.0 and later versions, call transfer using
H.450.2 is supported automatically with the default session application.
• The H.450 Tcl script named app-h450-transfer.tcl must be downloaded from the Cisco Software
Center. The following versions of the script are available:
– app-h450-transfer. for Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)YT1 and later releases
– app-h450-transfer. for Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)YT
• All voice gateway routers in the VoIP network must support H.450 and be running the following
– Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)YT or a later release
– Cisco SRST V3.0 or a lower version
Note You can continue to use the app-h450-transfer. script if you install Cisco IOS
Release 12.2(11)YT1 or later, but you cannot use the app-h450-transfer. script with a release
of Cisco IOS software that is earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)YT1.
• When a consultative transfer is made by an analog FXS phone using hookflash, the consultation call
itself cannot be further transferred (that is, it cannot become a recursive or chained transfer) until
after the initial transfer operation is completed and the transferee and transfer-to parties are
connected. After the initial call transfer operation is completed and the transferee and transfer-to
parties are now the only parties in the call, the transfer-to party may further transfer the call.
• Call transfer with consultation is not supported for Cisco ATA-186, Cisco ATA-188, and Cisco IP
Conference Station 7935. Transfer attempts from these devices are executed as blind transfers.
Router(config-dial-peer)# application
Step 7 exit Exits dial-peer configuration mode.
Timesaver Before exiting dial-peer configuration mode,
Example: configure any other dial-peer parameters that
Router(config-dial-peer)# exit you need to set for this dial peer.
Step 8 dial-peer voice number voip Enters dial-peer configuration mode to configure a VoIP
dial peer.
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 29 voip
Step 9 application application-name Loads the application named in Step 1 onto the dial peer.
Router(config-dial-peer)# application
Step 10 exit Exits dial-peer configuration mode.
Timesaver Before exiting dial-peer configuration mode,
Example: configure any other dial-peer parameters that
Router(config-dial-peer)# exit you need to set for this dial peer.
The following example enables the H.450 Tcl script for analog transfer using hookflash and sets a delay
time of 1 second:
call application voice transfer_app flash:app-h450-transfer.tcl
call application voice transfer_app language 1 en
call application voice transfer_app set-location en 0 flash:/prompts
call application voice transfer_app delay-time 1
dial-peer voice 25 pots
destination-pattern 9.T
port 1/0/0
application transfer_app
dial-peer voice 29 voip
destination-pattern 4…
session-target ipv4:
application transfer_app
Note Configure trunk access codes only if your normal network dial-plan configuration prevents you from
configuring permanent POTS voice dial peers to provide trunk access for use during fallback. If you
already have local PSTN ports configured with the appropriate access codes provided by dial peers (for
example, dial 9 to select an FXO PSTN line), this configuration is not needed.
Trunk access codes provide IP phones with access to the PSTN during Cisco Unified CM fallback by
creating POTS voice dial peers that are active during Cisco Unified CM fallback only. These temporary
dial peers, which can be matched to voice ports (BRI, E&M, FXO, and PRI), allow Cisco Unified IP
Phones access to trunk lines during Cisco Unified CM mode. When Cisco Unified SRST is active, all
PSTN interfaces of the same type are treated as equivalent, and any port may be selected to place the
outgoing PSTN call.
Trunk access codes are created using the access-code command.
1. call-manager-fallback
2. access-code {{fxo | e&m} dial-string | {bri | pri} dial-string [direct-inward-dial]}
3. exit
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 access-code {{fxo | e&m} dial-string | {bri | Configures trunk access codes for each type of line so that
pri} dial-string [direct-inward-dial]} the Cisco Unified IP Phones can access the trunk lines only
in Cisco Unified Communications Manager fallback mode
Example: when the Cisco Unified SRST is enabled.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# access-code e&m 8 • fxo: Enables a Foreign Exchange Office (FXO)
• e&m: Enables an analog Ear and Mouth (E&M)
• dial-string: String of characters that sets up dial access
codes for each specified line type by creating dial
peers. The dial-string argument is used to set up
temporary dial peers for each specified line type.
• bri: Enables a BRI interface.
• pri: Enables a PRI interface.
• direct-inward-dial: (Optional) Enables Direct Inward
Dialing (DID) on the POTS dial peer.
Step 3 exit Exits call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
The following example creates access code number 8 for BRI and enables DID on the POTS dial peer:
access-code bri 8 direct-inward-dial
1. call-manager-fallback
2. timeouts interdigit seconds
3. exit
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 timeouts interdigit seconds (Optional) Configures the interdigit timeout value for all
Cisco IP phones that are attached to the router.
Example: • seconds: Interdigit timeout duration, in seconds, for all
Router(config-cm-fallback)# timeouts interdigit Cisco Unified IP Phones. Valid entries are integers
5 from 2 to 120.
Step 3 exit Exits call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
The following example sets the interdigit timeout value to 5 seconds for all Cisco Unified IP Phones. In
this example, 5 seconds are the elapsed time after which an incompletely dialed number times out. For
example, a caller who dials nine digits (408555010) instead of the required ten digits (4085550100) will
hear a busy tone after the second timeout elapses.
timeouts interdigit 5
a Cisco Unified SRST router and try to make a call from that phone, the call will be considered an
incoming call to the router and voice port. If you make a call to the FXS phone, the call will be
considered outgoing.
By default, an incoming call leg has the highest COR priority; the outgoing call leg has the lowest
priority. If there is no COR configuration for incoming calls on a dial peer, you can make a call from a
phone attached to the dial peer, so that the call will go out of any dial peer regardless of the COR
configuration on that dial peer. Table 7-2 describes call functionality based on how your COR lists are
1. call-manager-fallback
2. cor {incoming | outgoing} cor-list-name {cor-list-number starting-number - ending-number |
3. exit
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 cor {incoming | outgoing} cor-list-name Configures a COR on dial peers associated with directory
[cor-list-number starting-number - numbers.
ending-number | default]
• incoming: COR list to be used by incoming dial peers.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
The following example shows how to set a dial-peer COR parameter for outgoing calls to the
Cisco Unified IP Phone dial peers and directory numbers created during fallback:
cor outgoing LockforPhoneC 1 5010 - 5020
The following example shows how to set the dial-peer COR parameter for incoming calls to the Cisco IP
phone dial peers and directory numbers in the default COR list:
cor incoming LockforPhoneC default
The following example shows how sub- and super-COR sets are created. First, a custom dial-peer COR
is created with names declared under it:
dial-peer cor custom
name 911
name 1800
name 1900
name local_call
In the following configuration example, COR lists are created and applied to the dial peer:
dial-peer cor list call911
member 911
In the example below, five dial peers are configured for destination numbers 734…., 1800…….,
1900……., 316…., and 911. A COR list is applied to each of the dial peers.
dial-peer voice 1 voip
destination pattern 734....
session target ipv4:
cor outgoing calllocal
Call Blocking (Toll Bar) Based on Time of Day and Day of Week or Date
Call blocking to prevent unauthorized use of phones is implemented by matching a pattern of specified
digits during a specified time of day and day of week or date. Up to 32 patterns of digits can be specified.
Call blocking is supported on IP phones only and not on analog foreign exchange station (FXS) phones.
When a user attempts to place a call to digits that match a pattern that is specified for call blocking during
a time period that is defined for call blocking, a fast busy signal is played for approximately 10 seconds.
The call is then terminated, and the line is placed back in on-hook status.
In SRST (call-manager-fallback configuration) mode, there is no phone- or pin-based exemption to
after-hours call blocking.
1. call-manager-fallback
2. after-hours block pattern tag pattern [7-24]
3. after-hours day day start-time stop-time
4. after-hours date month date start-time stop-time
5. exit
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 after-hours block pattern tag pattern [7-24] Defines a pattern of outgoing digits to be blocked. Up to 32
patterns can be defined, using individual commands.
Example: • If the 7-24 keyword is specified, the pattern is always
Router(config-cm-fallback)# after-hours block blocked, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
pattern 1 91900
• If the 7-24 keyword is not specified, the pattern is
blocked during the days and dates that are defined using
the after-hours day and after-hours date commands.
Step 3 after-hours day day start-time stop-time Defines a recurring time period based on the day of the
week during which calls are blocked to outgoing dial
patterns that are defined using the after-hours block
Router(config-cm-fallback)# after-hours day mon
pattern command.
19:00 7:00 • day: Day of the week abbreviation. The following are
valid day abbreviations: sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri,
• start-time stop-time: Beginning and ending times for
call blocking, in an HH:MM format using a 24-hour
clock. If the stop time is a smaller value than the start
time, the stop time occurs on the day following the start
time. For example, “mon 19:00 07:00” means “from
Monday at 7 p.m. until Tuesday at 7 a.m.”
Step 4 after-hours date month date start-time Defines a recurring time period based on month and date
stop-time during which calls are blocked to outgoing dial patterns that
are defined using the after-hours block pattern command.
Example: • month: Month abbreviation. The following are valid
Router(config-cm-fallback)# after-hours date month abbreviations: jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul,
jan 1 0:00 0:00
aug, sep, oct, nov, dec.
• date: Date of the month. Range is from 1 to 31.
• start-time stop-time: Beginning and ending times for
call blocking, in an HH:MM format using a 24-hour
clock. The stop time must be larger than the start time.
The value 24:00 is not valid. If 00:00 is entered as an
stop time, it is changed to 23:59. If 00:00 is entered for
both start time and stop time, calls are blocked for the
entire 24-hour period on the specified date.
Step 5 exit Exits call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
The following example defines several patterns of digits for which outgoing calls are blocked. Patterns 1
and 2, which block calls to external numbers that begin with “1” and “011,” are blocked on Monday
through Friday before 7 a.m. and after 7 p.m., on Saturday before 7 a.m. and after 1 p.m., and all day
Sunday. Pattern 3 blocks calls to 900 numbers 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
after-hours block pattern 1 91
after-hours block pattern 2 9011
after-hours block pattern 3 91900 7-24
after-hours block day mon 19:00 07:00
after-hours block day tue 19:00 07:00
after-hours block day wed 19:00 07:00
after-hours block day thu 19:00 07:00
after-hours block day fri 19:00 07:00
after-hours block day sat 13:00 12:00
after-hours block day sun 12:00 07:00
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global tag
4. max-pool max-voice-register-pools
5. application application-name
6. external ring {bellcore-dr1 | bellcore-dr2 | bellcore-dr3 | bellcore-dr4 | bellcore-dr5}
7. exit
8. voice register pool tag
9. no vad
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 voice register global tag Enters voice register global configuration mode to set
global parameters for all supported Cisco SIP IP phones in
a Cisco Unified SIP SRST environment.
Router(config)# voice register global 12
Step 4 max-pool max-voice-register-pools Sets the maximum number of SIP voice register pools that
are supported in a Cisco Unified SIP SRST environment.
The max-voice-register-pools argument represents the
Router(config-register-global)# max-pool 10
maximum number of SIP voice register pools supported by
the Cisco Unified SIP SRST router. The upper limit of voice
register pools is version- and platform-dependent; see
Cisco IOS command-line interface (CLI) help. Default is 0.
Step 5 application application-name Selects the session-level application for all dial peers
associated with SIP phones. Use the application-name
argument to define a specific interactive voice response
Router(config-register-global)# application
(IVR) application.
Step 6 external-ring {bellcore-dr1 | bellcore-dr2 | Specifies the type of ring sound used on Cisco SIP or
bellcore-dr3 | bellcore-dr4 | bellcore-dr5} Cisco SCCP IP phones for external calls. Each bellcore-dr
1-5 keyword supports standard distinctive ringing patterns
Example: as defined in the standard GR-506-CORE, LSSGR:
Router(config-register-global)# external-ring Signaling for Analog Interfaces.
Router(config-register-global)# exit
Step 8 voice register pool tag Enters voice register pool configuration mode for SIP
Example: • Use this command to control which phone registrations
Router(config)# voice register pool 20 are to be accepted or rejected by a Cisco Unified SIP
SRST device.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
To configure SIP-to-SIP call forwarding, you must first allow connections between specific types of
endpoints in a Cisco IP-to-IP gateway. The allow-connections command grants this capability. Once the
SIP-to-SIP connections are allowed, you can configure call forwarding under an individual SIP phone
pool. Any of the following commands can be used to configure call forwarding, according to your needs:
• Under voice register pool
– call-forward b2bua all directory-number
– call-forward b2bua busy directory-number
– call-forward b2bua mailbox directory-number
– call-forward b2bua noan directory-number [timeout seconds]
In a typical Cisco Unified SIP SRST setup, the call-forward b2bua mailbox command is not used;
however, it is likely to be used in a Cisco Unified SIP Communications Manager Express (CME)
environment. Detailed procedures for configuring the call-forward b2bua mailbox command are found
in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CallManager) documentation on
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool tag
4. call-forward b2bua all directory-number
5. call-forward b2bua busy directory-number
6. call-forward b2bua mailbox directory-number
7. call-forward b2bua noan directory-number timeout seconds
8. end
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 voice register pool tag Enters voice register pool configuration mode.
• Use this command to control which phone registrations
Example: are accepted or rejected by a Cisco Unified SIP SRST
Router(config)# voice register pool 15 device.
Step 4 call-forward b2bua all directory-number Enables call forwarding for a SIP back-to-back user agent
(B2BUA) so that all incoming calls are forwarded to
another non-SIP station extension (that is, SIP trunk, H.323
Router(config-register-pool)# call-forward
trunk, SCCP device or analog/digital trunk).
b2bua all 5005 • directory-number: Telephone number to which calls are
forwarded. Represents a fully qualified E.164 number.
Maximum length of the telephone number is 32.
Step 5 call-forward b2bua busy directory-number Enables call forwarding for a SIP B2BUA so that incoming
calls to a busy extension are forwarded to another extension.
Example: • directory-number: Telephone number to which calls are
Router(config-register-pool)# call-forward forwarded. Represents a fully qualified E.164 number.
b2bua busy 5006 Maximum length of the telephone number is 32.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Note Pin-based exemptions and the “Login” toll-bar override are not supported in Cisco Unified SIP SRST.
The commands used for SIP phone call blocking are the same commands that are used for SCCP phones
on your Cisco Unified SRST system. The Cisco SRST session application accesses the current
after-hours configuration under call-manager-fallback mode and applies it to calls originated by
Cisco SIP phones that are registered to the Cisco SRST router. The commands used in
call-manager-fallback mode that set block criteria (time/date/block pattern) are the following:
• after-hours block pattern pattern-tag pattern [7-24]
• after-hours day day start-time stop-time
• after-hours date month date start-time stop-time
When a user attempts to place a call to digits that match a pattern that has been specified for call blocking
during a time period that has been defined for call blocking, the call is immediately terminated and the
caller hears a fast busy.
In SRST (call-manager-fallback configuration mode), there is no phone- or pin-based exemption to
after-hours call blocking. However, in Cisco Unified SIP SRST (voice register pool mode), individual IP
phones can be exempted from all call blocking using the after-hours exempt command.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. call-manager-fallback
4. after-hours block pattern tag pattern [7-24]
5. after-hours day day start-time stop-time
6. after-hours date month date start-time stop-time
7. exit
8. voice register pool tag
9. after-hour exempt
10. end
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 call-manager-fallback Enters call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 4 after-hours block pattern tag pattern [7-24] Defines a pattern of outgoing digits to be blocked. Up to 32
patterns can be defined, using individual commands.
Example: • If the 7-24 keyword is specified, the pattern is always
Router(config-cm-fallback)# after-hours block blocked, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
pattern 1 91900
• If the 7-24 keyword is not specified, the pattern is
blocked during the days and dates that are defined using
the after-hours day and after-hours date commands.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
Step 8 voice register pool tag Enters voice register pool configuration mode.
• Use this command to control which registrations are
Example: accepted or rejected by a Cisco Unified SIP SRST
Router(config)# voice register pool 12 device.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
The following example defines several patterns of digits for which outgoing calls are blocked. Patterns 1
and 2, which block calls to external numbers that begin with 1 and 011, are blocked on Monday through
Friday before 7 a.m. and after 7 p.m. Pattern 3 blocks calls to 900 numbers 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
after-hours block pattern 1 91
after-hours block pattern 2 9011
after-hours block pattern 3 91900 7-24
after-hours day mon 19:00 07:00
after-hours day tue 19:00 07:00
after-hours day wed 19:00 07:00
after-hours day thu 19:00 07:00
after-hours day fri 19:00 07:00
The following example exempts a Cisco SIP phone pool from the configured blocking criteria:
voice register pool 1
after-hour exempt
To verify the feature’s configuration, enter one of the following commands:
• show voice register dial-peer: Displays all the dial peers created dynamically by phones that have
registered. This command also displays configurations for after hours blocking and call forwarding.
• show voice register pool <tag>: Displays information regarding a specific pool.
• debug ccsip message: Debugs basic B2BUA calls.
For more information about these commands, see Cisco Unified SRST and Cisco Unified SIP SRST
Command Reference (All Versions).
Router# show running-config
Building configuration...
id mac 0012.7F57.60AA
number 1 1000
call-forward b2bua busy 2413
call-forward b2bua noan 2414 timeout 30
codec g711ulaw
voice register pool 2
id mac 0012.7F3B.9025
number 1 2800
codec g711ulaw
voice register pool 3
id mac 0012.7F57.628F
number 1 2801
codec g711ulaw
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
ip classless
ip route GigabitEthernet0/0
ip http server
dial-peer voice 1000 voip
destination-pattern 24..
