The Limits To Machine Consciousness: Oklahoma State University
The Limits To Machine Consciousness: Oklahoma State University
The Limits To Machine Consciousness: Oklahoma State University
Subhash Kak
Oklahoma State University
Abstract It is generally accepted that machines can replicate cognitive tasks performed by
conscious agents as long as they are not based on the capacity of awareness. We consider
several views on the nature of subjective awareness, which is fundamental for self-
reflection and review, and present reasons why this property is not computable. We argue
that consciousness is more than an epiphenomenon and assuming it to be a separate
category is consistent with both quantum mechanics and cognitive science. We speak of two
kinds of consciousness, little-C and big-C, and discuss the significance of this classification in
analyzing the current academic debates in the field. The interaction between the system and
the measuring apparatus of the experimenter is examined both from the perspectives of
decoherence and the quantum Zeno effect. These ideas are used as context to address the
question of limits to machine consciousness.
AI and robotics are bringing about revolutionary changes in society and the next
question is whether machines with consciousness could be designed. The word
“consciousness” can mean different things, but in its quest for machines the sense is
of “awareness” and “subjectivity” that underlies memories, creating a narrative that
goes beyond the straitjacket of physical law [1],[2]. This is also an important
scientific question for all cognitions and the creation of science takes place in
consciousness. It follows that an understanding of reality cannot emerge without an
insight into its nature.
An immediate practical motivation for this research is the prospect that “self-
conscious” robots will be deployed on the battlefield and used in rescue operations
in dangerous environments. It is clear that machines with awareness will have
greater autonomy and corresponding beneficial uses but they will create new
challenges by replacing humans in many jobs and raise thorny problems of ethics
and morality. Whether such machines will ever be built remains an open question.
A distinction is generally made between the philosophical positions of strong
and weak AI. Those who believe in the former admit the possibility that AI will
subsume the phenomenon of consciousness, whereas those who believe in the latter
allow only the possibility of mimicking the capacities of the brain.
At first look, one could assert that since the brain is a machine that is
conscious then other machines with appropriate architecture should also exhibit
Subhash Kak
The Limits to Machine Consciousness
Subhash Kak
The Limits to Machine Consciousness
the corresponding brain function (Figure 5). However, no specific neural correlate
of consciousness has been found [20]. Others have argued that counterintuitive
characteristics of the mind are ascribable to underlying quantum processes
[21],[22]. But although quantum mechanics might play a role in brain processes
[23],[24] there is no reason to assume that it throws any light on the phenomenon
of consciousness [25].
Subhash Kak
pioneers of quantum mechanics thought this criticism was misplaced. Noting that
Schrödinger believed that the philosophical basis of quantum theory is consistent
with the Vedic system (e.g. [30]), we add that in the mainstream Indian
philosophical position this dualism is only apparent and at the basis of all is a
unitary consciousness [31],[32].
Consciousness is never experienced in the plural, only in the singular. Even in the
pathological cases of split consciousness or double personality the two persons
alternate, they are never manifest simultaneously. …How does the idea of plurality
(so emphatically opposed by the Upanishad writers) arise at all? Consciousness
finds itself intimately connected with, and dependent on, the physical state of a
limited region of matter, the body. (Consider the changes of mind during the
development of the body, as puberty, ageing, dotage, etc., or consider the effects of
fever, intoxication, narcosis, lesion of the brain and so on.) Now, there is a great
plurality of similar bodies. Hence the pluralization of consciousnesses or minds
seems a very suggestive hypothesis. Probably all simple, ingenuous people, as well
as the great majority of Western philosophers, have accepted it.
Memories and experiences are not physical although they may have neural
correlates. The same awareness of the individual suffering from dissociative identity
disorder is bound to different alters (alternate selves). More dramatically, the same
individual might be a loving family man at home and a ruthless murderer in a
different environment. The self is past experience together with culturally
determined ways of binding this experience. Since the wholeness of the self is not
diminished if the individual were to be taken to an entirely new society and cut-off
from all past experience, the self is beyond the experience.
