A. SWOT Analysis: Strengths
A. SWOT Analysis: Strengths
A. SWOT Analysis: Strengths
SWOT Analysis
Hire local models, celebrities or public figures in line with their corporate image
Sponsor school and corporate activities
Online selling (own website)
Direct Selling (agents)
Telemarketing (advertising and selling)
Join online deals (Zalora, Metrodeal, Ebay, etc)
Join exhibits, social events and government activities promoting local brands
Introduce seasonal clothing designs/fashion
Advertise to major local magazines
Offer surplus on the unsold items to corporations with a cause (a part of sales will be
donated to a non-profit organization)
Create CSR programs in line with company’s operations
Introduce Penshoppe membership card (for every P6,000 accumulated receipt for one year
entitled a customer to be a member for 3 years which will receive 10% discount all regular
items to stores nationwide)