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
codec g711ulaw
! Define call blocking under call-manager-fallback mode
max-conferences 4 gain -6
after-hours block pattern 1 2417
1. call-manager-fallback
2. max-conferences max-conference-numbers
3. exit
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 max-conferences max-conference-numbers Sets the maximum number of simultaneous three-party
conferences supported by the router. The maximum number
possible is platform dependent:
Router(config-cm-fallback)# max-conferences 16 • Cisco 1751 router:8
• Cisco 1760 router:8
• Cisco 2600 series routers:8
• Cisco 2600-XM series routers:8
• Cisco 2801 router:8
• Cisco 2811, Cisco 2821, and Cisco 2851 routers:16
• Cisco 3640 and Cisco 3640A routers:8
• Cisco 3660 router: 16
• Cisco 3725 router: 16
• Cisco 3745 router: 16
• Cisco 3800 series router: 24
Step 3 exit Exits call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
The following example configures up to eight simultaneous three-way conferences on a router:
max-conferences 8
1. call-manager-fallback
2. xmlschema schema-url
3. exit
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 xmlschema schema-url Specifies the URL for an XML API schema to be used with
this Cisco Unified SRST system.
Example: • schema-url: Local or remote URL as defined in
Router(config-cm-fallback)# xmlschema RFC 2396.
Step 3 exit Exits call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
Pool Tag 5
Mac address is B4A4.E328.4698
Type is 9971 addon 1 CKEM
Number list 1 : DN 2
Number list 2 : DN 3
Proxy Ip address is
DTMF Relay is disabled
Call Waiting is enabled
DnD is disabled
Video is enabled
Camera is enabled
Busy trigger per button value is 0
keep-conference is enabled
registration expires timer max is 200 and min is 60
kpml signal is enabled
Lpcor Type is none
The following example demonstrates how the show voice register pool type command displays all the
phones configured with add-on KEMs in Cisco Unified CME:
Router# show voice register pool type CKEM
Pool ID IP Address Ln DN Number State
==== =============== =============== == === ==================== ============
4 B4A4.E328.4698 1 4 5589$ REGISTERED
Where to Go Next
If you need to configure security, see the “Configuring Secure SRST for SCCP and SIP” section on
page 155, or if you need to configure voicemail, see the “Integrating Voicemail with Cisco Unified
SRST” section on page 239. If you need to configure video parameters, see the “Setting Video
Parameters” section on page 263. If you do not need any of those features, go to the “Monitoring and
Maintaining Cisco Unified SRST” section on page 277.
For additional information, see the “Additional References” section on page 218 in the “Cisco Unified
SRST Feature Overview” section on page 1chapter.
The Secure SRST adds security functionality to the Cisco Unified SRST.
This chapter describes new Secure SRST security features such as authentication, integrity, and media
• Prerequisites for Configuring Secure SRST, page 155
• Restrictions for Configuring Secure SRST, page 156
• Information About Configuring Secure SRST, page 157
• How to Configure Secure Unified SRST, page 164
• Additional References, page 218
• Command Reference, page 220
• Feature Information for Secure SCCP and SIP SRST, page 221
• Where to Go Next, page 221
These messages are informational messages and indicate a temporary inability to configure the
certificate server because the startup configuration has not been fully parsed yet. The messages are
useful for debugging, in case the startup configuration is corrupted.
You can verify the status of the certificate server after the boot procedure using the show crypto pki
server command.
• Secure SCCP SRST is supported only within the scope of a single router.
• Secure SCCP SRST is not supported for Cisco 4000 Series Integrated Services Router.
• Cisco 4000 Series Integrated Services Router only supports Secure SIP SRST. The router series does
not support Secure SCCP SRST.
• SRTP passthrough is not supported.
• SDP Passthrough is not supported.
• Video Calling is not supported.
• Transcoding is not supported.
• Hardware Conferencing is not supported (Only BIB Conferencing is supported).
• It is mandatory to configure security-policy secure under voice register global configuration
Note Only SIP Phones are supported on the Cisco 4000 Series Integrated Services Router for Secure SIP
Note If the CLI command srtp pass-thru is configured under the dial peer voice configuration mode, Secure
MOH does not work.
The transfer of certificates between a Cisco Unified SRST router and Cisco Unified Communications
Manager is mandatory for secure SRST functionality. Public key infrastructure (PKI) commands are
used to generate, import, and export the certificates for secure Cisco Unified SRST. Table 8-1 shows the
secure SRST-supported Cisco Unified IP Phones and the appropriate certificate for each phone. The
“Additional References” section on page 218 contains information and configurations about generating,
importing, and exporting certificates that use PKI commands.
Note Certificate text can vary depending on your configuration. You may also need CAP-RTP-00X or
CAP-SJC-00X for older phones that support manufacturing installed certificate (MIC).
Note Cisco supports Cisco IP Phones 7900 series phone memory reclamation phones that use MIC or locally
significant certificate (LSC) certificates.
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940 Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960 Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970
The phone receives locally significant The phone receives locally significant The phone contains a manufacturing
certificate (LSC) from Certificate certificate (LSC) from Certificate installed certificate (MIC) used for device
Authority Proxy Function (CAPF) in Authority Proxy Function (CAPF) in authentication. If the Cisco 7970
Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) implements MIC, two public certificate
format. format. files are needed:
• 59fe77ccd.0 • 59fe77ccd.0 • CiscoCA.pem (Cisco Root CA, used
to authenticate the certificate.)
The filename may change based on The filename may change based on
the CAPF certificate subject name the CAPF certificate subject name Note The name of the manufacturing
and the CAPF certificate issuer. and the CAPF certificate issuer. certificate can vary depending on
If Cisco Unified Communications If Cisco Unified Communications your configuration.
Manager is using a third-party Manager is using a third-party
• a69d2e04.0, in Privacy Enhanced
certificate provider, there can be certificate provider, there can be
Mail (PEM) format
multiple .0 files (from two to ten). multiple .0 files (from two to ten).
Each .0 certificate file must be Each .0 certificate file must be If Cisco Unified Communications
imported individually during the imported individually during the Manager is using a third-party
configuration. configuration. certificate provider, there can be
multiple .0 files (from two to ten).
Manual enrollment supported only. Manual enrollment supported only.
Each .0 certificate file must be
imported individually during the
Manual enrollment supported only.
Secure SRST introduces a credentials server that runs on a secure SRST router. When the client,
Cisco Unified Communications Manager, requests a certificate through the TLS channel, the credentials
server provides the SRST router certificate to Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager inserts the SRST router certificate in the Cisco Unified IP
Phone configuration file and downloads the configuration files to the phones. The secure Cisco Unified
IP Phone uses the certificate to authenticate the SRST router during fallback operations. The credentials
service runs on default TCP port 2445.
Three Cisco IOS commands configure the credentials server in call-manager-fallback mode:
• credentials
• ip source-address (credentials)
• trustpoint (credentials)
Two Cisco IOS commands provide credential server debugging and verification capabilities:
• debug credentials
• show credentials
In configuring the credentials server on the Unified Secure SRST, a certificate is required to complete
the "trustpoint <trustpoint name>" configuration entry.
To generate the certificate for Credentials Server, perform the following procedures:
• Autoenrolling and Authenticating the Secure Cisco Unified SRST Router to the CA Server,
page 167
• Enabling Credentials Service on the Secure Cisco Unified SRST Router, page 174
• Configuring SRST Fallback on Cisco Unified Communications Manager, page 185
Once the certificate is generated, fill in the name of the certificate (or the name of the trustpoint in IOS)
in the "trustpoint" entry.
This certificate for the Credentials Server on the Secure SRST will be seamlessly exported to the Cisco
Unified CM when requested in “Adding an SRST Reference to Cisco Unified Communications
Manager” section on page 184.
Note Secure SRST handles media encryption keys differently for different devices and protocols. All
phones that are running SCCP get their media encryption keys from SRST, which secures the
media encryption key downloads to phones with TLS encrypted signaling channels. Phones that
are running SIP generate and store their own media encryption keys. Media encryption keys that
are derived by SRST securely get sent via encrypted signaling paths to gateways over
IPSec-protected links for H.323.
Warning Before you configure SRTP or signaling encryption for gateways and trunks, Cisco strongly
recommends that you configure IPSec because Cisco H.323 gateways, and H.323/H.245/H.225
trunks rely on IPSec configuration to ensure that security-related information does not get sent
in the clear. Cisco Unified SRST does not verify that you configured IPSec correctly. If you do
not configure IPSec correctly, security-related information may get exposed.
Figure 8-1 Interworking of Credentials Server on SRST Router, Cisco Unified Communications Manager,
and Cisco Unified IP Phone
Credentials server
1. Cisco Unified Communications Manager running on secure
Cisco Unified requests the Cisco Unified SRST certificate Cisco Unified
Communications from the credentials server. SRST router
2. The credentials server responds
with the certificate.
Cisco IP phone
Cisco Unified
SRST cert
2 4 5 3 1
7940/7960 Cisco Unified
7970 SEPMACxxxx.cnf.xml
MIC Credentials
6 TLS handshake
IP phone 6b 6a
Cisco Unified
LSC/MIC Cisco Unified SRST
SRST cert
Table 8-3 Overview of the Process of Secure SRST Authentication and Encryption
Table 8-3 Overview of the Process of Secure SRST Authentication and Encryption (continued)
Note The media is encrypted automatically after the phone and router certificates are exchanged and the TLS
connection is established with the SRST router.
Autoenrolling and Authenticating the Secure Cisco Unified SRST Router to the CA Server
The secure Cisco Unified SRST Router needs to define a trustpoint; that is, it must obtain a device
certificate from the CA server. The procedure is called certificate enrollment. Once enrolled, the secure
Cisco Unified SRST Router can be recognized by Cisco Unified Communications Manager as a secure
SRST router.
There are three options to enroll the secure Cisco Unified SRST Router to a CA server: autoenrollment,
cut and paste, and TFTP. When the CA server is a Cisco IOS certificate server, autoenrollment can be
used. Otherwise, manual enrollment is required. Manual enrollment refers to cut and paste or TFTP.
Use the enrollment url command for autoenrollment and the crypto pki authenticate command to
authenticate the SRST router. Full instructions for the commands can be found in the Certification
Authority Interoperability Commands documentation. An example of autoenrollment is available in the
Certificate Enrollment Enhancements feature. A sample configuration is provided in the “Examples”
section on page 170.
5. exit
6. crypto pki authenticate name
7. crypto pki enroll name
Step 3 enrollment url url Specifies the enrollment parameters of your CA.
• url url: Specifies the URL of the CA to which your
Example: router should send certificate requests.
Router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment url
• If you are using Cisco proprietary SCEP for enrollment,
url must be in the form, where
CA_name is the host Domain Name System (DNS)
name or IP address of the Cisco IOS CA.
• If you used the procedure documented in the
“Configuring a Certificate Authority Server on a Cisco
IOS Certificate Server” section on page 165, the URL
is the IP address of the certificate server router
configured in Step 1. If a third-party CA was used, the
IP address is to an external CA.
Step 4 revocation-check method1 Checks the revocation status of a certificate. The argument
method1 is the method used by the router to check the
revocation status of the certificate. For this task, the only
Router(ca-trustpoint)# revocation-check none
available method is none. The keyword none means that a
revocation check will not be performed and the certificate
will always be accepted.
• Using the none keyword is mandatory for this task.
Step 5 exit Exits ca-trustpoint configuration mode and returns to global
configuration mode.
Router(ca-trustpoint)# exit
The following example autoenrolls and authenticates the Cisco Unified SRST router:
Router(config)# crypto pki trustpoint srstca
Router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment url
Router(ca-trustpoint)# revocation-check none
Router(ca-trustpoint)# exit
Router(config)# crypto pki authenticate srstca
Note You should disable the grant auto command so that certificates cannot be continually granted.
Router (cs-server)# shutdown
Step 3 no grant auto Disables automatic certificates to be issued to any
Example: • This command was for use during enrollment only and
Router (cs-server)# no grant auto thus needs to be removed in this task.
Step 4 no shutdown Enables the Cisco IOS certificate server.
• You should issue this command only after you have
Example: completely configured your certificate server.
Router (cs-server)# no shutdown
What to Do Next
For manual enrollment instructions, see the Manual Certificate Enrollment (TFTP and Cut-and-Paste)
1. show running-config
2. show crypto pki server
Step 2 show crypto pki server Use the show crypto pki server command to verify
the status of the CA server after a boot procedure.
Router# show crypto pki server
Certificate Server srstcaserver:
Status: enabled
Server's configuration is locked (enter "shut" to
unlock it)
Issuer name: CN=srstcaserver
CA cert fingerprint: AC9919F5 CAFE0560 92B3478A
Granting mode is: auto
Last certificate issued serial number: 0x2
CA certificate expiration timer: 13:46:57 PST Dec 1
CRL NextUpdate timer: 14:54:57 PST Jan 19 2005
Current storage dir: nvram
Database Level: Complete - all issued certs written
as <serialnum>.cer
Note A security best practice is to protect the credentials service port using Control Plane Policing. Control
Plane Policing protects the gateway and maintains packet forwarding and protocol states despite a heavy
traffic load. For more information on control planes, see the Control Plane Policing documentation. In
addition, a sample configuration is given in the “Control Plane Policing: Example” section on page 202.
1. credentials
2. ip source-address ip-address [port port]
3. trustpoint trustpoint-name
4. exit
Router(config-credentials)# exit
Router(config)# credentials
Router(config-credentials)# ip source-address port 2445
Router(config-credentials)# trustpoint srstca
Router(config-credentials)# exit
1. show credentials
2. debug credentials
Related Commands
Use the following commands to show if a certificate cannot be found (you are missing a certificate that
you are trying to authenticate) or to show that a particular certificate has matched (so you know what
certificate the router used to authenticate a phone):
• debug crypto pki messages
• debug crypto pki transactions
Importing Phone Certificate Files in PEM Format to the Secure SRST Router
This task completes the tasks required for Cisco IP Unified Phones to authenticate secure SRST.
You must have certificates available when the last configuration command (crypto pki authenticate)
issues the following prompt:
Enter the base 64 encoded CA certificate.
End with a blank line or the word "quit" on a line by itself
For Cisco Unified CM 5.0 and later versions, perform the following steps:
Step 8 Copy all of the contents that appear between “-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----” and “-----END
CERTIFICATE-----” to a location where you can retrieve it later.
Step 9 Repeat Steps 5 to 8 for CiscoManufactureCA, CiscoRootCA2048, and CAPF.
HTTP automatic enrollment from Cisco Unified Communications Manager through a virtual web server
is not supported.
Router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment terminal
Step 4 exit Exits ca-trustpoint configuration mode and returns to
global configuration.
Router(ca-trustpoint)# exit
Step 5 crypto pki authenticate name Authenticates the CA (by getting the certificate from the
Example: • Enter the same name argument used in the crypto pki
Router(config)# crypto pki authenticate CAPF trustpoint command in Step 1.
What to Do Next
Update the certificates in Cisco Unified CM. See the “Configuring a Secure Survivable Remote Site
Telephony (SRST) Reference” chapter in the appropriate version of Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Security Guide.
This section provides the following:
• Cisco Unified Communications Manager 4.X.X and Earlier Versions: Example, page 180
• Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.0 and Later Versions Example, page 182
The following example shows three certificates (Cisco 7970, 7960, PEM) imported to the Cisco Unified
SRST Router:
Router(config)# crypto pki trustpoint 7970
Router(ca-trustpoint)# revocation-check none
Router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment terminal
Router(ca-trustpoint)# exit
Router(config)# crypto pki authenticate 7970
Use the show crypto pki trustpoint status command to show that enrollment has succeeded
and that five CA certificates were granted. The five certificates include the three
certificates just entered and the CA server certificate and the SRST router certificate.
Router# show crypto pki trustpoint status
Trustpoint 7970:
Issuing CA certificate configured:
Subject Name:
cn=CAP-RTP-002,o=Cisco Systems
Fingerprint MD5: F7E150EA 5E6E3AC5 615FC696 66415C9F
Fingerprint SHA1: 1BE2B503 DC72EE28 0C0F6B18 798236D8 D3B18BE6
Keys generated ............. Yes (General Purpose)
Issuing CA authenticated ....... Yes
Certificate request(s) ..... None
Trustpoint 7960:
Issuing CA certificate configured:
Subject Name:
cn=CAPF-508A3754,o=Cisco Systems Inc,c=US
Fingerprint MD5: 6BAE18C2 0BCE391E DAE2FE4C 5810F576
Fingerprint SHA1: B7735A2E 3A5C274F C311D7F1 3BE89942 355102DE
Trustpoint PEM:
Issuing CA certificate configured:
Subject Name:
cn=CAP-RTP-001,o=Cisco Systems
Fingerprint MD5: 233C8E33 8632EA4E 76D79FEB FFB061C6
Fingerprint SHA1: F7B40B94 5831D2AB 447AB8F2 25990732 227631BE
Keys generated ............. Yes (General Purpose)
Issuing CA authenticated ....... Yes
Certificate request(s) ..... None
Trustpoint srstcaserver:
Issuing CA certificate configured:
Subject Name:
Fingerprint MD5: 6AF5B084 79C93F2B 76CC8FE6 8781AF5E
Fingerprint SHA1: 47D30503 38FF1524 711448B4 9763FAF6 3A8E7DCF
Keys generated ............. Yes (General Purpose)
Issuing CA authenticated ....... Yes
Certificate request(s) ..... None
Trustpoint srstca:
Issuing CA certificate configured:
Subject Name:
Fingerprint MD5: 6AF5B084 79C93F2B 76CC8FE6 8781AF5E
Fingerprint SHA1: 47D30503 38FF1524 711448B4 9763FAF6 3A8E7DCF
Router General Purpose certificate configured:
Subject Name:
Fingerprint: 35471295 1C907EC1 45B347BC 7A9C4B86
Keys generated ............. Yes (General Purpose)
Issuing CA authenticated ....... Yes
Certificate request(s) ..... Yes
The following example shows the configuration for the four certificates (CAPF, CiscoCA,
CiscoManufactureCA, and CiscoRootCA2048) that are required for systems running
Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.0:
Router(config)# crypto pki trustpoint CAPF
Router(ca-trustpoint)# revocation-check none
Router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment terminal
Router(ca-trustpoint)# exit
Router(config)# crypto pki authenticate CAPF
Certificate has the following attributes:
Fingerprint MD5: 1951DJ4E 76D79FEB FFB061C6 233C8E33
Fingerprint SHA1: 222891BE Z7B89B94 447AB8F2 5831D2AB 25990732
% Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no]: y
Trustpoint CA certificate accepted.
