Type 1 Settling: Column Test: Environmental Engineering II Prof. S. Chakraborty 08/09/2020

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Type 1 settling: column test

Environmental Engineering II
Prof. S. Chakraborty
In the last lecture we developed equation for
settling velocity (vt) for
 laminar flow and spherical particle and
 non-laminar flow non spherical particle with
correction for non spherical shape
 Settling velocity is dependent on particle

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Limitation of these equations (terminal settling velocity
equation that are developed)

• In water suspended solids of varying size (i.e.

diameter, dp) and varying shape.
• It is very difficult to find out diameter and shape of
each solid particle in water.
• So, calculation of settling velocity using equation
type 1 settling velocity equations is seldom possible.

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• Settling column test in the laboratory with the
water sample for which we have to remove
suspended solids.

• A settling column is shown in Fig. 1. Water

level and sampling port are marked.

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Water level

Diameter d0

Diameter dp


Sampling port

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Fig. 1 Settling column

o Height of column from water level to sampling
port is Z0.
o When any particle reach sampling port, it is
consider as settled (i.e. removed from water by
o The water suspension is added in the settling
o Water sample is mixed completely at t=0 (to
ensure uniform distribution of solid particles
throughout the depth of the column)
o Now, particles are allowed to settle
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o Suppose that a particle (shown in black colour in Fig. 1) is just at the water
level at time equals zero (t=0) and it reaches sampling port in time t0.
o Particle has travelled Z0 distance in t0 time.
o Diameter of the particle is d0.
o Average settling velocity of the particle is v0.
𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑍0
v0 = 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑙
= 𝑡0
 Now, think that another particle (blue colour particle in Fig. 1) is initially suspended at
a height Zp from the sampling port (Zp is in much lower position that water level).
 This particle has diameter dp (dp < d0).
 This particle also reaches the sampling port in time t0.
 Average settling velocity of the second particle is vp.

vp = = (2)

 Since, dp< d0, vp is also lower than v0. The blue particle though having
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lower velocity than v0, it can be settled in t0 time.
From equ (1) and (2) we can write that
𝑧0 𝑧𝑝
𝑡0 = = (3)
𝑣0 𝑣𝑝
𝑣𝑝 𝑧𝑝
= 𝑧0

Some general statements can be made from the column test:

1. Article having dia d0 and settling velocity v0 reaches sampling port in t0 time
and is removed (i.e. settled) in t0 time.
2. All particles with diameter equal to or greater than d0, will have settling
velocities more than v0. All such particles will reach sampling port in t0 time.
3. A particle with diameter dp and dp < d0, has settling velocity of vp. If dp < d0,
the vp < v0. This particle of diameter dp, may also reach sampling port (i.e.
settled or removed) in time t0, if its position is at a height Zp or lower than

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4. In the beginning of column test, we have uniformly mixed the water sample
and then added it in settling column (i.e. all particles are randomly distributed
from top to the bottom of the column).
5. Uniformly mixed suspension, the fraction of particles of diameter dp (having
settling velocity vp) will arrive the sampling port in time t0 is Zp/Z0.
6. From, equ (4), we know that Zp/Z0 = vp/V0.
So, the removal efficiency of any sized particle from suspension is the ratio of
the settling velocity of that particle to the settling velocity v0 (we know from
equ (1) that v0 = Z0/t0)

These statements can be used to determine the removal efficiency of type 1

settling from column test data

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Column test
o Fill up the column with water suspension. The depth of the column is not a
factor in test.
o Suspension is mixed completely to ensure uniform distribution of particles
o A suspended solid analysis is done with the column suspension at immediately
after mixing. This is initial suspended solids concentration in water = C0
o Solids start settling in the column and at time t1, a second sample is drawn off
from the column (top part of water) and find out suspended solids
concentration = C1
o From previous discussion we know that C1 is the remaining solids in the
column (that is not settled) and they must have settling velocities lower than
v1= Z0/t1 (i.e. they could not cover Z0 distance in t1 time and remained in
the column)

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o The mass fraction of particles that is not removed in time t1 will be
x1 = C1/C0 and they have settling velocities lower than v1 (when v1 = Z0/t1)
o Similarly, at time = t2, solid concentration in column = C2. The mass fraction
of particles that is not removed in time t2 will be
x2 = C2/C0 and they have settling velocities lower than v2 (when v2 = Z0/t2)
o The process is repeated several times (with C values at corresponding t values)
with xi is the mass fraction of particles having settling velocities lower than vi
(when vi = Z0/ti)
o A graph can be made from these data of xi and vi and removal efficiency can
be calculated (we will discuss in the next class)

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