The Limits to Machine Consciousness
Subhash Kak
the Vedic view [38]. According to the Vedic tradition, Buddhist practices are fine in
advancing the understanding of the mind, but they stop short by denying the
independent agency of consciousness. The idea of impermanence is critiqued on the
premise that impermanent reality cannot be constrained by permanent laws and if
the laws are permanent they represent a transcendent aspect of the reality.
Formally, big-C is consciousness with an ontological category of its own (e.g.
[38]). It appears that consciousness as conceived in psychophysical parallelism is
big-C [40], and Schrödinger stressed this point repeatedly (see, e.g. [41]), and the
positivist view of reality supports this view.
We use the term little-C for consciousness that relates to the normal
functions of the mind that appear as an epiphenomenon as seen, for example,
through the lens of neuroscience. The centrality of the non-self doctrine in Buddhist
thought, even allowing for the invariant principles that guide mind’s
transformations [42],[43], is consistent with little-C. These two views are
summarized in Table 1.
The Limits to Machine Consciousness
any reductionist program. It requires the use of signs derived from global properties
and the capacity to make choices which, in turn, implies agency. Such agency will be
consistent with physical law only if does not involve the expenditure of energy.
The composite system evolves and gets entangled so that we have the mixed state
with diagonal terms in the density matrix that is c0 0 0 c1 1 1 . The
2 2
measurement of the apparatus state reveals the state of the system although the
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The Limits to Machine Consciousness
can be guided to a desired state. The name of this effect is a take-off on Zeno’s arrow
paradox, according to which an arrow in flight is not seen to move during any single
instant, and therefore it cannot possibly be moving at all.
The quantum Zeno effect does not change the dynamics, and the process of
observation merely changes the probabilities that are associated with different
outcomes. It finds a way for consciousness to manifest itself in evolution without the
need for any change to the physical law.
The idea of samavāya (inherence) in the Vaiśeṣika Sūtra of Kaṇāda [31] is a
similar idea in which consciousness influences the physical world by observation
alone. It is extraordinary that this subtle idea has been a part of the mainstream
philosophy in India for a long time.
Subhash Kak
This above view is consistent with general belief in the AI community that
machines can replicate all cognitive tasks performed by conscious agents so long as
these tasks are not based on the capacity of awareness, which is fundamental for
self-reflection and creativity. But even if subjective awareness is not engineered,
machines will replace humans in a huge variety of tasks, causing unprecedented
stress and dislocations in society and raise questions of meaning and purpose of life.
Machines will come up short in creativity tasks, although the term
“creativity” itself is contested and in retrospect what was taken to be creative at one
point may be seen as a consequence of previous causes. Indeed, some creativity is
inductive but if there is another kind which is non-inductive, then this will not be
open to machines.
These ideas have implication to society for one may conclude that cultures
that regiment human thought reduce its members to be no better than automatic,
machine-like behavior. Such cultures diminish humanity and so they will come in
conflict with open societies. On the other hand, the alienation set off in society due
to the vanishing of jobs may attract some to cults with a simplistic view of the world.
We have shown that the naïve view of considering consciousness to be apart from
the body provides surprising insight into the larger problem of conscious machines.
Cognitive capacities are computational but their assignment to the autobiographical
self is a process that is associated with awareness and memories. This assignment
occurs with consciousness as a singular phenomenon. Sentience is a complex dance
between being and becoming, where being is consciousness and becoming is the
physical reality.
Consciousness cannot intervene in physical law but it can change the
probabilities in the evolution of quantum processes (as in the quantum Zeno effect),
without changing the dynamics and this provides an explanation of how
consciousness can be reconciled with the physical law.
Let me return to the question of why the brain-machine is conscious. If the
phenomenon of consciousness is contingent on a recursive and self-organizing
The Limits to Machine Consciousness
structure that constitutes the unity of the organism, then we know that current
machines will come up short. We don’t yet know whether machines can be designed
that will have such a structure for we lack a mathematical theory of computation for
adaptive, self-organizing components. Perhaps a case could be made that only
biological machines can have such a basis and that opens up the possibility of
engineering new biological structures that have consciousness.
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