% Certificate successfully imported
Certificate has the following attributes:
Fingerprint MD5: 0F3BA6B7 4B9636DF 5F54BE72 24762SBR
Fingerprint SHA1: L92BB37A S9919925 5C130ED2 3E528UP8 286E8C2D
% Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no]: y
Trustpoint CA certificate accepted.
% Certificate successfully imported
For complete information on adding Cisco Unified SRST to Cisco Unified Communications Manager,
see the “Survivable Remote Site Telephony Configuration” section for the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager version that you are running. All Cisco Unified CM administration guides are
at the following URL:
Step 1 In the menu bar in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, choose CCMAdmin > System > SRST.
Step 2 Click Add New SRST Reference.
Step 3 Enter the appropriate settings. Figure 8-3 shows the available fields in the SRST Reference
Configuration window.
a. Enter the name of the SRST gateway, the IP address, and the port.
b. Check the box asking if the SRST gateway is secure.
c. Enter the certificate provider (credentials service) port number. Credentials service runs on default
port 2445.
Step 4 To add the new SRST reference, click Insert. The message “Status: Insert completed” displays.
Step 5 To add more SRST references, repeat Steps 2 to 4.
For complete information about adding a device pool to Cisco Unified Communications Manager, see
the “Device Pool Configuration” section in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration
Guide for the Cisco Unified Communications Manager version that you are running. All Cisco Unified
CM administration guides are at the following URL:
Step 1 In the menu bar in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, choose CCMAdmin > System > Device
Step 2 Use one of the following methods to add a device pool:
• If a device pool already exists with settings that are similar to the one that you want to add, choose
the existing device pool to display its settings, click Copy, and modify the settings as needed.
Continue with Step 4.
• To add a device pool without copying an existing one, continue with Step 3.
Step 3 In the upper, right corner of the window, click the Add New Device Pool link. The Device Pool
Configuration window displays (see Figure 8-4).
1. call-manager-fallback
2. secondary-dialtone digit-string
3. transfer-system {blind | full-blind | full-consult | local-consult}
4. ip source-address ip-address [port port]
5. max-ephones max-phones
6. max-dn max-directory-numbers
7. transfer-pattern transfer-pattern
8. exit
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 secondary-dialtone digit-string Activates a secondary dial tone when a digit string is
Router(config-cm-fallback)# secondary-dialtone 9
Step 3 transfer-system {blind | full-blind | Defines the call-transfer method for all lines served by
full-consult | local-consult} the Cisco Unified SRST Router.
• blind: Calls are transferred without consultation
Example: with a single phone line using the Cisco proprietary
Router(config-cm-fallback)# transfer-system method.
• full-blind: Calls are transferred without
consultation using H.450.2 standard methods.
• full-consult: Calls are transferred with consultation
using a second phone line if available. The calls
fallback to full-blind if the second line is
• local-consult: Calls are transferred with local
consultation using a second phone line if available.
The calls fallback to blind for nonlocal consultation
or nonlocal transfer target.
Step 4 ip source-address ip-address [port port] Enables the router to receive messages from the Cisco IP
Phones through the specified IP addresses and provides
for strict IP address verification. The default port number
Router(config-cm-fallback)# ip source-address
is 2000. port 2000
Step 5 max-ephones max-phones Configures the maximum number of Cisco IP phones
that can be supported by the router. The maximum
number is platform dependent. The default is 0. See the
Router(config-cm-fallback)# max-ephones 15
“Platform and Memory Support” section on page 25 for
further details.
Step 6 max-dn max-directory-numbers Sets the maximum number of directory numbers (DNs)
or virtual voice ports that can be supported by the router.
Example: • max-directory-numbers: Maximum number of
Router(config-cm-fallback)# max-dn 30 directory numbers or virtual voice ports supported
by the router. The maximum number is platform
dependent. The default is 0. See the “Platform and
Memory Support” section on page 25 for further
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
The following example enables SRST mode on your router:
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Router(config-cm-fallback)# secondary-dialtone 9
Router(config-cm-fallback)# transfer-system full-consult
Router(config-cm-fallback)# ip source-address port 2000
Router(config-cm-fallback)# max-ephones 15
Router(config-cm-fallback)# max-dn 30
Router(config-cm-fallback)# transfer-pattern .....
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
Note You can verify Phone Status and Registrations in secure SCCP SRST after you have performed the
following steps:
• Enabling Credentials Service on the Secure Cisco Unified SRST Router, page 174
• Adding an SRST Reference to Cisco Unified Communications Manager, page 184
• Enabling SRST Mode on the Secure Cisco Unified SRST Router, page 187
1. show ephone
2. show ephone offhook
3. show voice call status
4. debug ephone register
5. debug ephone state
*Jan 11
18:33:21.347:ephone-3[3]:OpenReceiveChannelAck:IP, port=17520,
dn_index=4, dn=4, chan=1
*Jan 11 18:33:21.347:ephone-2[2]:StartMedia
*Jan 11 18:33:21.347:DN 2 chan 1 codec 4:G711Ulaw64k
duration 20 ms bytes 160
*Jan 11 18:33:21.347:ephone-2[2]:Send Encryption Key
!Ephone 2 sends its encryption key.*Jan 11
18:33:21.851:ephone-2[2]::callingNumber 6000
*Jan 11 18:33:21.851:ephone-2[2]::callingParty 6000
*Jan 11 18:33:21.851:ephone-2[2]:Call Info DN 2 line
1 ref 6 call state 4 called 6001 calling 6000
*Jan 11 18:33:21.851:ephone-2[2]:Call Info DN 2 line
1 ref 6 called 6001 calling 6000 origcalled 6001
calltype 2
*Jan 11 18:33:21.851:ephone-2[2]:Call Info for chan
*Jan 11 18:33:21.851:ephone-2[2]:Original Called
Name 6001
*Jan 11 18:33:21.851:ephone-2[2]:6000 calling
*Jan 11 18:33:21.851:ephone-2[2]:6001
This section provides a configuration example to match the identified configuration tasks in the previous
sections. This example does not include using a third-party CA; it assumes the use of the Cisco IOS
certificate server to generate your certificates.
Router# show running-config
! Define Unified Communications Manager.
ccm-manager fallback-mgcp
ccm-manager mgcp
ccm-manager music-on-hold
ccm-manager config server
ccm-manager config
! Define root CA.
crypto pki server srstcaserver
database level complete
database url nvram
issuer-name CN=srstcaserver
crypto pki trustpoint srstca
enrollment url
revocation-check none
crypto pki trustpoint srstcaserver
revocation-check none
rsakeypair srstcaserver
! Define CTL/7970 trustpoint.
crypto pki trustpoint 7970
enrollment terminal
revocation-check none
crypto pki trustpoint PEM
enrollment terminal
revocation-check none
! Define CAPF/7960 trustpoint.
crypto pki trustpoint 7960
enrollment terminal
revocation-check none
! SRST router device certificate.
crypto pki certificate chain srstca
certificate 02
308201AD 30820116 A0030201 02020102 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
17311530 13060355 0403130C 73727374 63617365 72766572 301E170D 30343034
31323139 35323233 5A170D30 35303431 32313935 3232335A 30343132 300F0603
55040513 08443042 39453739 43301F06 092A8648 86F70D01 09021612 6A61736F
32363931 2E636973 636F2E63 6F6D305C 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003
4B003048 024100D7 0CC354FB 5F7C1AE7 7A25C3F2 056E0485 22896D36 6CA70C19
C98F9BAE AE9D1F9B D4BB7A67 F3251174 193BB1A3 12946123 E5C1CCD7 A23E6155
FA2ED743 3FB8B902 03010001 A330302E 300B0603 551D0F04 04030205 A0301F06
03551D23 04183016 8014F829 CE97AD60 18D05467 FC293963 C2470691 F9BD300D
06092A86 4886F70D 01010405 00038181 007EB48E CAE9E1B3 D1E7A185 D7F0D565
CB84B17B 1151BD78 B3E39763 59EC650E 49371F6D 99CBD267 EB8ADF9D 9E43A5F2
FB2B18A0 34AF6564 11239473 41478AFC A86E6DA1 AC518E0B 8657CEBB ED2BDE8E
B586FE67 00C358D4 EFDD8D44 3F423141 C2D331D3 1EE43B6E 6CB29EE7 0B8C2752
C3AF4A66 BD007348 D013000A EA3C206D CF
certificate ca 01
30820207 30820170 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
17311530 13060355 0403130C 73727374 63617365 72766572 301E170D 30343034
31323139 34353136 5A170D30 37303431 32313934 3531365A 30173115 30130603
55040313 0C737273 74636173 65727665 7230819F 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101
01050003 818D0030 81890281 8100C3AF EE1E4BB1 9922A8DA 2BB9DC8E 5B1BD332
1051C9FE 32A971B3 3C336635 74691954 98E765B1 059E24B6 32154E99 105CA989
9619993F CC72C525 7357EBAC E6335A32 2AAF9391 99325BFD 9B8355EB C10F8963
9D8FC222 EE8AC831 71ACD3A7 4E918A8F D5775159 76FBF499 5AD0849D CAA41417
DD866902 21E5DD03 C37D4B28 0FAB0203 010001A3 63306130 0F060355 1D130101
FF040530 030101FF 300E0603 551D0F01 01FF0404 03020186 301D0603 551D0E04
160414F8 29CE97AD 6018D054 67FC2939 63C24706 91F9BD30 1F060355 1D230418
30168014 F829CE97 AD6018D0 5467FC29 3963C247 0691F9BD 300D0609 2A864886
F70D0101 04050003 8181007A F71B25F9 73D74552 25DFD03A D8D1338F 6792C805
47A81019 795B5AAE 035400BB F859DABF 21892B5B E71A8283 08950414 8633A8B2
C98565A6 C09CA641 88661402 ACC424FD 36F23360 ABFF4C55 BB23C66A C80A3A57
This section provides a configuration example for the security best practice of protecting the credentials
service port using control plane policing. Control plane policing protects the gateway and maintains
packet forwarding and protocol states despite a heavy traffic load. For more information on control
planes, see the Control Plane Policing documentation.
Router# show running-config
! Allow trusted host traffic.
access-list 140 deny tcp host any eq 2445
policy-map control-plane-policy
class sccp-class
police 8000 1500 1500 conform-action drop exceed-action drop
! Define aggregate control plane service for the active Route Processor.
service-policy input control-plane-policy
Configuring Secure SIP Call Signaling and SRTP Media with Cisco SRST
Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site Telephony (Cisco SRST) provides secure call signaling and
Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) for media encryption to establish a secure, encrypted
connection between Cisco Unified IP Phones and gateway devices.
• Prerequisites for Configuring Secure SIP Call Signaling and SRTP Media with Cisco SRST,
page 203
• Restrictions for Configuring Secure SIP Call Signaling and SRTP Media with Cisco SRST, page 203
• Information About Cisco Unified SIP SRST Support of Secure SIP Signaling and SRTP Media,
page 204
• Configuring Cisco Unified Communications Manager, page 204
• Configuring Phones, page 205
• Configuring SIP options for Secure SIP SRST, page 206
• Configuring SIP SRST Security Policy, page 207 (optional)
• Configuring SIP User Agent for Secure SIP SRST, page 208 (optional)
• Verifying the Configuration, page 210
• Configuration Example for Cisco Unified SIP SRST, page 212
Prerequisites for Configuring Secure SIP Call Signaling and SRTP Media with Cisco SRST
• Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)XA and later releases.
• Cisco Unified IP Phone firmware release 8.5(3) or later.
• Complete the prerequisites and necessary tasks found in Prerequisites for Configuring SIP SRST
Features Using Back-to-Back User Agent Mode.
• Prepare the Cisco Unified SIP SRST device to use certificates as documented in Preparing the Cisco
Unified SRST Router for Secure Communication.
Restrictions for Configuring Secure SIP Call Signaling and SRTP Media with Cisco SRST
SIP phones may be configured on the Cisco Unified CM with an authenticated device security mode.
The Cisco Unified CM ensures integrity and authentication for the phone using a TLS connection with
NULL-SHA cipher for signaling. If an authenticated SIP phone fails over to the Cisco Unified SRST
device, it will register using TCP instead of TLS/TCP, thus disabling the authenticated mode until the
phone fails back to the Cisco Unified CM.
• By default, non-secure TCP SIP phones are permitted to register to the SRST device on failover from
the primary call control. Support for TCP SIP phones requires the secure SRST configuration
described in this section even if no encrypted phones are deployed. Without the secure SIP SRST
configuration, TCP phones will register to the SRST device using UDP for signaling transport.
Information About Cisco Unified SIP SRST Support of Secure SIP Signaling and SRTP Media
Beginning with Cisco IP Phone firmware 8.5(3) and Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)XA, Cisco SRST
supports SIP signaling over UDP, TCP, and TLS connections, providing both RTP and SRTP media
connections based on the security settings of the IP phone.
Cisco SRST SIP-to-SIP and SIP-to-PSTN support includes the following features:
• Basic calling
• Hold/resume
• Conference
• Transfer
• Blind transfer
• Call forward
Cisco SRST SIP-to-other (including SIP-to-SCCP) support includes basic calling, although other
features may work.
Note All Cisco Unified IP Phones must have their firmware updated to version 8.5(3) or later. Devices with
firmware earlier than 8.5(3) will need to have a separate Device Pool and SRST Reference profile created
without the "Is SRST Secure" option selected; SIP-controlled devices in this Device Pool will use SIP
over UDP to attempt to register to the SRST router.
Note SIP phones will use the transport method assigned to them by their Phone Security Profile.
Configuring Phones
This section specifies that SRTP should be used to enable secure calls and allows non-secure calls to
"fallback" to using RTP media.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service voip
4. srtp
5. allow-connections sip to h323
6. allow-connections sip to sip
7. end
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 voice service voip Enters voice service configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 4 srtp Specifies that SRTP be used to enable secure calls.
Router(config-voi-serv)# srtp
Step 5 allow-connections sip to h323 (Optional) Allows connections from SIP endpoints to H.323
Router(config-voi-serv)# allow-connections sip
to h323
Step 6 allow-connections sip to sip Allows connections from SIP endpoints to SIP endpoints.
Router(config-voi-serv)# allow-connections sip
to sip
Step 7 end Ends the current configuration session and returns to
privileged EXEC mode.
Router(conf-voi-serv)# end
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service voip
4. sip
5. url sip | sips
6. srtp negotiate cisco
7. end
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 voice service voip Enters voice service configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 4 sip Enters SIP configuration mode.
Router(config-voi-serv)# sip
Step 5 url sip | sips To configure secure mode, use the sips keyword to generate
URLs in SIP secure (SIPS) format for VoIP calls.
Example: To configure device-default mode, use the sip keyword to
Router(conf-serv-sip)# url sips generate URLs in SIP format for VoIP calls.
Step 6 srtp negotiate cisco Enables a Cisco IOS SIP gateway to negotiate the sending
and accepting of RTP profiles in response to SRTP offers.
Router(conf-serv-sip)# srtp negotiate cisco
Step 7 end Ends the current configuration session and returns to
privileged EXEC mode.
Router(conf-serv-sip)# end
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 2 security-policy secure Configures SIP registration security policy so that only
SIP/TLS/TCP connections are allowed. For device-default
mode, use the no security-policy command. Device-default
Router(config-register-global)# security-policy
mode allows non-secure devices to register without using
secure TLS.
Note It is recommended that security-policy secure is
configured for the Secure SRST feature, so that
non-secure phones do not fall back on Secure SRST.
Step 3 end Ends the current configuration session and returns to
privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
1. sip-ua
2. registrar ipv4:destination-address expires seconds
3. xfer target dial-peer
4. crypto signaling default trustpoint string [strict-cipher]
5. crypto signaling remote-addr {ip address |subnet mask} trustpoint trustpoint-name
6. end
Router(config)# sip-ua
Step 2 registrar ipv4:destination-address expires Enables the gateway to register E.164 telephone numbers
seconds with primary and secondary external SIP registrars.
destination-address is the IP address of the primary SIP
Example: registrar server.
Router(config-sip-ua)# registrar
ipv4: expires 3600
Step 3 xfer target dial-peer Specifies that SRST should use the dial-peer as a transfer
target instead of what is in the message body.
Router(config-sip-ua)# xfer target dial-peer
Step 4 crypto signaling default trustpoint string Identifies the trustpoint string keyword and argument used
[strict-cipher] during the TLS handshake. The trustpoint string keyword
and argument refer to the gateway’s certificate generated as
Example: part of the enrollment process, using Cisco IOS public-key
Router(config-sip-ua)# crypto signaling default infrastructure (PKI) commands. The strict-cipher keyword
trustpoint 3745-SRST strict-cipher restricts support to TLS RSA encryption with the Advanced
Encryption Standard-128 (AES-128) cipher-block-chaining
(CBC) Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA)
(TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA) cipher suite.
To configure device-default mode, omit the strict-cipher
Step 5 crypto signaling remote-addr {ip address The trustpoint label refers to the CUBE’s certificate that is
|subnet mask} trustpoint trustpoint-name generated with the Cisco IOS PKI commands as part of the
enrollment proces.
Keywords and arguments are as follows:
Router(config-sip-ua)# crypto signaling • remote-addr ip address—Associates an IP address to a
remote-addr trustpoint trustpoint.
