Modern Art Contemp Orary Art

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DepEd Learning Activity Sheets (LAS)

Name of Learner:
Grade Level: 12



Background Information for Learners

(Brief discussion of the lesson, if possible cite examples)

To some people, it is common to think that the two words, Modern and Contemporary are the same. If we will ask them
to define modern, they will mean it’s up to date or might relate to the present time. Modern art are those artistic works that
were produced around 1860’s to 1970’s, meaning before the contemporary art. While Contemporary art are those that
were produced after the modern art, from 1970’s up to present.

Development of Art in the Philippines

Even before the coming of the Spaniards, Filipinos developed art already because they were influenced by the
geographical location and different experiences. They can already carve image of the anitos, create musical instruments
and choreographies through mimicking the movements of animals, and they can build their houses already using light
materials. They exhibited also talents in literature and theatrical presentations during rituals. When the Spaniards came,
they tried to replace the indigenous art when they introduced the Western art forms, because they aimed to propagate
Christianity, in the field of literature, theater and dances, it’s more on religious works and plays. They were the one who
introduced the piano and other Western instruments. Bricks were used as materials in establishing, houses, churches and
other buildings. When the American took over our country, system in politics, economy, education and culture in our
country has changed. In line of In line of education, Filipinos were given opportunity to study abroad and came back to
our country carrying the concepts of what they have learned especially the concept of modern art. Different methods
materials and ideas were used in expressing art. The art forms and practices in our country broadened. Artists tried the
use of different materials and methodologies that produced different artworks with a wide-range of themes. The
continuous progress of modernism led the development of contemporary art. , if we are going to realize, no matter how
these Western countries greatly influenced our country with their art forms, our views, attitude and values remain intact as
can be reaped from their present visual arts.

Learning Competency with code

MELC 1 – CFAR11/12IAC-0a-1
The learner describes various contemporary art forms and their practices from the various regions.
Enabling Competencies: After the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Differentiate modern art to contemporary art.
2. Explain the development of art in the Philippines.

Directions/ Instructions
1. Spot the Differences Among the Pairs of Pictures: Write down the things that make the following pairs different.
2. Venn Diagram: Inside the circle on the left side, you will notice the words Modern Art. Give your own
perception about Modern Art and write it down on the template provided. On the right side, you are going to do
the same procedure, but this time, write your understanding about Contemporary Art. After giving your answer
on these two words, you are going to write now at the circles that overlap, their similarities.
3. Fill-out the columns: There are four columns in the provided sheet. The first column is provided for Philippine
Ethnic Art Form. For the second column is for the Spanish Colonial Tradition, next is for the American Colonial
and for the last column is Contemporary Art. Inside the box below the table, are the different art forms in
different periods. Identify which period each item belongs. Then write your answer in the provided columns.

Exercises / Activities
1. Spot the Differences Among the Pairs of Photos

2. Venn Diagram

Modern Art Contemp


3. Fill out the Columns

Ethnic Art Form Spanish Colonial American Colonial Contemporary Art


. Plaza complex, civic and government structure, santos and altar pieces, body adornment
(like tattooing and piercing), National Museum of National History, pottery, carving,
woodwork and metalwork, landscape, Valse, Pandanggo and Polka, mimicking
movements of animals and the last item is city planning parks.

Guide Questions (if necessary)

1. Can you now distinguish the differences between the different art traditions?
2. Do you already know what contemporary art is?

Rubric for scoring

Reflective Essay Writing for Learning

4 3 2 1
Content Your content was Your content was Your content was Not enough
. always accurate. Essentially accurate. mostly unclear. information was
presented or was not

Use of Time Maintained time You mostly stayed You exceeded the Your message
frame. within the time time frame, but that’s was too short or too long.
frame okay.

Activities Completion Student completed the entire Student completed at least ¾ Student submitted at least ½ Not enough portfolio was
activities. of the activities of the activities submitted.

Write in your paper capital letter E if the
statement belongs to Ethnic Traditions, S if it belongs to Spanish Traditions, A if it belongs to American Colonial and
Contemporary Traditions.
1. First, religion and secularization influenced all art forms.
2. Pottery, weaving, wood carving, and metal crafting are the forms of visual arts.
3. Filipinos studied abroad and later on introduced new ideas in art making.
4. Filipinos developed choreographies by mimicking movements of animals.
5. Technological innovations affected art making resulting to non-conventional artworks.
References for learners

1. Encyclopedia Britannica
2. Contemporary Philippine Arts From the Regions by Luzviminda D Sandagan and Ayesha H. Sayseng pages 3-6

Answer Key:
1. S
2. E
3. A
4. E
5. C

Written and Prepared by: DINA G. PULIAN

Master Teacher II

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