Advanced Algebra I Syllabus 2016 2017: Instructor: Westview Phone: 623.478.4600 Tutoring Hours: Monday 2:05pm - 3:00pm
Advanced Algebra I Syllabus 2016 2017: Instructor: Westview Phone: 623.478.4600 Tutoring Hours: Monday 2:05pm - 3:00pm
Advanced Algebra I Syllabus 2016 2017: Instructor: Westview Phone: 623.478.4600 Tutoring Hours: Monday 2:05pm - 3:00pm
The purpose of this course is to develop students’ ability to solve real world problems using a variety of mathematical
We will cover the following concepts over the course of the year.
The following items should be brought to class DAILY:
A separate 1 inch 3 ring binder just for this class. We will have binder checks.
Loose leaf paper
A dry erase marker for personal use
100 - 90% = A 89 - 80% = B 79 - 70% = C 69 – 60% = D < 60% = F (Failing)
I will be available after school on Monday from 2:05 to 3:00 and before school Thursday from 6:45 to 7:20. Please come
prepared with your work and questions to receive the most beneficial use of our time. If you would like a quiet place to
work, you are more than welcome. The Math Homework Center is also open on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00 to 3:00.
Teachers and instructional assistants will be available to clarify questions and help with homework. Westview offers a
tutor bus on Tuesday and Thursday for student use after attending tutoring. Students must have a tutor bus pass and their
ID to ride the tutor bus. Students will receive a tutor bus pass from me after tutoring. Additional availability is possible
upon request. Tutoring hours are subject to change. Students will be notified of any changes in tutoring hours.
Students will be given multiple opportunities to demonstrate mastery of concepts. These opportunities will be discussed as
the year progresses.
1. Do not pack up early. I will give you a 2 minute warning to pack up, but please remain seated.
2. Do not line up at the door at the end of class. I understand you need to get to your next class, but I will do my best
to make sure we get out on time.
3. Keep your phone put away. Your parent/guardian should call the school to reach you in the event of an
4. Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings, and begin any work the directions on the board state to complete.
5. Respect yourself, others, their ideas, space, and property. Everyone should feel comfortable and welcome in this
classroom. We are not here to judge anyone.
All school policies and procedures will be enforced in our classroom as well. Please review the student handbook for
more details.
1. Read the board and follow the instructions upon entering the classroom.
2. Immediately begin the warm up silently and on your own unless I or the directions state to work with others. Turn
in your warm up and homework when you’re done.
3. Pick up after yourself before leaving.
4. If you were absent, take a copy of any note sheet or assignment you missed from the appropriate crate in the back.
5. If you need to use the restroom or would like a drink of water, please ask. If you’re allowed to go, sign out before
leaving and take the hall pass with you. Please note that trips to the restroom or water fountain are not permitted
during the first and last 10 minutes of class. You are responsible for any information you miss while you are out
of the classroom.
1. Put forth your best efforts at all times.
2. Be prepared for class each day by bringing all necessary materials.
3. Be mentally and physically present every day.
4. Follow directions when given. Ask a question if you’re confused. It is much better to address the confusion early
than to be off task while everyone else is working.
5. Pay attention, participate, and ask questions. Be in control of your learning!
6. Take responsibility for your actions.
All campus attendance and tardy policies will be enforced. Review the student handbook for more details. Please
remember that there is simply no substitute for classroom attendance and participation. All students are expected to be on
time to class, that is, in their seats by the end of the bell. If students are tardy to class, meaning they walk in any time after
the bell rings, they will be sent to Sweep for the entire class period and are responsible for any missed notes and
Students will have the same number of days as their absences to make up missed work. Daily participation points and in-
class group activities cannot be made up. Missed work resulting from a pre-approved school function will be due the day
you return to school to receive full credit. All late work must be turned in before the unit test for partial credit. For
example, all unit 1 assignments must be turned in before the unit 1 test.
Students will receive a copy of the cheating policy which will include actions that are considered cheating, their severity,
and consequences for each instance of cheating. Both students and their parent or guardian will need to acknowledge
having received this information and agree to the terms.
Students will have access to graphing calculators while in class. They must have their ID to use one during the period.
These calculators may never leave the classroom.
___________________________________________ _______
Print Student’s Name Period
___________________________________________ _________________
Student Signature Date
___________________________________________ _________________
Parent Signature Date