• trustpoint trustpoint-name—Refers to the SIP
gateways certificate generated as part of the enrollment
process using Cisco IOS PKI commands
Step 6 end Ends the current configuration session and returns to
privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-sip-ua)# end
Multiple Trustpoints
Use the default trustpoint configuration under sip-ua config mode for phones registering to Unified
SRST in secure mode. For example, srstca is the default trustpoint for Secure SRST. This default
signaling trustpoint is used for all SIP TLS interactions from SIP phones to Unified Secure SRST router.
In a deployment scenario with multiple trustpoints, communication with a service provider over a secure
trunk with certificate issued by CA is achieved using the CLI command crypto signaling remote-addr trustpoint srst-trunk1 under sip-ua config mode.
The following example shows a sample configuration of multiple trustpoints for a Unified SRST
deployment. In this example, the srst-trunk1 trustpoint points to the network with IP address,
and srst-trunk2 trustpoint points to the network with IP address
crypto signaling remote-addr trustpoint srst-trunk1
crypto signaling remote-addr trustpoint srst-trunk2
crypto signaling default trustpoint secsrst
The following examples show a sample configuration displayed by the show sip-ua status registrar
command and the show voice register global command.
The show sip-ua status registrar command in privileged EXEC mode displays all SIP endpoints that
are currently registered with the contact address.
Router# show sip-ua status registrar
Line destination expires(sec) contact
transport call-id
============ =============== ============ ===============
3029991 388
TLS [email protected]
3029993 382
TCP [email protected]
3029982 406
UDP [email protected]
3029983 406
UDP [email protected]
3029992 414
TLS [email protected]
The show voice register global command in privileged EXEC mode displays all global configuration
parameters associated with SIP phones.
Router# show voice register global
CONFIG [Version=8.0]
Version 8.0
Mode is srst
Max-pool is 50
Max-dn is 100
Outbound-proxy is enabled and will use global configured value
Security Policy: DEVICE-DEFAULT
timeout interdigit 10
network-locale[0] US (This is the default network locale for this box)
network-locale[1] US
network-locale[2] US
network-locale[3] US
network-locale[4] US
user-locale[0] US (This is the default user locale for this box)
user-locale[1] US
user-locale[2] US
user-locale[3] US
user-locale[4] US
crypto pki trustpoint Cisco_Root_CA_2048
enrollment terminal
revocation-check none
crypto pki certificate chain TRUSTPT-SRST-CA-2
certificate 02
3082020B 30820174 A0030201 02020102 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 05050030
14311230 10060355 04031309 53525354 2D43412D 32301E17 0D313730 36303831
31333131 325A170D 31383036 30383131 33313132 5A303231 30301206 03550405
130B4647 4C313735 31313150 42301A06 092A8648 86F70D01 0902160D 416E7473
41726D79 2D343430 3030819F 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 818D0030
81890281 81009E24 6259A98D A61C1973 45A95DA8 DE83ECAD C2B1B448 741F7E64
3D753BF1 19BD54FB 9A4D4A8E 7A2BA416 B93C40B3 A63A7C4D 7303498F 098EF07F
96F26F5F 49AD4E39 EC113DF4 696CB887 607D545A 52A11469 958F4C04 05868DF9
317456F6 3D23837C D46331FA 69FB29E8 3211E01C A7AB19A3 94DAC09F 97601196
A08D7073 76210203 010001A3 4F304D30 0B060355 1D0F0404 030205A0 301F0603
551D2304 18301680 142110B8 F25BD9BD E1D401EC 9D11DC0E AE52CDB8 2F301D06
03551D0E 04160414 2110B8F2 5BD9BDE1 D401EC9D 11DC0EAE 52CDB82F 300D0609
2A864886 F70D0101 05050003 8181003A DC409694 26D08A31 7B4F495F 002D4E57
B28669A9 10E93C68 A9556659 97D326EC A5508201 C1A86659 B1CDC910 73097FCA
F6174794 1057DDDE DBA666D6 0BAFC503 96A10BE5 5FCA3B93 5D377ABE BC9B2774
3732DF01 CE3BF12B 1899AA69 F7EC8726 A1964C5A D6A99A0E E27EE2A0 15A7D364
793C6C8D 961C77E4 397F9CB4 C6A271
certificate ca 01
30820201 3082016A A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
14311230 10060355 04031309 53525354 2D43412D 32301E17 0D313730 36303831
31323135 305A170D 32303036 30373131 32313530 5A301431 12301006 03550403
13095352 53542D43 412D3230 819F300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010105 0003818D
00308189 02818100 9E246259 A98DA61C 197345A9 5DA8DE83 ECADC2B1 B448741F
7E643D75 3BF119BD 54FB9A4D 4A8E7A2B A416B93C 40B3A63A 7C4D7303 498F098E
F07F96F2 6F5F49AD 4E39EC11 3DF4696C B887607D 545A52A1 1469958F 4C040586
8DF93174 56F63D23 837CD463 31FA69FB 29E83211 E01CA7AB 19A394DA C09F9760
1196A08D 70737621 02030100 01A36330 61300F06 03551D13 0101FF04 05300301
01FF300E 0603551D 0F0101FF 04040302 0186301F 0603551D 23041830 16801421
10B8F25B D9BDE1D4 01EC9D11 DC0EAE52 CDB82F30 1D060355 1D0E0416 04142110
B8F25BD9 BDE1D401 EC9D11DC 0EAE52CD B82F300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010405
00038181 0018859E D39C6A05 63509442 8746D970 BB716DE2 E82BA822 58AA55AD
AC37260F 36BFDFE6 F2D0E489 A8D23690 791AD903 F19AC857 5002E621 A5927ACC
DCB759C0 B126ACAB C53BF054 1F62D895 A895C50A E3AE83E3 EC68F346 50B88D39
BB053EE9 5D466AE4 C6B4593D 7EFA7A78 213C0766 7307A051 78FED92E 5A34AAB6
98D2A59C 31
crypto pki certificate chain SRST-CA-2
certificate ca 01
30820201 3082016A A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
14311230 10060355 04031309 53525354 2D43412D 32301E17 0D313730 36303831
31323135 305A170D 32303036 30373131 32313530 5A301431 12301006 03550403
13095352 53542D43 412D3230 819F300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010105 0003818D
00308189 02818100 9E246259 A98DA61C 197345A9 5DA8DE83 ECADC2B1 B448741F
7E643D75 3BF119BD 54FB9A4D 4A8E7A2B A416B93C 40B3A63A 7C4D7303 498F098E
F07F96F2 6F5F49AD 4E39EC11 3DF4696C B887607D 545A52A1 1469958F 4C040586
8DF93174 56F63D23 837CD463 31FA69FB 29E83211 E01CA7AB 19A394DA C09F9760
1196A08D 70737621 02030100 01A36330 61300F06 03551D13 0101FF04 05300301
01FF300E 0603551D 0F0101FF 04040302 0186301F 0603551D 23041830 16801421
10B8F25B D9BDE1D4 01EC9D11 DC0EAE52 CDB82F30 1D060355 1D0E0416 04142110
B8F25BD9 BDE1D401 EC9D11DC 0EAE52CD B82F300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010405
00038181 0018859E D39C6A05 63509442 8746D970 BB716DE2 E82BA822 58AA55AD
AC37260F 36BFDFE6 F2D0E489 A8D23690 791AD903 F19AC857 5002E621 A5927ACC
DCB759C0 B126ACAB C53BF054 1F62D895 A895C50A E3AE83E3 EC68F346 50B88D39
BB053EE9 5D466AE4 C6B4593D 7EFA7A78 213C0766 7307A051 78FED92E 5A34AAB6
98D2A59C 31
crypto pki certificate chain Cisco_Manufacturing_CA
certificate ca 6A6967B3000000000003
308204D9 308203C1 A0030201 02020A6A 6967B300 00000000 03300D06 092A8648
86F70D01 01050500 30353116 30140603 55040A13 0D436973 636F2053 79737465
6D73311B 30190603 55040313 12436973 636F2052 6F6F7420 43412032 30343830
1E170D30 35303631 30323231 3630315A 170D3239 30353134 32303235 34325A30
39311630 14060355 040A130D 43697363 6F205379 7374656D 73311F30 1D060355
04031316 43697363 6F204D61 6E756661 63747572 696E6720 43413082 0120300D
06092A86 4886F70D 01010105 00038201 0D003082 01080282 010100A0 C5F7DC96
943515F1 F4994EBB 9B41E17D DB791691 BBF354F2 414A9432 6262C923 F79AE7BB
9B79E807 294E30F5 AE1BC521 5646B0F8 F4E68E81 B816CCA8 9B85D242 81DB7CCB
94A91161 121C5CEA 33201C9A 16A77DDB 99066AE2 36AFECF8 0AFF9867 07F430EE
A5F8881A AAE8C73C 1CCEEE48 FDCD5C37 F186939E 3D71757D 34EE4B14 A9C0297B
0510EF87 9E693130 F548363F D8ABCE15 E2E8589F 3E627104 8726A415 620125AA
D5DFC9C9 5BB8C9A1 077BBE68 92939320 A86CBD15 75D3445D 454BECA8 DA60C7D8
C8D5C8ED 41E1F55F 578E5332 9349D5D9 0FF836AA 07C43241 C5A7AF1D 19FFF673
99395A73 67621334 0D1F5E95 70526417 06EC535C 5CDB6AEA 35004102 0103A382
01E73082 01E33012 0603551D 130101FF 04083006 0101FF02 0100301D 0603551D
0E041604 14D0C522 26AB4F46 60ECAE05 91C7DC5A D1B047F7 6C300B06 03551D0F
04040302 01863010 06092B06 01040182 37150104 03020100 30190609 2B060104
01823714 02040C1E 0A005300 75006200 43004130 1F060355 1D230418 30168014
27F3C815 1E6E9A02 0916AD2B A089605F DA7B2FAA 30430603 551D1F04 3C303A30
38A036A0 34863268 7474703A 2F2F7777 772E6369 73636F2E 636F6D2F 73656375
72697479 2F706B69 2F63726C 2F637263 61323034 382E6372 6C305006 082B0601
05050701 01044430 42304006 082B0601 05050730 02863468 7474703A 2F2F7777
772E6369 73636F2E 636F6D2F 73656375 72697479 2F706B69 2F636572 74732F63
72636132 3034382E 63657230 5C060355 1D200455 30533051 060A2B06 01040109
15010200 30433041 06082B06 01050507 02011635 68747470 3A2F2F77 77772E63
6973636F 2E636F6D 2F736563 75726974 792F706B 692F706F 6C696369 65732F69
6E646578 2E68746D 6C305E06 03551D25 04573055 06082B06 01050507 03010608
2B060105 05070302 06082B06 01050507 03050608 2B060105 05070306 06082B06
01050507 0307060A 2B060104 0182370A 0301060A 2B060104 01823714 02010609
2B060104 01823715 06300D06 092A8648 86F70D01 01050500 03820101 0030F330
2D8CF2CA 374A6499 24290AF2 86AA42D5 23E8A2EA 2B6F6923 7A828E1C 4C09CFA4
4FAB842F 37E96560 D19AC6D8 F30BF5DE D027005C 6F1D91BD D14E5851 1DC9E3F7
38E7D30B D168BE8E 22A54B06 E1E6A4AA 337D1A75 BA26F370 C66100A5 C379265B
A719D193 8DAB9B10 11291FA1 82FDFD3C 4B6E65DC 934505E9 AF336B67 23070686
22DAEBDC 87CF5921 421AE9CF 707588E0 243D5D7D 4E963880 97D56FF0 9B71D8BA
6019A5B0 6186ADDD 6566F6B9 27A2EE2F 619BBAA1 3061FDBE AC3514F9 B82D9706
AFC3EF6D CC3D3CEB 95E981D3 8A5EB6CE FA79A46B D7A25764 C43F4CC9 DBE882EC
0166D410 88A256E5 3C57EDE9 02A84891 6307AB61 264B1A13 9FE4DCDA 5F
crypto pki certificate chain CAPF-3a66269a
certificate ca 583BD5B4844C8BC172B8C4979092A067
308203C3 308202AB A0030201 02021058 3BD5B484 4C8BC172 B8C49790 92A06730
0D06092A 864886F7 0D01010B 05003071 310B3009 06035504 06130249 4E310E30
0C060355 040A0C05 63697363 6F311230 10060355 040B0C09 75637467 2D656467
65311630 14060355 04030C0D 43415046 2D336136 36323639 61311230 10060355
04080C09 6B61726E 6174616B 61311230 10060355 04070C09 62616E67 616C6F72
65301E17 0D313730 35323931 30333631 335A170D 32323035 32383130 33363132
5A307131 0B300906 03550406 1302494E 310E300C 06035504 0A0C0563 6973636F
31123010 06035504 0B0C0975 6374672D 65646765 31163014 06035504 030C0D43
4150462D 33613636 32363961 31123010 06035504 080C096B 61726E61 74616B61
31123010 06035504 070C0962 616E6761 6C6F7265 30820122 300D0609 2A864886
F70D0101 01050003 82010F00 3082010A 02820101 00BC774F BAED3986 05BDFFBC
4EABBFA7 1F73D150 2989EFF2 902502F6 248DA7AB 261E474C 08A4BB6F 35B10449
0A6A3D94 E2C6EB98 57BECE0C 34F30517 CA6CC9B2 710B511B 8826E0AB 733FF26F
F7ADC4B9 76118300 6156072C 43F78E5E 3AD7C92B 54CB5BDB 00B53FC8 875100C4
056BC4A7 0F96CE69 E58B1C22 194CCEC6 968ECF9B 08B7B7B2 0FF0800E 43764BB1
E6ED36C0 A738F762 81A88F6D E464E2A5 FD74207F 1EC7ACAC 2F63B04D E0E9DA4C
901A1710 E3D1C069 82EFF77E 0597254D 149C1263 EC67DAE9 305FD8BF C7410B17
8C6DE9FF 28A37514 86AF828C BC698DD5 F18A3B66 9D8D895A 5562E08D 383F790A
A5C7F6F6 915CB558 042E5B99 71F7169D B3AFA699 2B020301 0001A357 3055300B
negotiation auto
ip forward-protocol nd
ip http server
no ip http secure-server
ip route
ip ssh server algorithm encryption aes128-ctr aes192-ctr aes256-ctr
ip ssh client algorithm encryption aes128-ctr aes192-ctr aes256-ctr
voice-port 0/1/0
voice-port 0/1/1
voice-port 0/2/0
voice-port 0/2/1
voice-port 0/2/2
voice-port 0/2/3
mgcp behavior rsip-range tgcp-only
mgcp behavior comedia-role none
mgcp behavior comedia-check-media-src disable
mgcp behavior comedia-sdp-force disable
mgcp profile default
crypto signaling default trustpoint TRUSTPT-SRST-CA-2
ip source-address port 2445
trustpoint TRUSTPT-SRST-CA-2
max-conferences 8 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
max-ephones 50
max-dn 50
call-park system application
fac standard
line con 0
exec-timeout 0 0
length 0
transport input none
stopbits 1
line aux 0
stopbits 1
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 0 0
password xxxx
no login
length 0
transport preferred none
transport input telnet ssh
Additional References
The following sections provide references related to this feature.
Related Documents
Related Topic Document Title
Cisco IOS voice configuration • Cisco IOS Voice Configuration Library
• Cisco IOS Voice Command Reference
Cisco Unified Communications Manager • Cisco Unified Communications Manager Documentation Guide
Documentation Guide for Release 8.0(2) for Release 8.0(2)
Cisco Unified SRST configuration • Cisco Unified SRST and SIP SRST Command Reference
Cisco Unified SRST • Cisco Unified SRST 8.0 Supported Firmware, Platforms,
Memory, and Voice Products
Cisco Unified Communications Operating System • Security
Administration Guide, Release 6.1(1)
Configuring a Secure Survivable Remote Site • Configuring a Secure Survivable Remote Site Telephony
Telephony (SRST) Reference (SRST) Reference
Standard Title
No new or modified standards are supported by this —
feature, and support for existing standards has not been
modified by this feature.
No new or modified MIBs are supported by this To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco IOS
feature, and support for existing MIBs has not been releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the
modified by this feature. following URL:
RFC Title
No new or modified RFCs are supported by this —
feature, and support for existing RFCs has not been
modified by this feature.
Technical Assistance
Description Link
The Cisco Support website provides extensive online
resources, including documentation and tools for
troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with
Cisco products and technologies.
To receive security and technical information about
your products, you can subscribe to various services,
such as the Product Alert Tool (accessed from Field
Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter, and
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds.
Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website
requires a user ID and password.
Command Reference
The following commands are introduced or modified in the feature or features documented in this
section. For information about these commands, see the Cisco IOS Voice Command Reference at For information about
all Cisco IOS commands, use the Command Lookup Tool at
or Cisco IOS Master Command List, All Releases at
• security-policy
• show voice register global
• show voice register all
Note Table 8-4 lists only the Cisco IOS software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given
Cisco IOS software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that Cisco IOS
software release train also support that feature.
Table 8-4 Feature Information for Secure SIP Call Signaling and SRTP Media with Cisco SRST
Where to Go Next
If you require voicemail, see the voice-mail configuration instructions in the “Integrating Voicemail with
Cisco Unified SRST” section on page 239.
For additional information, see the “Additional References” section on page 27 in the “Cisco Unified
SRST Feature Overview” section on page 1 chapter.
This chapter describes how to configure SIP trunking on Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site
Telephony (Unified SRST).
This chapter describes the configuration recommendations and details on the various line side and SIP
trunking features on Unified SRST. Also, details are provided on the co-location of Unified Border
Element and Unified SRST.
• Unified SRST and Unified Border Element Co-location, page 223
• Configuration Recommendations for Unified SRST and Unified Border Element Co-location,
page 225
• Hunt Groups
The list of SIP trunk features supported for Unified SRST and Unified Border Element co-location are:
• SIP-UA Registration/Authentication, Registrar, Register/Register Refresh
• SIP-Server, Outbound Proxy
• DNS Service Record
• Bind Global / Dial-peer
• SRTP / TLS, SRTP – RTP Interworking
• Connection Reuse
• IP Trust List
• Voice class tenant
• P-Called-Party ID, Privacy Header (PAI)
• SIP Normalization
For more information on configuring tenants on SIP trunks, see Cisco Unified Border Element
Configuration Guide. For more information on the recommended configurations for the Unified Border
Element co-location, see Configuration Recommendations for Unified SRST and Unified Border
Element Co-location, page 225.
Figure 9-1 shows a co-located deployment of Unified SRST with Cisco Unified Border Element.
Figure 9-1 Co-located Deployment of Unifed SRST and Cisco Unified Border Elelement
. SRST Calls:
. Local outgoing calls
. No local Incoming call
Static SIP Trunk (Centralized)
. Incoming / Outgoing calls through central Enterprise
. SIP Trunk, if Unified CM is unavailable IP WAN
Note Certain CLI commands which need to be moved under tenant, are moved under dial-peer
configuration mode. This is because these CLIs are not available under voice class tenant. For
example, the CLI command srtp fallback needs to be configured under dial-peer, not voice
class tenant configuration mode.
• Use dial-peer groups feature to group multiple outbound dial-peers into a dial-peer group and
configure this dial-peer group as the destination of an inbound dial-peer (Unified CM trunk). For
more information on dial-peer groups, see Dial Peer Configuration Guide.
• Configure SIP Options Request Keepalives to monitor reachability towards Unified
Communications Manager. For example:
voice class sip-options-keepalive 101
up-interval 30
retry 3
transport tcp
• Avoid configuring dial-peer groups on the SIP trunk dial-peer pointing to the Service Provider
• Configure the destination pattern (.T) on the dial-peer that points to Unified Communications
• Configure the CLI command destination dpg dial-peer-group-id (destination dpg 101) on the
dial-peer pointing to inbound dial-peer for Unified Communications Manager SIP trunk. This
configuration has dial-peer information pointing to the Service Provider.
• Do not configure incoming called-number (.T), from the dial-peer towards the Service Provider.
Match the incoming call from SIP trunk using the dial-peer address information ‘From URI’, after
removing incoming called-number (.T).
voice class uri 201 sip
host dns:sip-trunk.sample
Under dial-peer:
incoming uri from 201
• Configure the CLI command transport tcp tls v1.2 under sip-ua configuration mode, not voice
class tenant.
• Avoid modification of contact header in a Secure SIP to SIP (and vice versa) call flow, as it leads to
call establishment issues. If sip-profiles are used to modify header information from sips: to sip: in
SIP REQUESTS and RESPONSES, there must be rules to include ‘transport=tls’ in the contact
• If dial-peers are using voice class codec, configure the same voice class codec under voice register
pool too.
• Ensure that an srtp voice-class is created using the voice class srtp-crypto crypto-tag command. A
sample configuration is as follows:
voice class srtp-crypto 1
crypto 1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32
crypto 2 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80
• Configure the SIP Registrar under voice service voip sip configuration mode with maximum and
minimum expiry time for an incoming registration using the CLI command registrar server
[expires [max sec] [min sec]].
– registrar server expires max 120 min 60
• Move all the CLI commands related to SIP Bind feature under voice class tenant configuration
mode. For example, it is recommended to have the CLI commands voice-class sip bind control, and
voice-class sip bind media, under voice class tenant configuration mode.
• Exclude SIP ports from NAT services, if NAT is configured on the router. The recommended CLIs
for excluding SIP ports from NAT services are:
– no ip nat service sip udp port 5060
– no ip nat service sip tcp port 5060
• Configure the CLI commands no supplementary-service sip refer, no supplementary-service sip
moved-temporarily, supplementary-service media-renegotiate under voice service voip
configuration mode.
• For the co-located deployment of Unified SRST and Unified Border Element, do not configure the
CLI command no transport udp under sip-ua configuration mode. This is because, phones register
to the Unified SRST device using UDP for signaling transport with the non-secure SIP SRST
• Configure Media Inactivity Timer to enable router to monitor and disconnect calls if no Real-Time
Protocol (RTP) packets are received within a configurable time period. A sample configuration is as
ip rtcp report interval 9000
media-inactivity-criteria all
timer receive-rtp 1200
timer receive-rtcp 5
The following restrictions are observed for a co-located deployment of Unified SRST and Unified
Border Element:
• You need to disable the NAT firewall support for SIP trunk side, using the CLI commands no ip nat
service sip udp port 5060 and no ip nat service sip tcp port 5060.
• All the SIP trunk features are not supported in a Unified SRST and Unified Border Element
co-location deployment. For the list of supported features, see Unified SRST and Unified Border
Element Co-location.
The following is a sample configuration for a voice class tenant:
voice class tenant 1
registrar ipv4: scheme sips expires 240 tcp tls auth-realm sip-trunk.sample
credentials number +492281844672 username xxxx password xxxx realm sip-trunk.sample
authentication username xxxx password xxxx realm sip-trunk.sample
no remote-party-id
timers expires 900000
timers register 100
sip-server dns:sip-trunk.sample:5061
asserted-id pai
bind control source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
bind media source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
sip-profiles 3000
outbound-proxy dns:reg.sip-trunk.sample
privacy-policy passthru
call-route p-called-party-id
midcall-signaling preserve-codec
In the following configuration, the voice class tenant configured in the previous example is part of the
dial-peer on the SIP trunk.
dial-peer voice 201 voip
description **SIP-TRUNK.SAMPLE**
session protocol sipv2
session target sip-server
session transport tcp tls
destination e164-pattern-map 201
incoming uri from 201
voice-class codec 1
voice-class sip url sips
voice-class sip asserted-id pai
voice-class sip outbound-proxy dns:reg.sip-trunk.sample
voice-class sip tenant 1
voice-class sip srtp-crypto 1
voice-class sip bind control source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
voice-class sip bind media source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
fax-relay ecm disable
fax rate 14400
ip qos dscp cs6 signaling
clid strip name
no vad
The following example provides the show running-config command output for the co-located
deployment of Unified SRST and Unified Border Element:
Building configuration...
trunk group 1
crypto pki trustpoint sipgw1
enrollment url
subject-name CN=sipgw1
revocation-check crl
rsakeypair cisco123
crypto pki certificate chain sipgw1
certificate 02
30820234 3082019D A0030201 02020102 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 05050030
13311130 0F060355 04031308 63617365 72766572 301E170D 31373036 32383134
32393330 5A170D31 38303632 38313432 3933305A 305C310F 300D0603 55040313
06736970 67773131 49301206 03550405 130B4644 4F323031 31413132 33301706
092A8648 86F70D01 0908130A 382E3339 2E32332E 3133301A 06092A86 4886F70D
01090216 0D626534 6B2D7465 63686E69 756D3081 9F300D06 092A8648 86F70D01
01010500 03818D00 30818902 818100B5 3CE45902 52517DBE E735F0B5 9D6A412F
FBF398A8 F306F28F A4C79A41 198A19D7 06025696 F5EC6237 EFCB1BBD C7430263
1D0D3C7E AF06B4B2 0D30547C F049A3CD CC4FCFA1 335DA8C5 602A2D18 F91ECC32
E0A7E279 60945941 DF5B53F9 102B9067 8782C1E0 874D6CBC DB0CDA82 C64B7423
E56C5C33 2E13C729 9AB7FEEA 068E7102 03010001 A34F304D 300B0603 551D0F04
04030205 A0301F06 03551D23 04183016 8014265B 6595680C E517CC42 F54AE9EC
1F328FBE BF33301D 0603551D 0E041604 14BA096E DE4E2289 12E8F4D8 95E06E4A
F93876E7 96300D06 092A8648 86F70D01 01050500 03818100 9B172FF6 291C193A
E505ABE9 45AC3202 621BBE2B 6BA45F19 AE0DA7A0 EF5FBC19 5197094E 7A50BCF3
CC49656E A0D991AC FED14749 EAB50892 0239E39C 345ED555 7CD74760 66B0DF49
7E26B654 B8F9E1B1 72FD4039 8A13C9AC EBE75F21 B457D8E3 24BA70E3 F1B3A0C9
5C3153FA B3C744B7 D81F706F B836617F 9E95AD51 813F20AD
certificate ca 01
308201FF 30820168 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
13311130 0F060355 04031308 63617365 72766572 301E170D 31373036 32383134
32383131 5A170D32 30303632 37313432 3831315A 30133111 300F0603 55040313
08636173 65727665 7230819F 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 818D0030
81890281 8100A3AC A4003239 62667AB4 6E8ACE2B 90672DD8 1E2A2952 AFC8A1F6
D56173C9 269F9176 747E93D1 6F699B6F 0C2E600D 8C864F27 4379ED8A E88187F7
17A77C63 B87B7EF6 1556D949 43C743F6 01D9941D 946FCEC8 880B342C 97CC9CEA
9F015EAC A667F30B 505281AA 29EB10A3 F1C75A99 2A224653 F3B985DD F17BC8DD
40C8C609 62C90203 010001A3 63306130 0F060355 1D130101 FF040530 030101FF
300E0603 551D0F01 01FF0404 03020186 301F0603 551D2304 18301680 14265B65
95680CE5 17CC42F5 4AE9EC1F 328FBEBF 33301D06 03551D0E 04160414 265B6595
680CE517 CC42F54A E9EC1F32 8FBEBF33 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050003
81810077 C36A6C9A B7C18856 EBDA4504 C38565F0 CF6385EE 29AFC38B 8B90C741
B20C8C36 E979FD72 7B849B34 0BBE3EFA 191E1776 C28FDCF8 5D5F7CFF 170CF615
B4105ABD CD6E0318 4B576FFD 44D115FF 2817E279 78B2794E 577F694F DD129820
B500BB08 E57BFAA9 87835645 4EA53352 B80B51AD 2CC0633A AB9974EB E523A944 0EC230
voice service voip
ip address trusted list
mode border-element license capacity 50
media statistics
media bulk-stats
media disable-detailed-stats
allow-connections sip to sip
no supplementary-service sip moved-temporarily
e164 +T
e164 0T
e164 2...
voice class e164-pattern-map 301
e164 3...
voice class dpg 201
voice class dpg 101
dial-peer 201
voice class dpg 301
dial-peer 301
voice class server-group 1
description **CUCM Server Group**
voice class sip-options-keepalive 101
up-interval 30
retry 3
transport tcp
sip-profiles 3000
voice class tenant 2
registrar dns:sip-trunk.sample:5060 expires 240 tcp auth-realm sip-trunk.sample
credentials number +492281844673 username abcd password xxxx realm sip-trunk.sample
authentication username abcd password xxxx realm sip-trunk.sample
no remote-party-id
timers expires 900000
timers register 100
timers buffer-invite 10000
timers dns registrar-cache ttl
sip-server dns:sip-trunk.sample:5060
asserted-id pai
bind control source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
bind media source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
no pass-thru content custom-sdp
sip-profiles 3000
outbound-proxy dns:reg.sip-trunk.sample
privacy-policy passthru
call-route p-called-party-id
midcall-signaling preserve-codec
voice class tenant 4
timers expires 60000
timers buffer-invite 10000
asserted-id pai
bind control source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0
bind media source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0
no pass-thru content custom-sdp
privacy-policy passthru
call-route p-called-party-id
midcall-signaling preserve-codec
voice class tenant 1
registrar dns:sip-trunk.sample:5061 scheme sips expires 240 tcp tls auth-realm
voice hunt-group 2 sequential
list 1002,1003,1004
timeout 5
statistics collect
pilot 2345
voice-card 0/1
dsp services dspfarm
no watchdog
license udi pid ISR4321/K9 sn FDO201115PV
license boot level uck9
license boot level securityk9
no license smart enable
diagnostic bootup level minimal
spanning-tree extend system-id
username abcd password xxxx
username abcd password xxxx
mode none
template 1
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0
ip address
ip nat inside
media-type rj45
negotiation auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
ip address
ip nat outside
negotiation auto
interface Service-Engine0/1/0
interface GigabitEthernet0
vrf forwarding Mgmt-intf
no ip address
negotiation auto
no ip nat service sip tcp port 5060
no ip nat service sip udp port 5060
ip nat pool pool1 netmask
ip nat inside source list 100 interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1 overload
ip forward-protocol nd
ip http server
no ip http secure-server
ip tftp source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0
ip tftp blocksize 1520
ip rtcp report interval 9000
ip route
ip route
ip ssh server algorithm encryption aes128-ctr aes192-ctr aes256-ctr
ip ssh client algorithm encryption aes128-ctr aes192-ctr aes256-ctr
ip access-list extended nat-list
access-list 100 permit ip any
tftp-server flash:fbi88xx.BE-01-010.sbn
tftp-server flash:kern88xx.12-0-1MN-113.sbn
tftp-server flash:rootfs88xx.12-0-1MN-113.sbn
tftp-server flash:sb288xx.BE-01-020.sbn
tftp-server flash:sip88xx.12-0-1MN-113.loads
tftp-server flash:vc488xx.12-0-1MN-113.sbn
ipv6 access-list preauth_v6
permit udp any any eq domain
permit tcp any any eq domain
permit icmp any any nd-ns
permit icmp any any nd-na
permit icmp any any router-solicitation
permit icmp any any router-advertisement
permit icmp any any redirect
permit udp any eq 547 any eq 546
permit udp any eq 546 any eq 547
deny ipv6 any any
voip trunk group 1
uc wsapi
message-exchange max-failures 99
response-timeout 2
probing interval keepalive 60
probing max-failures 2
provider xcc
provider xsvc
mgcp behavior rsip-range tgcp-only
mgcp behavior comedia-role none
mgcp behavior comedia-check-media-src disable
mgcp behavior comedia-sdp-force disable
mgcp profile default
dial-peer voice 201 voip
description **SIP-TRUNK.SAMPLE**
session protocol sipv2
session target sip-server
session transport tcp tls
destination e164-pattern-map 201
incoming uri from 201
voice-class codec 1
voice-class sip url sips
Note Table lists only the Cisco IOS software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given
Cisco IOS software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that Cisco IOS
software release train also support that feature.
Table 9-1 Feature Information for Configuring SIP Trunking on Unified SRST
This chapter describes how to make your existing voicemail system run on phones connected to a
Cisco Unified SRST router during Cisco Unified Communications Manager fallback.
Cisco Unified SRST also supports incoming and outgoing Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) calls to and
from Cisco Unified IP phones and router voice gateway voice ports. SIP may be used in situations where
the Cisco Unified SRST Router is separate from the PSTN gateway and the SRST and PSTN gateways
are linked together using SIP (instead of H.323).
For more information about SIP, see Cisco IOS SIP Configuration Guide.
• Information About Integrating Voicemail with Cisco Unified SRST, page 239
• How to Integrate Voicemail with Cisco Unified SCCP and SIP SRST, page 241
• Configuring Message Waiting Indication (SIP Phones in SRST Mode), page 253
• How to Configure DTMF Relay for SIP Applications and Voicemail, page 258
• Where to Go Next, page 262
Figure 10-1 Cisco Unified Communications Manager Fallback with BRI or PRI
Cisco Unified
Cisco Unified Manager
SRST gateway gateway
WAN failure Cisco Unified
Voicemail Server
Cisco Unified
Manager gateway
WAN failure Cisco Unified
Voicemail Server
Both configurations allow phone message buttons to remain active and calls to busy or unanswered
numbers to be forwarded to the dialed numbers’ mailboxes.
Calls that reach a busy signal, calls that are unanswered, and calls made by pressing the message button
are forwarded to the voicemail system. To make this happen, you must configure access from the dial
peers to the voicemail system and establish routing to the voicemail system for busy and unanswered
calls and for message buttons.
If the voicemail system is accessed over FXO or FXS, you must configure instructions (DTMF patterns)
for the voicemail system so that it can access the correct voicemail system mailbox. If your voicemail
system is accessed over BRI or PRI, no instructions are necessary because the voicemail system can
log in to the calling phone’s mailbox directly.
Note Support for SIP SRST is added from IOS release 15.1(4)M3 and 15.2(1)T2.
Table 10-1 Valid Entries for the String Argument in the destination-pattern command
Entry Description
Digits 0 to 9 —
Letters A through D —
Asterisk (*) and pound sign (#) These appear on standard touch-tone dial pads.
Comma (,) Inserts a pause between digits.
Period (.) Matches any entered digit (this character is used as a wildcard).
Percent sign (%) Indicates that the preceding digit occurred zero or more times; similar to the wildcard
Plus sign (+) Indicates that the preceding digit occurred one or more times.
Note The plus sign used as part of a digit string is different from the plus sign that
can be used in front of a digit string to indicate that the string is an E.164
standard number.
Circumflex (^) Indicates a match to the beginning of the string.
Parentheses ( ( ) ), which indicate a pattern and are the same as the regular expression
Dollar sign ($) Matches the null string at the end of the input string.
Backslash symbol (\) Is followed by a single character and matches that character. Can be used with a single
character with no other significance (matching that character).
Question mark (?) Indicates that the preceding digit occurred zero or one time.
Brackets ( [ ] ) Indicates a range. A range is a sequence of characters enclosed in the brackets; only
numeric characters from 0 to 9 are allowed in the range.
The following FXO and FXS example sets up a POTS dial peer named 1102, matches dial-peer 1102 to
voicemail extension 1101, and assigns dial-peer 1102 to voice-port 1/1/1 where the voicemail system is
connected. Other dial peers are configured for direct access to voicemail.
voice-port 1/1/1
timing digit 250
timing inter-digit 250
The following example sets up a POTS dial peer named 1102 to go directly to 1101 through port 2/0:23:
controller T1 2/0
framing esf
clock source line primary
linecode b8zs
cablelength short 133
pri-group timeslots 21-24
interface Serial2/0:23
no ip address
no logging event link-status
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn incoming-voice voice
isdn T309-enable
no cdp enable
voice-port 2/0:23
1. call-manager-fallback
2. voicemail phone-number
3. call-forward busy directory-number
4. call-forward noan directory-number timeout seconds
5. exit
6. voice register pool tag
7. call-forward b2bua busy directory-number
8. call-forward b2bua noan directory-number timeout seconds
9. exit
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 voicemail phone-number Configures the telephone number that is dialed when the
message button on a Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phone is
Router(config-cm-fallback)# voicemail 5550100 • phone-number: Phone number configured as a
speed-dial number for retrieving messages.
Step 3 call-forward busy directory-number Configures call forwarding to another number when the
Cisco SCCP IP phone is busy.
Example: • directory-number: Selected directory number
Router(config-cm-fallback)# call-forward busy representing a fully qualified E.164 number. This
2000 number can contain “.” wildcard characters that
correspond to the right-justified digits in the directory
number extension.
Step 4 call-forward noan directory-number timeout Configures call forwarding to another number when no
seconds answer is received from the Cisco SCCP IP phone.
• directory-number: Selected directory number
Example: representing a fully qualified E.164 number. This
Router(config-cm-fallback)# call-forward noan number can contain “.” wildcard characters that
2000 timeout 10
correspond to the right-justified digits in the directory
number extension.
• timeout seconds: Sets the waiting time, in seconds,
before the call is forwarded to another phone. The
seconds range is from 3 to 60000.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
Step 6 voice register pool tag Enters voice register pool configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register pool 1
Step 7 call-forward b2bua busy directory-number Configures call forwarding to another number when the
Cisco SIP IP phone is busy.
Example: • directory-number: Selected directory number
Router(config-register-pool)# call-forward representing a fully qualified E.164 number. This
b2bua busy 2000 number can contain “.” wildcard characters that
correspond to the right-justified digits in the directory
number extension.
Step 8 call-forward b2bua noan directory-number Configures call forwarding to another number when no
timeout seconds answer is received from the Cisco SIP IP phone.
• directory-number: Selected directory number
Example: representing a fully qualified E.164 number. This
Router(config-register-pool)# call-forward noan number can contain “.” wildcard characters that
2000 timeout 10
correspond to the right-justified digits in the directory
number extension.
• timeout seconds: Sets the waiting time, in seconds,
before the call is forwarded to another phone. The
seconds range is from 3 to 60000.
Router(config-register-pool)# exit
The following example specifies 1101 as the speed-dial number that is issued when message buttons are
pressed on Cisco Unified IP Phones connected to the Cisco Unified SRST router. All busy and
unanswered calls are configured to be forwarded to the voicemail number (1101).
voicemail 1101
call-forward busy 1101
call-forward noan 1101 timeout 3
voice register pool 1
call-forward b2bua busy 1101
call-forward b2bua noan 1101 timeout 3
Note The following task is required for voicemail systems with BRI or PRI access.
In addition to supporting message buttons for retrieving personal messages, Cisco Unified SRST allows
the automatic forwarding of calls to busy and unanswered numbers to voicemail systems. Voicemail
systems with BRI or PRI access can log in to the calling phone’s mailbox directly. For this to happen,
some Cisco Unified CM configuration is recommended. If your voicemail system supports Redirected
Dialed Number Identification Service (RDNIS), RDNIS must be included in the outgoing SETUP
message to Cisco Unified CM to declare the last redirected number and the originally dialed number to
and from configured devices and applications.
Step 1 From any page in Cisco Unified CM, click Device and Gateway.
Step 2 From the Find and List Gateways page, click Find.
Step 3 From the Find and List Gateways page, choose a device name.
Step 4 From the Gateway Configuration page, check Redirecting Number IE Delivery - Outgoing.
Note The following task is required for voicemail systems with FXO or FXS access.
In addition to supporting message buttons for retrieving personal messages, Cisco Unified SRST allows
the automatic forwarding of calls to busy or unanswered numbers to voicemail systems. The forwarded
calls can be routed to almost any location in the voicemail system. Typically, calls are forwarded to a
location in the called number’s mailbox where the caller can leave messages.
Figure 10-3 How Voicemail Dial Sequence 1101#6000#2 Is Configured in Cisco Unified SRST
voicemail 1101
1101 #6000#2
pattern ext-to-ext busy # cgn #2
pattern ext-to-ext busy # cdn #2
pattern ext-to-ext busy # fdn #2
pattern ext-to-ext no-answer # cgn #2
pattern ext-to-ext no-answer # cdn #2
pattern ext-to-ext no-answer # fdn #2
pattern trunk-to-ext busy # cgn #2
pattern trunk-to-ext busy # cdn #2
pattern trunk-to-ext busy # fdn #2
pattern trunk-to-ext no-answer # cgn #2
pattern trunk-to-ext no-answer # cdn #2
pattern trunk-to-ext no-answer # fdn #2
The # cgn #2, # cdn #2, and # fdn #2 portions of the pattern commands shown in Figure 10-3 are DTMF
digit patterns. These patterns are composed of tags and tokens. Tags are sets of characters representing
DTMF tones. Tokens consist of three command keywords (cgn, cdn, and fdn) that declare the state of
an incoming call transferred to voicemail.
A tag can be up to three character from the DTMF tone set (A to D, 0 to 9, # and *). Voicemail systems
can use limited sets of DTMF tones. For example, Cisco Unity uses all DTMF tones but A to D. Tones
can be defined in multiple ways. For example, when the star (*) is placed in front of a token by itself, it
can mean “dial the following token number,” or, if it is at the end of a token, it can mark the end of a
token number. If the asterisk is between other tag characters, it can mean dial *. The use of tags depends
on how DTMF tones are defined by your voicemail system.
Tokens tell Cisco Unified SRST what telephone number in the call forwarding chain to use in the pattern.
As shown in Figure 10-4, there are three types of tokens that correspond to three possible call states
during voicemail forwarding.
Sets of tags and tokens or patterns activate a voicemail system when one of the following occurs:
• A user presses the message button on a phone (pattern direct command).
• An internal extension attempts to connect to a busy extension and the call is forwarded to voicemail
(pattern ext-to-ext busy command).
• An internal extension fails to connect to an extension and the call is forwarded to voicemail (pattern
ext-to-ext no-answer command).
• An external trunk call reaches a busy extension and the call is forwarded to voicemail (pattern
trunk-to-ext busy command).
• An external trunk call reaches an unanswered extension and the call is forwarded to voicemail
(pattern trunk-to-ext no-answer command).
• FXO hairpin-forwarded calls to voicemail systems must have disconnect supervision from the
central office. For further information, see the FXO Answer and Disconnect Supervision document.
• To configure patterns that your voicemail system will interpret correctly, you must know how the
system routes voicemail calls and interprets DTMF tones (see the “Call Routing Instructions Using
DTMF Digit Patterns” section on page 247).
You can find information about how Cisco Unity handles voicemail calls in the How to Transfer a
Caller Directly into a Cisco Unity Mailbox document. Additional call-handling information can be
found in the “Subscriber and Operator Orientation” chapters of any Cisco Unity system
administration guide.
For other voicemail systems, see the analog voicemail integration configuration guide or
information about the system’s call handling.
1. vm-integration
2. pattern direct tag1 {CGN | CDN | FDN} [tag2 {CGN | CDN | FDN}]
[tag3 {CGN | CDN | FDN}] [last-tag]
3. pattern ext-to-ext busy tag1 {CGN | CDN | FDN} [tag2 {CGN | CDN | FDN}]
[tag3 {CGN | CDN | FDN}] [last-tag]
4. pattern ext-to-ext no-answer tag1 {CGN | CDN | FDN} [tag2 {CGN | CDN | FDN}]
[tag3 {CGN | CDN | FDN}] [last-tag]
5. pattern trunk-to-ext busy tag1 {CGN | CDN | FDN} [tag2 {CGN | CDN | FDN}]
[tag3 {CGN | CDN | FDN}] [last-tag]
6. pattern trunk-to-ext no-answer tag1 {CGN | CDN | FDN} [tag2 {CGN | CDN | FDN}]
[tag3 {CGN | CDN | FDN}] [last-tag]
For the following configuration, if the voicemail number is 1101, and 3001 is a phone with a message
button, 1101*3001 would be dialed automatically when the 3001 message button is pressed. Under these
circumstances, 3001 is considered to be a calling number or inbound call number.
pattern direct * CGN
For the following configuration, if 3001 calls 3006 and 3006 does not answer, the Unified SRST router
will forward 3001 to the voicemail system (1101) and send to the voicemail system the DTMF pattern #
3006 #2. This pattern is intended to select voicemail box number 3006 (3006’s voice mailbox). For this
pattern to be sent, 3001 must be a forwarding number.
pattern ext-to-ext no-answer # FDN #2
For the following configuration, if 3006 is busy and 3001 calls 3006, the Unified SRST router will
forward 3001 to the voicemail system (1101) and send to the voicemail system the DTMF pattern # 3006
#2. This pattern is intended to select voice mailbox number 3006 (3006’s voice mailbox). For this pattern
to be sent, 3001 must be a forwarding number.
pattern ext-to-ext busy # FDN #2
• MWI is not supported during a fallback to Unified SRST. The MWI (the phone LED indication) will
not correctly reflect when new messages arrive or when all messages have been listened to. We
recommend resynchronizing MWIs after the WAN link is available, and connection with Unified
Communications Manager is reestablished. The MWI behavior is consistent across voicemail
support for IPv4 as well as IPv6 on Unified SRST.
1. call-manager-fallback
2. mwi relay
3. mwi reg-e164
4. exit
5. sip-ua
6. mwi-server {ipv4:destination-address | dns:host-name} [expires seconds] [port port]
[transport {tcp | udp}] [unsolicited]
7. exit
Command Purpose
Step 1 call-manager-fallback Enters call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 mwi relay Enables the Unified SRST router to relay MWI
information to remote Cisco IP phones.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# mwi relay
Step 3 mwi reg-e164 Registers E.164 numbers rather than extension
numbers with a SIP proxy or registrar.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# mwi reg-e164
Step 4 exit Exits call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
Step 5 sip-ua Enters SIP user-agent configuration mode.
Router(config)# sip-ua
Command Purpose
Step 6 mwi-server {ipv4:destination-address | Configures voicemail server settings on a voice
dns:host-name} [expires seconds] [port port] gateway or user agent. The IP address and port for the
[transport {tcp | udp}] [unsolicited]
SIP-based MWI server should be in the same LAN as
the voicemail server. The MWI server is a
Example: Cisco Unified SRST router. Keywords and arguments
Router(config-sip-ua)# mwi-server ipv4: are as follows:
• ipv4:destination-address: IP address of the
voicemail server.
• dns:host-name: The argument should contain the
complete hostname to be associated with the
target address; for example,
• expires seconds: Subscription expiration time, in
seconds. Range is from 1 to 999999. Default
is 3600.
• port port: Port number on the voicemail server.
Default is 5060.
• transport: Transport protocol to the voicemail
server. Valid values are tcp and udp. Default is
• unsolicited: Requires the voicemail server to
send a SIP notification message to the voice
gateway or UA if the mailbox status changes.
Removes the requirement that the voice gateway
subscribe for MWI service.
Step 7 exit Exits SIP user-agent configuration mode.
Router(config-sip-ua)# exit
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. sip-ua
4. mwi-server {ipv4:destination-address | dns:host-name} [unsolicited]
5. exit
6. voice register global
7. mwi unsolicited
8. end
Command Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Enter your password if prompted.
Router> enable
Step 2 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 sip-ua Enters Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) user agent
(ua) configuration mode for configuring the user
Router(config)# sip-ua
Step 4 mwi-server {ipv4:destination-address | Configures voicemail server settings on a voice
dns:host-name} [unsolicited] gateway or user agent. Keywords and arguments are
as follows:
Example: • ipv4:destination-address: IP address of the
Router(config-sip-ua)# mwi-server ipv4: voicemail server.
• dns:host-name: The argument should contain the
Or complete hostname to be associated with the
Router(config-sip-ua)# mwi-server target address; for example, unsolicited • unsolicited: Requires the voicemail server to
send a SIP notification message to the voice
gateway or UA if the mailbox status changes.
Removes the requirement that the voice gateway
subscribe for MWI service.
Step 5 exit Exits SIP user-agent configuration mode.
Router(config-sip-ua)# exit
Step 6 voice register global Enters voice register global configuration mode to set
parameters for all supported SIP phones in SIP SRST
Router(config)# voice register global
Command Purpose
Step 7 mwi unsolicited Enables all SIP phones to receive MWI notification.
Router(config-register-global)# mwi unsolicited
Step 8 end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Note Message waiting indicator (MWI) integration is not supported for PSTN access to voicemail systems at
central locations.
! Dial-Peer Configuration for Integration of voicemail with Cisco Unified SRST in Central
! Location
dial-peer voice 101 pots
destination-pattern 14011
port 3/0/0
! Cisco Unified SRST configuration
max-ephones 24
max-dn 144
ip source-address port 2000
voicemail 14011
call-forward busy 14011
call-forward noan 14011 timeout 3
! Cisco Unified SRST Voicemail Integration Pattern Configuration
pattern direct 2 CGN *
pattern ext-to-ext no-answer 5 FDN * CGN *
pattern ext-to-ext busy 7 FDN * CGN *
pattern trunk-to-ext no-answer 4 FDN * CGN *
pattern trunk-to-ext busy 6 FDN * CGN *
voice-port 1/1/1
timing digit 250
timing inter-digit 250
timeouts interdigit 5
ip source-address port 2000
max-ephones 24
max-dn 24
transfer-pattern 3...
voicemail 1101
call-forward busy 1101
call-forward noan 1101 timeout 3
pattern direct * CGN
pattern ext-to-ext no-answer # FDN #2
pattern ext-to-ext busy # FDN #2
pattern trunk-to-ext no-answer # FDN #2
pattern trunk-to-ext busy # FDN #2
interface Serial2/0:23
no ip address
no logging event link-status
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn incoming-voice voice
isdn T309-enable
no cdp enable
voice-port 2/0:23
timeouts interdigit 5
ip source-address port 2000
max-ephones 24
max-dn 24
transfer-pattern 3...
voicemail 1101
call-forward busy 1101
call-forward noan 1101 timeout 3
Note Voicemail number associate with SIP phone message button in SRST is configured by Cisco
Unified Communications Manager (CUCM), and not configurable by SIP SRST. The
administrator needs to know the voicemail number set by CUCM to configure proper dial peer
to voicemail system in SIP SRST.
• When SIP is used to connect a Cisco Unified SRST system to a remote SIP-based IVR or voicemail
application, such as Cisco Unity.
• When SIP is used to connect a Cisco Unified SRST system to a remote SIP-PSTN voice gateway
that goes through the PSTN to a voicemail or IVR application.
Note The need to use out-of-band DTMF relay conversion is limited to SCCP phones. SIP phones natively
support in-band DTMF relay as specified in RFC 2833.
To enable SIP DTMF relay using RFC 2833, the commands in this section must be used on both
originating and terminating gateways.
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 2 voip
Step 2 dtmf-relay rtp-nte Forwards DTMF tones by using Real-Time Transport
Protocol (RTP) with the Named Telephone Event
(NTE) payload type.
Router(config-dial-peer)# dtmf-relay rtp-nte
Step 3 exit Exits dial-peer configuration mode.
Router(config-dial-peer)# exit
Step 4 sip-ua Enables SIP user-agent configuration mode.
Router(config)# sip-ua
Router(config-sip-ua)# exit
Troubleshooting Tips
The dial-peer section of the show running-config command output displays DTMF relay status when it
is configured, as shown in this excerpt:
dial-peer voice 123 voip
destination-pattern [12]...
monitor probe icmp-ping
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 2 voip
Step 2 dtmf-relay sip-notify Forwards DTMF tones using SIP NOTIFY messages.
Router(config-dial-peer)# dtmf-relay sip-notify
Step 3 exit Exits dial-peer configuration mode.
Router(config-dial-peer)# exit
Step 4 sip-ua Enables SIP user-agent configuration mode.
Router(config)# sip-ua
Step 5 notify telephone-event max-duration time Configures the maximum time interval allowed
between two consecutive NOTIFY messages for a
single DTMF event.
Router(config-sip-ua)# notify telephone-event • max-duration time: Time interval between
max-duration 2000 consecutive NOTIFY messages for a single
DTMF event, in milliseconds. Range is from 500
to 3000. Default is 2000.
Step 6 exit Exits SIP user-agent configuration mode.
Router(config-sip-ua)# exit
Troubleshooting Tips
The show sip-ua status command output displays the time interval between consecutive NOTIFY
messages for a telephone event. In the following example, the time interval is 2000 ms:
Router# show sip-ua status
SIP User Agent Status
SIP User Agent for UDP :ENABLED
SIP User Agent for TCP :ENABLED
SIP User Agent bind status(signaling):DISABLED
SIP User Agent bind status(media):DISABLED
SIP early-media for 180 responses with SDP:ENABLED
SIP max-forwards :6
SIP DNS SRV version:2 (rfc 2782)
NAT Settings for the SIP-UA
Role in SDP:NONE
Check media source packets:DISABLED
Maximum duration for a telephone-event in NOTIFYs:2000 ms
Where to Go Next
If you want to configure video parameters, see the “Setting Video Parameters” section on page 263.
For additional information, see the “Additional References” section on page 27 in the “Cisco Unified
SRST Feature Overview” section on page 1 chapter.
This chapter describes how to set video parameters for a Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site
Telephony (SRST) Router.
• Prerequisites for Setting Video Parameters, page 263
• Restrictions for Setting Video Parameters, page 264
• Information About Setting Video Parameters, page 264
• How to Set Video Parameters for Cisco Unified SRST, page 267
• Troubleshooting Video for Cisco Unified SRST, page 276
• Where to Go Next, page 276
• Perform basic Cisco Unified SRST configuration. For more information, see Cisco Unified SRST
V4.0: Setting Up the Network.
• Perform basic ephone configuration. For more information, see Cisco Unified SRST V4.0: Setting
Up Cisco Unified IP Phones.
with Cisco Unified CM. However, you must enter call-manager-fallback configuration mode to set video
parameters for Cisco Unified SRST. The feature set for video is the same as that for Cisco Unified SRST
audio calls.
To set video parameters, you should understand the following concepts:
• Matching Endpoint Capabilities, page 265
• Retrieving Video Codec Information, page 265
• Call Fallback to Audio-Only, page 265
• Call Setup for Video Endpoints, page 265
• Flow of the RTP Video Stream, page 266
Note The endpoint-capability match is executed every time a new call is set up or an existing call is resumed.
Note During an audio-only connection, all video-related media messages are skipped.
During call setup for video, media setup handling determines if a video-media path is required or not. If
so, the corresponding video-media-path setup actions are taken.
• For an SCCP endpoint, video-media-path setup includes sending messages to the endpoints to open
a multimedia path and start the multimedia transmission.
• For an H.323 endpoint, video-media-path setup includes an exchange between the endpoints to open
a logical channel for the video stream.
A call-type flag is set during call setup on the basis of the endpoint-capability match. After call setup,
the call-type flag is used to determine whether an additional video-media path is required. Call signaling
is managed by the Cisco Unified CME router, and the media stream is directly connected between the
two video-enabled SCCP endpoints on the same router. Video-related commands and flow-control
messages are forwarded to the other endpoint. Routers do not interpret these messages.
To display information about RTP named-event packets, such as caller-ID number, IP address, and port
for both the local and remote endpoints, use the show voip rtp connection command as shown in the
following sample output:
Router# show voip rtp connections
Note For more information about slow-connect procedures, see Configuring Quality of Service for Voice.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service voip
4. h323
5. call start slow
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 voice service voip Enters voice-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 4 h323 Enters H.323 voice-service configuration mode.
Router(config-voi-serv)# h323
Step 5 call start slow Forces an H.323 gateway to use slow-connect procedures
for all VoIP calls.
Router(config-serv-h323)# call start slow
1. enable
2. show running config
3. show call-manager-fallback all
Note Use the Settings display on the Cisco Unified IP phones in your network to verify that the default router
IP address on the phones matches the IP address of the Cisco Unified SRST router.
The following example shows output from the show call-manager-fallback all command:
Router# show call-manager-fallback all
CONFIG (Version=3.3)
Version 3.3
For on-line documentation please see:
7910: 34
7935: 34
7936: 34
7940: 34
7960: 34
7970: 34
Log (table parameters):
max-size: 150
retain-timer: 15
transfer-system full-consult
local directory service: enabled.
ephone-dn 1
number 1001
name 1001
description 1001
label 1001
preference 0 secondary 9
call-forward busy 6001
call-forward noan 6001 timeout 8
call-waiting beep
ephone-dn 2
number 1002
name 1002
description 1002
preference 0 secondary 9
call-forward busy 6001
call-forward noan 6001 timeout 8
call-waiting beep
ephone-dn 3
preference 0 secondary 9
call-waiting beep
ephone-dn 4
preference 0 secondary 9
call-waiting beep
ephone-dn 5
preference 0 secondary 9
call-waiting beep
ephone-dn 6
preference 0 secondary 9
call-waiting beep
ephone-dn 7
preference 0 secondary 9
call-waiting beep
ephone-dn 8
preference 0 secondary 9
call-waiting beep
ephone-dn 9
preference 0 secondary 9
call-waiting beep
ephone-dn 10
preference 0 secondary 9
call-waiting beep
ephone-dn 11
preference 0 secondary 9
call-waiting beep
ephone-dn 12
preference 0 secondary 9
call-waiting beep
ephone-dn 13
preference 0 secondary 9
call-waiting beep
ephone-dn 14
preference 0 secondary 9
call-waiting beep
ephone-dn 15
preference 0 secondary 9
call-waiting beep
ephone-dn 16
preference 0 secondary 9
call-waiting beep
ephone-dn 17
preference 0 secondary 9
call-waiting beep
ephone-dn 18
preference 0 secondary 9
call-waiting beep
ephone-dn 19
preference 0 secondary 9
call-waiting beep
ephone-dn 20
preference 0 secondary 9
call-waiting beep
voice-port 50/0/1
station-id number 1001
station-id name 1001
timeout ringing 8
voice-port 50/0/2
station-id number 1002
station-id name 1002
timeout ringing 8
voice-port 50/0/3
voice-port 50/0/4
voice-port 50/0/5
voice-port 50/0/6
voice-port 50/0/7
voice-port 50/0/8
voice-port 50/0/9
voice-port 50/0/10
voice-port 50/0/11
voice-port 50/0/12
voice-port 50/0/13
voice-port 50/0/14
voice-port 50/0/15
voice-port 50/0/16
voice-port 50/0/17
voice-port 50/0/18
voice-port 50/0/19
voice-port 50/0/20
port 50/0/16
tftp-server system:/its/SEPDEFAULT.cnf
tftp-server system:/its/SEPDEFAULT.cnf alias SEPDefault.cnf
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault.cnf.xml alias XMLDefault.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/ATADefault.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/united_states/7960-tones.xml alias United_States/7960-tones.xml
tftp-server system:/its/united_states/7960-font.xml alias
tftp-server system:/its/united_states/7960-dictionary.xml alias
tftp-server system:/its/united_states/7960-kate.xml alias
tftp-server system:/its/united_states/SCCP-dictionary.xml alias
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEP003094C2772E.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEP001201372DD1.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEPFFDD00000001.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEPFFDD00000002.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEPFFDD00000003.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEPFFDD00000004.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEPFFDD00000005.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEPFFDD00000006.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEPFFDD00000007.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEPFFDD00000008.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEPFFDD00000009.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEPFFDD0000000A.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEPFFDD0000000B.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEPFFDD0000000C.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEPFFDD0000000D.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEPFFDD0000000E.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEPFFDD0000000F.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEPFFDD00000010.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEPFFDD00000011.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEPFFDD00000012.cnf.xml
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. call-manager-fallback
4. video
5. maximum bit-rate value
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 call-manager-fallback Enters call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 4 video Enters call-manager-fallback video configuration mode.
Router(config-call-manager-fallback)# video
Step 5 maximum bit-rate value Sets the maximum IP phone video bandwidth, in kbps. The
range is 0 to 10000000. The default is 10000000.
Router(conf-cm-fallback-video)# maximum
bit-rate 256
The following example shows the configuration for video with Cisco Unified SRST:
maximum bit-rate 384
max-conferences 2 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
ip source-address port 2000
max-ephones 52
max-dn 110
dialplan-pattern 1 4084442... extension-length 4
transfer-pattern .T
keepalive 45
voicemail 6001
call-forward pattern .T
Where to Go Next
To monitor and maintain Cisco Unified SRST, see the “Monitoring and Maintaining Cisco Unified
SRST” section on page 277.
For additional information, see the “Additional References” section on page 27 in the “Cisco Unified
SRST Feature Overview” section on page 1 chapter.
To monitor and maintain Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site Telephony (SRST), use the following
commands in privileged EXEC mode.
Command Purpose
Router# show call-manager-fallback all Displays the detailed configuration of all the
Cisco Unified IP phones, voice ports, and dial peers of the
Cisco Unified SRST Router.
Router# show call-manager-fallback dial-peer Displays the output of the dial peers of the
Cisco Unified SRST Router.
Router# show call-manager-fallback ephone-dn Displays Cisco Unified IP Phone destination numbers when in
call manager fallback mode.
Router# show call-manager-fallback voice-port Displays output for the voice ports.
Router# show dial-peer voice summary Displays a summary of all voice dial peers.
Router# show ephone phone Displays Cisco Unified IP Phone status.
Router# show ephone offhook Displays Cisco Unified IP Phone status for all phones that are
off hook.
Router# show ephone registered Displays Cisco Unified IP Phone status for all phones that are
currently registered.
Router# show ephone remote Displays Cisco Unified IP Phone status for all nonlocal phones
(phones that have no Address Resolution Protocol [ARP] entry).
Router# show ephone ringing Displays Cisco Unified IP Phone status for all phones that are
Router# show ephone summary Displays a summary of all Cisco Unified IP Phones.
Router# show ephone telephone-number phone-number Displays Unified IP Phone status for a specific phone number.
Router# show ephone unregistered Displays Unified IP Phone status for all unregistered phones.
Router# show ephone-dn tag Displays Unified IP Phone destination numbers.
Router# show ephone-dn summary Displays a summary of all Cisco Unified IP Phone destination
Router# show ephone-dn loopback Displays Cisco Unified IP Phone destination numbers in
loopback mode.
Command Purpose
Router# show running-config Displays the configuration.
Router # show sip-ua status registrar Display SIP registrar clients.
Router# show voice port summary Displays a summary of all voice ports.
Router # show voice register all Displays all SIP SRST configurations , SIP phone registrations
and dial peer info.
Router # show voice register global Displays voice register global config.
Router # show voice register pool all Displays all config SIP phone voice register pool detail info.
Router # show voice register pool <tag> Displays specific SIP phone voice register pool detail info.
Router # show voice register dial-peers Displays SIP-SRST created dial peer.
Router # show voice register dn all Displays all config voice register dn detail info.
Router # show voice register dn <tag> Displays specific voice register dn detail info.
This chapter describes Cisco Unified Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Survivable Remote Site
Telephony (SRST) features using redirect mode.
• Prerequisites for Cisco Unified SIP SRST Features Using Redirect Mode, page A-1
• Restrictions for Cisco Unified SIP SRST Features Using Redirect Mode, page A-1
• Information About Cisco Unified SIP SRST Features Using Redirect Mode, page A-2
• How to Configure Cisco Unified SIP SRST Features Using Redirect Mode, page A-2
• Configuration Examples for Cisco Unified SIP SRST Features Using Redirect Mode, page A-6
• Where to Go Next, page A-8
Note When IP-to-IP redirection is configured in dial-peer configuration mode, the configuration for the
specific dial peer takes precedence over the global configuration entered under voice service
configuration mode.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service voip
4. redirect ip2ip
5. end
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 voice service voip Enters voice service configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 4 redirect ip2ip Redirects SIP phone calls to SIP phone calls globally on a
gateway using the Cisco IOS voice gateway.
Router(config-voi-srv)# redirect ip2ip
Step 5 end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-voi-srv)# end
Configuring Call Redirect Enhancements to Support Calls on a Specific VoIP Dial Peer
To enable IP-to-IP call redirection for a specific VoIP dial peer, configure it on an inbound dial peer in
dial-peer configuration mode. The default application on Cisco Unified SIP SRST supports IP-to-IP
Note When IP-to-IP redirection is configured in dial-peer configuration mode, the configuration for the
specific dial peer takes precedence over the global configuration entered under voice service
configuration mode.
The redirect ip2ip command must be configured on an inbound dial peer of the gateway.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. dial-peer voice tag voip
4. application application-name
5. redirect ip2ip
6. end
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 dial-peer voice tag voip Enters dial-peer configuration mode.
• tag—A number that uniquely identifies the dial peer
Example: (this number has local significance only).
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 25 voip
• voip—Indicates that this is a VoIP peer using voice
encapsulation on the POTS network and is used for
configuring redirect.
Router(config-dial-peer)# end
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service voip
4. sip
5. redirect contact order [best-match | longest-match]
6. end
Router# configure terminal
Step 3 voice service voip Enters voice service configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 4 sip Enters SIP configuration mode.
Router(config-voi-srv)# sip
Step 5 redirect contact order [best-match | longest- Sets the order of contacts in the 300 Multiple Choice
match] message. The keywords are defined as follows:
• best-match—(Optional) Uses the current system
Example: configuration to set the order of contacts.
Router(conf-serv-sip)# redirect contact order
best-match • longest-match—(Optional) Sets the contact order by
using the destination pattern longest match first, and
then the second longest match, the third longest match,
and so on. This is the default.
Step 6 end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-serv-sip)# end
Rule 0 94 91
! Sets up proxy monitoring.
call fallback active
dial-peer cor custom
name 95
name 94
name 91
! Configures COR values to be applied to the voice register pool.
dial-peer cor list call95
member 95
dial-peer cor list call94
member 94
dial-peer cor list call91
member 91
dial-peer cor list everywhere
member 95
member 94
member 91
! Configures a voice port and a POTS dial peer for calls to and from the PSTN endpoints.
voice-port 1/0/0
dial-peer voice 91500 pots
corlist incoming call91
corlist outgoing call91
destination-pattern 91500
port 1/0/0
Where to Go Next
For additional information, see the “Additional References” section on page 1-27 in the “Cisco Unified
SRST Feature Overview” section on page 1-1 chapter.
This chapter describes how to configure Cisco Unified CM and Cisco Unified SRST to allow Cisco
Unified CM to use Cisco Unified SRST gateways as multicast music-on-hold (MOH) resources during
fallback and normal Cisco Unified CM operation. A distributed MOH design with local gateways
providing MOH eliminates the need to stream MOH across a WAN and saves bandwidth.
• Prerequisites for Using Cisco Unified SRST Gateways as a Multicast MOH Resource, page B-12
• Restrictions for Using Cisco Unified SRST Gateways as a Multicast MOH Resource, page B-12
• Information About Using Cisco Unified SRST Gateways as a Multicast MOH Resource, page B-13
• How to Use Cisco Unified SRST Gateways as a Multicast MOH Resource, page B-18
• Configurations Examples for Cisco Unified SRST Gateways, page B-41
• Where to Go Next, page B-43
Note Phone users at the central site would use multicast MOH from the central site.
Cisco Unified
SRST gateway
V Cisco Unified
SRST gateway
Cisco Unified
Communications Manager
Cisco Unified
Cisco Unified
SRST gateway
Codecs, Port Numbers, and IP Addresses
Cisco Unified SRST multicast MOH supports G.711 only. Figure 2 shows an example in which G.711
is the only codec used by a central Cisco Unified CM and three branches. In some cases, a Cisco Unified
CM system may use additional codecs. For example, for bandwidth savings, Cisco Unified CM may use
G.711 for multicast MOH and G.729 for phone conversations.
As shown in the example in Figure 2, IP address and port 1000 are used during phone
conversations when G.729 is in use, and IP address and port 16384 are used when a call is
placed on hold and G.711 is in use.
Figure 2 IP Address and Port Usage for G.711 and G.729 Configuration
V IP Branch 2
Branch 2 V IP
V IP Branch 2
Figure 1 and Figure 2 show all branches using Cisco Unified SRST multicasting MOH. Figure 3 shows
a case in which some gateways are configured with Cisco Unified SRST and other gateways are not.
When the central site and Branch 3 phone users are put on hold by other IP phones in the Cisco Unified
CM system, MOH is originated by Cisco Unified CM. When Branch 1 and Branch 2 phone users are put
on hold by other phone users in the Cisco Unified CM system, MOH is originated by the Cisco Unified
SRST gateways.
Figure 3 MOH Sources for Cisco Unified SRST and Other Unified SRST IP Phones Using MOH
To enable MOH audio packet transmission through two paths, the Cisco Unified CM MOH server must
be configured with either one IP address and two different port numbers or one port address and two
different IP multicast addresses so that one set of branches can use Cisco Unified SRST multicast MOH
and the other can use Cisco Unified CM multicast MOH.
Regions specify the codecs that are used for audio and video calls within a region and between existing
regions. For information about regions, see the “Region Configuration” section in the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Administration Guide. From the Cisco Unified Communications
Manager documentation directory, click Maintain and Operate Guides and select the required
Cisco Unified Communications Manager version to locate the administration guide for your version.
Add Server
Tip The simplest way to create an audio source is to use the default audio source.
Whether you use a default Cisco Unified CM MOH audio source or you create one, the MOH audio
source must be configured for multicasting in the MOH Audio Source Configuration window.
Note that the MOH Audio Source File Status section shows that the MOH audio source file is configured
for four codec formats. If you are planning to use several codecs, ensure that the audio source file
accommodates them.
For further information about the creation of an MOH audio source, see the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Administration Guide. From the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager documentation directory, click Maintain and Operate Guides and select the
required Cisco Unified CM version.
Use this procedure to configure the MOH audio source to enable multicasting and continuous play.
Note These instructions assume that an MOH audio source file was already created.
Step 1 To enable multicast MOH for the MOH audio source, choose Service > Media Resources > Music On
Hold Audio Source to display the MOH Audio Source Configuration window.
Step 2 Double-click the required audio source listed in the MOH Audio Sources column.
Step 3 In the MOH Audio Source Configuration window, check Allow Multicasting.
Step 4 Click Update.
Enabling Multicast on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager MOH Server and
Configuring Port Numbers and IP Addresses
Enter a base multicast IP address and port number in the Multicast Audio Source Information section of
the MOH Server Configuration window. If you are using Cisco Unified CM multicast MOH and
Cisco Unified SRST multicast MOH (see the “Codecs, Port Numbers, and IP Addresses” section on
page B-14 and the “Multicast MOH Transmission” section on page B-16), you must select a port and IP
address increment method to configure for two sets of port numbers and IP address.
If the Increment Multicast on radio button is set to IP address, each MOH audio source and codec
combination is multicast to different IP addresses but uses the same port number. If it is set to Port
Number, each MOH audio source and codec combination is multicast to the same IP address but uses
different destination port numbers.
Table 2 shows the difference between incrementing on an IP address and incrementing on a port number,
using the base IP address of and the base port number of 16384. The table also matches
Cisco Unified Communications Manager audio sources and codecs to IP addresses and port numbers.
Table 2 Example of the Differences Between Incrementing Multicast on IP Address and Incrementing Multicast on Port Number
Note The lower destination port 16384 is assigned to the first multicast-enabled audio source ID, and the
subsequent ports will be assigned to the subsequent multicast-enabled audio sources.
Incrementation is triggered by a change in codec usage. When codec usage changes, a new IP address or
port number (depending on the incrementation selected) is assigned to the new codec type and is put into
use. The original codec keeps its IP address and port number. For example, as seen in Table 2, if your
baseline IP address and port number are and 16384 for a G.711 mu-law codec and the codec
usage changes to G.729 (triggering an increment on the port number), the IP address and port number in
use changes, or increment, to and 16386. If G.711 usage resumes, the IP address and port
number returns to and 16384. If G.729 is in use again, the IP address and port goes back to and 16386, and so forth.
It is important to configure a Cisco Unified CM port number and IP address that use a G.711 audio source
for Cisco Unified SRST multicast MOH. If Cisco Unified CM multicast MOH is also being used on
gateways that do not have Cisco Unified SRST and use a different codec, such as G.729, ensure that the
additional or incremental port number or IP address uses the same audio source as the Cisco Unified
SRST gateways and the required codec.
The MOH Server Configuration window is also where the multicast audio source for the MOH server is
configured. For Cisco Unified SRST multicast MOH, the Cisco Unified CM MOH server can use only
one audio source. An audio source is selected by inputting the audio source’s maximum number of hops.
The Max Hops configuration sets the length of the transmission of the audio source packets. Limiting
the number of hops is one way to stop audio packets from reaching the WAN and thus spoofing
Cisco Unified Communications Manager so Cisco Unified SRST can multicast MOH. If all of your
branches run Cisco Unified SRST, use a low number of hops to prevent audio source packets from
crossing the WAN. If your system configuration includes routers that do not run Cisco Unified SRST,
enter a high number of hops to allow source packets to cross the WAN. Use the ip multicast bounder
and access-list commands to keep resource packets from specific IP addresses from reaching the WAN.
Use this procedure to enable multicast and configure port numbers and IP addresses.
Note If your branches include routers that do not run Cisco Unified SRST and do use G.711, configure
separate audio sources: one for the routers that run Cisco Unified SRST and one for the routers
that do not.
Creating an MRG and an MRGL, Enabling MOH Multicast, and Configuring Gateways
The next task involves configuring individual gateways to use an MOH server that can transport the
required MOH audio source to their IP phones on hold. This is accomplished by creating a Media
Resource Group (MRG). An MRG references media resources, such as MOH servers. The MRG is then
added to a Media Resource Group List (MRGL), and the MRGL is added to the phone and gateway
MRGs are created in the Media Resource Group Configuration window. MRGLs are created in the Media
Resource Group List Configuration window. Phones are configured in the Phone Configuration window.
Gateways are configured in the Gateway Configuration window.
Note The Gateway Configuration window for an H.323 gateway is similar for MGCP gateways.
Add MRGL to a gateway or IP phone configuration by adding the MRGL to a device pool configuration.
For further information about device pools, see Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration
Guide. From the Cisco Unified Communications Manager documentation directory, click Maintain and
Operate Guides and select the required Cisco Unified CM version.
Use the following procedure to create an MRG and MRGL, to enable MOH multicast, and to configure
c. Double-click the device name of the gateway that you want to update.
d. If the gateway is H.323, complete the Media Resource Group List field by choosing the required
MRGL from the drop-down menu.
e. Click Update.
Step 1 Verify that Cisco Unified CM system’s multicast MOH is heard on a remote gateway.
a. If multicast is enabled on the WAN, make sure that the number of hops configured on the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager MOH server is sufficient to allow audio packets to reach
the remote site (see the “Enabling Multicast on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager MOH
Server and Configuring Port Numbers and IP Addresses” section on page B-20). Then call an IP
phone on a remote gateway, place the call on hold, and verify that MOH is heard.
b. If multicast is not enabled on the WAN, place an IP phone on the same subnet as the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager MOH server and verify that MOH can be heard. Because the IP phone
and the MOH server are on the same subnet, no multicast routing capabilities in the network are
Step 2 Verify that the Cisco Unified CM system’s MOH is multicast, not unicast.
a. From Microsoft Windows, select Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Performance.
b. In the Performance window, click the + (plus) icon located at the top of the right pane.
c. In the Add Counters window, select Cisco MOH Device.
d. In the Performance window, you can monitor the MOHMulticastResourceActive and
MOHUnicastResourceActive counters to check on multicast activity.
Configuring Cisco Unified SRST for Multicast MOH from an Audio File
Note Use the steps in this section only when you are using Microsoft Windows to run Cisco Unified
Communications Manager version 4.3 or below. Use the RTMT (Real-Time Monitoring Tool) in
Cisco Unified Communications Manager version 5.0 and later versions on the Linux operating system
to monitor MOH activity in Cisco Unified CM version. See Cisco Unified Communications
Serviceability System Guide, Release 4.0(1) for more information about RTMT.
Use the following procedures to configure Cisco Unified SRST for multicast MOH from an audio file.
• Enabling Multicast MOH on the Cisco Unified SRST Gateway, page B-27
• Verifying Basic Cisco Unified SRST Multicast MOH Streaming, page B-31
• Verifying Cisco Unified SRST MOH to PSTN, page B-32
• Verifying Cisco Unified SRST Multicast MOH to IP Phones, page B-36
• The Cisco Unified SRST gateways must run Cisco IOS Release 12.2(15)ZJ2 or a later release.
• The flash memory in each of the Cisco Unified SRST gateways must have an MOH audio file. The
MOH file can be in .wav or .au file format, but must contain 8-bit 8-kHz data, such as an a-law or
mu-law data format. A known working MOH audio file ( is included in the
program .zip files that can be downloaded from
Or the file can be downloaded from and copied to the flash memory on your
Cisco Unified SRST router.
Note The MOH file packaged with the SRST software is completely royalty free.
• For Cisco Unified CM versions 4.3 or earlier versions running on Windows, download MOH files
by copying one of the MOH files, such as SampleAudioSource.ULAW.wav, from C:\Program
Files\Cisco\MOH on Cisco Unified CM.
Note During the copying process, four files are added to each router’s flash automatically. One of
the files must use a mu-law format as indicated by the extension.ULAW.wav.
• You must configure a loopback interface and include its IP addresses in the Cisco Unified SRST
multicast MOH configuration. This configuration allows multicast MOH to be heard on POTS ports
on the gateway. The loopback interface does not have to bind to either H.323 or MGCP.
• Configure at least one ephone and directory number (DN), even if the gateway is not used for
Cisco Unified SRST. Cisco Unified SRST multicast MOH streaming never starts without an ephone
and directory number.
1. ccm-manager music-on-hold
2. interface loopback number
3. ip address ip-address mask
4. exit
5. interface fastethernet slot/port
6. ip address ip-address mask
7. exit
8. call-manager-fallback
Router(config-if)# exit
Step 5 interface fastethernet slot/port (Optional if the route keyword is not used in the
multicast moh command. See Step 9 and
Step 13.) Configures an interface type and enters
Router(config)# interface fastethernet 0/0
interface configuration mode.
Step 6 ip address ip-address mask (Optional if the route keyword is not used in the
multicast moh command. See Step 9 and
Step 13.) Sets a primary IP address for an
Router(config-if)# ip-address
Step 7 exit (Optional if the route keyword is not used in the
multicast moh command. See Step 9 and
Step 13.) Exits interface configuration mode.
Router(config-if)# exit
Step 8 call-manager-fallback Enters call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
Troubleshooting Tips
The show ephone summary output should show a file type as either .au or .wav. If INVALID appears,
an error exists.
Router# show ephone summary
File type INVALID Media_Payload_G.711Ulaw64k 160 bytes651-
An invalid output might be caused by the order in which the Cisco Unified SRST configuration
commands are entered. Use the no call-manager-fallback command and reenter the multicast MOH
commands. Rebooting may also clear the error.
Note This feature does not apply when the Cisco Unified SRST router is in fallback mode.
1. Verify that a PSTN caller hears MOH when placed on hold by an IP phone caller.
2. show ccm-manager music-on-hold
3. debug h245 asn
4. show call active voice
Troubleshooting Tips
• If the PSTN caller hears tone on hold (TOH) instead of MOH, two problems are probable:
– Cisco Unified CM has failed to activate MOH and has used TOH as a fallback. To verify that
this is the case, see the “Verifying Cisco Unified Communications Manager Multicast MOH”
section on page B-26.
– Cisco Unified CM does not have the appropriate MOH resource available. Use the show
ccm-manager music-on-hold command to find out if the MOH resource is the problem.
Note The show ccm-manager music-on-hold command displays information about PSTN
connections on hold only. It does not display information about multicast streams going to
IP phones on hold.
If no MOH streams are shown (that is, there are no rows of data beneath the columns),
Cisco Unified Communications Manager was not correctly configured to provide the
Cisco Unified SRST gateway with MOH. Configuration errors might include that the required
codec has not been enabled on Cisco Unified Communications Manager (check the service
parameters) and that no MRGL was assigned to the gateway, or, if one was assigned, it has
insufficient resources. Check Cisco Intrusion Detection System (Cisco IDS) Event Viewer for
error messages.
• If the POTS caller on hold does not hear a sound, Cisco Unified CM has successfully completed the
multicast MOH handshaking with the Cisco Unified SRST gateway, and the gateway is failing to
pick up the locally generated multicast RTP stream.
Use the show ccm-manager music-on-hold command to investigate.
Router# show ccm-manager music-on-hold
– If no MOH streams are shown, Cisco Unified CM was not correctly set up to provide the
Cisco Unified SRST gateway with MOH. A typical error is that Cisco Unified Communications
Manager was not configured with an appropriate MOH resource. The configuration error might
be that the required codec has not been enabled on Cisco Unified CM (check the service
parameters) or that no MRGL was assigned to the gateway, or, if one is assigned, it has
insufficient resources. Check the IDS Event Viewer for error messages.
– Verify that the multicast address and RTP port number shown in the show ccm-manager
music-on-hold command output match the multicast-address and port arguments in the
moh multicast command configuration.
– Verify that the Packets in/out field shows a count that is incrementing. Repeat the show
ccm-manager music-on-hold command to verify that the Packets in/out counters are
– Verify that the codec field matches the codec type of the audio file stored in the
Cisco Unified SRST gateway’s flash memory. If another codec value besides G.711 mu-law or
G.711 a-law appears in the show ccm-manager music-on-hold command output, review the
Cisco Unified CM region for incorrect codec configuration. See the “Creating a Region for the
MOH Server” section on page B-25.
– The Incoming Interface field shows where the Cisco Unified SRST gateway is to receive the
multicast MOH packets. An interface must be listed and it must be one of the interfaces included
in the multicast moh command or the default IP source address, which is configured with the
ip source-address command.
For more information, see Step 9 in the “Enabling Multicast MOH on the Cisco Unified SRST
Gateway” section on page B-27.
Step 1 Verify that an IP phone caller hears MOH when placed on hold by an IP phone caller.
Use an IP phone to call a second IP phone, and put the second caller on hold. The second caller should
hear MOH.
Step 2 Check the MOHMulticastResourceActive and MOHUnicastResourceActive counters.
Use the Performance window to check the MOHMulticastResourceActive and
MOHUnicastResourceActive counters under the Cisco MOH Device performance object. See Step 2 in
the “Verifying Cisco Unified Communications Manager Multicast MOH” section on page B-26. For
Cisco Unified SRST multicasting MOH to work, the multicast counter must increment.
Troubleshooting Tips
If no MOH is heard and the Cisco Unified SRST MOH signaling is multicasting, connect a sniffer to the
PC port on the back of IP phone. If the IP phone and Cisco Unified SRST gateway are connected to the
same subnet, multicast RTP packets must be detected at all times, even when the IP phone was not placed
on hold. If the IP phone and the Cisco Unified SRST gateway are not connected to the same subnet,
multicast RTP packets are detected only when the IP phone is placed on hold and sends an Internet Group
Management Protocol (IGMP) Join to the closest router.
connection on an E&M port does not require loop current.) The signal immediate and auto-cut-through
commands disable E&M signaling on this voice port. A G.711 audio packet stream is generated by a
digital signal processor (DSP) on the E&M port.
In Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T and later releases, you can directly connect a live-feed source to an FXO
port if the signal loop-start live-feed command is configured on the voice port; otherwise, the port must
connect through an external third-party adapter to provide a battery feed. An external adapter must
supply normal telephone company (telco) battery voltage with the correct polarity to the tip and ring
leads of the FXO port and it must provide transformer-based isolation between the external audio source
and the tip and ring leads of the FXO port.
Music from a live feed is continuously fed into the MOH playout buffer instead of being read from a
flash file, so there is typically a 2-second delay. An outbound call to an MOH live-feed source is
attempted (or reattempted) every 30 seconds until the connection is made by the directory number that
was configured for MOH. If the live-feed source is shut down for any reason, the flash memory source
automatically activates.
A live-feed MOH connection is established as an automatically connected voice call that is made by the
Cisco Unified SRST MOH system itself or by an external source directly calling in to the live-feed MOH
port. An MOH call can be from or to the PSTN or can proceed via VoIP with voice activity detection
(VAD) disabled. The call is assumed to be an incoming call unless the out-call keyword is used with the
moh-live command during configuration.
The Cisco Unified SRST router uses the audio stream from the call as the source for the MOH stream,
displacing any audio stream that is available from a flash file. An example of an MOH stream received
over an incoming call is an external H.323-based server device that calls the directory number to deliver
an audio stream to the Cisco Unified SRST router.
Cisco Unified SRST for multicast MOH, as described in the “Configuring Cisco Unified SRST for
Multicast MOH from an Audio File” section on page B-26, is not required for the MOH live-feed
configuration. However, MOH live feed is designed to work in conjunction with multicast MOH.
• An FXO port can be used for a live feed if the port is supplied with an external third-party adapter
to provide a battery feed.
• An FXS port cannot be used for a live feed.
• For a live feed from VoIP, VAD must be disabled.
• MOH is supplied to PSTN and VoIP G.711 calls. Some versions of Cisco Unified SRST provide
MOH to local phones. On Cisco Unified SRST that do not support MOH for local IP phones, callers
hear a repeating tone on hold for reassurance that they are still connected.
• Conditions may occur within your network that is caused by brief spikes of a higher CPU usage.
Small spikes in CPU usage can temporarily affect the quality of the MOH heard by parties connected
via TDM (FXO / PRI / S) interfaces.
1. voice-port port
2. input gain decibels
3. auto-cut-through (E&M only)
4. operation 4-wire (E&M only)
5. signal immediate (E&M only)
6. no shutdown
7. exit
Router(config-voiceport)# no shutdown
Step 7 exit Exits voice-port configuration mode.
Router(config-voiceport)# exit
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 7777 pots
Step 2 destination-pattern string Specifies the directory number that the system uses to create
MOH. This command specifies either the prefix or the full
E.164 telephone number to be used for a dial peer.
Router(config-dial-peer)# destination-pattern
Step 3 port port Associates the dial peer with the voice port that was
specified in the “Setting Up the Voice Port on the Cisco
Unified SRST Gateway” section on page B-37.
Router(config-dial-peer)# port 1/1/0
Step 4 exit Exits dial-peer configuration mode.
Router(config-dial-peer)# exit
1. call-manager-fallback
2. max-dn max-directory-number
3. multicast moh multicast-address port port [route ip-address-list]
4. moh-live dn-number calling-number out-call outcall-number
5. exit
Router(config)# call-manager-fallback
Step 2 max-dn max-directory-number Sets the maximum possible number of virtual voice ports
that can be supported by a router.
Example: • max-directory-number—Maximum number of
Router(config-cm-fallback)# max-dn 1 directory numbers or virtual voice ports supported by
the router. The maximum possible number is
platform-dependent. The default is 0.
Step 3 multicast moh multicast-address port port Enables multicast of MOH from a branch office flash MOH
[route ip-address-list] file to IP phones in the branch office.
Note This command must be used to source live feed
Example: MOH to multicast Cisco Unified CM mode. It is not
Router(config-cm-fallback)# multicast moh required in strict SRST mode. port 16386 route
• multicast-address and port port—Declares the IP
address and port number of MOH packets that are to be
multicast. The multicast IP address and port must
match the IP address and the port number that
Cisco Unified Communications Manager is configured
to use for multicast MOH. If you are using different
codecs for MOH, these might not be the base IP address
and port, but an incremented IP address or port number.
See the “Configuring the MOH Audio Source to Enable
Multicasting” section on page B-19. If you have
multiple audio sources configured on Cisco Unified
CM, ensure that you are using the audio sources’
correct IP address and port number.
• route ip-address-list—(Optional) Declares the IP
address or addresses from which the flash MOH
packets can be transmitted. A maximum of four IP
address entries are allowed. If a route keyword is not
configured, the Cisco Unified SRST system uses the
ip source-address command value configured for
Cisco Unified SRST.
Router(config-cm-fallback)# exit
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
ip source-address port 2000
max-ephones 1
max-dn 1
Note The multicast IP address and port must match the IP address and the port number that Cisco Unified CM
is configured to use for multicast MOH. If you are using different codecs for MOH, these might not be
the base IP address and port, but an incremented IP address or port number. See the “Configuring the
MOH Audio Source to Enable Multicasting” section on page B-19. If you have multiple audio sources
configured on Cisco Unified CM, ensure that you are using the audio source’s correct IP address and port
Note Table 3 lists the Cisco Unified SRST version that introduced support for a given feature. Unless noted
otherwise, subsequent versions of Cisco Unified SRST software also support that feature.
Table 3 Feature Information for Cisco Unified SRST as a Multicast MOH Resource
Where to Go Next
For additional information, see the “Additional References” section on page 1-27 in the “Cisco Unified
SRST Feature Overview” section on page 1-1 chapter.